According to Twitter Baghdad Int’l Airport Hit w/Rockets from Iranian Militia

Meanwhile...seems like Trump is going to let them get away with their little temper tantrum, which was only them trying to save face and they missed their targets on purpose. They wanted to wave their tiny fists and show great scalding tears, and thats fine. Now that that is over, they are backing off, which is no surprise. Instead, they will scurry back into their spider holes and plot and plan another 9/11 and cross their fingers it works. In the meantime..more sanctions. Hope their earthquake doesn't hit them too hard...cuz guess who they will holler at for help?

I think that somewhere in the world the Iranians or their proxies will stage a terrorist attack that kills a lot of people. Maybe some Americans, maybe not, but they're going to call it revenge for Soleimani. These are crazy bastards we are dealing with here, who believe God is on their side and therefore whatever they do is righteous. By not striking back we may have bought a little time, but it ain't even close to being over. And if we wait long enough, they'll finally get their nuclear bomb(s), and I think they'll use them if they feel threatened by an invasion.

So I think there's gonna be a major war over there, and Israel is going to be the target for their nukes if they have enough time to build them. Maybe there will be a coup or a revolution over there, I really hope so cuz otherwise there's gonna be a whole lot of dead people somewhere, and then a whole lot of other dead people in Iran. I don't want that to happen, and I do think the US oughta GTFO of the ME sooner rather than later. Maybe our presence isn't helping the situation any, and we don't need their fucking oil anyway.
Meanwhile...seems like Trump is going to let them get away with their little temper tantrum, which was only them trying to save face and they missed their targets on purpose. They wanted to wave their tiny fists and show great scalding tears, and thats fine. Now that that is over, they are backing off, which is no surprise. Instead, they will scurry back into their spider holes and plot and plan another 9/11 and cross their fingers it works. In the meantime..more sanctions. Hope their earthquake doesn't hit them too hard...cuz guess who they will holler at for help?

I think that somewhere in the world the Iranians or their proxies will stage a terrorist attack that kills a lot of people. Maybe some Americans, maybe not, but they're going to call it revenge for Soleimani. These are crazy bastards we are dealing with here, who believe God is on their side and therefore whatever they do is righteous. By not striking back we may have bought a little time, but it ain't even close to being over. And if we wait long enough, they'll finally get their nuclear bomb(s), and I think they'll use them if they feel threatened by an invasion.

So I think there's gonna be a major war over there, and Israel is going to be the target for their nukes if they have enough time to build them. Maybe there will be a coup or a revolution over there, I really hope so cuz otherwise there's gonna be a whole lot of dead people somewhere, and then a whole lot of other dead people in Iran. I don't want that to happen, and I do think the US oughta GTFO of the ME sooner rather than later. Maybe our presence isn't helping the situation any, and we don't need their fucking oil anyway.
They know the consequences. They'll wait until we're foolish enough to elect a Democrat
$150 Billion of Obama Bucks, plus 20% of our Uranium went to Russia to help build Iran's ICBM and Nuclear Weapons Capability, to pay Russia to build Obama Bombs for Iran.

This simple chart debunks the conspiracy theory that Hillary Clinton sold uranium to Russia
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Plane crashed with 180 on

That was a passenger jet taking off from Tehran International destined for Ukraine.

Iran is refusing to turn over the black box.
ran is refusing to turn over the black box.
Why should they?

In the interests of air safety, finding out the reason for the Ukraine airline failure, might prevent future air catastrophes.
Plane crashed with 180 on

That was a passenger jet taking off from Tehran International destined for Ukraine.

Iran is refusing to turn over the black box.
ran is refusing to turn over the black box.
Why should they?

In the interests of air safety, finding out the reason for the Ukraine airline failure, might prevent future air catastrophes.
In the interests of air safety, finding out the reason for the Ukraine airline failure, might prevent future air catastrophes.
Since the airplane went down in Iran, Iran is responsible for determining why that happened.
Plane crashed with 180 on

That was a passenger jet taking off from Tehran International destined for Ukraine.

Iran is refusing to turn over the black box.
They're refusing to give it to Boeing/the US, for obvious reasons at the moment.
They'll find someone else to investigate it.

There’s a video of the plane falling out of the sky already on fire. Probably one of their own moronic military thought it was a US plane and shot it down.

So yes, for “obvious” reasons they won’t have Boeing look at it.

"Honest to Allah, I thought it was a B-52!"
tRump's getting impeached and now starting a war. I called it. Better keep the launch codes away from him.
I thought a business elite like yourself would realize Trump knows how to manage bad situations.
From your link was this soundbite: "According to the Iranian Tasnim news agency, Hezbollah will attack Israel if the US responds to Tuesday night's attacks."

That is crazyspeak on part of Iran.

Edit: it also wrote this: "Ali Shamkhani, secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council, had said that 13 'revenge scenarios' were being considered, Fars news agency reported. Even the weakest option would prove 'a historic nightmare for the Americans,' he said."
IRAN’S HAVING QUITE A NIGHT: Earthquake strikes Iran near nuclear plant.
Earthquake, hm? God is warning Iran to back off.

I thought a business elite like yourself would realize Trump knows how to manage bad situations.

By using bankruptcy protection?

Earthquake, hm? God is warning Iran to back off.

Breaking news.....God causes earthquakes. :290968001256257790-final:
From your link was this soundbite: "According to the Iranian Tasnim news agency, Hezbollah will attack Israel if the US responds to Tuesday night's attacks."

That is crazyspeak on part of Iran.

Edit: it also wrote this: "Ali Shamkhani, secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council, had said that 13 'revenge scenarios' were being considered, Fars news agency reported. Even the weakest option would prove 'a historic nightmare for the Americans,' he said."

If Hezbollah attacks Israel, Iran is toast. Because Trump won't hold back Israel like Bush did when they were attacked at the beginning of the war.
I have a feeling the good Lord in heaven will intervene in this irrational reasoning the Iranian Khomeini and his henchmen are planning bad things for God's first family, and I have a feeling the Iran folk will get a good spanking from above.

You want the "good lord in heaven'" to intervene with religious zealots?
I just heard he sent them an earthquake near one of their nuclear plants. Why don't you talk it over with the man upstairs.

From your link was this soundbite: "According to the Iranian Tasnim news agency, Hezbollah will attack Israel if the US responds to Tuesday night's attacks."

That is crazyspeak on part of Iran.

Edit: it also wrote this: "Ali Shamkhani, secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council, had said that 13 'revenge scenarios' were being considered, Fars news agency reported. Even the weakest option would prove 'a historic nightmare for the Americans,' he said."

If Hezbollah attacks Israel, Iran is toast. Because Trump won't hold back Israel like Bush did when they were attacked at the beginning of the war.
I have a feeling the good Lord in heaven will intervene in this irrational reasoning the Iranian Khomeini and his henchmen are planning bad things for God's first family, and I have a feeling the Iran folk will get a good spanking from above.

You want the "good lord in heaven'" to intervene with religious zealots?


Earthquake Map of 5.5 Richter Scale rating (it's pretty bad and near a power plant)
An earthquake has hit southern Iran just 60 miles from the country’s Bushehr nuclear power plant.

It hit on Thursday morning and was also felt in Bahrain and other areas around the Persian Gulf.

The US Geological Survey (USGS) said the quake struck at 6.34am GMT, some 60 miles east of the Bushehr nuclear power plant, the only operating nuclear power station in the Islamic Republic.

The USGS put the earthquake’s magnitude at 5.5, while Iranian state television, citing officials, described the quake as a magnitude 5.9. Varying magnitudes are common immediately after a temblor.

Government-run TV did not report any damage at the Bushehr plant, which has seen other earthquakes in the past and was built to resist damage from the tremors.

It said the earthquake’s epicentre was near the town of Kaki, which the Iran Red Cross described as being in a sparsely populated area.
Magnitude-5.5 earthquake strikes Iran near nuclear power plant

Earthquakes are now caused by God. How about hurricanes? Snow storms? You are an idiot!!!!
No link - watching on the news right now.

Reportedly cruise/ballistic missiles
Looks like Trump’s got his war – a war Trump needlessly provoked in an effort to deflect from the humiliation of impeachment.

And I called it.

If you called for a war, you were wrong.

We still have peace due to the tremendous diplomacy of Donald J Trump.

Notice how the Mullahs didn't dare to launch a missile at our men? They knew their asses would be grass if they did.

There is a new sheriff in town.

Right now, watch and learn. Iran will come to the bargaining table and seriously consider giving up their lives of evil
No link - watching on the news right now.

Reportedly cruise/ballistic missiles
Looks like Trump’s got his war – a war Trump needlessly provoked in an effort to deflect from the humiliation of impeachment.

And I called it.

If you called for a war, you were wrong.

We still have peace due to the tremendous diplomacy of Donald J Trump.

Notice how the Mullahs didn't dare to launch a missile at our men? They knew their asses would be grass if they did.

There is a new sheriff in town.

Right now, watch and learn. Iran will come to the bargaining table and seriously consider giving up their lives of evil
As of right now, US facilities and a major airbase in Iraq are being attacked by Iran in response to the strike conducted by the US at Baghdad Int'l Airport, killing Iranian General Qassam Soleimani .

More as it comes. Link will come soon.
my heart goes out to the iraqi people. they are a resilient people. they are in a proxy war between iran and the US. they voted to kick out the US, they should vote to kick out Iran too!

its time to hit the brakes, my friends!
..Iraq started not one but TWO wars!!!--a lot of this shit started becuase Iraq started TWO wars..we wouldn't be there if Iraq did not invade Kuwait
PRESIDENT TRUMP: Iran Appears to be Standing Down.

Trump is giving Iran an opportunity to back down gracefully. They know he will hold the line if they try to escalate further. Excellent strategy. Weird that a guy everyone in DC thinks is an angry toddler can somehow hit just the right note, when previous administrations have all failed.

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