Absurdity Of Democrats.Do They Know That Americans Can Make Their Own Weapons?

Perhaps too nuanced for subversives.....
what about Micheal Moore? shouldn't President Hillary ban his ass from farting? haven't 298 people died from his fart fumes already?
If I wanted a gun I'd print me a gun and, when done, melt it down and reuse the plastic. Maybe print some pacifiers to donate to The Democrat Party for their next sit-in.
If I wanted a gun I'd print me a gun and, when done, melt it down and reuse the plastic. Maybe print some pacifiers to donate to The Democrat Party for their next sit-in.
dont they sell guns at Toys R Us/Major Toy Outlets?
Absurdity Of Democrats.Do They Know That Americans Can Make Their Own Weapons?

Sure they can. That's what prisons are for.
It's not illegal to make a gun.

It is if it becomes illegal. Isn't that the premise of this thread title?
You can only hope,one minute your group enthusiasticly claims you don't want to ban anything,or take anyone's guns,then out of the other side of your mouth you wax fondly about making things illegal.
You shoot your own feet,and loose everytime at the voting booth.
People see through the tactics and reject them.

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