Adlai Biden Gets the Nomination Heading for Defeat in November

Democratic machine has made its pick and it's creepy Adlai Biden. He will go down to defeat like Stevenson did to Ike.
2020 primary elections: 5 takeaways from March 10 - CNNPolitics

Biden is currently leading Trump by 7 points nationally, is beating him in Michigan, FLorida, PA, NC and Wisconsin.

And that's before people see their 401K statements for this quarter.
Shades of 1952..,Adlia Biden is toast against a strong popular President. The intellectual elite hate him...working class America loves him and they know Biden is a phony just like Stevenson's hole in his shoes. Biden is the candidate of radical black America. Nothing more.

The reason Biden is winning is suburban voters. Suburban voters gave Democrats the House in 2018 and will likely deliver the White House in 2020. Many of them are Republicans. Thanks for demonstrating your racism you pig.
Biden is not really an electrifying candidate but maybe people are getting tired of getting zapped. A stable boring placeholder may be just what America needs after Trump's crazy antics.
Joe Biden's support...a mile wide and an inch deep.
Whatever. My crystal ball is in the shop and I am avoiding making predictions this early but Biden can go a long way just by promising to be the adult in the race. Trump trolling America has been fun and all but it's got to end.
Joe Biden is a goofball that makes Harpo Marx looks like the straight guy in a stand-up routine.

Trump is the goofball. He proved that with his speech.
Uh, wrong. You're out of touch with American people. May I suggest a long trip this summer across our country and catch the vibe? Democratic Party lol. Contained to the big cities. Out of touch with America. Adlia Biden will find this out.

Most of the people live in big cities...

And, no, I try to spend as little time in JesusLand as humanly possible.
Which is why you are out of touch with America and the people who built this county and bury their sons in wartime.

You are the one who is out of touch with reality.
Which is why you are out of touch with America and the people who built this county and bury their sons in wartime.

If they are dumb enough to send their sons off to die for the profits of Exxon, that's on them.

I got out of the Military in 1992 when it was clear that's what it was about.
I got out in 1993 and it was clear that was NOT what it was all about.
Uh, wrong. You're out of touch with American people. May I suggest a long trip this summer across our country and catch the vibe? Democratic Party lol. Contained to the big cities. Out of touch with America. Adlia Biden will find this out.

Most of the people live in big cities...

And, no, I try to spend as little time in JesusLand as humanly possible.
Which is why you are out of touch with America and the people who built this county and bury their sons in wartime.

You are the one who is out of touch with reality.
No...reality smacked liberals in the chops in 2016. Will again in 2020. Majority of Americans do not agree with these far left positions of the Democratic/Socialist Party.
Biden is on his third go-around with trying to seize power...Adali only tried twice.
Uh, wrong. You're out of touch with American people. May I suggest a long trip this summer across our country and catch the vibe? Democratic Party lol. Contained to the big cities. Out of touch with America. Adlia Biden will find this out.

Most of the people live in big cities...

And, no, I try to spend as little time in JesusLand as humanly possible.
Which is why you are out of touch with America and the people who built this county and bury their sons in wartime.

You are the one who is out of touch with reality.
No...reality smacked liberals in the chops in 2016. Will again in 2020. Majority of Americans do not agree with these far left positions of the Democratic/Socialist Party.

The reality is that 2016 was not a vote in favor of Trump. It was a vote against Clinton. Michigan was the bellwether in 2016. A majority of Americans are voting for a center-left candidate and will reject your far-right racist agenda...
Democratic machine has made its pick and it's creepy Adlai Biden. He will go down to defeat like Stevenson did to Ike.
2020 primary elections: 5 takeaways from March 10 - CNNPolitics

Biden is currently leading Trump by 7 points nationally, is beating him in Michigan, FLorida, PA, NC and Wisconsin.

And that's before people see their 401K statements for this quarter.
Fake news.
What month is it?
Time for the Trump bump stock market to crash!
Uh, wrong. You're out of touch with American people. May I suggest a long trip this summer across our country and catch the vibe? Democratic Party lol. Contained to the big cities. Out of touch with America. Adlia Biden will find this out.

Most of the people live in big cities...

And, no, I try to spend as little time in JesusLand as humanly possible.
Which is why you are out of touch with America and the people who built this county and bury their sons in wartime.

You are the one who is out of touch with reality.
No...reality smacked liberals in the chops in 2016. Will again in 2020. Majority of Americans do not agree with these far left positions of the Democratic/Socialist Party.

The reality is that 2016 was not a vote in favor of Trump. It was a vote against Clinton. Michigan was the bellwether in 2016. A majority of Americans are voting for a center-left candidate and will reject your far-right racist agenda...
There is nothing centrist about Biden. He's a LBJ big government liberal who likes little kids to rub his hairy, sweaty, legs at the public pool.
Joe Biden's support...a mile wide and an inch deep.
Whatever. My crystal ball is in the shop and I am avoiding making predictions this early but Biden can go a long way just by promising to be the adult in the race. Trump trolling America has been fun and all but it's got to end.
Biden ...the "adult on the race?" You must be kidding?
The distinction will be clear provided Trump dares to participate in debates.
Yep.....the distinction will be clear. Your guy is a prick who can't control himself.
Trump, on the other hand, will mop the floor with your dementia patient.
Trump HATES having to defend his record against a hostile questioner because he sucks at it. He'll have a lot more to answer for by then. I'm sure he could come up with an excuse not to debate that you would buy. Also, I don't have a "guy". I support politicians based on issues. I really don't care who it is as long as they vote the right way.
1956, Dwight D. Eisenhower Defeats Aldai Stevenson – Guest Essayist: James Legee – Constituting America
Four more years of President Trump. Adlai Biden will go down in a ball of psychobabble flames.
I got out in 1993 and it was clear that was NOT what it was all about.

Sure it was. You think the Gulf War was about "Democracy"? "Freedom". We just took Kuwait back from one Despot and returned it to another to keep the oil flowing.

Make Exxon fight it's own damned wars.

I actually have this great plan for peace. What we do is we have a draft, but if you are the son of a rich person, a CEO or a Politician, you end up in an elite Airborne Unit that will be the first deployed to any war zone.

Peace in our Time.
Democratic machine has made its pick and it's creepy Adlai Biden. He will go down to defeat like Stevenson did to Ike.
2020 primary elections: 5 takeaways from March 10 - CNNPolitics

Biden is currently leading Trump by 7 points nationally, is beating him in Michigan, FLorida, PA, NC and Wisconsin.

And that's before people see their 401K statements for this quarter.

Biden is an expert at dropping in the polls. Epic 40% drop right last month, you should have brought it up.

He has no fans, no supporters. Just the free shit army who will vote for anything in order to get their fix.
Biden is an expert at dropping in the polls. Epic 40% drop right last month, you should have brought it up.

He has no fans, no supporters. Just the free shit army who will vote for anything in order to get their fix.

Yet he turned it around and is rolling over Commie Bernie.

Now, you might have a point, if he were facing a competent, non-scary opponent, he might have a problem.

He's facing the guy who just screwed up the Covid-19 response and watched stupidly while the Stock Market crashed.

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