According to Twitter Baghdad Int’l Airport Hit w/Rockets from Iranian Militia

Well, no declaration of war from the “warmonger” President Trump.

How will the regressive misfits spin this?
that Iran only bombed the american bases cause of asshole trumps actions dumbshit.LOL

President Trump only whacked Soleimani because Soleimani whacked the American contractor.

Not a dumb action at all.

Did Soleimani really think that he would get away with it?

JESUS CHRIST,I have to keep posing it again and again just to watch the sheep here at USMB to cowardly run off from it with their tail betwee their legs.

Lies, the Bethlehem Doctrine, and the Illegal Murder of Soleimani 636
Lies, the Bethlehem Doctrine, and the Illegal Murder of Soleimani - Craig Murray

". . . Let us now move on to the next lie, which is being widely repeated, this time originated by Donald Trump, that Soleimani was responsible for the “deaths of hundreds, if not thousands, of Americans”. This lie has been parroted by everybody, Republicans and Democrats alike.

Really? Who were they? When and where? While the Bethlehem Doctrine allows you to kill somebody because they might be going to attack someone, sometime, but you don’t know who or when, there is a reasonable expectation that if you are claiming people have already been killed you should be able to say who and when.

The truth of the matter is that if you take every American killed including and since 9/11, in the resultant Middle East related wars, conflicts and terrorist acts, well over 90% of them have been killed by Sunni Muslims financed and supported out of Saudi Arabia and its gulf satellites, and less than 10% of those Americans have been killed by Shia Muslims tied to Iran.. . ."
Kill. Kill. Kill.
Yes, Iran has murdered hundreds of Americans.
and you also think the CIA is not ab evil organization and does not go around and start wars in other countries as well i am sure.comedy gold.:lmao::laughing0301:
So how’d Trump get Iran to attack us?

wow you are way dumber than I thought, do you have have alzheimers diseace or something? have you already forgotten he PROVOKED them by MURDERING a general in violation of the UN? obviously so.LOL
Did you forget the American deaths this general masterminded ? Hey, if he thought that he was safe coming into Iraq where American blood sweat and tears were shed, then he was the idiot for such a move. If any terrorist thinks that they can walk around in Iraq like they are taking some kind of walk through the tulip's, then they are highly mistaken. When we leave Iraq, then they might get away with it, but only when we leave. Until then they best stay in their country where they are protected.

dude STOP listening to what the fucking CIA controlled media bullshit they keep spinning tells you,get a CLUE and stop falling for their propaganda.

Lies, the Bethlehem Doctrine, and the Illegal Murder of Soleimani 636
Lies, the Bethlehem Doctrine, and the Illegal Murder of Soleimani - Craig Murray

". . . Let us now move on to the next lie, which is being widely repeated, this time originated by Donald Trump, that Soleimani was responsible for the “deaths of hundreds, if not thousands, of Americans”. This lie has been parroted by everybody, Republicans and Democrats alike.

Really? Who were they? When and where? While the Bethlehem Doctrine allows you to kill somebody because they might be going to attack someone, sometime, but you don’t know who or when, there is a reasonable expectation that if you are claiming people have already been killed you should be able to say who and when.

The truth of the matter is that if you take every American killed including and since 9/11, in the resultant Middle East related wars, conflicts and terrorist acts, well over 90% of them have been killed by Sunni Muslims financed and supported out of Saudi Arabia and its gulf satellites, and less than 10% of those Americans have been killed by Shia Muslims tied to Iran.. . ."
More blood on Dumb Don’s hands.

it's not him --------------------we know blaming him feels really good to cucks but DEEP STATE DEEEP STATE DEEP STATE LET THAT SINK IN

Not only does it feel good..but its safe. The approved villain. And these people never get outside the lines drawn for them.

I have been wondering to myself about why these leftists, like parrots, all mindlessly babble about Saudi Arabia while defending Hezbollah but hate Israel. Admire terrorist PKK Kurds but hate Turkey. The one thing I see they have in common is that they hate any country that has allied itself with the US..and the media approves and leads it.

BTW I thought Turkey was going to annihilate the Kurds? It was hours a day coverage for a while when Trump was trying to pull troops out. Dire predictions and fake videos galore. Now nothing. Just another "see if it sticks" campaign that didnt work I suppose.
Iran says they will attack inside the US and Hezbolla will attack Israel if the US responds.

They love their rhetoric!

THIS JUST IN: Not one American killed in the Iranian attack.
But Trump will nuke Iran anyway for general purposes, and you will dutifully support him.
Exactly! They are brainless children parading around as adults, cheer leading about bombing the shit out of people over something Trump started. They are borderline retarded and totally evil.

They try and pretend they are somehow morally better. They are not. Not even close.

yeah they are as bad as the Obomination worshippers that no matter how evil he brought on the country,they cheered him on.two birds of a feather.:rolleyes:

not one american was killed in the bombing but Iran is the one waging war according to their fucked up logic.:rolleyes:
Yes, Iran has murdered hundreds of Americans.
and you also think the CIA is not ab evil organization and does not go around and start wars in other countries as well i am sure.comedy gold.:lmao::laughing0301:
So how’d Trump get Iran to attack us?

wow you are way dumber than I thought, do you have have alzheimers diseace or something? have you already forgotten he PROVOKED them by MURDERING a general in violation of the UN? obviously so.LOL
Did you forget the American deaths this general masterminded ? Hey, if he thought that he was safe coming into Iraq where American blood sweat and tears were shed, then he was the idiot for such a move. If any terrorist thinks that they can walk around in Iraq like they are taking some kind of walk through the tulip's, then they are highly mistaken. When we leave Iraq, then they might get away with it, but only when we leave. Until then they best stay in their country where they are protected.

— Charlotte Clymer️‍ (@cmclymer) January 3, 2020

A New Yorker article from 2013 also points out that the U.S. actually worked with Soleimani "to help the United States destroy their mutual enemy, the Taliban." That lasted until former President George W. Bush declared Iran part of his "Axis of Evil" in the Middle East."
Yeah...but I like badgering the dumbshit to see if he responds with something I can ridicule.

you just keep ending up with shit on your face when you do since you refuse to look at the evidence he posts.LOL you are as bad as the brainwashed sheep here at USMB who run off from facts that the party they are in love with, wheter it be the dems or repubs,ignroing they are one in the same so much in denial mode that they are wrong,you're the

You still think this whole mess started with the killing of Solemani.
Talk about being a dumbass.....

Denial of what?

that Iran only bombed the american bases cause of asshole trumps actions dumbshit.LOL

you been listening way too much to what the corporate controlled media like the blind sheep you are.

i get sick of posting this just to watch it go cowardly ignored by sheep like you cause you cant handle the truth that our fucking government as they ALWAYS FUCKING DO,started this war.

Lies, the Bethlehem Doctrine, and the Illegal Murder of Soleimani 636
Lies, the Bethlehem Doctrine, and the Illegal Murder of Soleimani - Craig Murray

". . . Let us now move on to the next lie, which is being widely repeated, this time originated by Donald Trump, that Soleimani was responsible for the “deaths of hundreds, if not thousands, of Americans”. This lie has been parroted by everybody, Republicans and Democrats alike.

Really? Who were they? When and where? While the Bethlehem Doctrine allows you to kill somebody because they might be going to attack someone, sometime, but you don’t know who or when, there is a reasonable expectation that if you are claiming people have already been killed you should be able to say who and when.

The truth of the matter is that if you take every American killed including and since 9/11, in the resultant Middle East related wars, conflicts and terrorist acts, well over 90% of them have been killed by Sunni Muslims financed and supported out of Saudi Arabia and its gulf satellites, and less than 10% of those Americans have been killed by Shia Muslims tied to Iran.. . ."

Let's take out thier oldest most sacred mosque ...why not got fuckers have zero respect for other cultures they blow up 1000 year old buddhas without even flinching...

And I dont know why we cant just take out the whole friggin "leadership " while they're in session standing around chanting death to America ......just like some " democrats "
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Then ya let the Iranian people sort the rest out amongst themselves .
They were just rioting in the streets ...and they got slaughtered for it ...yet again ....all it would take is one general with loyal troops for the people to get behind to start slitting islamomanic throats ...

In a deplorable Yankee world I would try to flip iran without shedding one drop of american blood .Then down the road you could obliterate the trailer trash of the desert Saudis

uh how come sick americans cheer on a fucking evil CIA organization that starts wars in countries over and over and has done for DECADES and is trying to do with Iran but the sheep here at USMB support our fucking evil government for doing so is what you SHOULD be asking.:rolleyes:
that Iran only bombed the american bases cause of asshole trumps actions dumbshit.LOL

President Trump only whacked Soleimani because Soleimani whacked the American contractor.

Not a dumb action at all.

Did Soleimani really think that he would get away with it?

JESUS CHRIST,I have to keep posing it again and again just to watch the sheep here at USMB to cowardly run off from it with their tail betwee their legs.

Lies, the Bethlehem Doctrine, and the Illegal Murder of Soleimani 636
Lies, the Bethlehem Doctrine, and the Illegal Murder of Soleimani - Craig Murray

". . . Let us now move on to the next lie, which is being widely repeated, this time originated by Donald Trump, that Soleimani was responsible for the “deaths of hundreds, if not thousands, of Americans”. This lie has been parroted by everybody, Republicans and Democrats alike.

Really? Who were they? When and where? While the Bethlehem Doctrine allows you to kill somebody because they might be going to attack someone, sometime, but you don’t know who or when, there is a reasonable expectation that if you are claiming people have already been killed you should be able to say who and when.

The truth of the matter is that if you take every American killed including and since 9/11, in the resultant Middle East related wars, conflicts and terrorist acts, well over 90% of them have been killed by Sunni Muslims financed and supported out of Saudi Arabia and its gulf satellites, and less than 10% of those Americans have been killed by Shia Muslims tied to Iran.. . ."

That's fine, if you think that Soleimani was the modern day Mother Teresa and should be in line for the Nobel Peace Prize, that's your prerogative. But its not the view of President Trump or his intelligence sources. What they've picked up is that Soleimani is a terrorist and a real piece of poop.
Trump just refused to brief the nation tonight on Iran, because he's a coward who needs to be removed from office

wont happen I am afraid,that applied to the presidents of the past five administrations as well,all warmongering presidents so i dont see that all of a sudden changing now at the moment.
Nope...but more projection on your part, I see. We know CRCs are just the other side of the coin from fundie muslims.

Yes we know you you will go and support your terrorist hereos!
Oh Omar, when you learn English in one of those muslim schools, they don't really help you with correct spelling much, do they?

Why would you denigrate Islamic education?
Every day I would....gladly.

Yes we know that the far left share the same theocracy as Iran, it is why you support the terrorists!

the terrorists as in the CIA who is trying to start this war,THOSE terrorists? yeah its incredble that sheep here at USMB support THOSE terrorists,thats fucking sick.
Trump just refused to brief the nation tonight on Iran, because he's a coward who needs to be removed from office

wont happen I am afraid,that applied to the presidents of the past five administrations as well,all warmongering presidents so i dont see that all of a sudden changing now at the moment.

President Trump just gave his speech.

No war.

How do you explain this?
Why would Iran attack us for killing Iraqis?
You idiot. You dummies complain about a little protest outside the embassy, but ignore the fact it was in retaliation of the US massacring 25 Iraqi militia.
If this is news to you, you have to admit you are uninformed.
Violent attacks upon US soil.

View attachment 298976

yeah thanks to asshole trump who STARTED it

two morons who can only laugh off truth of this post i see.

Nah...we're just laughing at you.

laughing in defeat as you cowardly run off with your tail between your legs when people like me,gipper,and others own your sorry ass with evidence you keep cowardly evading chickenshit.
So..I heard on the news that Iran is saying we better not retaliate with their bombings in Iraq bases because we killed their general. So...they think killing our soldiers..more than one if the reports of 70 payment for their ONE lowlife scumbag that killed his own people and planned attacks on us as well? Fuck that. They want to play bomb games? Ok.
That can't be right. Trump said killing the general would prevent attacks. You must have bad info.
Prevent gorilla/terrorist attacks around the world in message there of, and not to mean that it would prevent government promoted attacks by a nation promoting terrorist attacks in the region under cover against American's.

uh dude the only way THAT happens is for americans to stand up to our corrupt governent and abolish the CIA and the fed who are ALWAYS the terrorists you are talking about starting wars in other countries.:rolleyes:
How dare we retaliate for attacking our embassy?!
Nobody was killed
You're not well informed, are you
Did you not know we are the largest exporter of oil?

Was killing Salami a "needless loss of life"?
Im talking about us you fucking moron.
Your president can handle this without loss of american life. He isnt interested in fighting them on their terms
Really? He already fucked up a great deal with Iran that was working, he got impeached, said he would bomb the shit out of them and get their oil, so here we are. And "Trump can handle this?" Are you out of your damn mind?

Iran is violating the deal
Do you have any idea just how fucking stupid you are? Did you even read your own link? et the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) recently stated that it could not verify that Iran was “fully implementing the agreement” by not engaging in activities that would allow it to make a nuclear explosive device. Yukiya Amano of the IAEA told Reuters that when it comes to inspections, which are stipulated in Section T of the agreement, “our tools are limited.” Amano continued to say: “In other sections, for example, Iran has committed to submit declarations, place their activities under safeguards or ensure access by us. But in Section T, I don’t see any (such commitment).”

The (IAEA) stated that it could not verify that Iran was "fully implementing the agreement." Is your brain capable of interpreting that statement from your own link? You aren't just grossly stupid, you're a liar too.

I know he is so fucking stupid I am done with him.Not surprising he proved himself wrong with his OWN link,he has alzheimers diseace,he had to ask me earlier WHY did Iran attack the bases.I am seriously i am not making this stuff up. :abgg2q.jpg::lmao:
You idiot. You dummies complain about a little protest outside the embassy, but ignore the fact it was in retaliation of the US massacring 25 Iraqi militia.
If this is news to you, you have to admit you are uninformed.
Violent attacks upon US soil.

View attachment 298976

yeah thanks to asshole trump who STARTED it

two morons who can only laugh off truth of this post i see.

Nah...we're just laughing at you.

laughing in defeat as you cowardly run off with your tail between your legs when people like me,gipper,and others own your sorry ass with evidence you keep cowardly evading chickenshit. never back up your assertions.
Our President tweets on unprovoked Iran attack on America

All is well! Missiles launched from Iran at two military bases located in Iraq. Assessment of casualties & damages taking place now. So far, so good! We have the most powerful and well equipped military anywhere in the world, by far! I will be making a statement tomorrow morning.

unprovoked attack? from his OWN mouth and you morons STILL cheer this fucking murderer on?:cuckoo: oh my god,beam me up scotty there are no intelligent life forms on this planet.

man how much crack do trump supporters smoke everyday?.:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
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Great news that there are no American casualties so far. Hopefully that news remains and none of our people were hurt.

It's being reported that they targeted a facility that was not occupied by Americans and the Iranian leader's tweet seemed very measured, more interested in defending themselves than escalating this situation. Trump tweeted but didn't say anything stupid.

Hopefully this ends here.

Yeah I hope it ends as well but Trump seems to want to serve the bankers as all presidents since Lyndon Johnson have and give them the war they want. every war the bankers are ALWAYS behind it.very few sheep here at USMB can comprehend that little fact.

the brainwashed sheep at USMB dont get it that all Iran wants to to is be left alone. hard to do when some asshole POTUS is doing the bidding of the bankers and trying to get a war started with them.:mad:

What makes you think President Trump wants a war at all?

Actually, he wants Iran to give up terror, give up evil.

If Iran didn't whack our beloved contractor, their pos general wouldn't have been clipped.

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