Acosta erupts & resigns

we could roll on another 50 years and never miss the labor sec.
You and most americans could, since all of you have no idea what he does or why we need the department.
Why we need the

The Constitution enumerated the powers for a stop us from being what we are today.............The Fed has too much power........and has abused it to Hell and back for personal gain.............

Oh........different subject.........I've shown the book and the flight records they used for proof..........what do you have ......hmmmm
there's 3 things in life that are certain: death, taxes, and karma. and karma has spoken and kicked out Acosta
Labor sect. resigns. The swamp has lost one more critter. Much can be said about trump and his presidency, but his choice in hiring is awful
Odd. Pedophiles Epstein and Clinton jet all over world to fuck underage girls and the only casualty, so far, is Trump's Labor Secretary who was ordered to go easy on Epstein

Democrats aren't interested in justice.
They're so desperate that they could care less who's life it ruins when the media pulls a stunt like this.

How many lives have been ruined since trump took office? How many of his underlings got the tossed under the bus by trump as did Sessions, Comey, Cohen, et al? How many women have been excoriated by trump? How many foreign leaders, Democratic leaders and anyone who dares not to bow before him have been insulted.

Did you not watch the recent scapegoat in trumps latest dog, pony and scapegoat show*** yesterday?

***see the video in the thread Dog, Pony and Scapegoat thread
Biden wants the old world back. This is part of the massive stench laden parts of the old world! Trump has stirred the swamp. And the old world if returned will spin this and put all of this in the forefront and make it legal.
When did I do that...............LOL
Uh...what? Your response makes no sense whatsoever.

Now, dont you think we should get to the bottom of the actual answer to the question posed to epstein?

Haha, nope. One mention of it and you derail.

Of course we can discuss clinton's relationship with epstein. Its literally been the topic of 90% of this thread's posts. Gonna throw a little fit, because its not 100%? Tough.
More butthurt from the lefty losers. Trump is the best POTUS in our lifetimes and he's winning every single day. He will be re-elected in a near landslide and you idiots will be screaming impotently at the sky...AGAIN!

:itsok: Keep telling yourself that.

Trump looked at his notes to remember the names of Acosta's replacement!
More butthurt from the lefty losers. Trump is the best POTUS in our lifetimes and he's winning every single day. He will be re-elected in a near landslide and you idiots will be screaming impotently at the sky...AGAIN!

:itsok: Keep telling yourself that.

I don’t have to, I see it every single day. It’s here in this thread.
Anyone else notice trump seemed to be under the influence of a sedative?
That's the effect of him having no clue what is going to come out of his own mouth next. Imagine having to submit to an oral exam on organic chemistry, without ever having learned a thing about organic chemistry. And that is our president nearly 100% of the time.
Hallelujah!! One more down! Should have never been appointed!!! Chop chop chop and soon the big one goes down too!!!

Acosta out as Trump Labor secretary

"Erupts?" I heard it was more like Trump fired him (asked him to resign).

One of the biggest differences between Trump and Obama is that Trump fires the people who don't live up to their expectations whereas Obama promoted them.

The other biggest problem for Trump is that he has few people to choose from to fill positions who are not known corrupt, Deep State, or Insider Obama and/or Hillary Chronys.
Hallelujah!! One more down! Should have never been appointed!!! Chop chop chop and soon the big one goes down too!!!

Acosta out as Trump Labor secretary

"Erupts?" I heard it was more like Trump fired him (asked him to resign).

One of the biggest differences between Trump and Obama is that Trump fires the people who don't live up to their expectations whereas Obama promoted them.

The other biggest problem for Trump is that he has few people to choose from to fill positions who are not known corrupt, Deep State, or Insider Obama and/or Hillary Chronys.
Here he is erupting, after Trump speaks at the start

Hallelujah!! One more down! Should have never been appointed!!! Chop chop chop and soon the big one goes down too!!!

Acosta out as Trump Labor secretary

"Erupts?" I heard it was more like Trump fired him (asked him to resign).

One of the biggest differences between Trump and Obama is that Trump fires the people who don't live up to their expectations whereas Obama promoted them.

The other biggest problem for Trump is that he has few people to choose from to fill positions who are not known corrupt, Deep State, or Insider Obama and/or Hillary Chronys.
Yep...the trumpster sure is being super cautious about the whole epstein thing.... Hmmm....
Hallelujah!! One more down! Should have never been appointed!!! Chop chop chop and soon the big one goes down too!!!

Acosta out as Trump Labor secretary

"Erupts?" I heard it was more like Trump fired him (asked him to resign).

One of the biggest differences between Trump and Obama is that Trump fires the people who don't live up to their expectations whereas Obama promoted them.

The other biggest problem for Trump is that he has few people to choose from to fill positions who are not known corrupt, Deep State, or Insider Obama and/or Hillary Chronys.
Here he is erupting, after Trump speaks at the start

Trump derangement syndrome... again

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