Actors and Actresses you dislike watching.

Margot Kidder
Jim Carey
Jane Fonda
Woody Allen
Marilyn Munroe
Adam Sandler
Will Ferrel
Ben Stiller
Hillary Duff
Jessica Simpson
Megan Fox
Jean Claude Van Damme

Pretty much, I will add.
Jack Nicholson
Kevin Costner
- Ashton Kutcher
- Steve Carell
- Sarah Jessica Parker
julia is just all the same

No kidding. She's horrible.

Ben Stiller and Adam Sandler give me the creeps.

And Rene Zellwhater - she has such a pinched face.
Margot Kidder -who is this?
Jim Carey - like
Jane Fonda - dislike
Woody Allen - indifferent
Marilyn Munroe - indifferent
Adam Sandler - Like
Jlo - Nice to look at, not a great actress
Will Ferrel - like some of his stuff, dislike other stuff
Ben Stiller - like
Hillary Duff - like
Jessica Simpson - nice to look at, not a great actress
Megan Fox - indifferent
Jean Claude Van Damme - dislike

Oh, and arguably the Worst Actress of the modern age: Madonna.

Excruciatingly painful to watch her wooden, overly self conscious attempts on the big screen.
Hugh Laurie...

...but before I get stuck in to the rest of my hit list, allow me to add my two cents on the whole Brit angle.

I think for the most part they fulfill a novelty aspect for American audiences in that they're slightly exotic and, for the most part, fit the part of this mysterious, archaic strata of society that Americans will publically condemn but are, for the most part, secretly enthralled by. The problem being is that these British imports i.e - messrs Laurie and Morgan are fully aware of their audiences perception of them and what they supposedly represent and accentuate it for theirs and the network's own end, which wears off pretty quickly once the audience realises what's going on. And for the most part, they're so caught-up in delivering their 'act', that for the most part they haven't got a clue about who or what is being discussed and mask their ignorance with characteristic British eccentricities that bore the pants off of your average American viewer. It's not isolated to Brits, though. Most of the American guests we have on this side of the pond are all too often rehab fodder that are nearly always overly-excitable gimps that feel obliged to grin like idiots and leap all over the studio at any given moment. Most drole.

Aaannnyyyway, I'm rambling.

As fond as I am of some of their more enduring characters, Clint Eastwood, Al Pacino and Robert De Niro are just, well, you know, Clint Eastwood, Al Pacino and Robert De Niro. They're hardly what you'd call method actors.

As tempted as I am to buck the trend and add Bruce Willis to my list, at least the fellow knows he's a bit of a prat and doesn't mind alluding to that fact in some of his more tongue-in-cheek roles.

I can't abide Denzel Washington. The man has little charisma and usually takes the part of a cheated minority fighting a largely caucasian system.

Whoopi Goldberg is not an actress. She is, for the most part, an embittered black woman, who, coincidentally, nearly always plays the part of an embittered black woman.

Why any of you find the clowns from Monty Python funny will always be beyond me. They represent what all Brits find pitiful about the majority of American humour, in that it's nearly always of a simple, slap-stick nature. Like the majority of American humour, if you can call it that, it lacks complexity in that the punch line comes halfway through the skit in big flashing lights in case any of the dummies in the audience didn't catch it.

Russel Brand is an egotistical chancer that should be burnt or drowned, preferrably in front of a sell-out audience.
Hugh Laurie...

...but before I get stuck in to the rest of my hit list, allow me to add my two cents on the whole Brit angle.

I think for the most part they fulfill a novelty aspect for American audiences in that they're slightly exotic and, for the most part, fit the part of this mysterious, archaic strata of society that Americans will publically condemn but are, for the most part, secretly enthralled by. The problem being is that these British imports i.e - messrs Laurie and Morgan are fully aware of their audiences perception of them and what they supposedly represent and accentuate it for theirs and the network's own end, which wears off pretty quickly once the audience realises what's going on. And for the most part, they're so caught-up in delivering their 'act', that for the most part they haven't got a clue about who or what is being discussed and mask their ignorance with characteristic British eccentricities that bore the pants off of your average American viewer. It's not isolated to Brits, though. Most of the American guests we have on this side of the pond are all too often rehab fodder that are nearly always overly-excitable gimps that feel obliged to grin like idiots and leap all over the studio at any given moment. Most drole.

Aaannnyyyway, I'm rambling.

As fond as I am of some of their more enduring characters, Clint Eastwood, Al Pacino and Robert De Niro are just, well, you know, Clint Eastwood, Al Pacino and Robert De Niro. They're hardly what you'd call method actors.

As tempted as I am to buck the trend and add Bruce Willis to my list, at least the fellow knows he's a bit of a prat and doesn't mind alluding to that fact in some of his more tongue-in-cheek roles.

I can't abide Denzel Washington. The man has little charisma and usually takes the part of a cheated minority fighting a largely caucasian system.

Whoopi Goldberg is not an actress. She is, for the most part, an embittered black woman, who, coincidentally, nearly always plays the part of an embittered black woman.

Why any of you find the clowns from Monty Python funny will always be beyond me. They represent what all Brits find pitiful about the majority of American humour, in that it's nearly always of a simple, slap-stick nature. Like the majority of American humour, if you can call it that, it lacks complexity in that the punch line comes halfway through the skit in big flashing lights in case any of the dummies in the audience didn't catch it.

Russel Brand is an egotistical chancer that should be burnt or drowned, preferrably in front of a sell-out audience.
- Shia LeBeouf
- Jack Black
- David Spade
- Tracy Morgan
The only movie I liked Rene Zellwhatever was Cold Mountain. Otherwise, I refuse to watch her in any movies.
Oh, and arguably the Worst Actress of the modern age: Madonna.

Excruciatingly painful to watch her wooden, overly self conscious attempts on the big screen.

I should neg you for even calling her an actress :lol:


She's an actress only in her own mind.

I read that she had a serious lobbying effort underway to play Hatsumomo in "Memoirs of a Geisha". I don't even want to imagine Madonna playing a Japanese woman. The few minutes I was exposed to "Swept Away" are still giving me nightmares.
Margot Kidder
Jim Carey
Jane Fonda
Woody Allen
Marilyn Munroe
Adam Sandler
Will Ferrel
Ben Stiller
Hillary Duff
Jessica Simpson
Megan Fox
Jean Claude Van Damme

OK, I have to take exception to Will Ferrel and Megan Fox.

Just to name a few.....

Steven Seagal
Robert Loggia
Tony Roberts
Robert Pattinson
David Morse
Clark Duke
Michael Moriarty
Margot Kidder
Jim Carey
Jane Fonda
Woody Allen
Marilyn Munroe
Adam Sandler
Will Ferrel
Ben Stiller
Hillary Duff
Jessica Simpson
Megan Fox
Jean Claude Van Damme

I like harrison ford. I like most of his movies anyway. I don't really follow hollywood too closely so I don't know who most of them are.

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