ACLU finally wakes up?


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
For the last 10 years the ACLU has been vigilant and concerned that some kid might sneak into school with a Bible in his hand while the secret FISA court has approved 98% of secret surveillance by the NSA and other covert arms of the federal government. The ACLU didn't wake up until the story broke. Maybe it's time to get the priorities straight and realize that the modern version of "separation of church and state" might not be the biggest threat to the Country.
Are you referring to the Anti Capitalist Leftist Union?
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Watch out noose, this is the clean debate zone. God help us if our "civil liberties" are diminished by a Christmas display on public property while secret courts are authorizing surveillance (and executions?) of American citizens.
For the last 10 years the ACLU has been vigilant and concerned that some kid might sneak into school with a Bible in his hand while the secret FISA court has approved 98% of secret surveillance by the NSA and other covert arms of the federal government. The ACLU didn't wake up until the story broke. Maybe it's time to get the priorities straight and realize that the modern version of "separation of church and state" might not be the biggest threat to the Country.

" The ACLU vigorously defends the rights of all Americans to practice their religion and express their faith, including public school students. Below are examples of our advocacy over the past decade on behalf of students of a variety of faiths."

From their website.
Watch out noose, this is the clean debate zone. God help us if our "civil liberties" are diminished by a Christmas display on public property while secret courts are authorizing surveillance (and executions?) of American citizens.

Separation of Church and state, Christmas is a religious holiday, some times the constitution gets in the way of what some people want. ACLU stands up against both religious expression by the government and government spying on the people.
To be fair.. And I'm NOT a fan of the ACLU, but the Institute for Justice --- The ACLU HAS taken a pretty good stand against the Patriot Act.. Remember that you can't go to court ACCUSING the GOVT of exceeding the Patriot Act standards WITH NO PROOF..

So the next best thing is to remove the legislation ENABLING that abuse.. Should have been done b4 they BUILT THIS with our tax dollars.. Any citizen should look at it and SEE the Patriot Act and how the terrorists have won...

Watch out noose, this is the clean debate zone. God help us if our "civil liberties" are diminished by a Christmas display on public property while secret courts are authorizing surveillance (and executions?) of American citizens.

Separation of Church and state, Christmas is a religious holiday, some times the constitution gets in the way of what some people want. ACLU stands up against both religious expression by the government and government spying on the people.

No. the ACLU represents the religion of Atheism, which cannot tolerate opposing viewpoints. Why is it that most other religious groups are not "offended" by these displays/holidays?
Watch out noose, this is the clean debate zone. God help us if our "civil liberties" are diminished by a Christmas display on public property while secret courts are authorizing surveillance (and executions?) of American citizens.

Separation of Church and state, Christmas is a religious holiday, some times the constitution gets in the way of what some people want. ACLU stands up against both religious expression by the government and government spying on the people.

No. the ACLU represents the religion of Atheism, which cannot tolerate opposing viewpoints. Why is it that most other religious groups are not "offended" by these displays/holidays?

Atheism is not a religion, and separation of Church and state means government can not endorse religion which it does when putting up religious displays during religious holidays.
Watch out noose, this is the clean debate zone. God help us if our "civil liberties" are diminished by a Christmas display on public property while secret courts are authorizing surveillance (and executions?) of American citizens.

Separation of Church and state, Christmas is a religious holiday, some times the constitution gets in the way of what some people want. ACLU stands up against both religious expression by the government and government spying on the people.

No. the ACLU represents the religion of Atheism, which cannot tolerate opposing viewpoints. Why is it that most other religious groups are not "offended" by these displays/holidays?

I think I proved a few posts back that your statement is untrue. The ACLU has represented Christians, and Christian students.
Watch out noose, this is the clean debate zone. God help us if our "civil liberties" are diminished by a Christmas display on public property while secret courts are authorizing surveillance (and executions?) of American citizens.

Separation of Church and state, Christmas is a religious holiday, some times the constitution gets in the way of what some people want. ACLU stands up against both religious expression by the government and government spying on the people.

No. the ACLU represents the religion of Atheism, which cannot tolerate opposing viewpoints. Why is it that most other religious groups are not "offended" by these displays/holidays?

Your partisan opinion is just that,,a partisan opinion.
You are aware that the ACLU has been defending gun rights aren't you? Defended Rush Limbaugh too!
Just because you dislike the ALCU because they are defending things in the Constitution that you disagree with doesn't make them a pawn of anyone, including atheist or the left. You definitely need to broaden your outlook with the real world.
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ACLU has always represented and defended what the Constitution stands for, those who see the ACLU as any thing else are on the opposite side of the Constitution regarding an issue it is defending.

That is the core of what they stand for but the ALCU has, on many occasions, gone off the reservation. There are many examples of the ACLU doing the exact opposite of what they stand for. Unfortunately, when the ALCU represents someone that is making an unreasonable demand on others or takes a position that can be seen as against your rights it is widely reported and remembered for a long time. In the majority of the cases where they hold true to their core values the news is not really interested (as stories about things happening as they should are not very good for ratings) and the ones that are the public has the unfortunate habit of forgetting rather quickly.

Meh, take it for what it’s worth. Some people are not going to like the ALCU for those widely known cases, not for the successes that they should have and did make.
Separation of Church and state, Christmas is a religious holiday, some times the constitution gets in the way of what some people want. ACLU stands up against both religious expression by the government and government spying on the people.

No. the ACLU represents the religion of Atheism, which cannot tolerate opposing viewpoints. Why is it that most other religious groups are not "offended" by these displays/holidays?

I think I proved a few posts back that your statement is untrue. The ACLU has represented Christians, and Christian students.

Unfortuntely, they really do pick and choose.
As far as I'm concerned, the ACLU is nothing what they were.
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The ACLU does not represent gun rights - they never have to my knowledge.
Kiwiman can you show any evidence that the ACLU has been involved with guns? (the second amendment rights of the individual to keep and bear arms)
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The ACLU does not represent gun rights - they never have to my knowledge.
Kiwiman can you show any evidence that the ACLU has been involved with guns?

I am not Kiwiman BUT there are some examples:
For gun ads on buses:
ACLU chimes in on Phoenix gun advertisement case | Arizona Capitol Times
Confiscated weapons:
ACLU Sues to Get RI Man His Guns | The Truth About GunsThe Truth About Guns

HOWEVER, their interpretation of the second contradicts the latest court ruling and they are attempting to call it a ‘collective’ right. They ARE selective on the rights they protect but as a private institution, that is there right to do.
Second Amendment | American Civil Liberties Union
The two examples you quoted were in reference to other rights than the second amendment. The first example was a first amendment arguement over a billboard sign and the second dealt with the fourth amendment right to property. In both cases the object of the suit was not the right to keep and bear arms.

It may be the right of the ACLU to choose what civil liberties they protect but the fact remains that they have never taken on a second amendment case. It is their view that it is not a civil liberty but rather a "collective" liberty that either no longer applies or only applies to a militia on "active duty".
The ACLU does not represent gun rights - they never have to my knowledge.
Kiwiman can you show any evidence that the ACLU has been involved with guns? (the second amendment rights of the individual to keep and bear arms)

From what I'm hearing from within the established political circles, the ACLU is going to finally declare itself in favor of the 2nd Amendment quite soon (2-4 years), especially if tyranny itself continues to spread like a pandemic.

The people at the ALCU fully understand what the 2nd Amendment is designed for. Notice they've never taken a stand AGAINST it.
The ACLU hsn't changed. They are still doing what they always have. They are completely non-partisan in their rabid and absolute defense of the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

We may disagree on an emotional level, but the facts never change.
The ACLU does not represent gun rights - they never have to my knowledge.
Kiwiman can you show any evidence that the ACLU has been involved with guns? (the second amendment rights of the individual to keep and bear arms)

From what I'm hearing from within the established political circles, the ACLU is going to finally declare itself in favor of the 2nd Amendment quite soon (2-4 years), especially if tyranny itself continues to spread like a pandemic.

The people at the ALCU fully understand what the 2nd Amendment is designed for. Notice they've never taken a stand AGAINST it.

Find any amendment they have taken a stand against.

People are missing the point here.

The ACLU will never "take a stand against" any part of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights because, they have only one purpose - to defend it. Period. End of discussion.

They are not right of left, not liberal and not conservative and you will never see them do anything that is.

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