Actress Emma Thompson Flies 5,400 Miles To Give Speech On Climate Change, Rails Against 'Hypocrisy'

Like I keep saying: when those saying it’s a crisis start acting like it’s a crisis, then maybe I’ll start listening.

WATCH: Actress Emma Thompson Flies 5,400 Miles To Give Speech On Climate Change, Rails Against 'Hypocrisy'

You expect her to walk?

She has never said anything about banning air travel
how about a teleconference

She is a famous actress
Personal appearances have greater impact

She has never advocated banning air travel dumb ass
Ah. So she’s allowed to F the world when we have only 12 years left.

She is looking out for the long term benefit of the planet

A fine woman
Your Guide to Saving the Planet

Don’t fly

Don’t drive

Don’t take a train

Don’t take a bus

Don’t use plastic

Don’t eat food cultivated by tractors and delivered with trucks

Don’t use air conditioning

Set your thermostat to 60 degrees in the winter

Don’t use paper products….thaaaats a tough one

Don’t use the internet

Don’t use computers
Like I keep saying: when those saying it’s a crisis start acting like it’s a crisis, then maybe I’ll start listening.

WATCH: Actress Emma Thompson Flies 5,400 Miles To Give Speech On Climate Change, Rails Against 'Hypocrisy'

You expect her to walk?

She has never said anything about banning air travel
This morning I had a Skype meeting with people on the opposite side of the globe.

Pretty green vs if I flew.

I know that’s confusing for you. Trust me on it.
Lacks the personal touch

Especially for a conference and fundraiser

Oh yes the booze, sex and wild parties, gotta have that as part of the visit!
Like I keep saying: when those saying it’s a crisis start acting like it’s a crisis, then maybe I’ll start listening.

WATCH: Actress Emma Thompson Flies 5,400 Miles To Give Speech On Climate Change, Rails Against 'Hypocrisy'

You expect her to walk?

She has never said anything about banning air travel

Ever hear of a boat? I heard Titanic two is sailing.

Where does the energy come from to power that vessel?
Your Guide to Saving the Planet

Don’t fly

Don’t drive

Don’t take a train

Don’t take a bus

Don’t use plastic

Don’t eat food cultivated by tractors and delivered with trucks

Don’t use air conditioning

Set your thermostat to 60 degrees in the winter

Don’t use paper products….thaaaats a tough one

Don’t use the internet

Don’t use computers

These people, btw, are all the same type. Middle class hoo ha Henry's.

No downtrodden working class deplorables, who have to work two or three jobs to hardly make ends meet.
Is Emma another Globalist puppet?

who knows....poor Emma loser.
Like I keep saying: when those saying it’s a crisis start acting like it’s a crisis, then maybe I’ll start listening.

WATCH: Actress Emma Thompson Flies 5,400 Miles To Give Speech On Climate Change, Rails Against 'Hypocrisy'

You expect her to walk?

She has never said anything about banning air travel
how about a teleconference

She is a famous actress
Personal appearances have greater impact

She has never advocated banning air travel dumb ass
Ah. So she’s allowed to F the world when we have only 12 years left.

She is looking out for the long term benefit of the planet

A fine woman

Are you serious?

She is looking out for the long term benefit of the human race. Not the universe.

The planet will continue spinning, even if we don't. Who do we think we are, anyway?
Is Emma another Globalist puppet?

who knows....poor Emma loser.

She's a fine actress, but over the top privately. Like when she guests on talk shows.

Similar to a lot of them.

I wonder if she flies Ryanair. Prince William did once. A true cattle experience.
Is Emma another Globalist puppet?

who knows....poor Emma loser.

She's a fine actress, but over the top privately. Like when she guests on talk shows.

Similar to a lot of them.

I wonder if she flies Ryanair. Prince William did once. A true cattle experience.

Fine actress may be

a fucking globalist ...totally she is.

I don't have an iota of respect for her
Is Emma another Globalist puppet?

who knows....poor Emma loser.

She's a fine actress, but over the top privately. Like when she guests on talk shows.

Similar to a lot of them.

I wonder if she flies Ryanair. Prince William did once. A true cattle experience.

Fine actress may be

a fucking globalist ...totally she is.

I don't have an iota of respect for her

I don't have much either.
Like I keep saying: when those saying it’s a crisis start acting like it’s a crisis, then maybe I’ll start listening.

WATCH: Actress Emma Thompson Flies 5,400 Miles To Give Speech On Climate Change, Rails Against 'Hypocrisy'

You expect her to walk?

She has never said anything about banning air travel

Ever hear of a boat? I heard Titanic two is sailing.

Where does the energy come from to power that vessel?

Rosie O'Donnel ?
Like I keep saying: when those saying it’s a crisis start acting like it’s a crisis, then maybe I’ll start listening.

WATCH: Actress Emma Thompson Flies 5,400 Miles To Give Speech On Climate Change, Rails Against 'Hypocrisy'

You expect her to walk?

She has never said anything about banning air travel

Ever hear of a boat? I heard Titanic two is sailing.

Where does the energy come from to power that vessel?

Rosie O'Donnel ?

Maybe Joy Behar?

Can't stand that woman.
Is Emma another Globalist puppet?

who knows....poor Emma loser.

She's a fine actress, but over the top privately. Like when she guests on talk shows.

Similar to a lot of them.

I wonder if she flies Ryanair. Prince William did once. A true cattle experience.

Fine actress may be

a fucking globalist ...totally she is.

I don't have an iota of respect for her

I don't have much either.
Emma will be crushed by that.
She is a famous actress
Personal appearances have greater impact

She has never advocated banning air travel dumb ass
That makes sense, as long as airplanes are powered by Unicorn farts.

Environmentalists don’t want to ban planes or ban oil

They want common sense reductions in emissions which conservatives rant.....They want to ban
Britain has said that it would be very difficult to get to zero emissions by 2025.

Flights would have to be very strictly restricted, as well as people changing what they eat by cutting back on meat and dairy.

In order to get enough renewable energy to replace gas boilers, Britain would need around 130,000 extra wind turbines, mostly off shore - this would take up an area twice the size of Wales!
Is Emma another Globalist puppet?

who knows....poor Emma loser.

She's a fine actress, but over the top privately. Like when she guests on talk shows.

Similar to a lot of them.

I wonder if she flies Ryanair. Prince William did once. A true cattle experience.

Fine actress may be

a fucking globalist ...totally she is.

I don't have an iota of respect for her
Nothing wrong with global cooperation
Especially on something as important as our climate

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