Adam Schiff Flirting With Arrest, Says He Might Consider Complying W/GOP Subpoena

He doesn't want to testify if the hearing is going to turn into a shitshow run by Trump's asseater Jordan. Which it will because Jordan is an idiot.
So you are saying your Bathhouse Hero wouldn't want to own all the Republicans questioning him?
So you are saying your Bathhouse Hero wouldn't want to own all the Republicans questioning him?
Jordan will turn the hearing into a shitshow just like he does everything because he's an idiot in rolled up sleeves. He does that to impress people like you that he's a "workin' man".

The guy is a beclowned jerkoff.
Jordan will turn the hearing into a shitshow just like he does everything because he's an idiot in rolled up sleeves. He does that to impress people like you that he's a "workin' man".

The guy is a beclowned jerkoff.
So you are saying your Bathhouse Hero wouldn't want to own all the Republicans questioning him?
So you are saying your Bathhouse Hero wouldn't want to own all the Republicans questioning him?
When did I say that? Schiff will testify when he's done twising Jordan's panties by making him wait.

Btw,,why didn't Jordan testify about his actions leading up to & on Jan. 6? Could it be because he's a spineless coward? You betcha!
When did I say that? Schiff will testify when he's done twising Jordan's panties by making him wait.

Btw,,why didn't Jordan testify about his actions leading up to & on Jan. 6? Could it be because he's a spineless coward? You betcha!
Your lies change faster than a stop watch.
Republican Steve Bannon was indicted and arrested for refusing to comply with a congressional subpoena but democrats get to choose whether they will comply. How could this double standard exist in politics?
Republican Steve Bannon was indicted and arrested for refusing to comply with a congressional subpoena but democrats get to choose whether they will comply. How could this double standard exist in politics?
The DOJ is infested with Leftists. That's how.

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