Adam Schiff - Most Deranged Psychotic in America

Paul Motter

Gold Member
Aug 29, 2018
Without the backing of any higher authority, Adam Schiff is personally trying to reverse the 2016 election of President Donald Trump AND he is trying to deny the right of at least 60-Million Americans to vote for Trump in the 2020 election.

His sole rationale is a belief Trump was not elected legally, and that if he runs again he will once again "cheat" his way into the office. But Trump did not just squeak by (as would be expected in a stolen election). He won by a convincing number of electoral votes - 304 to 227 (30% more than Clinton received).

Despite the Meuller report, Schiff still believes Trump asked for and accepted the help of the Russians to sway the 2016 election, and that if he did it once he would do it again. BUT - the 26-month $40million Meuller report that says there was NO COLLUSION.

The current impeachment does not charge Trump with any named crime, their case only says he "abused his office" when he threatened to withhold aid to Ukraine if they did not investigate Joe Biden and his son Hunter (they call this a Quid Pro Quo). But this is an act that Joe Biden himself has already confessed to doing - withholding aid to Ukraine in exchange for political favor. Joe Biden's son was being investigated by that prosecutor he got fired (this is NOT in dispute, Google "was Shokin investigating Burisma?")

The Democrats call Biden's actions a "discredited conspiracy theory" when Joe Biden actually confessed to doing it. If you believe Biden was doing the right thing - then you cannot say Trump did anything wrong. It is the same act, withholding funds while also asking for action in return. But I believe Biden had much more to gain by his ask than Trump ever did.

Especially when you know that Trump had the legal authority to ask for an investigation into 2016 corruption in Ukraine, because the two nations have a mutual treaty to investigate crimes:

This is all you need to know. You can argue about witnesses, etc. The bottom line is this: You cannot say what Biden did was legal, but what Trump did is impeachable.

But for Adam Schiff - letting him off is like letting Ted Bundy off for murder but prosecuting Kervorkian (the assisted suicide doctor) for the same crime. I contend Schiff is a Traitor who is trying much harder to sway a legal election than any Russian effort ever did. he wants to nullify both 2016 and 2020. This should truly be an impeachable act for Schiff.

At the very least - vote this traitor out of office in his next election. He is not doing a single thing to benefit America - he is solely on a personal crusade to see Donald Trump taken out as our President.
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I think he's awesome! The more he promotes the Dems' insane corrupt poltiics to the country, the more Trump will win Bigly in 2020!
I made that point yesterday, the guy is a crazy nut job.

I saw that and I agree, but I want to add that Schiff needs to be taken out of office; impeached or voted out. What he is doing is far worse than any meddling Russia supposedly ever committed.
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Schiff did an outstanding job in detailing the charges against Trump

He made America proud
I made that point yesterday, the guy is a crazy nut job.

I saw that and I agree, but I want to add that Biden needs to be taken out of office; impeached or voted out. What he is doing is far worse than any meddling Russia supposedly ever committed.

Sadly Biden is the tip of a very large iceberg. Politicians have had their hands in the till for decades. Not just at the federal government level, its all through state and local government.
Without the backing of any higher authority, Adam Schiff is personally trying to reverse the 2016 election of President Donald Trump AND he is trying to deny the right of at least 60-Million Americans to vote for Trump in the 2020 election.

His sole rationale is a belief Trump was not elected legally, and that if he runs again he will once again "cheat" his way into the office. But Trump did not just squeak by (as would be expected in a stolen election). He won by a convincing number of electoral votes - 304 to 227 (30% more than Clinton received).

Despite the Meuller report, Schiff still believes Trump asked for and accepted the help of the Russians to sway the 2016 election, and that if he did it once he would do it again. BUT - the 26-month $40million Meuller report that says there was NO COLLUSION.

The current impeachment does not charge Trump with any named crime, their case only says he "abused his office" when he threatened to withhold aid to Ukraine if they did not investigate Joe Biden and his son Hunter (they call this a Quid Pro Quo). But this is an act that Joe Biden himself has already confessed to doing - withholding aid to Ukraine in exchange for political favor. Joe Biden's son was being investigated by that prosecutor he got fired (this is NOT in dispute, Google "was Shokin investigating Burisma?")

The Democrats call Biden's actions a "discredited conspiracy theory" when Joe Biden actually confessed to doing it. If you believe Biden was doing the right thing - then you cannot say Trump did anything wrong. It is the same act, withholding funds while also asking for action in return. But I believe Biden had much more to gain by his ask than Trump ever did.

Especially when you know that Trump had the legal authority to ask for an investigation into 2016 corruption in Ukraine, because the two nations have a mutual treaty to investigate crimes:

This is all you need to know. You can argue about witnesses, etc. The bottom line is this: You cannot say what Biden did was legal, but what Trump did is impeachable.

But for Adam Schiff - letting him off is like letting Ted Bundy off for murder but prosecuting Kervorkian (the assisted suicide doctor) for the same crime. I contend Schiff is a Traitor who is trying much harder to sway a legal election than any Russian effort ever did. he wants to nullify both 2016 and 2020. This should truly be an impeachable act for Schiff.

At the very least - vote this traitor out of office in his next election. He is not doing a single thing to benefit America - he is solely on a personal crusade to see Donald Trump taken out as our President.
Gawd, all the news knees talking points
m did NOT say no collusion.
It said not enough evidence either way but it did not exonerate the con.
And why no mention of the 63mm who voted against him?
Has the con paid for any of his Nazi rallies yet?
A serial stiffer
I made that point yesterday, the guy is a crazy nut job.

I saw that and I agree, but I want to add that Biden needs to be taken out of office; impeached or voted out. What he is doing is far worse than any meddling Russia supposedly ever committed.

Sadly Biden is the tip of a very large iceberg. Politicians have had their hands in the till for decades. Not just at the federal government level, its all through state and local government.
Zero on ivanka and Jr?
images (15).jpg .... I recall the day Democrats lost all credibility and were all proven liars..:)
This AGAIN. It was But Hilary, now it's But Biden and BUT Schiff.

What he is doing is far worse than any meddling Russia supposedly ever committed.

What exactly did Biden do wrong? That video proves no corruption on his part.
Shokin was NOT investing corruption. FACT
That is why everyone BUT Putin, trump and corrupt Ukrainians wanted Shokin Fired.

My gawd you dimwits are slow and stubborn.

But Biden...…BUT Schiff….. lol.
This AGAIN. It was But Hilary, now it's But Biden and BUT Schiff.

What he is doing is far worse than any meddling Russia supposedly ever committed.

What exactly did Biden do wrong? That video proves no corruption on his part.
Shokin was NOT investing corruption. FACT
That is why everyone BUT Putin, trump and corrupt Ukrainians wanted Shokin Fired.

My gawd you dimwits are slow and stubborn.

But Biden...…BUT Schiff….. lol.

Did you do what I asked? Google "Was Shokin investigating Burisma?" if you had, you would see this come up as #1:

Solomon: These once-secret memos cast doubt on Joe Biden's Ukraine story

and that article contains this:

Shokin Statement
and that article contains this:

Solomon is a HACK with an agenda.
Look up the REAL FACTS.

Actually, I have looked into the "real" facts about US meddling in Ukraine politics from 2012 when Obama said "Tell Vladimir I can do much more after the election."

I HIGHLY suggest you watch the liberal Oliver Stone's documentary entitled: "Revealing Ukraine" 2019. You can get it included with Prime here:
Watch Revealing Ukraine | Prime Video

(note that this documentary is a part 2 to "Ukraine on Fire" which he did in 2017, which you can watch if you want but it is not needed to understand part 2.)

This documentary tells the entire story of how Obama and his asst Sec of State Valerie Chalupa stealthily managed to overthrow Ukraine's government with a revolution that cost 100 lives, which led to a new president and prosecutor in Ukraine. These were some of the people that Zelensky ran against and beat because they were so corrupt.

The "real facts" are that George Soros wanted to build a gas pipeline from Russia through Ukraine to Poland so he could make money, and Obama, Chalupa, Christopher Steele and the Ukraine ambassador Christopher Pyatt at the time were supporting this effort. They wanted to STOP Ukraine from having a natural gas company so Russia could sell it to them.

This led to the rise of Burisma and the hiring of Hunter Biden to lobby John Kerry and others to support a Ukrainian Natural Gas company.

So, yes, Ukraine did interfere in the 2016 election. But you don't have to believe my facts - watch the documentary.
I am sad to report that the Honorable Adam Schiff is my "Representative."

His district is gerrymandered so that it includes many "liberal" voters.

He is clearly enjoying the limelight.

If there is any justice in this world, he will get his comeuppance possibly in a way that is currently beyond our imagination. Let's hope so.
I am sad to report that the Honorable Adam Schiff is my "Representative."

His district is gerrymandered so that it includes many "liberal" voters.

He is clearly enjoying the limelight.

If there is any justice in this world, he will get his comeuppance possibly in a way that is currently beyond our imagination. Let's hope so.

I'm in district 49, right below you, and my rep was Darrell Issa but is now the AOC-backed Mike Levin. Maybe we could get together and start an "impeach Adam Schiff" movement. Let's see how he likes having his election contested.
If The People of California don’t want to see that state swallowed up by The Pacific, they need to start voting Evil people like that out of office.

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