Zone1 According to Pastor Andy Stanley We Aren't Supposed to Talk About The Bible to Unbelievers

Christians who have their faith all wrapped up with right wing politics are hypocrisy personified. They've ransacked the OT for moral escape clauses to avoid doing anything Jesus told them to do.
Fully Christian and full conservative. Point out my hypocrisy...
Why would I, a Gentile ransack the OT or Mosaic Law when Jesus gave us one law, to love one another. Have you caught me hating poster here? Have I called for the death of an atheist? Have I demanded the head of the Democrats posting here?
FJ, the New King James is a little easier to read and a Strong's Concordance describes in detail everything in the Bible. It is invaluable to a Bible reader...
Believe me..........I KNOW. I've SEEN IT IN ACTION.

My mother was a church hopper and a "Sunday Christian". Every 6 months she changed churches.
Even being 12 years old at the time when I started realizing what was going was all the same in all the different churches she constantly dragged me and my sister too. Hypocrisy, lies, deceit, and corruption. All wrapped up in relgious words, topped with a million dollar building, with people trying to "one up" each other after the sermons.

After a couple of years of this, I started fighting her to not go to these places, as they were heinous atrocities to me, even at that age. It literally made me sick to be in the midst of all the liars, frauds, panderers, and Karens there were.

As far as religion is concerned I HAVE heard it all and seen it all, with my own ears and with my own eyes.

If you want to believe, thats fine. I don't have anything against anybody that has a belief system. It's the organized liars, cheats, and frauds I have a problem with.

No offense, just giving you my background on the religious issues.

I'm sure that's true. No man is perfect and it's going to get worse.
For a 12 year old, I am curious as to what corruption in your church or churches you were able to uncover. Were they having orgies behind the alter after the services? Taking trips to Disneyland with money they collected for an orphanage to be built in the neighborhood? Did they preach abstinence and then did you catch the preacher coming out of the local bar, or buying crack in the alley? Just what did the preacher say that you later caught him in a lie? Did Karen start screaming at your mother for sitting in her private pew? What heinous atrocities did you witness???
heinous ~ (of a person or wrongful act, especially a crime) utterly odious or wicked.
atrocities ~ an extremely wicked or cruel act, typically one involving physical violence or injury

Were they sacrificing babies on the alter??

I hope you will come back and answer Baron Von Murderpaws because I get shades of the person standing in the courtyard praying, "I thank You, God, that I am not like *these people*...."
I can only say what I've said before....................

In short.............

If there WAS a Jesus or god, there still has not been any proof. TONS of theories, but nothing solid.

If the bible IS real, then out of the THOUSANDS of bibles floating around this planet........WHICH one is the REAL one?
All religions claim THEIR bible is THE bible. But thats all BS, because every bible says something different........even all the English/American bibles.

And even with that, how do you know how many times ALL of these bibles have been rewritten, edited, changed, and altered to fit the wants and agendas of those in power?

If anything, this guy is correct. If you are religious and you believe, then you can't go by the bible, because it isn't reliable, even though he says it has reliable information.....which is BS. It either IS or IS NOT what you go by. You can't have it both ways.
The Bible has never really been rewritten. It has been edited and translated as scholarship has improved and textual variances eliminated. But this is really irrelevant to the OP.

I don't abide the sola scriptura doctrine because the texts were not written in isolation. They're products of culture, language, emotions, and myriad other influences (perhaps even including - "gasp" - divine inspiration). That's where an understanding of Christianity should come from - the Bible in its own time and place. Know the Israelites of the Old Testament and their struggles and missteps, and you might start to understand why the Israelites of the New Testament said what they said and did what they did. Know the faith from which Christianity diverged and how Christianity triumphed over it to understand Christianity.

Christianity today is quite different than its origins. That pastor is exactly backwards. The Bible and its contexts are the first places to look. A lecture without the Bible is just another Ted Talk.
The Bible has never really been rewritten. It has been edited and translated as scholarship has improved and textual variances eliminated. But this is really irrelevant to the OP.

I don't abide the sola scriptura doctrine because the texts were not written in isolation. They're products of culture, language, emotions, and myriad other influences (perhaps even including - "gasp" - divine inspiration). That's where an understanding of Christianity should come from - the Bible in its own time and place. Know the Israelites of the Old Testament and their struggles and missteps, and you might start to understand why the Israelites of the New Testament said what they said and did what they did. Know the faith from which Christianity diverged and how Christianity triumphed over it to understand Christianity.

Christianity today is quite different than its origins. That pastor is exactly backwards. The Bible and its contexts are the first places to look. A lecture without the Bible is just another Ted Talk.

I has been rewritten, many times over. One word removed here, one word added there.
On top of that, you get misquotations, misinterpretations, which just completely alter everything.

How do you think all these thousands of different bibles came about?????

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