Admit it Republicans, aren’t you embarrassed by some of the stuff coming out of your party?


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
I’ll start
As a Democrat, I am uncomfortable with the Defund the Police crap, general wokiness of being offended by everything, bending over to accommodate transsexuals

But Republicans, are you uncomfortable with the Stolen Election rants, refusal to get COVID shots, Climate Change denial, Obama born in Kenya myth?
I’ll start
As a Democrat, I am uncomfortable with the Defund the Police crap, general wokiness of being offended by everything, bending over to accommodate transsexuals

But Republicans, are you uncomfortable with the Stolen Election rants, refusal to get COVID shots, Climate Change denial, Obama born in Kenya myth?
I am an Independent.

Stolen Election —- To me it has more to do with being uncomfortable with vote by mail and lack of ID requirements with a sprinkle of…did 81mil really vote for a dead guy?

COVID19 shots —-many people of color refuse the shot as well. It’s not just a Republican issue. I had the virus and don’t have my shot yet but only because I have the antibodies and the CDC refuses to differentiate those with natural immunity from those who never got the virus. If the CDC would do that in my opinion, more would get the shots.

Climate Change —- Thomas Sowell discusses it really well. To me there is change and man is impacting it. We recycle more and do more to be less damaging. I hate what we are doing to our oceans. At the same time changing our lives dramatically because the world may end is also a crazy leftist notion.

Kenya —- No idea why people care about this. Even if it were true, he is no longer president. Who cares. I do not believe it is true. But I do not care either.
I’ll start
As a Democrat, I am uncomfortable with the Defund the Police crap, general wokiness of being offended by everything, bending over to accommodate transsexuals

But Republicans, are you uncomfortable with the Stolen Election rants, refusal to get COVID shots, Climate Change denial, Obama born in Kenya myth?

The election was stolen, I won't take the jab, global warming is a hoax, and Barack Obama is a Kenyan tranny.

That's a shitload of projection in the OP's thread. If anyone should be embarrassed by their party right now, it the Democrats.
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I’ll start
As a Democrat, I am uncomfortable with the Defund the Police crap, general wokiness of being offended by everything, bending over to accommodate transsexuals

But Republicans, are you uncomfortable with the Stolen Election rants, refusal to get COVID shots, Climate Change denial, Obama born in Kenya myth?
The election was stolen, I won't take the jab, global warming is a hoax, and Barack Obama is a Kenyan tranny.

That's a shitload of projection in the OP's thread. If anyone should be embarrassed by their party right now, it the Democrats.
Republicans actually say that shit and the more moderate Republicans are afraid to condemn it
I’ll start
As a Democrat, I am uncomfortable with the Defund the Police crap, general wokiness of being offended by everything, bending over to accommodate transsexuals

But Republicans, are you uncomfortable with the Stolen Election rants, refusal to get COVID shots, Climate Change denial, Obama born in Kenya myth?
I'm not a Republican, but I definitely lean towards being conservative.

I've never signed on to the "stolen election" thing. What we have is, for whatever reason, what we have. I know far more Republicans who believe the election wasn't stolen.

Refusals to get vaccines? Sorry, but that's a personal choice. It's not so much the government mandating it (although that's part of it), I have a problem with pro-vaxxers who actually want people punished for not getting the vaccine. My brother's company (a large Japanese company) decided that every employee must be vaccinated, and they need to sign paperwork stating they'll get it by such and such a date, etc. One of the employees, a good friend of my brother's, refused to do it and was summarily fired. He turned around and sued the company for wrongful termination. The company settled the case out of court, but my brother says it was in the "higher six figures".

I full understand that climate change is real, but I also believe it's inevitable. I don't believe we're going to do anything which will have any remarkable impact. This planet's been around for billions of years. How egotistical do we have to be to think that we can destroy it by using plastic grocery bags?

Oh, and I never believed Obama was born in Kenya...
rightwinger like my thread on it says--since the major fk up in Afghanistan, you lefties are doing a lot of babble crapping/deflecting/etc
..we have this ONGOING total EMBARRASSING fk up in Afghanistan because of Bidumb, and you bring this shit up????!!!
This planet's been around for billions of years. How egotistical do we have to be to think that we can destroy it by using plastic grocery bags?

The earth is one tough SOB piece of rock, it will survive anything we do to it

Humans may not
Republicans actually say that shit and the more moderate Republicans are afraid to condemn it

Words are cheap. Actions speak louder and if the current administration is judged by their actions, they will be found to be exceedingly incompetent.
I’ll start
As a Democrat, I am uncomfortable with the Defund the Police crap, general wokiness of being offended by everything, bending over to accommodate transsexuals

But Republicans, are you uncomfortable with the Stolen Election rants, refusal to get COVID shots, Climate Change denial, Obama born in Kenya myth?

Smell the desperation of the Nazi Reich.

So desperate to SOMEHOW, ANY HOW, distract from the Biden fuckup in Afghanistan.

I’ll start
As a Democrat, I am uncomfortable with the Defund the Police crap, general wokiness of being offended by everything, bending over to accommodate transsexuals

But Republicans, are you uncomfortable with the Stolen Election rants, refusal to get COVID shots, Climate Change denial, Obama born in Kenya myth?
Are you tired of brain damaged Biden? He is going to abandon thousands of Americans and our allies in Afghanistan, people we PROMISED to protect. You all whined about Trump and or allies, Biden is pissing off all of NATO and emboldening Russia and China. Remind me how he is better then Trump.
Are you tired of brain damaged Biden? He is going to abandon thousands of Americans and our allies in Afghanistan, people we PROMISED to protect. You all whined about Trump and or allies, Biden is pissing off all of NATO and emboldening Russia and China. Remind me how he is better then Trump.
Biden is completing what Trump started
Unless you can show me where you opposed Trumps drawdown and agreement to withdraw……
you need to STFU

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