Zone1 Abraham, Sarah, and Isaac Now Have An Adopted Dog Named Herbie

There you go! And I suppose Moses got the ten commandments sent him on his Blackberry cellphone email?

That is the danger of treating scripture as mere common human fiction.
it’s like how Democommies see the Constitution as a “ Living Breathing Document “ lol
Yes, and that is all the more reason to go by God's true intent for mankind, instead of embracing things that are a result of this fallen world.

It is not the only the beginning, but the future as well, read Isaiah 11:6-9. God does not change. His intent and perfect will never changed. Sincere Christians should want God's perfect will, on earth as it is in heaven!
He knows we are not perfect. He has made allowances for that. It will be fixed at the end times. Do you also want to stay with sacrificing cattle sheep and birds for our sins rather than accepting the one time for all perfect sacrifice by Christ simply because that is what God provided initially before the birth of Christ?
it’s like how Democommies see the Constitution as a “ Living Breathing Document “ lol
The constitution was designed to change and adapt to the will of the citizens.........its called Amending the Constitution. Under the terms thereof.... it takes a supermajority of .75% 3/4 of the states/representatives and they must come to an agreement. A simple majority causes friction and division. We live in a Republic, not a democracy, with the people guaranteed republican forms of government at all levels (Article 4, Section 4, Clause 1)....i.e, rule through majority representation.

The US Constitution is the only document that provides a negative format...........the Constitution was written not to place limits upon the PEOPLE/STATES but to limit the power and scope of the Federal Government.......the constiution defines what the feds can and cannot do void of state representation by a super majority ratifcation vote.

Liberalism.........attempts to use the Constitution to place limits upon the STATES, using it as a catch all hammer to hit the states over the head and bring them into submission.

The most important amendment makes it clear that SCOTUS has no authority to change one word of the any language not found actually written in the Constitution belongs to the STATES/PEOPLE, not to SCOTUS to change the constitution void of REPRESENTATION. Of course its amendment 10. SCOTUS' duty is to arbitrate law, not dictate law from the bench, leaving THE PEOPLE out of the loop.

SCOTUS got one right when it rescinded Roe. v. Wade as it was law that came about void of state representation....its up to each state to regulate such law as its not addressed in the Constitution. The same applies to marriage ....etc.., as marriage is never addressed in the Constitution, thus it's up to the states to write laws that represent the citizens of their states.
The Book of Genesis is animal rights friendly.
Today's church (the overwhelming majority) have twisted and ignored what the Bible actually says about the animals.

Most posters right here are the worst offenders and make jokes about killing GODS Creation.

The First Century Church of God was MUCH different than today's pagan gentile church

and I exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints -- Jude 1:3

Yes, and you need to learn to read

There is SO MUCH you don't understand. You're a disciple of Rome whether Catholic or Protestant.

I have to get up at 5:30. I won't continue this back and forth.
i thought not. LOL
Dominion never meant selfish exploitation, cruelty, and needless killing. The exact opposite is true!

Please watch this video:

Those that farm the ocean for food.........are feeding the world. What? Should the poor in 3rd world nations go hungry because you don't agree with farming the ocean for food and nourishment? Should those that kill deer and donate the venison to the poor and impoverished stop hunting and feeding the poor because you don't like hunting?

If God did not want life to eat meat.........why did God make predators meat eaters? I really enjoy wondering how all these supposed vegans, feed their pets like cats and dogs. Fed a cat only veggies and you will not have a cat very long.........yet stats prove that cats are the favorite of all the vegans from PETA...etc. LMAO.

Hypocrite: is a person that professes to a belief and opinions they really do not uphold.
Here is the TRUTH of the matter.

You are posting in a thread about ADDING TO Scripture.

You said "GOD KILLED an animal to clothe Adam and Eve.

Only if doesn't actually say that. It's a possible Theory, but it isn't the only one

But because you believe it, that's all you can see. Clearly youre ADDING TO the Scriptures to justify your personal beliefs.

You also believe Adam's SIN gives YOU permission to kill and eat.

There is SO much you don't know. But it's available if you want to look. But you need to be honest with God. He will show you if you ask with an honest heart

Do you think God approves of protecting a lizard at the expense of His Children?
Here is the TRUTH of the matter.

You are posting in a thread about ADDING TO Scripture.

You said "GOD KILLED an animal to clothe Adam and Eve.

Only if doesn't actually say that. It's a possible Theory, but it isn't the only one

But because you believe it, that's all you can see. Clearly youre ADDING TO the Scriptures to justify your personal beliefs.

You also believe Adam's SIN gives YOU permission to kill and eat.

There is SO much you don't know. But it's available if you want to look. But you need to be honest with God. He will show you if you ask with an honest heart
I'm not adding to scripture. I quoted exactly. and scholars hold the same opinion or i hold the same opinion as they. I don't know what it is you are doing. do you?

secondly. this is not your thread and so far i haven't had any complaints by the original poster.

I would be interested in how you take Genesis 9:3. i thought you were going to bed?
Thirdly. Do you and Buttercup go to the same church?

Proverbs 27:23 ESV / 14 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful​

Know well the condition of your flocks, and give attention to your herds,

If we are to do this and not use these animals for food, then what are we to do with them??

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