Activists just put a giant REFUGEES WELCOME sign on the Statue of Liberty


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
Activists just put a giant REFUGEES WELCOME sign on the Statue of Liberty
Source: fusion

By Rafi Schwartz

Activists in New York City unfurled a massive banner across the base of the Statue of Liberty on Tuesday. The message, while perhaps lacking the lyricism of Emma Lazarus’ iconic “New Colossus,” could hardly be misinterpreted.


“This was first conceived in response to what’s been called the ‘travel ban’ of the Trump administration, which I think flies in the face of the founding principals of the United States,” he told to me over the phone.

“I think the Statue of Liberty is our best symbol of the role that immigrants have played and continue to play every day in this country,” he added later.

David said that, while unfurling the banner at the statue’s base, his group was met with overwhelmingly positive feedback from tourists—many of whom appeared to be from outside the United States—visiting at the time..............................

Read more: Activists just used the Statue of Liberty itself for an incredible anti-Trump protest


Damn straight!
Was it in the form of a Burkah and then did they try to stone her to death for daring to show her toes and face?

Lady Liberty is guilty of an Islamic Dress Code Violation so it would not shock me if these same activists lopped her head off when they get the chance.

What A Whore!

Ollie Assburn!
Activists just put a giant REFUGEES WELCOME sign on the Statue of Liberty
Source: fusion

By Rafi Schwartz

Activists in New York City unfurled a massive banner across the base of the Statue of Liberty on Tuesday. The message, while perhaps lacking the lyricism of Emma Lazarus’ iconic “New Colossus,” could hardly be misinterpreted.


“This was first conceived in response to what’s been called the ‘travel ban’ of the Trump administration, which I think flies in the face of the founding principals of the United States,” he told to me over the phone.

“I think the Statue of Liberty is our best symbol of the role that immigrants have played and continue to play every day in this country,” he added later.

David said that, while unfurling the banner at the statue’s base, his group was met with overwhelmingly positive feedback from tourists—many of whom appeared to be from outside the United States—visiting at the time..............................

Read more: Activists just used the Statue of Liberty itself for an incredible anti-Trump protest


Damn straight!

Activists just put a giant REFUGEES WELCOME sign on the Statue of Liberty
Source: fusion

By Rafi Schwartz

Activists in New York City unfurled a massive banner across the base of the Statue of Liberty on Tuesday. The message, while perhaps lacking the lyricism of Emma Lazarus’ iconic “New Colossus,” could hardly be misinterpreted.


“This was first conceived in response to what’s been called the ‘travel ban’ of the Trump administration, which I think flies in the face of the founding principals of the United States,” he told to me over the phone.

“I think the Statue of Liberty is our best symbol of the role that immigrants have played and continue to play every day in this country,” he added later.

David said that, while unfurling the banner at the statue’s base, his group was met with overwhelmingly positive feedback from tourists—many of whom appeared to be from outside the United States—visiting at the time..............................

Read more: Activists just used the Statue of Liberty itself for an incredible anti-Trump protest


Damn straight!
Did they leave a check? Fuck no!
That Trump and the people that follow him don't like you.
Some do....some don't.

I'm a conservative Republican, and have zero in common with liberals.

In my opinion, Muslims shouldn't be getting all cozy with the Democrat left.

They are being used, much like the blacks have been used by the Democrat's for decades. I don't want to see the muslim people also trapped on the Democrat plantation. .... :cool:
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The anti-Trump tantrum continues. They won't ever get over it, exposing themselves as the fools that they are in the process.
Activists just put a giant REFUGEES WELCOME sign on the Statue of Liberty
Source: fusion

By Rafi Schwartz

Activists in New York City unfurled a massive banner across the base of the Statue of Liberty on Tuesday. The message, while perhaps lacking the lyricism of Emma Lazarus’ iconic “New Colossus,” could hardly be misinterpreted.


“This was first conceived in response to what’s been called the ‘travel ban’ of the Trump administration, which I think flies in the face of the founding principals of the United States,” he told to me over the phone.

“I think the Statue of Liberty is our best symbol of the role that immigrants have played and continue to play every day in this country,” he added later.

David said that, while unfurling the banner at the statue’s base, his group was met with overwhelmingly positive feedback from tourists—many of whom appeared to be from outside the United States—visiting at the time..............................

Read more: Activists just used the Statue of Liberty itself for an incredible anti-Trump protest


Damn straight!
Why didn't they put it on their homes? Oh, I know why, because they don't want them anywhere near their families. They want them to be shipped off to far away neighborhoods they will never see or be effected by. Get your dumb ass on down to customs and sign up to sponsor some of these people. Pay for their food and expenses all by yourself and then I will begin taking you seriously.
Its ISLAM that is using The Democrat Left. It's part of The Dar Al Islam Strategy.

That Trump and the people that follow him don't like you.
Some do....some don't.

I'm a conservative Republican, and have zero in common with liberals.

In my opinion, Muslims shouldn't be getting all cozy with the Democrat left.

They are being used, much like the blacks have been used by the Democrat's for decades. I don't want to see the muslim people also trapped on the Democrat plantation. .... :cool:
Activists just put a giant REFUGEES WELCOME sign on the Statue of Liberty
Source: fusion

By Rafi Schwartz

Activists in New York City unfurled a massive banner across the base of the Statue of Liberty on Tuesday. The message, while perhaps lacking the lyricism of Emma Lazarus’ iconic “New Colossus,” could hardly be misinterpreted.


“This was first conceived in response to what’s been called the ‘travel ban’ of the Trump administration, which I think flies in the face of the founding principals of the United States,” he told to me over the phone.

“I think the Statue of Liberty is our best symbol of the role that immigrants have played and continue to play every day in this country,” he added later.

David said that, while unfurling the banner at the statue’s base, his group was met with overwhelmingly positive feedback from tourists—many of whom appeared to be from outside the United States—visiting at the time..............................

Read more: Activists just used the Statue of Liberty itself for an incredible anti-Trump protest


Damn straight!

While grown up in NYC every year there was a school field trip to the statue of liberty and at the base is the inscription:
"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

That meant a lot to us as most were first or second generation Americans
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Activists just put a giant REFUGEES WELCOME sign on the Statue of Liberty
Source: fusion

By Rafi Schwartz

Activists in New York City unfurled a massive banner across the base of the Statue of Liberty on Tuesday. The message, while perhaps lacking the lyricism of Emma Lazarus’ iconic “New Colossus,” could hardly be misinterpreted.


“This was first conceived in response to what’s been called the ‘travel ban’ of the Trump administration, which I think flies in the face of the founding principals of the United States,” he told to me over the phone.

“I think the Statue of Liberty is our best symbol of the role that immigrants have played and continue to play every day in this country,” he added later.

David said that, while unfurling the banner at the statue’s base, his group was met with overwhelmingly positive feedback from tourists—many of whom appeared to be from outside the United States—visiting at the time..............................

Read more: Activists just used the Statue of Liberty itself for an incredible anti-Trump protest


Damn straight!

That's called vandalism son, and that's not welcome.

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