Zone1 Abortion viewed through the lens of life expectancy.

Thank you for your brainwashed male input. It has absolutely no value whatsoever.
You will never have to risk your life or your health by getting pregnant or having a baby.

I will also never own a cotton plantation. Does this mean that I am not allowed to have and express the opinion that chattel slavery is bad, and unacceptable in modern society?
Yes, im [sic] as bad as a NAZI because I dont [sic] consider a clump of 6 week old cells a fucking PERSON :rofl:
Jesus Fucking Christ

The Germans didn't consider Jews to be persons, either.

What if I decide that I don't consider •YOU• to be a person? Would it then be OK for me to kill you?

The hard truth is that an unborn child •IS• a human being, the same as you and I. There is absolutely no rational reason why it should be consider to murder an unborn child, than to murder any other innocent human being.
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Ok, lets talk science then. How is a human embryo a human being? Do you know what the definition of a human being is?

A living organism of the species Homo sapiens.

“Human being” might be construed to include other species under the genus Homo, but that's kind of moot, since sapiens is the only extant species.

How is a direct assertion of scientific fact a…

Checks notes

“Denial of science?”
A fetus doesnt fit the definitions on any of those links. It is not independent. It cant even fucking breath FFS.
Yes, you deny science because of your feelings. And then you go and whine about leftists and the word "woman" but you cant even properly define YOUR OWN SPECIES.
Look, you can deny science if you want. I certainly dont [sic] give a shit.

Your “science”, that hatefully and murderously denies the very humanity and right to life of the most innocent and defenseless of all human beings, is the same “science” that asserts that Bruce Jenner is a woman. It has nothing to do with genuine science, and of course, I deny, it, as any sane, decent person would.

Who do you think you are to lecture me on “science” anyway? You're not even smart enough to make proper use of apostrophes.
Your “science”, that hatefully and murderously denies the very humanity and right to life of the most innocent and defenseless of all human beings, is the same “science” that asserts that Bruce Jenner is a woman. It has nothing to do with genuine science, and of course, I deny, it, as any sane, decent person would.

Who do you think you are to lecture me on “science” anyway? You're not even smart enough to make proper use of apostrophes.
Bruce Jenner isnt a woman. Sounds like your "science" fits more in line with that. You know, bullshit "science"
Ahhh grammar police. I least I know what words mean :heehee:
You know nothing about biology, history or science. And you're a male. Your opinion is less than worthless.
Primitive Puritanism

Back when abortions were illegal, males got stuck in shotgun marriages or having to pay 18 years of child support. So this is not a women's issue.

It's not a religious one, either. It's about people's right to stand against a hostile nature that gives them this overwhelming desire with destructive consequences. Birth control and safe abortions are typical scientific achievements to control nature, which is the enemy of progress if submitted to, especially when under the influence of sadistic preacher-creatures.
Bruce Jenner isnt a woman.
Perhaps so, but she sure looks good next to her ex-wife!
I am almost 60 years old. If someone were to kill me today, I would have already lived most of my expectant life. At most I might live another 40 or so years. Actually, I will be fortunate to live to be 80 which would be just a little over 20 years. I have already lived longer than my older brother who died unexpectantly at 56 years old.

If an 18 year old high school graduate is killed, he has been robbed of his adult life, but at least he got to live his childhood.

You can see where I'm going with this. The taking of a life through abortion takes everything form that individual.

What is the greater crime, taking the life of someone old who has already lived most of his life, or taking the life of someone young who has his whole life in front of him?
"life expectancy" is an actuarial term of art. since a fetus can not be insured, they have no life expectancy. `
Now fetuses are "children?"
Goddamn man, you people don't give a shit about definitions, do you? Just let your feelz take over. SMH
Hallowed Be the Hollow

The feels they get is to cackle while imagining non-believers burning in hell. Another sadistic sanctimonious feeling is to imagine a woman getting stuck with an unwanted child because she wanted to have a normal pleasure, instead of the pleasure of feeling superior to everybody else and gloating at the non-believers' imaginary punishments.
Perhaps so, but she sure looks good next to her ex-wife!
TNHarley maybe not , but jenner is a conservative republican who plays in all female golf tournaments and , if the kardasguans send trump enough money jenner could be your vice president or m aybe californiia senator.

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