Active Duty Soldier Illegally Disarmed!

When American Pigs try violate your rights the best thing to do is invoke your 5th Amendment Rights and let the "Public Servants" dig themselves a real deep hole.

Thankfully this was recorded and can be used in a Trial.

The best outcome would be that this man gets a huge settlement and those Pigs get fired.

Open Carry is Legal, Concealed Carry is what needs the permit.
I've been trying to get the resident USMB Active Duty and Retired Military posters to comment on Open Carry and Concealed Carry but they won't.

Either they don't know the difference or their too scared to say whose side they're on.

By "Supporting Law Enforcement" all the time you can paint yourself into a corner real easy.
No. The guy and his son filmed it. The original is on youtube.

The interview is on

haznut - your the reason people become slaves.
What a belligerent jackass.

Jackass: "the law says if you feel threatened you can disarm me"
Mustache cop: "I feel threatened"
Jackass: "well if you feel threatened then you are a sorry excuse for a police officer"
I wont back down, no I wont back down.
You can stand me up at the gates of hell
but i wont back down
I wont back down, no I wont back down.
You can stand me up at the gates of hell
but i wont back down

What a belligerent jackass.

Jackass: "the law says if you feel threatened you can disarm me"
Mustache cop: "I feel threatened"
Jackass: "well if you feel threatened then you are a sorry excuse for a police officer"

This guy was looking for a fight. If I see someone walking down my street with a gun in his hand, I am going to feel threatened, and when the cops show up I would expect them to disarm the individual. The whole point is that if this man had been cooperative, there would not have been a problem.

This guy will likely serve time because he created a dangerous situation by being uncooperative. Having the right to carry a gun does not give someone the right to wave it in the face of others and threaten them with it. Civil suit? LOL, Good Luck with that.
I'm sorry, but you don't go and act like a drunk and belligerent fuck to the police, I don't care who the fuck you are.

That apprehended guy is acting like a fucking ass hole.
I bet you eat GMOs all day long. Bootlicker

No, I stay away from GMO's because I'm health-conscious, which is something that can't be said of your average belligerent fat teabagger living in a red state that can't support itself and sucks tax dollars from all the big blue states and then has the audacity to pay lip-service to "individual responsibility".

Texas is maybe the only red state in the union that pays more in federal taxes than it gets back. But not the other fat fucking red states. From Kentucky to Tennessee, from Kansas to Arkansas, from Louisiana to Mississippi, from Utah to Idaho to Oklahoma, GMO-lovin' fat white teabaggers criticize the rest of us for being "takers", but the rest of us are here to say that you're a bunch of fat fucking know-nothings.

The First Lady's suggestion to eat better is not tyranny. It's a useful suggestion that might help us lower healthcare costs for all the fat teabagging losers in fly-over country who are addicted to beef and cheese and corn products.

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