Acosta on Colbert

Paul Motter

Gold Member
Aug 29, 2018

Around two minutes in Colbert asks Jim how the acrimony from Trump started. Acosta says "6 days before the election I asked Trump about the Russian Dossier that had just come out and if he believed it was going to hurt him - and at that point he started calling CNN and me Fake News"

Do Liberals understand what the "Dossier" is? Do they know it is the document that was first commissioned by Republican Trump opponents but they dropped it. But word got out and the funding to finish and deliver it was paid (the largest portion of $$) by Hillary Clinton and the DNC. It contains egregious uncorroborated, unsubstantiated accusations written by an unemployed "former British Spy" (Christopher Steele) who even told the DNC when he delivered it "I can't guarantee that any of this is accurate."

The dossier asserts that Trump employed prostitutes in Moscow to pee on the bed that Obama once slept in - and other beyond ridiculous stories; a full-on smear job. The dossier was out there for months but not a single press outlet would touch the putrid crap until Buzzfeed decided they needed page views and so they reported that it existed and even posted it (But Buzzfeed did not know about its DNC funding yet, but the people who made it certainly knew - including Hillary).

Once it was out there other news outlets (CNN, Washpost, NYTimes) were free to report that someone had published it only because they could then refute responsibility for vetting its accuracy - they could just say it existed.

But even more insane this "dossier" was later used as the primary evidence by the FBI to get warrants to tap the phones and email in the Trump campaign to further investigate the lie about collusion between Trump and the Russian Government. And when the FISA judge asked about its veracity, the FBI cited the stories by Buzzfeed as proof (this is known as "circular reporting" - unethical). They did this not just once, but two more times as each warrant expired.

The story goes much deeper, including texts between Clinton and FBI people who had a "secret weapon" to use if Trump gt elected, which they never expected.

Now, FISA warrant documents are classified and so no one in the press has seen them, but Trump has been trying to get them released legally, which requires that the classified info is redacted first and that needs to be done by a non-partisan group with security clearance. Good luck on finding one of those that is impartial.

So - the beginning of Acosta's fight Trump is the "Dossier" which everyone now knows is a DNC plot purely to slander Trump, but that has now been used to obtain federal warrants so that the left can't agree it's fake anymore without refuting the reason for most of the Russian collusion Investigation.

And Acosta wonders why Trump doesn't like CNN in the first place?

More on the Dossier here: Collusion bombshell: DNC lawyers met with FBI on Russia allegations before surveillance warrant
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Here is more of Acosta editorializing at a White House press conference. I now agree that this guy is not a journalist, he is a talking head commentator

When Trump starts murdering journalists, conservatives will applaud.
Yes, we will, you twofaced assholes who also need to be shot for the Traitors to this country. Obama went and droned US citizens without due process, setting the precedence for President Trump. Now all of a sudden killing people like Obama did, is wrong?
When Trump starts murdering journalists, conservatives will applaud.
Yes, we will, you twofaced assholes who also need to be shot for the Traitors to this country.
^ yet these people deny it when called Nazi's. Not for much longer, I suppose.
You are saying that Obama was a Nazi for Droning US citizens without Due Process? Didnt you vote for him twice, thus making you culpable for being said Nazi?

Seig Heil mother fucker...

When Trump starts murdering journalists, conservatives will applaud.
Yes, we will, you twofaced assholes who also need to be shot for the Traitors to this country.
^ yet these people deny it when called Nazi's. Not for much longer, I suppose.
You are saying that Obama was a Nazi for Droning US citizens without Due Process? Didnt you vote for him twice, thus making you culpable for being said Nazi?

Seig Heil mother fucker...

Trump has ramped up drone strikes and asked the military to target civilians, women and children. Now you openly support murdering journalists. Look in the mirror, Nazi snowflake.
Here is more of Acosta editorializing at a White House press conference. I now agree that this guy is not a journalist, he is a talking head commentator

Yeah. He's no journalist. He's just another talking head commentator like you said.

He does this stuff for attention.

Around two minutes in Colbert asks Jim how the acrimony from Trump started. Acosta says "6 days before the election I asked Trump about the Russian Dossier that had just come out and if he believed it was going to hurt him - and at that point he started calling CNN and me Fake News"

Do Liberals understand what the "Dossier" is? Do they know it is the document that was first commissioned by Republican Trump opponents but they dropped it. But word got out and the funding to finish and deliver it was paid (the largest portion of $$) by Hillary Clinton and the DNC. It contains egregious uncorroborated, unsubstantiated accusations written by an unemployed "former British Spy" (Christopher Steele) who even told the DNC when he delivered it "I can't guarantee that any of this is accurate."

The dossier asserts that Trump employed prostitutes in Moscow to pee on the bed that Obama once slept in - and other beyond ridiculous stories; a full-on smear job. The dossier was out there for months but not a single press outlet would touch the putrid crap until Buzzfeed decided they needed page views and so they reported that it existed and even posted it (But Buzzfeed did not know about its DNC funding yet, but the people who made it certainly knew - including Hillary).

Once it was out there other news outlets (CNN, Washpost, NYTimes) were free to report that someone had published it only because they could then refute responsibility for vetting its accuracy - they could just say it existed.

----------- And???

Is that not the case? Does it not exist?

You're hippopotamsssing in the same rhetorical swamp Sean Spicer waddled into threatening to tell the world that a heckler at a book signing accused Spicer of racism. That happened too. It's on video. Yet Spicer wanted to hush that story up.

It ain't the media's job to find out whether Spicer called the guy a "******" or whether Rump had Russian prostitutes empty golden showers on a Ritz Carlton bed, unless they claim it actually happened.

Well -------------------------------------------------------------- they didn't.

So - the beginning of Acosta's fight Trump is the "Dossier" which everyone now knows is a DNC plot purely to slander Trump

"Everybody knows" is a bullshit fallacy. It's called Argumentum ad Populum. Because no, "everybody" doesn't "know".
When Trump starts murdering journalists, conservatives will applaud.
Yes, we will, you twofaced assholes who also need to be shot for the Traitors to this country.
^ yet these people deny it when called Nazi's. Not for much longer, I suppose.
You are saying that Obama was a Nazi for Droning US citizens without Due Process? Didnt you vote for him twice, thus making you culpable for being said Nazi?

Seig Heil mother fucker...

Trump has ramped up drone strikes and asked the military to target civilians, women and children. Now you openly support murdering journalists. Look in the mirror, Nazi snowflake.
The U.S. keeps killing Americans in drone strikes, mostly by accident

Between 384 and 807 civilians were killed in those countries, according to reports logged by the Bureau.
I have no problem with a bunch of you Traitorous liberals being taken out. If Obama can kill US citizens without Due Process, so can President Trump, I mean you all believe in FAIRNESS, right?
When Trump starts murdering journalists, conservatives will applaud.
Yes, we will, you twofaced assholes who also need to be shot for the Traitors to this country.
^ yet these people deny it when called Nazi's. Not for much longer, I suppose.
You are saying that Obama was a Nazi for Droning US citizens without Due Process? Didnt you vote for him twice, thus making you culpable for being said Nazi?

Seig Heil mother fucker...

Trump has ramped up drone strikes and asked the military to target civilians, women and children. Now you openly support murdering journalists. Look in the mirror, Nazi snowflake.
The U.S. keeps killing Americans in drone strikes, mostly by accident

Obama administration considering drone killing of US citizen

Obama’s covert drone war in numbers: ten times more strikes than Bush
Between 384 and 807 civilians were killed in those countries, according to reports logged by the Bureau.
I have no problem with a bunch of you Traitorous liberals being taken out. If Obama can kill US citizens without Due Process, so can President Trump, I mean you all believe in FAIRNESS, right?
Yeah, I will be laughing too, watching you burn like Obama's disposition matrix did to those US citizens...

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