Acting US Navy secretary resigns

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

The acting secretary of the US Navy has resigned amid uproar over his handling of a coronavirus outbreak on an aircraft carrier.

Thomas Modly fired the USS Theodore Roosevelt's captain after he pleaded for help in a letter leaked to media.

Mr Modly apologised on Monday after it emerged he had called Captain Brett Crozier's actions "naive" and "stupid".

Is Captain Crozier a hero of the Corona War or a commie subversive ?

I like the story of the crew applauding him when he left the ship. That must be worth more than any medal.


The acting secretary of the US Navy has resigned amid uproar over his handling of a coronavirus outbreak on an aircraft carrier.

Thomas Modly fired the USS Theodore Roosevelt's captain after he pleaded for help in a letter leaked to media.

Mr Modly apologised on Monday after it emerged he had called Captain Brett Crozier's actions "naive" and "stupid".

Is Captain Crozier a hero of the Corona War or a commie subversive ?

I like the story of the crew applauding him when he left the ship. That must be worth more than any medal.

As with all organizations, you take your cues from your leaders. For better and worse. When you have the blob telling lies, calling people names, etc... it's only a matter of time until you copy the actions of your boss.
At least someone has enough honor to resign. Too bad politicians and government bureaucrats refuse to resign when most should.
At least someone has enough honor to resign. Too bad politicians and government bureaucrats refuse to resign when most should.
If you can call being ordered to fall on your sword 'resigning'.

The acting secretary of the US Navy has resigned amid uproar over his handling of a coronavirus outbreak on an aircraft carrier.

Thomas Modly fired the USS Theodore Roosevelt's captain after he pleaded for help in a letter leaked to media.

Mr Modly apologised on Monday after it emerged he had called Captain Brett Crozier's actions "naive" and "stupid".

Is Captain Crozier a hero of the Corona War or a commie subversive ?

I like the story of the crew applauding him when he left the ship. That must be worth more than any medal.
This story is about the US Navy, not the Royal Navy

so its no business of yours

The acting secretary of the US Navy has resigned amid uproar over his handling of a coronavirus outbreak on an aircraft carrier.

Thomas Modly fired the USS Theodore Roosevelt's captain after he pleaded for help in a letter leaked to media.

Mr Modly apologised on Monday after it emerged he had called Captain Brett Crozier's actions "naive" and "stupid".

Is Captain Crozier a hero of the Corona War or a commie subversive ?

I like the story of the crew applauding him when he left the ship. That must be worth more than any medal.
A Navy officer leaked a letter to the media. He was going to get “fired”, or removed from his post no matter what.

The acting secretary of the US Navy has resigned amid uproar over his handling of a coronavirus outbreak on an aircraft carrier.

Thomas Modly fired the USS Theodore Roosevelt's captain after he pleaded for help in a letter leaked to media.

Mr Modly apologised on Monday after it emerged he had called Captain Brett Crozier's actions "naive" and "stupid".

Is Captain Crozier a hero of the Corona War or a commie subversive ?

I like the story of the crew applauding him when he left the ship. That must be worth more than any medal.
A Navy officer leaked a letter to the media. He was going to get “fired”, or removed from his post no matter what.
For trying to save the lives of his crew ? Seems very harsh.
no sailors on the USS Roosevelt died from the chinese disease

nor is it likely more would have died at sea than on land
The man was tone deaf when it comes to dealing with a nation in the middle of an epidemic.

I’m surprised the crew didn’t hang him

The acting secretary of the US Navy has resigned amid uproar over his handling of a coronavirus outbreak on an aircraft carrier.

Thomas Modly fired the USS Theodore Roosevelt's captain after he pleaded for help in a letter leaked to media.

Mr Modly apologised on Monday after it emerged he had called Captain Brett Crozier's actions "naive" and "stupid".

Is Captain Crozier a hero of the Corona War or a commie subversive ?

I like the story of the crew applauding him when he left the ship. That must be worth more than any medal.
A Navy officer leaked a letter to the media. He was going to get “fired”, or removed from his post no matter what.

Nobody from the media was on the distribution. He gave it wide dissemination due to the need for immediate action
This situation is of interest to me. I’ve read about it as it was going on, and knew it was only a matter of time before the jackass Moldy resigned.

To really understand it, you have to start at the beginning. A Carrier has nearly 5,000 people aboard. That is the population of a good sized town living in a skyscraper. Using the same facilities, breathing the same air, sleeping inches away from one another. Sitting close to each other as they eat. To say it is a perfect environment for disease to spread is an understatement.

To battle this they have some quarantine ability, but not nearly enough. So when something comes up like Coronavirus, they are somewhat hamstrung. Lack of testing is a problem for us all, not just the Navy, but you can see where it would be a serious problem aboard a ship. So the Captain of the Ship when he realized that this was the worst case scenario started to call for permission to do several common sense things that we are doing for every single other ship. Docking, testing, treatment, and quarantine. You know, what is happening for those cruise ships as one example.

The Navy started to drag their feet. They did not want to lose the ability to project force. But that projection would have been a little more than a shadow puppet. There is no way that you can conduct combat operations with a even a small percentage of the crew ill. Remember Rommel had serious problems with Dysentery during the North African battles, and that reduced the numbers of soldiers available for combat operations. Those who were available would have been weakened.

So the Captain committed the ultimate sin. He put his concerns and requests in writing. This makes his concerns and requests a matter of official record, and he copied in everyone who had oversight of the ship. That is a lot of people. You have the Nuclear Propulsion division of the Navy overseeing the reactors. They had to be notified that the crew was at risk of getting this bug and that might reduce the available personnel to oversee the reactors to well below mandated numbers. Flight Operations falls under another Navy Office, Personnel Command, Combat Commands, Medical Commands. All of those offices have oversight of the Carrier, and probably many more.

The Captain was chastised for leaking the Memo, but nobody was able to show he did it. When that flaw was pointed out, the claims of Moldy were that the Captain sent it to so many people knowing that someone would leak it to the press. Well sure, someone would. But why in the name of all that is Holy did it take the Press learning of it to get the Navy to do what they should have done in the first place? Dock the ship, and start treating the sick and screening the others, and evacuating as many as possible to quarantine and testing?

Now, Moldy was embarrassed. He decided someone had to be punished for making him look like an ass. Sadly, Moldy didn’t realize that the person who made him look like an Ass was himself. So Moldy fired the Captain, thus showing how shallow he was, and there would be other examples.

When the Captain departed the ship, the crew cheered him. The Captain was doing his job, taking care of the ship, and the crew. His responsibilities are first the Reactor, then the Ship, and then the crew. He must protect them in that order.

Now, we come to the Sailors and why they cheered. Those sailors are volunteers one and all. They know they face the danger of death, or serious maiming injury during their service. They accept those risks. Not because they are adrenaline junkies. But because they believe the risk is worth it. Part of what makes it worth the risk is the belief that their leaders, from the President on down, will not risk them unnecessarily. By leaving them on the ship, and dicking around instead of making the decisions that needed to be made, the Sailors knew that their lives and health was being risked in the most unnecessary way possible.

So they cheered the Captain. They cheered him and let him know they appreciated that he risked his own career to protect them. The Captain was willing to sacrifice for his people, and they knew it, and would probably follow him into hell without hesitation. He risked for them. Loyalty not only flows up, but flows down.

Moldy saw this and was enraged. How dare those sailors defy him when they should have considered the Captain a Disgrace. Moldy was so incensed he flew to Guam to shout at the Sailors. He called the Captain an idiot. Well there was an idiot involved but it wasn’t the Captain.

Moldy was thin skinned and had no idea what made the Navy, or any Military unit work. Modly served seven years in the Navy as a Helicopter Pilot. This seems hard to believe, and easy to believe. I suspect he was an officer like the Lieutenant in Good Morning Vietnam. The kind who thought that being an officer was all about the salutes and how the men showed respect.

To fly to Guam and chastise the crew shows how petty and vindictive he is. To call the Captain an idiot guaranteed that no enlisted in the navy would ever respect him ever again. No officer would believe that the Chain of Command would do the right thing, because of the actions of one Martinet who was given a job where he had no damned business being.

On Paper, he may be a good choice, but in practice, he dropped the ball the second it was handed to him. Captain Crozier‘s career may be over. Hell, we need to be honest, it’s over. But he will go down as a hero who placed honor and integrity first and foremost ahead of all other political considerations. The Junior Officers and Enlisted will speak of him with reverence. And I have no doubt that Captain Crozier will get a job once this plague is over. Because let’s say he works for Lockheed, then everyone will know that Crozier won’t sign off on something unless it is right, not just good enough. Lockheed would love that sort of obvious symbol of integrity, as would many other Defense Contractors.

Moldy, I wouldn’t trust him to confirm that Night was Dark and Day was Light. His Government career is over. I know he was a teacher at the Air Force Academy. I doubt he’ll be able to get another similar position. I can’t imagine anyone hiring him knowing that at the first sign of pressure he lashes out and acts impulsively. Perhaps he has a future as a District Manager of some fast food chain, but I would sincerely doubt it.
no sailors on the USS Roosevelt died from the chinese disease

nor is it likely more would have died at sea than on land

It is almost certain that far more would have gotten sick. It is therefore more likely that more would die, since Sailors like everyone else have other medical considerations. The Captain got it, and we don’t know how severe a case it might be yet, but we know that the Captain wasn’t down in the Sickbay tending to the ill.
This situation is of interest to me. I’ve read about it as it was going on, and knew it was only a matter of time before the jackass Moldy resigned.

To really understand it, you have to start at the beginning. A Carrier has nearly 5,000 people aboard. That is the population of a good sized town living in a skyscraper. Using the same facilities, breathing the same air, sleeping inches away from one another. Sitting close to each other as they eat. To say it is a perfect environment for disease to spread is an understatement.

To battle this they have some quarantine ability, but not nearly enough. So when something comes up like Coronavirus, they are somewhat hamstrung. Lack of testing is a problem for us all, not just the Navy, but you can see where it would be a serious problem aboard a ship. So the Captain of the Ship when he realized that this was the worst case scenario started to call for permission to do several common sense things that we are doing for every single other ship. Docking, testing, treatment, and quarantine. You know, what is happening for those cruise ships as one example.

The Navy started to drag their feet. They did not want to lose the ability to project force. But that projection would have been a little more than a shadow puppet. There is no way that you can conduct combat operations with a even a small percentage of the crew ill. Remember Rommel had serious problems with Dysentery during the North African battles, and that reduced the numbers of soldiers available for combat operations. Those who were available would have been weakened.

So the Captain committed the ultimate sin. He put his concerns and requests in writing. This makes his concerns and requests a matter of official record, and he copied in everyone who had oversight of the ship. That is a lot of people. You have the Nuclear Propulsion division of the Navy overseeing the reactors. They had to be notified that the crew was at risk of getting this bug and that might reduce the available personnel to oversee the reactors to well below mandated numbers. Flight Operations falls under another Navy Office, Personnel Command, Combat Commands, Medical Commands. All of those offices have oversight of the Carrier, and probably many more.

The Captain was chastised for leaking the Memo, but nobody was able to show he did it. When that flaw was pointed out, the claims of Moldy were that the Captain sent it to so many people knowing that someone would leak it to the press. Well sure, someone would. But why in the name of all that is Holy did it take the Press learning of it to get the Navy to do what they should have done in the first place? Dock the ship, and start treating the sick and screening the others, and evacuating as many as possible to quarantine and testing?

Now, Moldy was embarrassed. He decided someone had to be punished for making him look like an ass. Sadly, Moldy didn’t realize that the person who made him look like an Ass was himself. So Moldy fired the Captain, thus showing how shallow he was, and there would be other examples.

When the Captain departed the ship, the crew cheered him. The Captain was doing his job, taking care of the ship, and the crew. His responsibilities are first the Reactor, then the Ship, and then the crew. He must protect them in that order.

Now, we come to the Sailors and why they cheered. Those sailors are volunteers one and all. They know they face the danger of death, or serious maiming injury during their service. They accept those risks. Not because they are adrenaline junkies. But because they believe the risk is worth it. Part of what makes it worth the risk is the belief that their leaders, from the President on down, will not risk them unnecessarily. By leaving them on the ship, and dicking around instead of making the decisions that needed to be made, the Sailors knew that their lives and health was being risked in the most unnecessary way possible.

So they cheered the Captain. They cheered him and let him know they appreciated that he risked his own career to protect them. The Captain was willing to sacrifice for his people, and they knew it, and would probably follow him into hell without hesitation. He risked for them. Loyalty not only flows up, but flows down.

Moldy saw this and was enraged. How dare those sailors defy him when they should have considered the Captain a Disgrace. Moldy was so incensed he flew to Guam to shout at the Sailors. He called the Captain an idiot. Well there was an idiot involved but it wasn’t the Captain.

Moldy was thin skinned and had no idea what made the Navy, or any Military unit work. Modly served seven years in the Navy as a Helicopter Pilot. This seems hard to believe, and easy to believe. I suspect he was an officer like the Lieutenant in Good Morning Vietnam. The kind who thought that being an officer was all about the salutes and how the men showed respect.

To fly to Guam and chastise the crew shows how petty and vindictive he is. To call the Captain an idiot guaranteed that no enlisted in the navy would ever respect him ever again. No officer would believe that the Chain of Command would do the right thing, because of the actions of one Martinet who was given a job where he had no damned business being.

On Paper, he may be a good choice, but in practice, he dropped the ball the second it was handed to him. Captain Crozier‘s career may be over. Hell, we need to be honest, it’s over. But he will go down as a hero who placed honor and integrity first and foremost ahead of all other political considerations. The Junior Officers and Enlisted will speak of him with reverence. And I have no doubt that Captain Crozier will get a job once this plague is over. Because let’s say he works for Lockheed, then everyone will know that Crozier won’t sign off on something unless it is right, not just good enough. Lockheed would love that sort of obvious symbol of integrity, as would many other Defense Contractors.

Moldy, I wouldn’t trust him to confirm that Night was Dark and Day was Light. His Government career is over. I know he was a teacher at the Air Force Academy. I doubt he’ll be able to get another similar position. I can’t imagine anyone hiring him knowing that at the first sign of pressure he lashes out and acts impulsively. Perhaps he has a future as a District Manager of some fast food chain, but I would sincerely doubt it.
I suspect that once a new administration comes in that Capt Crozier will find this whole sad episode erased from his record.

To date, he has not been given a fair hearing of charges. I suspect the Navy wants this whole thing to go away.
no sailors on the USS Roosevelt died from the chinese disease

nor is it likely more would have died at sea than on land

It is almost certain that far more would have gotten sick. It is therefore more likely that more would die, since Sailors like everyone else have other medical considerations. The Captain got it, and we don’t know how severe a case it might be yet, but we know that the Captain wasn’t down in the Sickbay tending to the ill.
So are we going to cancel national defense along with the economy?

very few young military with no underlying conditions will die from the chinese disease anywhere in the world

and the mission must continue
This situation is of interest to me. I’ve read about it as it was going on, and knew it was only a matter of time before the jackass Moldy resigned.

To really understand it, you have to start at the beginning. A Carrier has nearly 5,000 people aboard. That is the population of a good sized town living in a skyscraper. Using the same facilities, breathing the same air, sleeping inches away from one another. Sitting close to each other as they eat. To say it is a perfect environment for disease to spread is an understatement.

To battle this they have some quarantine ability, but not nearly enough. So when something comes up like Coronavirus, they are somewhat hamstrung. Lack of testing is a problem for us all, not just the Navy, but you can see where it would be a serious problem aboard a ship. So the Captain of the Ship when he realized that this was the worst case scenario started to call for permission to do several common sense things that we are doing for every single other ship. Docking, testing, treatment, and quarantine. You know, what is happening for those cruise ships as one example.

The Navy started to drag their feet. They did not want to lose the ability to project force. But that projection would have been a little more than a shadow puppet. There is no way that you can conduct combat operations with a even a small percentage of the crew ill. Remember Rommel had serious problems with Dysentery during the North African battles, and that reduced the numbers of soldiers available for combat operations. Those who were available would have been weakened.

So the Captain committed the ultimate sin. He put his concerns and requests in writing. This makes his concerns and requests a matter of official record, and he copied in everyone who had oversight of the ship. That is a lot of people. You have the Nuclear Propulsion division of the Navy overseeing the reactors. They had to be notified that the crew was at risk of getting this bug and that might reduce the available personnel to oversee the reactors to well below mandated numbers. Flight Operations falls under another Navy Office, Personnel Command, Combat Commands, Medical Commands. All of those offices have oversight of the Carrier, and probably many more.

The Captain was chastised for leaking the Memo, but nobody was able to show he did it. When that flaw was pointed out, the claims of Moldy were that the Captain sent it to so many people knowing that someone would leak it to the press. Well sure, someone would. But why in the name of all that is Holy did it take the Press learning of it to get the Navy to do what they should have done in the first place? Dock the ship, and start treating the sick and screening the others, and evacuating as many as possible to quarantine and testing?

Now, Moldy was embarrassed. He decided someone had to be punished for making him look like an ass. Sadly, Moldy didn’t realize that the person who made him look like an Ass was himself. So Moldy fired the Captain, thus showing how shallow he was, and there would be other examples.

When the Captain departed the ship, the crew cheered him. The Captain was doing his job, taking care of the ship, and the crew. His responsibilities are first the Reactor, then the Ship, and then the crew. He must protect them in that order.

Now, we come to the Sailors and why they cheered. Those sailors are volunteers one and all. They know they face the danger of death, or serious maiming injury during their service. They accept those risks. Not because they are adrenaline junkies. But because they believe the risk is worth it. Part of what makes it worth the risk is the belief that their leaders, from the President on down, will not risk them unnecessarily. By leaving them on the ship, and dicking around instead of making the decisions that needed to be made, the Sailors knew that their lives and health was being risked in the most unnecessary way possible.

So they cheered the Captain. They cheered him and let him know they appreciated that he risked his own career to protect them. The Captain was willing to sacrifice for his people, and they knew it, and would probably follow him into hell without hesitation. He risked for them. Loyalty not only flows up, but flows down.

Moldy saw this and was enraged. How dare those sailors defy him when they should have considered the Captain a Disgrace. Moldy was so incensed he flew to Guam to shout at the Sailors. He called the Captain an idiot. Well there was an idiot involved but it wasn’t the Captain.

Moldy was thin skinned and had no idea what made the Navy, or any Military unit work. Modly served seven years in the Navy as a Helicopter Pilot. This seems hard to believe, and easy to believe. I suspect he was an officer like the Lieutenant in Good Morning Vietnam. The kind who thought that being an officer was all about the salutes and how the men showed respect.

To fly to Guam and chastise the crew shows how petty and vindictive he is. To call the Captain an idiot guaranteed that no enlisted in the navy would ever respect him ever again. No officer would believe that the Chain of Command would do the right thing, because of the actions of one Martinet who was given a job where he had no damned business being.

On Paper, he may be a good choice, but in practice, he dropped the ball the second it was handed to him. Captain Crozier‘s career may be over. Hell, we need to be honest, it’s over. But he will go down as a hero who placed honor and integrity first and foremost ahead of all other political considerations. The Junior Officers and Enlisted will speak of him with reverence. And I have no doubt that Captain Crozier will get a job once this plague is over. Because let’s say he works for Lockheed, then everyone will know that Crozier won’t sign off on something unless it is right, not just good enough. Lockheed would love that sort of obvious symbol of integrity, as would many other Defense Contractors.

Moldy, I wouldn’t trust him to confirm that Night was Dark and Day was Light. His Government career is over. I know he was a teacher at the Air Force Academy. I doubt he’ll be able to get another similar position. I can’t imagine anyone hiring him knowing that at the first sign of pressure he lashes out and acts impulsively. Perhaps he has a future as a District Manager of some fast food chain, but I would sincerely doubt it.
I suspect that once a new administration comes in that Capt Crozier will find this whole sad episode erased from his record.

To date, he has not been given a fair hearing of charges. I suspect the Navy wants this whole thing to go away.
Crozier acted very irresponsibly by going outside and over the heads of his chain of command
This situation is of interest to me. I’ve read about it as it was going on, and knew it was only a matter of time before the jackass Moldy resigned.

To really understand it, you have to start at the beginning. A Carrier has nearly 5,000 people aboard. That is the population of a good sized town living in a skyscraper. Using the same facilities, breathing the same air, sleeping inches away from one another. Sitting close to each other as they eat. To say it is a perfect environment for disease to spread is an understatement.

To battle this they have some quarantine ability, but not nearly enough. So when something comes up like Coronavirus, they are somewhat hamstrung. Lack of testing is a problem for us all, not just the Navy, but you can see where it would be a serious problem aboard a ship. So the Captain of the Ship when he realized that this was the worst case scenario started to call for permission to do several common sense things that we are doing for every single other ship. Docking, testing, treatment, and quarantine. You know, what is happening for those cruise ships as one example.

The Navy started to drag their feet. They did not want to lose the ability to project force. But that projection would have been a little more than a shadow puppet. There is no way that you can conduct combat operations with a even a small percentage of the crew ill. Remember Rommel had serious problems with Dysentery during the North African battles, and that reduced the numbers of soldiers available for combat operations. Those who were available would have been weakened.

So the Captain committed the ultimate sin. He put his concerns and requests in writing. This makes his concerns and requests a matter of official record, and he copied in everyone who had oversight of the ship. That is a lot of people. You have the Nuclear Propulsion division of the Navy overseeing the reactors. They had to be notified that the crew was at risk of getting this bug and that might reduce the available personnel to oversee the reactors to well below mandated numbers. Flight Operations falls under another Navy Office, Personnel Command, Combat Commands, Medical Commands. All of those offices have oversight of the Carrier, and probably many more.

The Captain was chastised for leaking the Memo, but nobody was able to show he did it. When that flaw was pointed out, the claims of Moldy were that the Captain sent it to so many people knowing that someone would leak it to the press. Well sure, someone would. But why in the name of all that is Holy did it take the Press learning of it to get the Navy to do what they should have done in the first place? Dock the ship, and start treating the sick and screening the others, and evacuating as many as possible to quarantine and testing?

Now, Moldy was embarrassed. He decided someone had to be punished for making him look like an ass. Sadly, Moldy didn’t realize that the person who made him look like an Ass was himself. So Moldy fired the Captain, thus showing how shallow he was, and there would be other examples.

When the Captain departed the ship, the crew cheered him. The Captain was doing his job, taking care of the ship, and the crew. His responsibilities are first the Reactor, then the Ship, and then the crew. He must protect them in that order.

Now, we come to the Sailors and why they cheered. Those sailors are volunteers one and all. They know they face the danger of death, or serious maiming injury during their service. They accept those risks. Not because they are adrenaline junkies. But because they believe the risk is worth it. Part of what makes it worth the risk is the belief that their leaders, from the President on down, will not risk them unnecessarily. By leaving them on the ship, and dicking around instead of making the decisions that needed to be made, the Sailors knew that their lives and health was being risked in the most unnecessary way possible.

So they cheered the Captain. They cheered him and let him know they appreciated that he risked his own career to protect them. The Captain was willing to sacrifice for his people, and they knew it, and would probably follow him into hell without hesitation. He risked for them. Loyalty not only flows up, but flows down.

Moldy saw this and was enraged. How dare those sailors defy him when they should have considered the Captain a Disgrace. Moldy was so incensed he flew to Guam to shout at the Sailors. He called the Captain an idiot. Well there was an idiot involved but it wasn’t the Captain.

Moldy was thin skinned and had no idea what made the Navy, or any Military unit work. Modly served seven years in the Navy as a Helicopter Pilot. This seems hard to believe, and easy to believe. I suspect he was an officer like the Lieutenant in Good Morning Vietnam. The kind who thought that being an officer was all about the salutes and how the men showed respect.

To fly to Guam and chastise the crew shows how petty and vindictive he is. To call the Captain an idiot guaranteed that no enlisted in the navy would ever respect him ever again. No officer would believe that the Chain of Command would do the right thing, because of the actions of one Martinet who was given a job where he had no damned business being.

On Paper, he may be a good choice, but in practice, he dropped the ball the second it was handed to him. Captain Crozier‘s career may be over. Hell, we need to be honest, it’s over. But he will go down as a hero who placed honor and integrity first and foremost ahead of all other political considerations. The Junior Officers and Enlisted will speak of him with reverence. And I have no doubt that Captain Crozier will get a job once this plague is over. Because let’s say he works for Lockheed, then everyone will know that Crozier won’t sign off on something unless it is right, not just good enough. Lockheed would love that sort of obvious symbol of integrity, as would many other Defense Contractors.

Moldy, I wouldn’t trust him to confirm that Night was Dark and Day was Light. His Government career is over. I know he was a teacher at the Air Force Academy. I doubt he’ll be able to get another similar position. I can’t imagine anyone hiring him knowing that at the first sign of pressure he lashes out and acts impulsively. Perhaps he has a future as a District Manager of some fast food chain, but I would sincerely doubt it.
I cant imagine Crozier being allowed to remain in the Navy much less being trusted with another command

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