According To Whistleblower Regulations Without Firsthand Knowledge Secondhand Claims Aren't Credible

That isn't true. I posted links to the docs in another thread with the same bogus title.
Of course it's true, Spermbreath.
The Intel Community essentially changed the Whistleblower requirements from Firsthand essentially RUMORS AND GOSSIP!!! Intel Community Secretly Nixed Whistleblower Demand Of First-Hand Info

"Between May 2018 and August 2019, the intelligence community secretly eliminated a requirement that whistleblowers provide direct, first-hand knowledge of alleged wrongdoings. This raises questions about the intelligence community’s behavior regarding the August submission of a whistleblower complaint against President Donald Trump. The new complaint document no longer requires potential whistleblowers who wish to have their concerns expedited to Congress to have direct, first-hand knowledge of the alleged wrongdoing that they are reporting.

The brand new version of the whistleblower complaint form, which was not made public until after the transcript of Trump’s July 25 phone call with the Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky and the complaint addressed to Congress were made public, eliminates the first-hand knowledge requirement and allows employees to file whistleblower complaints even if they have zero direct knowledge of underlying evidence and only “heard about [wrongdoing] from others.”"
You are a liar. Knowingly quoting lies. Known lies.

Fuckin' dumbass.
Sorry, but this has been verified.
So no matter how much you whine and's not gonna change the facts of the situation.
Nope. It's fake news.

Worthwhile dim candidates for 2020, that’s fake news.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Waiting for the "but Hillary" post next.
Of course it's true, Spermbreath.
The Intel Community essentially changed the Whistleblower requirements from Firsthand essentially RUMORS AND GOSSIP!!! Intel Community Secretly Nixed Whistleblower Demand Of First-Hand Info

"Between May 2018 and August 2019, the intelligence community secretly eliminated a requirement that whistleblowers provide direct, first-hand knowledge of alleged wrongdoings. This raises questions about the intelligence community’s behavior regarding the August submission of a whistleblower complaint against President Donald Trump. The new complaint document no longer requires potential whistleblowers who wish to have their concerns expedited to Congress to have direct, first-hand knowledge of the alleged wrongdoing that they are reporting.

The brand new version of the whistleblower complaint form, which was not made public until after the transcript of Trump’s July 25 phone call with the Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky and the complaint addressed to Congress were made public, eliminates the first-hand knowledge requirement and allows employees to file whistleblower complaints even if they have zero direct knowledge of underlying evidence and only “heard about [wrongdoing] from others.”"
You are a liar. Knowingly quoting lies. Known lies.

Fuckin' dumbass.
Sorry, but this has been verified.
So no matter how much you whine and's not gonna change the facts of the situation.
Nope. It's fake news.
Not when it's from multiple sources.
Seriously, do you think that in a normal situation some Dickhead working at CNN could file a complaint against our President unless the intel people were bending rules without proper authorization from Congress?
"Working at CNN"?

Damn dude, you will believe anything.
Considering the fact that you keep falling for these Democrat hoaxes.....that's extremely rich.
Of course it's true, Spermbreath.
The Intel Community essentially changed the Whistleblower requirements from Firsthand essentially RUMORS AND GOSSIP!!! Intel Community Secretly Nixed Whistleblower Demand Of First-Hand Info

"Between May 2018 and August 2019, the intelligence community secretly eliminated a requirement that whistleblowers provide direct, first-hand knowledge of alleged wrongdoings. This raises questions about the intelligence community’s behavior regarding the August submission of a whistleblower complaint against President Donald Trump. The new complaint document no longer requires potential whistleblowers who wish to have their concerns expedited to Congress to have direct, first-hand knowledge of the alleged wrongdoing that they are reporting.

The brand new version of the whistleblower complaint form, which was not made public until after the transcript of Trump’s July 25 phone call with the Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky and the complaint addressed to Congress were made public, eliminates the first-hand knowledge requirement and allows employees to file whistleblower complaints even if they have zero direct knowledge of underlying evidence and only “heard about [wrongdoing] from others.”"
You are a liar. Knowingly quoting lies. Known lies.

Fuckin' dumbass.
Sorry, but this has been verified.
So no matter how much you whine and's not gonna change the facts of the situation.
Nope. It's fake news.

Worthwhile dim candidates for 2020, that’s fake news.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Waiting for the "but Hillary" post next.

What are you talking about. She runs her mouth every time someone is willing to interview her, about how she got robbed,the crybaby.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Apparently secondhand knowledge of an offense doesn't fall under Whistleblower protections because it's not considered legit unless it's something the complainer heard himself.

So why is this person even considered a whistleblower in the first place?

Here's form with the specific language highlighted:

There is enough in the transcript of the phone call with the Ukrainian president to impeach Drumph.
Apparently secondhand knowledge of an offense doesn't fall under Whistleblower protections because it's not considered legit unless it's something the complainer heard himself.

So why is this person even considered a whistleblower in the first place?

Here's form with the specific language highlighted:

There is enough in the transcript of the phone call with the Ukrainian president to impeach Drumph.
There's enough in your post to reveal your idiocy.
Not at all. The transcript is damming. You'll see. You people just don't want to face facts.
Apparently secondhand knowledge of an offense doesn't fall under Whistleblower protections because it's not considered legit unless it's something the complainer heard himself.

So why is this person even considered a whistleblower in the first place?

Here's form with the specific language highlighted:


The Dems can't find any real dirt on Trump so now they are just making things up.
They are going to impeach him on anything that they can.
They are going to use impeachment to suppress GOP voter turn-out.
Apparently secondhand knowledge of an offense doesn't fall under Whistleblower protections because it's not considered legit unless it's something the complainer heard himself.

So why is this person even considered a whistleblower in the first place?

Here's form with the specific language highlighted:

There is enough in the transcript of the phone call with the Ukrainian president to impeach Drumph.
There's enough in your post to reveal your idiocy.
Not at all. The transcript is damming. You'll see. You people just don't want to face facts.

No the transcript is not 'damming' the complaint is a re-hash by lawyers in order to get Trump. Look you dufuses, we just spent almost 3 years 'investigating' Trump/Russia collusion with 0 results because of a FAKE 'Dossier' which was presented to a FISA court as fully vetted. Now we find out the 'Dossier' was done by a Trump-hater and contained only hearsay. You guys are fake from stem to stern. NOW you expect US to swallow yet another unverified allegation based on hearsay when we HAVE the transcript that contains 0 proof of any impeachable offense yet you still sit there and tell us not to believe our own eyes. Fuck off.
Apparently secondhand knowledge of an offense doesn't fall under Whistleblower protections because it's not considered legit unless it's something the complainer heard himself.

So why is this person even considered a whistleblower in the first place?

Here's form with the specific language highlighted:

There is enough in the transcript of the phone call with the Ukrainian president to impeach Drumph.
There's enough in your post to reveal your idiocy.
Not at all. The transcript is damming. You'll see. You people just don't want to face facts.
Bet you haven't even read the transcripts. You're relying on lying Democrats to tell you what's in it.

Well, here's where you can read the damned thing.....Read the Trump-Ukraine phone call readout
Last edited:
You are a liar. Knowingly quoting lies. Known lies.

Fuckin' dumbass.
Sorry, but this has been verified.
So no matter how much you whine and's not gonna change the facts of the situation.
Nope. It's fake news.
Not when it's from multiple sources.
Seriously, do you think that in a normal situation some Dickhead working at CNN could file a complaint against our President unless the intel people were bending rules without proper authorization from Congress?
"Working at CNN"?

Damn dude, you will believe anything.
Considering the fact that you keep falling for these Democrat hoaxes.....that's extremely rich.
What hoaxes?
You are a liar. Knowingly quoting lies. Known lies.

Fuckin' dumbass.
Sorry, but this has been verified.
So no matter how much you whine and's not gonna change the facts of the situation.
Nope. It's fake news.

Worthwhile dim candidates for 2020, that’s fake news.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Waiting for the "but Hillary" post next.

What are you talking about. She runs her mouth every time someone is willing to interview her, about how she got robbed,the crybaby.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Not quite there yet....

Still waiting.....
The Dems can't find any real dirt on Trump so now they are just making things up.
They are going to impeach him on anything that they can.
They are going to use impeachment to suppress GOP voter turn-out.

Yes, that's what they have been doing for the past 3 years!! Use hearsay and claim it is truth (Dossier), then claim obstruction of justice with no proof, like I just told a TDS pinhead (not you) basically don't expect US to swallow that shit again. It is amazing to me how these traitors (Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, etc.) can keep doing this shit and not themselves be impeached.
Apparently secondhand knowledge of an offense doesn't fall under Whistleblower protections because it's not considered legit unless it's something the complainer heard himself.

So why is this person even considered a whistleblower in the first place?

Here's form with the specific language highlighted:

There is enough in the transcript of the phone call with the Ukrainian president to impeach Drumph.
There's enough in your post to reveal your idiocy.
Not at all. The transcript is damming. You'll see. You people just don't want to face facts.
Bet you haven't even read the transcripts. You're relaying on lying Democrats to tell you what's in it.

Well, here's where you can read the damned thing.....Read the Trump-Ukraine phone call readout

Thanks for the link. I read it and damned if I can find anywhere that Trump offered Zelenskyy anything for his cooperation into investigating the prosecutor's firing. Trump is looking out for the American people. We don't want a candidate for President that is corrupt now do we? Sound familiar TDSers? It's called pay back's a bitch!!!!!!!!
The Dems can't find any real dirt on Trump so now they are just making things up.
They are going to impeach him on anything that they can.
They are going to use impeachment to suppress GOP voter turn-out.

Yes, that's what they have been doing for the past 3 years!! Use hearsay and claim it is truth (Dossier), then claim obstruction of justice with no proof, like I just told a TDS pinhead (not you) basically don't expect US to swallow that shit again. It is amazing to me how these traitors (Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, etc.) can keep doing this shit and not themselves be impeached.
They will eventually......
Apparently secondhand knowledge of an offense doesn't fall under Whistleblower protections because it's not considered legit unless it's something the complainer heard himself.

So why is this person even considered a whistleblower in the first place?

Here's form with the specific language highlighted:

There is enough in the transcript of the phone call with the Ukrainian president to impeach Drumph.
There's enough in your post to reveal your idiocy.
Not at all. The transcript is damming. You'll see. You people just don't want to face facts.
Bet you haven't even read the transcripts. You're relaying on lying Democrats to tell you what's in it.

Well, here's where you can read the damned thing.....Read the Trump-Ukraine phone call readout

Thanks for the link. I read it and damned if I can find anywhere that Trump offered Zelenskyy anything for his cooperation into investigating the prosecutor's firing. Trump is looking out for the American people. We don't want a candidate for President that is corrupt now do we? Sound familiar TDSers? It's called pay back's a bitch!!!!!!!!
The lying Dems were hoping that Trump would delay releasing the transcripts till after their scam of a hearing.....then Schiff face read off some bogus made-up dialog at the hearing and it blew up in his face.
They then switched to demanding the whistleblower report....and the was dropped in their laps faster than they could say BULLSHIT.....yet Pelosi still said it was a cover-up.
Then she blew out of town for two weeks so she could spread lies on the Networks.
Fucking **** bitch.
Burn in Hell....

REVEALED: Deep State Intel Community and Congress Colluded – Whistleblower Documents ALSO ALTERED by CRS — Likely Illegal Act

** The Deep State changed the requirements for filling out the whistleblower form and in August allowed whistleblowers to use ‘hearsay’ when filing a complaint. At this same time the whistleblower filled out the form slandering President Trump using hearsay.

** The Deep State Intel community only updated their online site regarding whistleblower protections four days ago to reflect the recent changes before the recent complaint was released. This was done in spite of zero legislative action on the related regulations. The term ‘urgent concern’ is now used 10 times in the Congressional Research Service (CRS) manual and was only used 2 times in the prior publication.

** The CRS also recently added wording for addressing disagreements between the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) and Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG).

** The CRS cites the regulations for the ICIG chapter and verse for all but 3 paragraphs in the footnotes to the CRS manual (See section 3.A.ii) which discuss the ICIG’s authority to report directly to Congress. The CRS omits a key clause in the law related to the types of people that the ICIG can investigate. It is related to only current or former employees of the intelligence community.

** This is the key. The law does not require that a whistleblower complaint of President Donald Trump be provided to Congress – as a matter of fact, only whistleblower complaints of current or former Intel community employees are to be reviewed by the ICIG and only these investigations have a requirement to be forwarded to Congress.

That does NOT include The President of The United States. He is NOT an employee of the Intel Community.

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