Actor Bryan Cranston accuses Trump of being a racist


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
'Breaking Bad' actor Bryan Cranston says he believes the phrase 'Make America Great Again,' used by former President Donald Trump and his followers is racist.
The actor, currently promoting the upcoming season of his show 'Your Honor' sat down with CNN on Sunday and explained his justification.
'When I see the 'Make America Great Again,' my comment is: do you accept that that could possibly be construed as a racist remark,' the actor said.
Cranston told CNN anchor Chris Wallace he believes those who use the phrase are unaware that there was never a time when America was great for African Americans

Does Cranston think that he is original?
The Democrats/Media/Hollywood accuse the Republicans of being racist non-stop every day.
It is the main topic on CNN and MSNBC
However, the Democrat Party is the cozy home of the Klan, The Nation of Islam, BLM, Antifa, Black Panthers, Muslim Brotherhood....... they are the Party of hate and violence.
Cranston is a racist for supporting Obama, Biden and Hillary.
Obama volunteered to work for the hate monger Louis Farrakhan.
Biden said that Klansman Robert Byrd was "like a brother".
Hillary proudly said that Klansman Robert Byrd was her "mentor".
Biden said that he would not send his kids to a desegregated school, because it would be like a "racial jungle".
Hillary said that Black men are "super predators", who should be "brought to heel".
Obama said in his book that "White folk's greed runs a world in need".
Has Cranston ever condemned the Democrat Party for their Jim Crow Laws and poll tax laws?
Nowadays the Democrats are even trying to use the public schools to indoctrinate young children in BLM and Nation of Islam type of racial hatred.
Yep, Cranston is an idiot and a racist asshole.

'Breaking Bad' actor Bryan Cranston says he believes the phrase 'Make America Great Again,' used by former President Donald Trump and his followers is racist.
The actor, currently promoting the upcoming season of his show 'Your Honor' sat down with CNN on Sunday and explained his justification.
'When I see the 'Make America Great Again,' my comment is: do you accept that that could possibly be construed as a racist remark,' the actor said.
Cranston told CNN anchor Chris Wallace he believes those who use the phrase are unaware that there was never a time when America was great for African Americans

Does Cranston think that he is original?
The Democrats/Media/Hollywood accuse the Republicans of being racist non-stop every day.
It is the main topic on CNN and MSNBC
However, the Democrat Party is the cozy home of the Klan, The Nation of Islam, BLM, Antifa, Black Panthers, Muslim Brotherhood....... they are the Party of hate and violence.
Cranston is a racist for supporting Obama, Biden and Hillary.
Obama volunteered to work for the hate monger Louis Farrakhan.
Biden said that Klansman Robert Byrd was "like a brother".
Hillary proudly said that Klansman Robert Byrd was her "mentor".
Biden said that he would not send his kids to a desegregated school, because it would be like a "racial jungle".
Hillary said that Black men are "super predators", who should be "brought to heel".
Obama said in his book that "White folk's greed runs a world in need".
Has Cranston ever condemned the Democrat Party for their Jim Crow Laws and poll tax laws?
Nowadays the Democrats are even trying to use the public schools to indoctrinate young children in BLM and Nation of Islam type of racial hatred.
Yep, Cranston is an idiot and a racist asshole.

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That’s a real let down there for Cranston to say that…. Has he donated any money to poor homeless starving white people?
“Never a time in America where it was great for African-Americans“

This is coming from a multimillionaire white man. What a ridiculous thing for him to say one right now there are blacks were worth hundreds of millions billions of dollars in America. And during the age of slavery black Americans owned black slaves.
'Breaking Bad' actor Bryan Cranston says he believes the phrase 'Make America Great Again,' used by former President Donald Trump and his followers is racist.
The actor, currently promoting the upcoming season of his show 'Your Honor' sat down with CNN on Sunday and explained his justification.
'When I see the 'Make America Great Again,' my comment is: do you accept that that could possibly be construed as a racist remark,' the actor said.
Cranston told CNN anchor Chris Wallace he believes those who use the phrase are unaware that there was never a time when America was great for African Americans

Does Cranston think that he is original?
The Democrats/Media/Hollywood accuse the Republicans of being racist non-stop every day.
It is the main topic on CNN and MSNBC
However, the Democrat Party is the cozy home of the Klan, The Nation of Islam, BLM, Antifa, Black Panthers, Muslim Brotherhood....... they are the Party of hate and violence.
Cranston is a racist for supporting Obama, Biden and Hillary.
Obama volunteered to work for the hate monger Louis Farrakhan.
Biden said that Klansman Robert Byrd was "like a brother".
Hillary proudly said that Klansman Robert Byrd was her "mentor".
Biden said that he would not send his kids to a desegregated school, because it would be like a "racial jungle".
Hillary said that Black men are "super predators", who should be "brought to heel".
Obama said in his book that "White folk's greed runs a world in need".
Has Cranston ever condemned the Democrat Party for their Jim Crow Laws and poll tax laws?
Nowadays the Democrats are even trying to use the public schools to indoctrinate young children in BLM and Nation of Islam type of racial hatred.
Yep, Cranston is an idiot and a racist asshole.

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There is one point here to be made to my brother. It is don’t fall for the Republicans trying to say “hey the Democrats were the party of segregation the Democrats were the racist party of the past” . Because that right there is actually not what we need to be doing. We need to celebrate the Democrats of the past and Republicans because those are great men and women. Robert Byrd was a great man yes he was in the clan but he got away from it and his story is one of integrity and coming back to do the right things.

I have the upmost respect for the southern democrats of the American 20th century many of them worked to help out poor people. They weren’t all racists. They were also men of their time and we had a much better country throughout the 20th century then this joke of the country we have today… where we can’t get good jobs anymore. Where we have so many young people today zonked out on dope , they’re on Instagram all the time they have no appreciation of American history. I love American history and I love the Democrat party throughout all of American history. You know Republicans owned slaves to.

So I agree with pretty much all of your post… but I would also say to watch out for Republicans of today who don’t care about the working class and they keep on talking about how “all the Democrats were the racist party of history” well I will stand up to that because I’m proud of those Democrats of American history. The real fact of the matter is that even during the era of Jim crow in the USA we were perhaps the most liberal country in the world so that right there is the facts and that’s American patriotism for you. We have to stand up for those of the past.
'Breaking Bad' actor Bryan Cranston says he believes the phrase 'Make America Great Again,' used by former President Donald Trump and his followers is racist.
The actor, currently promoting the upcoming season of his show 'Your Honor' sat down with CNN on Sunday and explained his justification.
'When I see the 'Make America Great Again,' my comment is: do you accept that that could possibly be construed as a racist remark,' the actor said.
Cranston told CNN anchor Chris Wallace he believes those who use the phrase are unaware that there was never a time when America was great for African Americans

Does Cranston think that he is original?
The Democrats/Media/Hollywood accuse the Republicans of being racist non-stop every day.
It is the main topic on CNN and MSNBC
However, the Democrat Party is the cozy home of the Klan, The Nation of Islam, BLM, Antifa, Black Panthers, Muslim Brotherhood....... they are the Party of hate and violence.
Cranston is a racist for supporting Obama, Biden and Hillary.
Obama volunteered to work for the hate monger Louis Farrakhan.
Biden said that Klansman Robert Byrd was "like a brother".
Hillary proudly said that Klansman Robert Byrd was her "mentor".
Biden said that he would not send his kids to a desegregated school, because it would be like a "racial jungle".
Hillary said that Black men are "super predators", who should be "brought to heel".
Obama said in his book that "White folk's greed runs a world in need".
Has Cranston ever condemned the Democrat Party for their Jim Crow Laws and poll tax laws?
Nowadays the Democrats are even trying to use the public schools to indoctrinate young children in BLM and Nation of Islam type of racial hatred.
Yep, Cranston is an idiot and a racist asshole.

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Agree or not I’m curious if you even try to understand the point that he is making. If so can you restate it in your own words? What is Cranstons point about why MAGA can be considered racist?
Cranston in 2014 force kissed Julia Luis-Dreyfuss at the Emmys and had bodyguards in a panic, I was alarmed too. We get the slap heard around the world with Will Smith, but Cranston acting the fool abusing Dreyfus on stage? Crickets.
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I don't think that Trump's "make America great again" slogan was racist.
It was about the economic and cultural decline of America under Obama and the Democrats.
Joe Biden has picked up where Obama left off.
We are in decline again.
'Breaking Bad' actor Bryan Cranston says he believes the phrase 'Make America Great Again,' used by former President Donald Trump and his followers is racist.
The actor, currently promoting the upcoming season of his show 'Your Honor' sat down with CNN on Sunday and explained his justification.
'When I see the 'Make America Great Again,' my comment is: do you accept that that could possibly be construed as a racist remark,' the actor said.
Cranston told CNN anchor Chris Wallace he believes those who use the phrase are unaware that there was never a time when America was great for African Americans

Does Cranston think that he is original?
The Democrats/Media/Hollywood accuse the Republicans of being racist non-stop every day.
It is the main topic on CNN and MSNBC
However, the Democrat Party is the cozy home of the Klan, The Nation of Islam, BLM, Antifa, Black Panthers, Muslim Brotherhood....... they are the Party of hate and violence.
Cranston is a racist for supporting Obama, Biden and Hillary.
Obama volunteered to work for the hate monger Louis Farrakhan.
Biden said that Klansman Robert Byrd was "like a brother".
Hillary proudly said that Klansman Robert Byrd was her "mentor".
Biden said that he would not send his kids to a desegregated school, because it would be like a "racial jungle".
Hillary said that Black men are "super predators", who should be "brought to heel".
Obama said in his book that "White folk's greed runs a world in need".
Has Cranston ever condemned the Democrat Party for their Jim Crow Laws and poll tax laws?
Nowadays the Democrats are even trying to use the public schools to indoctrinate young children in BLM and Nation of Islam type of racial hatred.
Yep, Cranston is an idiot and a racist asshole.

View attachment 760923
Nobody gives a flip what the Pedophiles in Hollywood think anymore. :iagree:
Agree or not I’m curious if you even try to understand the point that he is making. If so can you restate it in your own words? What is Cranstons point about why MAGA can be considered racist?

Its a tortured point but the essence that America hasn't been all that great for African Americans is correct. Judging the fact against the potential is always fraught...
Its a tortured point but the essence that America hasn't been all that great for African Americans is correct. Judging the fact against the potential is always fraught...

They've been free to leave since 1865. Bye.

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