Zone1 Abortion viewed through the lens of life expectancy.

All human beings are - other than the possibilities of supernatural phenomena - clumps of cells.
OMG lol
Many people dont view this as a human being

Look slike something you would throw in a seafood boil. :lol: 🤮
Not everyone views a clump of cells as a human being, man. Especially when they dont want it growing inside of their body.
It is a subjective subject. So it is about feelings.

In the 1930s and 1940s, not every German viewed Jews as human, either. They were as wrong as you are.
Why do they hate women so much?

Because we keep demanding RIGHTS!!!!! And CONTROL over our own bodies.

Abortion was fully legal and a matter between a woman and her doctor in the USA, until women starting demanding the right to vote. Abortion laws were first passed when women first started demanding the right to vote.

In 1857, the first abortion laws were passed, but the campaign for abortion bans began with the creation of the AMA, who sought to put midwives, and other women's health care workers out of business, restricting abortion to being performed by licensed physicians.

Abortion laws have NOTHING to do with saving innocent babies and never have been. They're a way to control women.
For murderers, not for their innocent victims.

That is a rather twisted expression of “liberty and individuality”, more akin to libertinism than to liberty.
Say what you want. At least I am consistent in my ideology :dunno:
In the 1930s and 1940s, not every German viewed Jews as human, either. They were as wrong as you are.
Yeah, great comparison :lol:
This subject gets you upset. It gets you in your feels. Thats why you just come up with this absurd comparison.
And thats ok. Its just feelings. We all have them. We just shouldnt legislate them.
Say what you want. At least I am consistent in my ideology :dunno:

No, you are not. You claim to be against murdering innocent children, and yet you fully defend and support the “right” to do so. That is not consistency. That is a prime example of what Orwell called “Doublethink”.
No, you are not. You claim to be against murdering innocent children, and yet you fully defend and support the “right” to do so. That is not consistency. That is a prime example of what Orwell called “Doublethink”.
Again, I dont want to legislate my feelings. I think its a horrible practice but I dont consider fetuses people.
Abortion is about killing innocent babies. That's exactly what abortion is, nothing more or less.

Thank you for your brainwashed male input. It has absolutely no value whatsoever.

You will never have to risk your life or your health by getting pregnant or having a baby. You will never know what it's like to be carrying a dead fetus and hoping against hope it doesn't go to sepsis because if it does, you only have one tube left. The scarring and damage from the sepsis will mean you can never have another baby.

I can't imagine to then told they won't do a D&C. Go home until your fever hits 104.
Yeah, great comparison :lol:
This subject gets you upset. It gets you in your feels. Thats why you just come up with this absurd comparison.
And thats ok. Its just feelings. We all have them. We just shouldnt legislate them.
For Crying Out Loud

The Christofascists try to imitate their Liberal classmates in getting all weepy and touch-feely about something. I'm reminded about the video showing silly Greenies holding a tearful funeral for a tree that was cut down.

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