Across America's big cities, arrest #'s plummet, violence explodes.

Baltimore & Chicago just need MORE of other people's MONEY...just like Detroit did for so many decades.

It is what happens when Democrats get complete control of a place.

It becomes a Government Plantation. NO personal responsibility for Shit!

Problem for Democrats is that the most common question you get from a tenant on the Government Plantation is:

What have you done for me TODAY?
The only reason plantations succeeded is because the lazy people who owned the land needed slaves to do their work. Those who owned slaves were LAZY CHEAP people. Facts are facts.
Well hell, when you take the force responsible for law and order.

Make them the bad guys and try to sway public opinion against them...............

I think they should all lay in their beds / sit on their couches and let the criminals that keep playing you folks for such stupid rubes have their way with you all.

When there is chaos in the streets and you need a cop, I hope they give you the finger as they turn their backs and ignore you.
The only reason plantations succeeded is because the lazy people who owned the land needed slaves to do their work. Those who owned slaves were LAZY CHEAP people. Facts are facts.

Right just like the Europeans were so much smarter and educated than the native american.

Plantation owners were much smarter than the ni$$ers they took mercy on providing food / water / shelter and medical attention for ignorant loin cloth wearing heathens.

Dark skinned heathens ...............
It might be pretty canny of those democrats. Put the undesirables all together. Give them whatever they want. Then slowly reduce resources and watch them kill each other off.
Same thing here in South Carolina. Charleston and Columbia especially. Constant murders every day. I see like 20% the number of patrol cars I did a year ago.

Remember all these years many wondered what would happen if all cops just said fuck it? We're slowly but surely finding out.
I am not sure about anybody else but I have a hard time taking any movement seriously that has # in front of it.
When will the black community say enough?

They want, no one in that camp is smart enough to realize what they are doing to each other .........

Besides don't you know it is the white conservative cracker who is the real problem??
When will the black community say enough?

When will it ever be Politically Correct to ask if the Black community bears some responsibility for the disastrous shape it is in.

Seems like, after half a century of the Great Society, the War on Poverty, and Affirmative Action...its time to have that talk.
Maybe they should just turn over policing and justice of inner cities to gangs.

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