Abraham Lincoln was a class A racist bastard!

Feb 18, 2011
The Great Emancipator Abraham Lincoln and the Issue of Race

By Robert Morgan

" Many Americans think of Abraham Lincoln, above all, as the president who freed the slaves. Immortalized as the "Great Emancipator," he is widely regarded as a champion of black freedom who supported social equality of the races, and who fought the American Civil War (1861-1865) to free the slaves.
While it is true that Lincoln regarded slavery as an evil and harmful institution, it also true, as this paper will show, that he shared the conviction of most Americans of his time, and of many prominent statesmen before and after him, that blacks could not be assimilated into white society. He rejected the notion of social equality of the races, and held to the view that blacks should be resettled abroad. As President, he supported projects to remove blacks from the United States."

All true. Try getting a liberal to read it though, much less believe it. I think every one of this country's founding fathers and great men of the past would be spinning in their graves if they saw what was going on now with all the black crime and welfare sheboons.
There is no "great white man" who thought -- or thinks -- that blacks are the equals of whites. Coincidentally, they aren't.

ROUSSEAU thought blacks were lesser beings. I mean, kinda hard to look past that one!
If Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice had their very own breed of negro I'd be happy to have them in my neighborhood! I'd even invite them over for a BBQ and Schlitz beer!

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