About Those 500 Chicago Murders (The stats behind the number)


Nov 13, 2012

Here are some interesting statistics from today's Chicago Tribune regarding the 500 murders that have happened in Chicago:

As of this past Thursday, 500 people were murdered in the city of Chicago.

83% of those murdered in Chicago last year had criminal records. Many of them FELONS who'd served prison time. (415.)

60% of those murdered in Chicago had known gang affiliations and multiple arrests and convictions. (300)

2% of those murdered in Chicago were kids under 10 years of age. (10 kids.)

Is this the "Chicago" that Obama referred to last week when he said the city represents the "best of America?" Gang bangers and convicted criminals killing each other? The ones I feel sorry for are the 10 innocent children stuck in that crap-hole called Obama's Chicago.

(Source: Sunday December 30th Chicago Tribune, Section 1, p. 16)
Hell I guess letting them kill each other is cheaper than arresting them and putting them in jail. Maybe IL considers it a public service.

Here are some interesting statistics from today's Chicago Tribune regarding the 500 murders that have happened in Chicago:

As of this past Thursday, 500 people were murdered in the city of Chicago.

83% of those murdered in Chicago last year had criminal records. Many of them FELONS who'd served prison time. (415.)

60% of those murdered in Chicago had known gang affiliations and multiple arrests and convictions. (300)

2% of those murdered in Chicago were kids under 10 years of age. (10 kids.)

Is this the "Chicago" that Obama referred to last week when he said the city represents the "best of America?" Gang bangers and convicted criminals killing each other? The ones I feel sorry for are the 10 innocent children stuck in that crap-hole called Obama's Chicago.

(Source: Sunday December 30th Chicago Tribune, Section 1, p. 16)

Hell I guess letting them kill each other is cheaper than arresting them and putting them in jail. Maybe IL considers it a public service.
While I would be for fencing in the entire city and letting them kill each other off, and then killing the survivors, he has a point about the children.

They never asked for any of this.

I think that since gun control does not work, as evidenced by Chicago, they should round up ALL known bangers, put them in an enclosed area, and let them fight it out to the death. Then we simply gun down the winner.

This way, we can leave the children behind and perhaps put them in an environment that will teach them to be responsible citizens.

Here are some interesting statistics from today's Chicago Tribune regarding the 500 murders that have happened in Chicago:

As of this past Thursday, 500 people were murdered in the city of Chicago.

83% of those murdered in Chicago last year had criminal records. Many of them FELONS who'd served prison time. (415.)

60% of those murdered in Chicago had known gang affiliations and multiple arrests and convictions. (300)

2% of those murdered in Chicago were kids under 10 years of age. (10 kids.)

Is this the "Chicago" that Obama referred to last week when he said the city represents the "best of America?" Gang bangers and convicted criminals killing each other? The ones I feel sorry for are the 10 innocent children stuck in that crap-hole called Obama's Chicago.

(Source: Sunday December 30th Chicago Tribune, Section 1, p. 16)

I though Obama was a muslim from kenya? :dunno:

Here are some interesting statistics from today's Chicago Tribune regarding the 500 murders that have happened in Chicago:

As of this past Thursday, 500 people were murdered in the city of Chicago.

83% of those murdered in Chicago last year had criminal records. Many of them FELONS who'd served prison time. (415.)

60% of those murdered in Chicago had known gang affiliations and multiple arrests and convictions. (300)

2% of those murdered in Chicago were kids under 10 years of age. (10 kids.)

Is this the "Chicago" that Obama referred to last week when he said the city represents the "best of America?" Gang bangers and convicted criminals killing each other? The ones I feel sorry for are the 10 innocent children stuck in that crap-hole called Obama's Chicago.

(Source: Sunday December 30th Chicago Tribune, Section 1, p. 16)

I though Obama was a muslim from kenya? :dunno:

And a community organizer and home owner from gang land.
holy hell. This isnt a gun laws problem, it is an economic problem. Do you think gun crimes occur or dont occur In Chi because of the laws put in place? No, they happen because the inner city of chicago is a jungle of cultural and economic deprevity..These people are led to gun violence because they live in the ghetto, not because they can or cant have guns.

Here are some interesting statistics from today's Chicago Tribune regarding the 500 murders that have happened in Chicago:

As of this past Thursday, 500 people were murdered in the city of Chicago.

83% of those murdered in Chicago last year had criminal records. Many of them FELONS who'd served prison time. (415.)

60% of those murdered in Chicago had known gang affiliations and multiple arrests and convictions. (300)

2% of those murdered in Chicago were kids under 10 years of age. (10 kids.)

Is this the "Chicago" that Obama referred to last week when he said the city represents the "best of America?" Gang bangers and convicted criminals killing each other? The ones I feel sorry for are the 10 innocent children stuck in that crap-hole called Obama's Chicago.

(Source: Sunday December 30th Chicago Tribune, Section 1, p. 16)

Rahm Emanuel Mourns 260 Chicago Children Killed By Violence (VIDEO)

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel was among the attendees at a Monday memorial honoring some 260 Chicago Public School students killed by violence during the last three school years.

The vigil at St. Sabina's Catholic Parish in the city's Auburn Gresham neighborhood was the first of five memorials scheduled throughout the city during the next week by Urban Dolorosa (or the "Sorrowing City"), an organization that for the last three years has memorialized Chicago victims of youth violence with an outpouring of poetry, music and other performances in their honor.

Rahm Emanuel Mourns 260 Chicago Children Killed By Violence (VIDEO)

260 School Children Killed in Chicago in 3 Years -- Where Are the Tears for Them?

In 2010, nearly 700 Chicago school children were shot and 66 of them died. Last year, Mayor Rahm Emanuel attended a memorial for 260 school children who had been killed in just the previous three years. On several occasions in the past year, tens of people have been shot in a single weekend on the streets of the city. The worst three-day stretch saw 10 killed and 37 wounded in gun fire. But Google the term “Chicago weekend shootings” and the results are far too many deadly weekends to count.

260 School Children Killed in Chicago in 3 Years -- Where Are the Tears for Them? | Alternet
holy hell. This isnt a gun laws problem, it is an economic problem. Do you think gun crimes occur or dont occur In Chi because of the laws put in place? No, they happen because the inner city of chicago is a jungle of cultural and economic deprevity..These people are led to gun violence because they live in the ghetto, not because they can or cant have guns.

Obama: Chicago Blueprint for National Gun Laws
holy hell. This isnt a gun laws problem, it is an economic problem. Do you think gun crimes occur or dont occur In Chi because of the laws put in place? No, they happen because the inner city of chicago is a jungle of cultural and economic deprevity..These people are led to gun violence because they live in the ghetto, not because they can or cant have guns.

Obama: Chicago Blueprint for National Gun Laws

Take a look at the most violent states in the nation, and not surprisingly, it's the bright red south full of all the inbred GOP hicks.

Hell yeah let em' whack each other. I'd start an organization called Guns for gangbangers. But they don't need any help.

Here are some interesting statistics from today's Chicago Tribune regarding the 500 murders that have happened in Chicago:

As of this past Thursday, 500 people were murdered in the city of Chicago.

83% of those murdered in Chicago last year had criminal records. Many of them FELONS who'd served prison time. (415.)

60% of those murdered in Chicago had known gang affiliations and multiple arrests and convictions. (300)

2% of those murdered in Chicago were kids under 10 years of age. (10 kids.)

Is this the "Chicago" that Obama referred to last week when he said the city represents the "best of America?" Gang bangers and convicted criminals killing each other? The ones I feel sorry for are the 10 innocent children stuck in that crap-hole called Obama's Chicago.

(Source: Sunday December 30th Chicago Tribune, Section 1, p. 16)

Statistics are funny things. Overall , Chicago is a very safe city, so long as you avoid the bad neighborhoods. Here is the what cracks me up though; I lived in Chicago for 15 years, from 1980 until 1995. In the early 90's, the murder rate in Chicago was over 900 per year. Basically, there has been a dramtic drop in the homicide rate since then, so it's twice as safe as when I lived there. BTW, I worked quite a bit in those bad neighborhoods and never once felt threatened. Of course, I didn't work at night, lol.
holy hell. This isnt a gun laws problem, it is an economic problem. Do you think gun crimes occur or dont occur In Chi because of the laws put in place? No, they happen because the inner city of chicago is a jungle of cultural and economic deprevity..These people are led to gun violence because they live in the ghetto, not because they can or cant have guns.

Obama: Chicago Blueprint for National Gun Laws

Take a look at the most violent states in the nation, and not surprisingly, it's the bright red south full of all the inbred GOP hicks.


Im an east coast Republican, try-hard. I dont agree with legalizing guns for every man woman and child nor do I support half of the ideas held by conservatives on this site. The south has the most violent crime areas because much like chicago it is filled with poverty and lacks education. Which is exactly the point I was making. Next time you want to generalize someone I suggest you think twice.
holy hell. This isnt a gun laws problem, it is an economic problem. Do you think gun crimes occur or dont occur In Chi because of the laws put in place? No, they happen because the inner city of chicago is a jungle of cultural and economic deprevity..These people are led to gun violence because they live in the ghetto, not because they can or cant have guns.

Obama: Chicago Blueprint for National Gun Laws

Take a look at the most violent states in the nation, and not surprisingly, it's the bright red south full of all the inbred GOP hicks.


Nevada is not in the South and it is not a ‘red’ state, and I see you conveniently left out the District of Columbia, with the highest murder rate in the country by firearm, another democrat area. Michigan, PA and VA are all right up there too. Just hard to see it with the little blue lines running through the map. An aside, a map which is 6 years old does not provide current information either.

Here are some interesting statistics from today's Chicago Tribune regarding the 500 murders that have happened in Chicago:

As of this past Thursday, 500 people were murdered in the city of Chicago.

83% of those murdered in Chicago last year had criminal records. Many of them FELONS who'd served prison time. (415.)

60% of those murdered in Chicago had known gang affiliations and multiple arrests and convictions. (300)

2% of those murdered in Chicago were kids under 10 years of age. (10 kids.)

Is this the "Chicago" that Obama referred to last week when he said the city represents the "best of America?" Gang bangers and convicted criminals killing each other? The ones I feel sorry for are the 10 innocent children stuck in that crap-hole called Obama's Chicago.

(Source: Sunday December 30th Chicago Tribune, Section 1, p. 16)

Additionaly there were 60 children murdered in 2012 in Chicago. Not sure why the source's cut off is the age of 10 though, once you hit 11 one is no longer counted as a child in Chicago?

60 Children Murdered in Chicago This Year

Here are some interesting statistics from today's Chicago Tribune regarding the 500 murders that have happened in Chicago:

As of this past Thursday, 500 people were murdered in the city of Chicago.

83% of those murdered in Chicago last year had criminal records. Many of them FELONS who'd served prison time. (415.)

60% of those murdered in Chicago had known gang affiliations and multiple arrests and convictions. (300)

2% of those murdered in Chicago were kids under 10 years of age. (10 kids.)

Is this the "Chicago" that Obama referred to last week when he said the city represents the "best of America?" Gang bangers and convicted criminals killing each other? The ones I feel sorry for are the 10 innocent children stuck in that crap-hole called Obama's Chicago.

(Source: Sunday December 30th Chicago Tribune, Section 1, p. 16)

Statistics are funny things. Overall , Chicago is a very safe city, so long as you avoid the bad neighborhoods. Here is the what cracks me up though; I lived in Chicago for 15 years, from 1980 until 1995. In the early 90's, the murder rate in Chicago was over 900 per year. Basically, there has been a dramtic drop in the homicide rate since then, so it's twice as safe as when I lived there. BTW, I worked quite a bit in those bad neighborhoods and never once felt threatened. Of course, I didn't work at night, lol.

Gun deaths in Chicago have increased 12 percent IN THE LAST YEAR.

And here are a few other things that haven't worked:
The federal ban on firearm possession by "prohibited persons."
The Illinois requirement for a Firearm Owner Identification (FOID) card.
The Illinois prohibition on concealed carry.
Chicago's ban on handgun ownership.
So-called "gun control" has utterly failed at declawing the predators. The only thing it has done is ensure them a disarmed and defenseless victim pool."

Gun control hasn't stopped Chicago shooting deaths - National gun rights | Examiner.com


However — between 2000 and 2011, RTC states were consistently less violent, even though Brady considered them worse every year (see graph below):

Less guns, more violence. More regulation, less safety."

PJ Media » ‘Gun Control Fails,’ Say Statistics from … Gun-Control Advocates

Here are some interesting statistics from today's Chicago Tribune regarding the 500 murders that have happened in Chicago:

As of this past Thursday, 500 people were murdered in the city of Chicago.

83% of those murdered in Chicago last year had criminal records. Many of them FELONS who'd served prison time. (415.)

60% of those murdered in Chicago had known gang affiliations and multiple arrests and convictions. (300)

2% of those murdered in Chicago were kids under 10 years of age. (10 kids.)

Is this the "Chicago" that Obama referred to last week when he said the city represents the "best of America?" Gang bangers and convicted criminals killing each other? The ones I feel sorry for are the 10 innocent children stuck in that crap-hole called Obama's Chicago.

(Source: Sunday December 30th Chicago Tribune, Section 1, p. 16)

He meant Honolulu since he's not from Chicago and has no idea about it. just sat on the senate 2 years and bounced to Washington.

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