ACORN--video # 5 San Diego, CA--how to get young prostitutes over border!!!!

No. She's not.

Obama is president and it's him that resides at 1600 Penn. Ave.

Besides, that bitch can't sign a bill into law, he can. I'm surprised that bitch can even write her own name!
ACORN announced they are doing an independent investigation. The white house is silent because they are waiting to see if this announcement by ACORN is enough to sweep this all under the rug. If the press goes silent then nothing will come of it.

I dont wanna be the one to say it but I can't not be said.

Why is Obama waiting? I mean he jumped right into the Professor Gates deal and jumped right ontop of Kanye West the other day?

I dont get it...its almost like he used to be their lawyer and doesn't want anything he may, or may not, have done with acorn to come to light?

Or maybe he has learned his lesson and is trying to look before he leaps this time?

I dunno...what say you?
Maybe ACORN has some information on Obama, Obama throws them under the bus, people in ACORN start talking, or documents come out. Perhaps Obama behind close doors are trying to figure out a way to save their own necks.[/QUOTE]

Obama has no ties to ACORN.

Full investigation of ACORN anyone?

Media are you there? Hello? Senate? Hello? House???? Mr President???? ANYONE??

Oh yeah there is that evil fox news, they are reporting it.....they must be racist :lol:


Seriously they need a full, in depth IRS style, investigation into their financing and policies before ANY more tax money goes there.

(in my best John Wayne voice).............Well, I'd like to tell ya Pilgrim......

Might wanna re-think your stand on the FAUX Noise not being racist. Did anyone else see that dude on Hannity? He's the "whitest kid you know". Not only that, but, as Jon Stewart pointed out, he looked like he just put on a fur coat over his Andover uniform. Did you also see the ridiculous way that he looked with the Elvis glasses?

Also.............did you notice that just about everyone on the tapes that were shown were BLACK? Just another example of the superior white person showing how corrupt the evil black people are. Same thing with this new tape, only they're going after Hispanics.

Yep.........keep drinking the kool-aid, FAUX Noise isn't racist.
The problem is that you're serious. The couple that brought ACORN down didn't work for Fox News. You try to paint this with the libtard coveted race card and it makes you look foolish. The couple had no control over the staffing of the ACORN offices or ACORN's desire to staff with employees that are more than willing to break numerous federal laws, as well as expose ACORN as having no ethical or moral decency.

But keep singing your tune. The more you and your party of tolerance play the race card, the more that gets overplayed to the point of indifference.
Full investigation of ACORN anyone?

Media are you there? Hello? Senate? Hello? House???? Mr President???? ANYONE??

Oh yeah there is that evil fox news, they are reporting it.....they must be racist :lol:


Seriously they need a full, in depth IRS style, investigation into their financing and policies before ANY more tax money goes there.

(in my best John Wayne voice).............Well, I'd like to tell ya Pilgrim......

Might wanna re-think your stand on the FAUX Noise not being racist. Did anyone else see that dude on Hannity? He's the "whitest kid you know". Not only that, but, as Jon Stewart pointed out, he looked like he just put on a fur coat over his Andover uniform. Did you also see the ridiculous way that he looked with the Elvis glasses?

Also.............did you notice that just about everyone on the tapes that were shown were BLACK? Just another example of the superior white person showing how corrupt the evil black people are. Same thing with this new tape, only they're going after Hispanics.

Yep.........keep drinking the kool-aid, FAUX Noise isn't racist.
The problem is that you're serious. The couple that brought ACORN down didn't work for Fox News. You try to paint this with the libtard coveted race card and it makes you look foolish. The couple had no control over the staffing of the ACORN offices or ACORN's desire to staff with employees that are more than willing to break numerous federal laws, as well as expose ACORN as having no ethical or moral decency.

But keep singing your tune. The more you and your party of tolerance play the race card, the more that gets overplayed to the point of indifference.

Yo..........fat cock smoking idiot that is full of sloshing red liquid, thinking they're the very personification of the kool aid drinking crowd.........guess what..........

You ARE the very personification of the kool aid drinking crowd of the right. That particular little "news" segment was commissioned by FAUX Noise.

Might wanna take off the blinders before you kill yourself.
Local, State & Federal Funding to ACORN should be stopped now.

A nationwide criminal investigation should be started.

And most importantly Obama's "real" ties to this garbage organization should be investigated and the truth be told.

Oh and isn't it funny to watch the White House throw ACORN under the bus, just like they are doing to all American Citizens and to our friends in Europe!

I agree that a full federal, state, and local investigation needs to happen and IF there are ties to Obama, pursued to the max.

I cannot abide corruption...we here in North San Diego Co. had enough of that with Duke Cunningham.
(in my best John Wayne voice).............Well, I'd like to tell ya Pilgrim......

Might wanna re-think your stand on the FAUX Noise not being racist. Did anyone else see that dude on Hannity? He's the "whitest kid you know". Not only that, but, as Jon Stewart pointed out, he looked like he just put on a fur coat over his Andover uniform. Did you also see the ridiculous way that he looked with the Elvis glasses?

Also.............did you notice that just about everyone on the tapes that were shown were BLACK? Just another example of the superior white person showing how corrupt the evil black people are. Same thing with this new tape, only they're going after Hispanics.

Yep.........keep drinking the kool-aid, FAUX Noise isn't racist.
The problem is that you're serious. The couple that brought ACORN down didn't work for Fox News. You try to paint this with the libtard coveted race card and it makes you look foolish. The couple had no control over the staffing of the ACORN offices or ACORN's desire to staff with employees that are more than willing to break numerous federal laws, as well as expose ACORN as having no ethical or moral decency.

But keep singing your tune. The more you and your party of tolerance play the race card, the more that gets overplayed to the point of indifference.

Yo..........fat cock smoking idiot that is full of sloshing red liquid, thinking they're the very personification of the kool aid drinking crowd.........guess what..........

You ARE the very personification of the kool aid drinking crowd of the right. That particular little "news" segment was commissioned by FAUX Noise.

Might wanna take off the blinders before you kill yourself.
You're saying that Fox News paid the couple to go to ACORN and bring them down? No, they didn't, but feel free to post your credible evidence with links to prove your claim.
The problem is that you're serious. The couple that brought ACORN down didn't work for Fox News. You try to paint this with the libtard coveted race card and it makes you look foolish. The couple had no control over the staffing of the ACORN offices or ACORN's desire to staff with employees that are more than willing to break numerous federal laws, as well as expose ACORN as having no ethical or moral decency.

But keep singing your tune. The more you and your party of tolerance play the race card, the more that gets overplayed to the point of indifference.

Yo..........fat cock smoking idiot that is full of sloshing red liquid, thinking they're the very personification of the kool aid drinking crowd.........guess what..........

You ARE the very personification of the kool aid drinking crowd of the right. That particular little "news" segment was commissioned by FAUX Noise.

Might wanna take off the blinders before you kill yourself.
You're saying that Fox News paid the couple to go to ACORN and bring them down? No, they didn't, but feel free to post your credible evidence with links to prove your claim.

Credible evidence?

Uhm, like swear to god?
Full investigation of ACORN anyone?

Media are you there? Hello? Senate? Hello? House???? Mr President???? ANYONE??

Oh yeah there is that evil fox news, they are reporting it.....they must be racist :lol:


Seriously they need a full, in depth IRS style, investigation into their financing and policies before ANY more tax money goes there.

(in my best John Wayne voice).............Well, I'd like to tell ya Pilgrim......

Might wanna re-think your stand on the FAUX Noise not being racist. Did anyone else see that dude on Hannity? He's the "whitest kid you know". Not only that, but, as Jon Stewart pointed out, he looked like he just put on a fur coat over his Andover uniform. Did you also see the ridiculous way that he looked with the Elvis glasses?

Also.............did you notice that just about everyone on the tapes that were shown were BLACK? Just another example of the superior white person showing how corrupt the evil black people are. Same thing with this new tape, only they're going after Hispanics.

Yep.........keep drinking the kool-aid, FAUX Noise isn't racist.
Well, you've just proven that you're nothing more than a lock-step Obamabot. Proven that you're friggin' idiot. Any further posts by you have now been deemed null and void from this point forward.
Can anyone please explain why the couple was white, and the ONLY PEOPLE BEING SHOWN were black?

I thought Acorn had white people in it too.
The Following is from the night Hannity broke the story of the new video.
I recorded it that night, but got called away before I could post it after recording it. Hannity also has an interview in this segment. It's about 10 minutes in length.

Can anyone please explain why the couple was white, and the ONLY PEOPLE BEING SHOWN were black?

I thought Acorn had white people in it too.

Apparently YOU haven't viewed the latest vid. First? Do your homework before making such statements, and second? Check your rascism at the door.

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