ACA linked to rise in early cervical cancer detection

Is it not equally possible that being screwed by Obamacare is causing the rise in cervical cancer, hence the early detection of more?
Shouldn't there be less, due to the vaccine, and how wonderful planned parenthoods wonderful services are?
I am inclined to believe the man who was in on the creation of the vaccines when he was interviewed and told about the SV40 viruses that were known to be in the vaccines before he passed.

Is the interview itself or a transcript available online? That would be a reputable source.
It was I downloaded it about eight years ago. youtube sv40 virus interview - Google Search

Okay, so I've had a chance to view the video, and I have a question:

Do you have any idea when this video was made? Because while it’s true that something like 10-30% of Sabin’s live-virus polio vaccine was found to be contaminated in the 1950s, those batches were destroyed, and killed-virus vaccines have been used since. In addition, the relationship of viruses to certain cancers was not established until 1964 (and then only in terms of the Epstein-Barr virus), so when Dr. Hilleman makes the connection in that video, he’s doing so with hindsight.

At a guess, since he was born in 1919 and he looks to be in his 60s or 70s in that video, it had to have been made in the 1980s or 1990s. If you could find out when it was made (or maybe I can), that would be helpful.

Bottom line: Live-virus polio vaccines have not been used since the 1950s. You can’t get cancer or AIDS from the polio vaccines that have been in use for the past 60 years.

And the idea that “mad scientists” would deliberately “put cancer and AIDS in vaccines” is too ludicrous to address.

Thank you for pointing out how unscrupulous (or maybe just uninformed) individuals have misinterpreted the data to spread that rumor.

If you want something genuine to be concerned about, do a search of polio symptoms, morbidity, and mortality (something like 3,000 children died of polio every year in the 1950s). There are several documentaries on the history of the disease and the treatments available on YouTube.
The link in the OP is questionable at best but one thing is certain. The ACA is most definitely linked to a significant rise in health care costs.
The link in the OP is questionable at best but one thing is certain. The ACA is most definitely linked to a significant rise in health care costs.

And if asked to prove this, you could, of course.

See, cancer screenings are actually a perfect lesson in cost savings. It's far easier and cheaper to treat cancer when it's found early than it is to have it go undetected until it's at stage III or IV.
I am inclined to believe the man who was in on the creation of the vaccines when he was interviewed and told about the SV40 viruses that were known to be in the vaccines before he passed.

Is the interview itself or a transcript available online? That would be a reputable source.
It was I downloaded it about eight years ago. youtube sv40 virus interview - Google Search

Okay, so I've had a chance to view the video, and I have a question:

Do you have any idea when this video was made? Because while it’s true that something like 10-30% of Sabin’s live-virus polio vaccine was found to be contaminated in the 1950s, those batches were destroyed, and killed-virus vaccines have been used since. In addition, the relationship of viruses to certain cancers was not established until 1964 (and then only in terms of the Epstein-Barr virus), so when Dr. Hilleman makes the connection in that video, he’s doing so with hindsight.

At a guess, since he was born in 1919 and he looks to be in his 60s or 70s in that video, it had to have been made in the 1980s or 1990s. If you could find out when it was made (or maybe I can), that would be helpful.

Bottom line: Live-virus polio vaccines have not been used since the 1950s. You can’t get cancer or AIDS from the polio vaccines that have been in use for the past 60 years.

And the idea that “mad scientists” would deliberately “put cancer and AIDS in vaccines” is too ludicrous to address.

Thank you for pointing out how unscrupulous (or maybe just uninformed) individuals have misinterpreted the data to spread that rumor.

If you want something genuine to be concerned about, do a search of polio symptoms, morbidity, and mortality (something like 3,000 children died of polio every year in the 1950s). There are several documentaries on the history of the disease and the treatments available on YouTube.
Actually you show your own "ignorance" as "being misinformed" as Live-virus polio is still around. Live-virus polio - Google Search
I am inclined to believe the man who was in on the creation of the vaccines when he was interviewed and told about the SV40 viruses that were known to be in the vaccines before he passed.

Is the interview itself or a transcript available online? That would be a reputable source.
It was I downloaded it about eight years ago. youtube sv40 virus interview - Google Search

Okay, so I've had a chance to view the video, and I have a question:

Do you have any idea when this video was made? Because while it’s true that something like 10-30% of Sabin’s live-virus polio vaccine was found to be contaminated in the 1950s, those batches were destroyed, and killed-virus vaccines have been used since. In addition, the relationship of viruses to certain cancers was not established until 1964 (and then only in terms of the Epstein-Barr virus), so when Dr. Hilleman makes the connection in that video, he’s doing so with hindsight.

At a guess, since he was born in 1919 and he looks to be in his 60s or 70s in that video, it had to have been made in the 1980s or 1990s. If you could find out when it was made (or maybe I can), that would be helpful.

Bottom line: Live-virus polio vaccines have not been used since the 1950s. You can’t get cancer or AIDS from the polio vaccines that have been in use for the past 60 years.

And the idea that “mad scientists” would deliberately “put cancer and AIDS in vaccines” is too ludicrous to address.

Thank you for pointing out how unscrupulous (or maybe just uninformed) individuals have misinterpreted the data to spread that rumor.

If you want something genuine to be concerned about, do a search of polio symptoms, morbidity, and mortality (something like 3,000 children died of polio every year in the 1950s). There are several documentaries on the history of the disease and the treatments available on YouTube.
Actually you show your own "ignorance" as "being misinformed" as Live-virus polio is still around. Live-virus polio - Google Search

No need to be snotty about it. It's been years since I got my immunizations. So live-virus still exists, but the the sources and the technology to produce it are infinitely improved since the 1950s, and it hasn't been administered in the U.S. since 2000.

Vaccines: VPD-VAC/Polio/main page

So the only thing you get from polio vaccine is immunization from polio. And if you don't think that's important, think again:

Polio | Photos | CDC
Polio Videos

I suspect you're old enough to have been immunized, and you have neither cancer, AIDS, nor autism. Denying polio immunization to others is irresponsible.

BTW, there's some evidence Hilleman made that video in the late 1980s. I'll be happy to provide it and some supporting data if you're interested.
More evidence the ACA is going to stick around and for good reason. Well, until we can implement a single payer program.

WASHINGTON — Cancer researchers say there has been a substantial increase in women under the age of 26 who have received a diagnosis of early-stage cervical cancer, a pattern that they say is most likely an effect of the Affordable Care Act.

Starting in 2010, a provision of the health law allowed dependents to stay on their parents’ health insurance until age 26. The number of uninsured young adults fell substantially in the years that followed. The share of 19- to 25-year-olds without health insurance declined to 21 percent in the first quarter of 2014 from 34 percent in 2010 — a decrease of about four million people, federal data show.

Researchers from the American Cancer Society wanted to examine whether the expansion of health insurance among young American women was leading to more early-stage diagnoses. Early diagnosis improves the prospects for survival because treatment is more effective and the chance of remission is higher. It also bolsters women’s chances for preserving their fertility during treatment. And women with health insurance are far more likely to get a screening that can identify cancer early.

Researchers used the National Cancer Data Base, a hospital-based registry of about 70 percent of all cancer cases in the United States. They compared diagnoses for women ages 21 to 25 who had cervical cancer with those for women ages 26 to 34, before and after the health law provision began in 2010. Early-stage diagnoses rose substantially among the younger group — the one covered by the law — and stayed flat among the older group.

About 79 percent of the younger group had an early-stage diagnosis in 2011-12, up from about 71 percent in 2007-09. For the older group, the percentage dropped to 71 percent from 73 percent, a change that is not statistically meaningful.

The study, published in JAMA, was not aimed at proving that the change was a direct result of the law. But the size of the database, and the fact that the share of young women with health insurance had increased so substantially, led researchers to conclude that the law was having an effect. (Pap tests are a part of most routine medical checkups for young women.)

“It’s a very remarkable finding, actually,” said Dr. Ahmedin Jemal, one of the researchers. “You see the effect of the A.C.A. on the cancer outcomes.”

The effect for younger women looked even stronger when analyzed by year. About 84 percent of the younger group had early-stage diagnoses in 2011, compared with 68 percent in 2009. Early-stage diagnoses dropped to 72 percent of the group in 2012, a drop that Dr. Jemal said was typical during increases in screenings, because many of the early-stage cases have already been detected.

For several years, researchers have been trying to test whether the law is working to improve health, but isolating its effects has been tricky. A study this spring found that the number of new diabetes cases identified among poor Americans had surged in states that embraced the Affordable Care Act, but not in states that had not.

Since November 2009, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists has recommended that cervical cancer screening begin at age 21, the only cancer screening recommendation for that age group. Dr. Jemal said that change made it impossible to compare the total number of women who got screened before and after the health care law came into effect.
Why the ACA? Why not PP? Thought they were on top of shit like this?
I am inclined to believe the man who was in on the creation of the vaccines when he was interviewed and told about the SV40 viruses that were known to be in the vaccines before he passed.

Is the interview itself or a transcript available online? That would be a reputable source.
It was I downloaded it about eight years ago. youtube sv40 virus interview - Google Search

Okay, so I've had a chance to view the video, and I have a question:

Do you have any idea when this video was made? Because while it’s true that something like 10-30% of Sabin’s live-virus polio vaccine was found to be contaminated in the 1950s, those batches were destroyed, and killed-virus vaccines have been used since. In addition, the relationship of viruses to certain cancers was not established until 1964 (and then only in terms of the Epstein-Barr virus), so when Dr. Hilleman makes the connection in that video, he’s doing so with hindsight.

At a guess, since he was born in 1919 and he looks to be in his 60s or 70s in that video, it had to have been made in the 1980s or 1990s. If you could find out when it was made (or maybe I can), that would be helpful.

Bottom line: Live-virus polio vaccines have not been used since the 1950s. You can’t get cancer or AIDS from the polio vaccines that have been in use for the past 60 years.

And the idea that “mad scientists” would deliberately “put cancer and AIDS in vaccines” is too ludicrous to address.

Thank you for pointing out how unscrupulous (or maybe just uninformed) individuals have misinterpreted the data to spread that rumor.

If you want something genuine to be concerned about, do a search of polio symptoms, morbidity, and mortality (something like 3,000 children died of polio every year in the 1950s). There are several documentaries on the history of the disease and the treatments available on YouTube.
Actually you show your own "ignorance" as "being misinformed" as Live-virus polio is still around. Live-virus polio - Google Search

No need to be snotty about it. It's been years since I got my immunizations. So live-virus still exists, but the the sources and the technology to produce it are infinitely improved since the 1950s, and it hasn't been administered in the U.S. since 2000.

Vaccines: VPD-VAC/Polio/main page

So the only thing you get from polio vaccine is immunization from polio. And if you don't think that's important, think again:

Polio | Photos | CDC
Polio Videos

I suspect you're old enough to have been immunized, and you have neither cancer, AIDS, nor autism. Denying polio immunization to others is irresponsible.

BTW, there's some evidence Hilleman made that video in the late 1980s. I'll be happy to provide it and some supporting data if you're interested.
Cleanliness is the best prevention against polio.
Why the ACA? Why not PP? Thought they were on top of shit like this?

Why not understand the function of each? Then you wouldn't need to ask such questions. Or, if you have questions, ask them of the state legislators who refused to set up state exchanges.

And why do you feel threatened by the idea that women have access to cancer screenings?

Cleanliness is the best prevention against polio.

You may wash your hands 100x a day, but children under the age of five are germ factories. Besides, you've already been immunized, so you have no right to dictate to others.
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Why the ACA? Why not PP? Thought they were on top of shit like this?

Why not understand the function of each? Then you wouldn't need to ask such questions. Or, if you have questions, ask them of the state legislators who refused to set up state exchanges.

And why do you feel threatened by the idea that women have access to cancer screenings?

What makes you think I care if women have access? They have for years. Covered via free clinics, Medicaid or your private health insurance.

Just another reason to add to the pile showing PP is no longer needed.
Why the ACA? Why not PP? Thought they were on top of shit like this?

Why not understand the function of each? Then you wouldn't need to ask such questions. Or, if you have questions, ask them of the state legislators who refused to set up state exchanges.

And why do you feel threatened by the idea that women have access to cancer screenings?

What makes you think I care if women have access? They have for years. Covered via free clinics, Medicaid or your private health insurance.

Just another reason to add to the pile showing PP is no longer needed.

There is a Medicaid gap in many states, particularly those whose legislators took an "Obama is not the boss of me" attitude and refused Medicaid expansion (after in many cases diverting Medicaid funding for years).

Anyway, why does the continued existence of PP bother you?

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