Adam Schiff Flirting With Arrest, Says He Might Consider Complying W/GOP Subpoena

You are the lying fucking asshole.
No ma’am. That’s you. You’re such a useless blood clot you can’t even recognize truth.

Now, go jump in a lake. A lake full of fire-AIDS. And die, if you can.

( perpetual hat tip to Mal )
The Dems' creed: "Rules for thee, but not for me."

If Trump refused to comply with a subpoena, it'd be hard evidence that he truly is a Russian asset!

If Adam Schiff - the bug eyed douchebag who claimed to have evidence of "collusion" does it?

It's part of the struggle for Democracy I tell ya!

How much more hypocrisy do these Leftbots have to witness before they realize they're being totally played?

At this point I'd say there's just no limit.

You are the hypocrites. Trump is a Russian asset as well as his supporters.
Schiff knocks McCarthy's threat of removal from Intelligence Committee

‘Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) on Sunday hit back at House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) for vowing to oust Schiff from the House Intelligence Committee for his handling of the investigation into alleged ties between former President Trump’s campaign and Russia.

“McCarthy’s problem is not with what I have said about Russia. McCarthy’s problem is, he can’t get to 218 without Marjorie Taylor Greene and Paul Gosar and Matt Gaetz. And so he will do whatever they ask. And, right now, they’re asking for me to be removed from our committees. And he’s willing to do it. He’s willing to do anything they ask. And that’s the problem,” Schiff said on CNN’s “State of the Union,” referring to conservative Republican representatives from Georgia, Arizona and Florida, respectively.’


It's about partisan revenge politics, it’s about McCarthy’s power grab, not conducting a legitimate investigation.
Here’s your choices. Since Schittferbrains swore on NATIONAL TELEVISION that he had iron clad proof of Russian Collusion, read blatant lies into the Congessional record, was caught twice fabricating “evidence”, among other things, does he get arrested for obstruction of justice or perjury? Funny how you and every other usual suspect here don’t like to be reminded of those crimes....
No ma’am. That’s you. You’re such a useless blood clot you can’t even recognize truth.

Now, go jump in a lake. A lake full of fire-AIDS. And die, if you can.

( perpetual hat tip to Mal )

What's the matter little boy? Can't take the truth crybaby?
What's the matter little boy? Can't take the truth crybaby?
I dispense it and you cry about it. Now get back to your assigned duties, you worthless diseased piece of shit.

You know. Drown in a lake of fire-AIDS while sucking a bag of dicks. 👍
Once again. Zero truth to that tired old libtard lie. You fucking scumbag libtard liars cling to bullshit.

Choke on a bag of dicks.

This is fact. The Trump campaign gave a Russian spy internal polling data and other campaign information. That is a fact. The Russians were supporting Trump in 2020 and Republicans in the midterms. That is fact.

You are the one who needs to choke on your lies.
I dispense it and you cry about it. Now get back to your assigned duties, you worthless diseased piece of shit.

You know. Drown in a lake of fire-AIDS while sucking a bag of dicks. 👍

The only thing you know about the truth is how to spell it. Trump has to tell you what to say.
Congress doesn't have the power to arrest shit for brains.

They can only make a criminal referral to the DOJ.

Guess who runs the DOJ shit for brains?
Congress can send the Sgt at Arms to arrest and detain people that do not comply with subpenas

McGrain v Daugherty decided that
This is fact. The Trump campaign gave a Russian spy internal polling data and other campaign information. That is a fact. The Russians were supporting Trump in 2020 and Republicans in the midterms. That is fact.

You are the one who needs to choke on your lies.
Keep regurgitating the Dim talking points like a good parrot dumbfuck. Noting no proof of your debunked bullshit.
Riiiiiiight. The Freedom Caucus consists of a bunch of tools who will have their asses handed back to them on a silver platter by Schiff if they force him to testify. Schiff is just waiting for a chance to send jerkoffs like Jordan back to their rabbit holes. Soooo, bring it on.
Is that why Bathhouse Adumb is balking at testifying?
Is that why Bathhouse Adumb is balking at testifying?
He doesn't want to testify if the hearing is going to turn into a shitshow run by Trump's asseater Jordan. Which it will because Jordan is an idiot.

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