Zone1 Abortion viewed through the lens of life expectancy.

Never happens. Got it.

Damn you that doesn’t happen.

Stop that. It never ever happens.

I said stop it. It never happens. Stop lying.

Motherfucker. I said stop. Don’t make me slap you around. I have been reliably informed that this never happens.

Ok you son of a bitch. I’m don’t talking to you. You just won’t figure out how this never ever happens. Women do not die in Childbirth. God protects them.

The example you give is a of a woman that could not get pregnant naturally. What was the exact treatments she received to get pregnant and what was the warnings the doctors gave to her?

An unfertile woman takes drugs and undergoes treatments to get pregnant, drugs that obviously have side effects. Those side effects materialize and we are expected to believe the mother's life was put in danger because of a supreme court ruling on abortions? It was not her actions, becoming pregnant only after drug therapy, that put her at risk?

It is the texas abortion law?

Abortions are not performed to save the life of a mother.
Abortion is not a medical practice that saves a woman's life.

Women who are dying never ever seek an abortion to save their life.

Abortions are never performed anywhere to save the life of a woman.

If hundreds of young women are searching for abortion clinics for emergency medical procedures, they are beyond stupid and misinformed.

Not one of your assertions are remotely true.

In an ectopic pregnancy, which happens in 1/50 pregnancies in the USA - 100,000 pregnancies each year, the fertilized egg implants itself in the fallopian tube, not the uterus. If the zygote isn't removed, it will grow there until the fallopian tube bursts, at which time, they woman will have approximately 10 minutes to stop the internal bleeding, before she dies. There is 0% chance of this woman carrying this pregnancy to term.

Multiple law suits in multiple jurisdictions filed by women who were denied abortion care, and nearly died as a result.

Multiple law suits filed by women forced to carry a dead fetus in their bodies due to "partial miscarriages" until the decaying tissue turned to sepsis and nearly killed them.

If your state has banned abortion and you have an ectopic pregnancy, where are you going to go in the 10 minutes you have to live, when your tube bursts?
In an ectopic pregnancy, which happens in 1/50 pregnancies in the USA - 100,000 pregnancies each year, the fertilized egg implants itself in the fallopian tube, not the uterus. If the zygote isn't removed, it will grow there until the fallopian tube bursts, at which time, they woman will have approximately 10 minutes to stop the internal bleeding, before she dies. There is 0% chance of this woman carrying this pregnancy to term.
an abortion is not performed to end ectopic pregnancies

zygote? It is impossible for a zygote to burst a fallopian tube.
Why do they hate women so much?

When abortion proponents try to argue, on some level, you must be aware that you have no logic and no reason to support your claims.

That must be why you all lie incessantly, as you were doing now. The idea that opposing this insane legal privilege, this human rights abuse, means “hating women” is utterly preposterous.
Not one of your assertions are remotely true.

In an ectopic pregnancy, which happens in 1/50 pregnancies in the USA - 100,000 pregnancies each year, the fertilized egg implants itself in the fallopian tube, not the uterus. If the zygote isn't removed, it will grow there until the fallopian tube bursts, at which time, they woman will have approximately 10 minutes to stop the internal bleeding, before she dies. There is 0% chance of this woman carrying this pregnancy to term.

Multiple law suits in multiple jurisdictions filed by women who were denied abortion care, and nearly died as a result.

Multiple law suits filed by women forced to carry a dead fetus in their bodies due to "partial miscarriages" until the decaying tissue turned to sepsis and nearly killed them.

If your state has banned abortion and you have an ectopic pregnancy, where are you going to go in the 10 minutes you have to live, when your tube bursts?
Abortion “care.” Insane.

But let us be clear - no one wants to ban removal of ectopic pregnancies no matter who prevails semantically about what to call them.

Moreover, where do you go? To the hospital where you live, as no state bans this, and you are lying.
There is no "individual" involved so nothing is taken from a person.
Objectively false and vile bigotry.
So take your "young lives never lived" and shove it right up your stupid ass.
Please remove your head from your ass so you can double penetrate yourself when you go fuck yourself. Which you should immediately do.

The victims of your human rights abuses are better than you, and any reasonable person would trade hateful garbage like you for them in a heartbeat.
Objectively false and vile bigotry.

Please remove your head from your ass so you can double penetrate yourself when you go fuck yourself. Which you should immediately do.

The victims of your human rights abuses are better than you, and any reasonable person would trade hateful garbage like you for them in a heartbeat.
Your gaslighting and trolling is noted.
To me, it comes down to individuality, as this subject is subjective. Some see it as murder, some dont. It certainly doesnt fit the legal definition of murder. Especially if it is legal to abort.
I am extremely anti-abortion. I think it is a horrendous practice. Yet, forcing a woman to go through gestation? Or even a child? ESPECIALLY a child. See, I dont want to force my morality on other people. Especially through the use of the State.
That kids life could be ruined. If she keeps the baby, her childhood is over. It she puts it up for adoption, she could feel miserable and/or guilty for it the rest of her life. If she aborts it, she will probably feel miserable the rest of her life as well. But its up to HER, how and why she feels the way she does. Especially if she is fucking raped.
If men could get pregnant, this wouldnt be as much of an issue, IMO.
To me, it comes down to individuality, as this subject is subjective. Some see it as murder, some dont [sic]. It certainly doesnt [sic] fit the legal definition of murder. Especially if it is legal to abort.

In Germany, in the 1930s and 1940s, it was perfectly legal to round up and exterminate Jews and other Untermenschen.

So, by your logic, Germany did not commit mass murder during that period, because their laws defined “murder” to exclude these killings.
To me, it comes down to individuality, as this subject is subjective. Some see it as murder, some dont. It certainly doesnt fit the legal definition of murder. Especially if it is legal to abort.
I am extremely anti-abortion. I think it is a horrendous practice. Yet, forcing a woman to go through gestation? Or even a child? ESPECIALLY a child. See, I dont want to force my morality on other people. Especially through the use of the State.
That kids life could be ruined. If she keeps the baby, her childhood is over. It she puts it up for adoption, she could feel miserable and/or guilty for it the rest of her life. If she aborts it, she will probably feel miserable the rest of her life as well. But its up to HER, how and why she feels the way she does. Especially if she is fucking raped.
If men could get pregnant, this wouldnt be as much of an issue, IMO.
Plus the sooner an unwanted pregnancy is ended the sooner a young woman can be prepared to have (possibly more) children when she's good and ready.
I am extremely anti-abortion. I think it is a horrendous practice. Yet, forcing a woman to go through gestation? Or even a child? ESPECIALLY a child. See, I dont want to force my morality on other people. Especially through the use of the State.
That kids life could be ruined. If she keeps the baby, her childhood is over. It she puts it up for adoption, she could feel miserable and/or guilty for it the rest of her life. If she aborts it, she will probably feel miserable the rest of her life as well. But its up to HER, how and why she feels the way she does. Especially if she is fucking raped.

You're arguing that it is justifiable to kill an innocent human being in cold blood, in order to avoid hurting the feelings of another human being.

You are flat-out lying when you claim to be “ extremely anti-abortion”, and you are not fooling anyone with that lie. If you truly were, then you could not so easily make excuse for cold-blooded murder.
In Germany, in the 1930s and 1940s, it was perfectly legal to round up and exterminate Jews and other Untermenschen.

So, by your logic, Germany did not commit mass murder during that period, because their laws defined “murder” to exclude these killings.
By definition, murder is an unlawful killing. So it depends on what the laws are.
You're arguing that it is justifiable to kill an innocent human being in cold blood, in order to avoid hurting the feelings of another human being.
My argument is liberty and individuality.
You are flat-out lying when you claim to be “ extremely anti-abortion”,
I do not support abortion. At all. I also do not want to legislate my feelings. Unlike others.....

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