Zone1 Abraham, Sarah, and Isaac Now Have An Adopted Dog Named Herbie

Genesis 9:3 ESV /​

Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. And as I gave you the green plants, I give you everything.

1 Corinthians 8:8 ESV /​

Food will not commend us to God. We are no worse off if we do not eat, and no better off if we do.
What does any of this have to do with slaughtering an animal?

The answer is of course NOTHING. You are reading INTO those verses what you WANT them to say.

You are ADDING TO....

You have no idea how much you have been brainwashed by the gentile pagan church of Rome.
THIS is all it says

The rest is all conjecture.

Are you a Christian? Then you know ANIMAL BLOOD doesn't pay your price for sin. Otherwise Jesus (Yeshua) wouldn't have had to die.

I see you didn't bother to read the short article I provided. That tells me you cannot learn YET.

But I'll ask again. If that common theory is correct, how does that justify killing and eating to satisfy your LUST for flesh?
but blood did pay the price for sin prior to Jesus' sacrifice on the cross for us. IT WAS his blood that bought us. The one purest sacrifice for all time and for everyone. The Lamb's blood.
There is power in the name of Christ, the blood of Christ, prayer and the Word...and there is also power in Agreement. That means that if one's faith is not as strong as anothers then when that person joins in agreement of prayer with others there is power in 2 or more coming together to pray to God.
What does any of this have to do with slaughtering an animal?

The answer is of course NOTHING. You are reading INTO those verses what you WANT them to say.

You are ADDING TO....

You have no idea how much you have been brainwashed by the gentile pagan church of Rome.
it means that he has given us everything for eating. Now that will change in the new earth and the new heaven...but that is how it is right now.

Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. And as I gave you the green plants, I give you everything. Genesis9:3

what bible are you reading from?
i quoted directly from God's word. I can't help if it doesn't meet with your approval.


I keep trying to lead you to the other alternatives, but you won't even read.

So I'm done responding to you. You don't want to learn what you don't know. You refuse to move beyond where you are


I keep trying to lead you to the other alternatives, but you won't even read.

So I'm done responding to you. You don't want to learn what you don't know. You refuse to move beyond where you are
Does God have to explain every last little detail to you? He didn't have to explain it to those that heard or read his word in those days that he inspired his prophets to write it down.
It NOWEHERE says that.

That's how you misinterpret the scriptures.

Now go eat some mud and enjoy. And have a nightshade salad with it. God gave you EVERYTHING for food, after all 😂
I suspect that nightshade was NOT poisonous in the garden. Everything under creation is groaning with original sin...adam and eve's original sin.
Does God have to explain every last little detail to you? He didn't have to explain it to those that heard or read his word in those days that he inspired his prophets to write it down.
No. You have to learn how to actually read what He says with an honest heart and OBEY.

You have no idea how God will reveal things to you when you HONESTLY SEEK HIS WILL.
First page of the Bible, Genesis 1:29.

This is why I don't take the Bible seriously one hundred percent. Later on it says that God said that everything that moves is our food. Anyways, if I'm going to go to Hell for eating meat then so be it. At least I'll die happy.
BEFORE the fall.

Yes, and that is all the more reason to go by God's true intent for mankind, instead of embracing things that are a result of this fallen world.

It is not the only the beginning, but the future as well, read Isaiah 11:6-9. God does not change. His intent and perfect will never changed. Sincere Christians should want God's perfect will, on earth as it is in heaven!
The Book of Genesis is animal rights friendly.
Today's church (the overwhelming majority) have twisted and ignored what the Bible actually says about the animals.

Most posters right here are the worst offenders and make jokes about killing GODS Creation.

The First Century Church of God was MUCH different than today's pagan gentile church

and I exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints -- Jude 1:3
Animals rights friendly? Really? "Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you, and as I gave you the green plants, I GIVE YOU EVERYTHING." -- Genesis 9:3

Man was given dominion over all the earth and other lifeforms and was instructed by the God of Creation to, "Go forth and multiply and subdue the earth...." -- Genesis 1:28

God did not deny the eating of meat......and as the scriptures declare anyone that does not rightly divide the word of Truth (2 Tim. 2:15) is preaching contradictions and the Doctrine of Demons when you attempt to forbid that which God has blessed ( Tim. 4:1-4)

God gave His blessings to eating all forms of meat that was formerly forbidden. God told Peter......."KILL AND EAT....." after mentioning all kinds of animals and reptiles (Acts 10:9-16).

No Christian is to be judged in meat, drink, holidays or sabbaths (Col. 2:14-16)

What happens when you do not rightly divide the word of Truth? When you attempt to twist the word....i.e, the TRUTH, "....those that are unlearned and UNSTABLE, twist the scriptures to their own destruction." -- 2 Peter 3:16
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Animals rights friendly? Really? "Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you, and as I gave you the green plants, I GIVE YOU EVERYTHING." -- Genesis 9:3

Man was given dominion over all the earth and other lifeforms. God did not deny the eating of meat......and as the scriptures declare anyone that does not rightly divide the word of Truth is preaching contradictions and the Doctrine of Demons when you attempt to forbid that which God has blessed ( Tim. 4:1-4)

God gave His blessings to eating all forms of meat that was formerly forbidden. God told Peter......."KILL AND EAT....." after mentioning all kinds of animals and reptiles (Acts 10:9-16).

No Christian is to be judged in meat, drink, holidays or sabbaths (Col. 2:14-16)

Dominion never meant selfish exploitation, cruelty, and needless killing. The exact opposite is true!

Please watch this video:

ssAnimals rights friendly? Really? "Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you, and as I gave you the green plants, I GIVE YOU EVERYTHING." -- Genesis 9:3

Man was given dominion over all the earth and other lifeforms. God did not deny the eating of meat......and as the scriptures declare anyone that does not rightly divide the word of Truth is preaching contradictions and the Doctrine of Demons when you attempt to forbid that which God has blessed ( Tim. 4:1-4)

God gave His blessings to eating all forms of meat that was formerly forbidden. God told Peter......."KILL AND EAT....." after mentioning all kinds of animals and reptiles (Acts 10:9-16).

No Christian is to be judged in meat, drink, holidays or sabbaths (Col. 2:14-16)

Exactly. I was just being sarcastic when I was talking about if I go to Hell for eating a cheeseburger.
Dominion never meant selfish exploitation, cruelty, and needless killing. The exact opposite is true!

Please watch this video:

God did not was Israel that changed and refused to follow the Law (Jer. 31:31-34).......They broke God's law even though God was a Husband unto them.

Show me the Book, Chapter and Verse in the N.T. covenant, as the Old Testament was written for Biblical Israel (Deut. 5:1-4) which was removed from the face of the earth in 70 A.D......... show us these verses that forbid anyone from eating meat.

There are 613 laws under the Law of Moses that was enforced and judged by the tribe of Levites. I am sure that you keep all 613 laws in the attempt to justify your lifestyle by the OLD LAW. Male Children are to be circumcised on the 8th still over burnt offerings in the form of Goats and Sheep (some vegan diet no?) to the high priests of Levite? If not.......why not? Even Jesus Christ partook of Meat when He followed the Old Law in its entirety.......its recorded that He celebrated the Passover meal (Matthew 26:17)

Some say that Jesus did not eat the lamb because the text does not say that Jesus ate thereof.......but the Scriptures do declare that Jesus was born of a woman, born under the law and sinned not even when tempted as are all men.........from cradle to grave Jesus lived under the law without sin (Gal. 4:4, Phil.2:6-10) Jesus had no sin. (1 Peter 2:22)

Under the terms of the OLD LAW, The PASSOVER MEAL includes "LAMB" (Ex.12:1-29,Numbers 9:2-3)
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