Admit it USMB GOP, your leadership doesn't care about the Middle Class

Wealthy people also buy politicians to tilt the game in their favor. Look at the dozen or so billionaires pouring money into the Mitt Romney campaign. What is they expect to get? Do some research. It's not like they've been quiet about it. And before you go "But but but DEMOCRATS HAVE BILLIONAIRES TOO", forget about the Democrats. What is it Republicans are supporting? Don't be blind. If you can't say what it is, you don't know.

The only thing they hope to get is a free country. Has it ever occurred to you that no everyone has an ulterior motive? Of course not. You're a liberal. You assume everyone is a conniving scumbag just like you.

You haven't really convinced yourself of that, have you? Like Texas billionaire Harold Simmons, who is supporting Mitt because he hopes to get safety regulations overturned so he can increase the size of his nuclear waste dump by a factor of 100.
How many do you want me to post. These guys haven't been quiet about what they expect to get back. It's easy to look it up. But should I be vetting your candidate? Shouldn't that be your job?

Hint, what did Romney mean when he said less policemen, firemen and teachers?

hey Dean like i have told you....Republicans tell you to your face what they think.....Democrats tell you one thing to your face and fuck you behind your back.... one is just a little more honest....not much,just a little.....and people like you made the Democrats the way they are.....they were a much better party till you and your kind came along....
Fuck you too. You don't even have an argument. Because I'm right and all you asswipes know it. That's why all you can do is call names.

rdean, do you know what the word hypocrite means. Also, classless language like yours only highlights who has an argument and who does not.

I only call names BACK, I don't call them first.

:lol:....sure Dean.....
Come on. I just want to hear you guys say it. You know it's true and we know it's true. Just admit your leadership puts millionaires and billionaires above all other Americans.

You can't hide that corporations are making historic profits. The DOW has doubled. Only demand creates jobs. You know these things to be true, right? At least admit that.

Now, if there is no demand, no jobs will be created. Tax cuts only work for people who have jobs. Admit that too.

So, is there a Republican Plan to get money into the pockets of the Middle Class? In the past, that was done by rebuilding the country. But we spent that money in Iraq, so Republicans say "That's out".

So you guys have no plan. Right. Come on. Either admit it or tell us the "plan".

Does it really matter? I say that because the pattern has long been established. If (or more likely when) the middle class is eventually decimated by conservative policies that favor the wealthy (increasingly wealthy, I should say), conservatives will just find some kind of narrative to blame liberals for the problem, regardless of how farfetched and ridiculous it sounds. If you don't believe that's possible, look how they blamed the housing market collapse on the inner city poor and the CRA of 1977.

All politicians are capable of changing a rational for an argument, but the Democrats don't hold a candle to Republicans when it comes to sheer chutzpa when it comes to fingering imaginary bogeymen.

you mean like the Republican "boogeymen" that the Democratic activist out here tell the Latinos that are coming to get them?....yea i know what you mean....
Come on. I just want to hear you guys say it. You know it's true and we know it's true. Just admit your leadership puts millionaires and billionaires above all other Americans.

You can't hide that corporations are making historic profits. The DOW has doubled. Only demand creates jobs. You know these things to be true, right? At least admit that.

Now, if there is no demand, no jobs will be created. Tax cuts only work for people who have jobs. Admit that too.

So, is there a Republican Plan to get money into the pockets of the Middle Class? In the past, that was done by rebuilding the country. But we spent that money in Iraq, so Republicans say "That's out".

So you guys have no plan. Right. Come on. Either admit it or tell us the "plan".

I would be glad to admit it, except they aren't me leaders, and I have been saying all along that all either party cares about is getting reelected. I think that means you are the one that needs to admit something here.

Dean cant do that.....he would fall out of lockstep.....
Republicans want the middle class to fear the poor, so they won't notice the rich walking away with all the money.

hey is that Helen Thomas Sex Doll working out for you?.....are the rumors i heard true? cant get sex from it either?......:eusa_eh:
Yet another, I am Right I know it, so why don't you all agree with me thread, From Rdean.

Republicans want the middle class to fear the poor, so they won't notice the rich walking away with all the money.

I notice your rep keeps sinking.

Seems people don't like someone to start threads making stupid claims then running away from them.

Chris has been doing that as long as i have been here.....

He has had at least 1 other name, and changed because of it as well.

Always easy to pick him out though.
Republicans want the middle class to fear the poor, so they won't notice the rich walking away with all the money.

hey is that Helen Thomas Sex Doll working out for you?.....are the rumors i heard true? cant get sex from it either?......:eusa_eh:

LOL, Helen Thomas sex Doll, I'm gonna have to up this one! LOL

he used to have a blowup.....but he was tired of being the one doing the blowing....
Middle class cons, aren't you happy that you protect the rich?

Top CEO pay equals 3,489 years for typical worker - CBS News

(AP) WASHINGTON - David Simon of Simon Property received a pay package worth more than $137 million for last year, and the typical CEO took home $9.6 million, according to an analysis by The Associated Press.

Here are some ways to think about just how much money those salaries represent.

Simon's $137 million is almost entirely in stock awards that could eventually be worth $132 million. The company said it wanted to make sure Simon wasn't lured to another company.

HOW LONG IT TAKES OTHERS TO MAKE THAT MUCH: A minimum wage worker - paid $7.25 per hour, as some workers at Simon malls are - would have to work one month shy of 9,096 years to make what Simon made last year. A person making the national median salary, $39,312 by AP calculations, would have to work 3,489 years.

BY THE HOUR: Assuming Simon worked a 60-hour week, his pay was $43,963.64 per hour, or $732.73 per minute. To put that in perspective, the minimum-wage worker would have to labor for nearly three years to make what Simon earns in an hour. The average U.S. worker makes slightly less in one year than Simon makes in an hour.

COMPARED WITH AMERICA'S CEO: Simon makes about 342 times the $400,000 annual salary of President Barack Obama. In fact, if you add the salaries of Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, the Cabinet, the Supreme Court justices, all the members of the Senate and House of Representatives and all 50 governors, it is less than $110 million, so Simon makes well more than government's top 600 leaders. In the past 100 years, U.S. taxpayers have paid a total of $80.6 million, adjusted for inflation, to presidents from Woodrow Wilson to Obama.

The median CEO salary of $9.587 million:

HOW LONG IT TAKES OTHERS TO MAKE THAT MUCH: A minimum wage worker would have to work 636 years to make that much. A person making the national average salary would have to work 244 years to make the median CEO salary.

BY THE HOUR: If you assume the CEO works a 60-hour week, the pay comes to $3,072.84 per hour, or $51.21 per minute. To put that in perspective, the minimum wage worker would have to labor more than 10 weeks to make what the median CEO earns in an hour. It would take the average U.S. worker nearly a month to make what the average CEO makes in an hour.

COMPARED WITH AMERICA'S CEO: The CEO who made the median salary took in 12 times the total $789,674 in gross income that President Obama reported last year. But it is less than half the $20.9 million in income that presumptive Republican nominee Mitt Romney reported in his tax filing.

10 highest-paid CEOs

The 10 highest-paid CEOs for 2011, according to an Associated Press analysis of Standard & Poor's 500 companies. The analysis includes companies that had the same CEO for all of 2010 and 2011 and that filed proxy statements with the Securities and Exchange Commission between Jan. 1 and April 30.

They are based on the AP's compensation formula, which adds up salary, perks, bonuses, preferential interest rates on pay set aside for later, and company estimates for the value of stock options and stock awards on the day they were granted last year.

1. David Simon, Simon Property Group, $137.2 million, up 458 percent

2. Leslie Moonves, CBS, $68.4 million, up 20 percent

3. David M. Zaslav, Discovery Communications, $52.4 million, up 23 percent

4. Sanjay K. Jha, Motorola Mobility, $47.2 million, up 262 percent

5. Philippe P. Dauman, Viacom, $43.1 million, down 49 percent

6. David M. Cote, Honeywell International, $35.7 million, up 135 percent

7. Robert A. Iger, Walt Disney, $31.4 million, up 12 percent

8. Clarence P. Cazalot Jr., Marathon Oil, $29.9 million, up 239 percent

9. John P. Daane, Altera, $29.6, million, up 278 percent

10. Alan Mulally, Ford Motor, $29.5 million, up 11 percent
Last edited:
Middle class cons, aren't you happy that you protect the rich?

Top CEO pay equals 3,489 years for typical worker - CBS News

(AP) WASHINGTON - David Simon of Simon Property received a pay package worth more than $137 million for last year, and the typical CEO took home $9.6 million, according to an analysis by The Associated Press.

Here are some ways to think about just how much money those salaries represent.

Simon's $137 million is almost entirely in stock awards that could eventually be worth $132 million. The company said it wanted to make sure Simon wasn't lured to another company.

HOW LONG IT TAKES OTHERS TO MAKE THAT MUCH: A minimum wage worker - paid $7.25 per hour, as some workers at Simon malls are - would have to work one month shy of 9,096 years to make what Simon made last year. A person making the national median salary, $39,312 by AP calculations, would have to work 3,489 years.

BY THE HOUR: Assuming Simon worked a 60-hour week, his pay was $43,963.64 per hour, or $732.73 per minute. To put that in perspective, the minimum-wage worker would have to labor for nearly three years to make what Simon earns in an hour. The average U.S. worker makes slightly less in one year than Simon makes in an hour.

COMPARED WITH AMERICA'S CEO: Simon makes about 342 times the $400,000 annual salary of President Barack Obama. In fact, if you add the salaries of Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, the Cabinet, the Supreme Court justices, all the members of the Senate and House of Representatives and all 50 governors, it is less than $110 million, so Simon makes well more than government's top 600 leaders. In the past 100 years, U.S. taxpayers have paid a total of $80.6 million, adjusted for inflation, to presidents from Woodrow Wilson to Obama.

The median CEO salary of $9.587 million:

HOW LONG IT TAKES OTHERS TO MAKE THAT MUCH: A minimum wage worker would have to work 636 years to make that much. A person making the national average salary would have to work 244 years to make the median CEO salary.

BY THE HOUR: If you assume the CEO works a 60-hour week, the pay comes to $3,072.84 per hour, or $51.21 per minute. To put that in perspective, the minimum wage worker would have to labor more than 10 weeks to make what the median CEO earns in an hour. It would take the average U.S. worker nearly a month to make what the average CEO makes in an hour.

COMPARED WITH AMERICA'S CEO: The CEO who made the median salary took in 12 times the total $789,674 in gross income that President Obama reported last year. But it is less than half the $20.9 million in income that presumptive Republican nominee Mitt Romney reported in his tax filing.

10 highest-paid CEOs

The 10 highest-paid CEOs for 2011, according to an Associated Press analysis of Standard & Poor's 500 companies. The analysis includes companies that had the same CEO for all of 2010 and 2011 and that filed proxy statements with the Securities and Exchange Commission between Jan. 1 and April 30.

They are based on the AP's compensation formula, which adds up salary, perks, bonuses, preferential interest rates on pay set aside for later, and company estimates for the value of stock options and stock awards on the day they were granted last year.

1. David Simon, Simon Property Group, $137.2 million, up 458 percent

2. Leslie Moonves, CBS, $68.4 million, up 20 percent

3. David M. Zaslav, Discovery Communications, $52.4 million, up 23 percent

4. Sanjay K. Jha, Motorola Mobility, $47.2 million, up 262 percent

5. Philippe P. Dauman, Viacom, $43.1 million, down 49 percent

6. David M. Cote, Honeywell International, $35.7 million, up 135 percent

7. Robert A. Iger, Walt Disney, $31.4 million, up 12 percent

8. Clarence P. Cazalot Jr., Marathon Oil, $29.9 million, up 239 percent

9. John P. Daane, Altera, $29.6, million, up 278 percent

10. Alan Mulally, Ford Motor, $29.5 million, up 11 percent

some of these salaries are ridiculous....but its also ridiculous to make 40 million playing Basketball or Baseball....
Middle class cons, aren't you happy that you protect the rich?

Top CEO pay equals 3,489 years for typical worker - CBS News

(AP) WASHINGTON - David Simon of Simon Property received a pay package worth more than $137 million for last year, and the typical CEO took home $9.6 million, according to an analysis by The Associated Press.

Here are some ways to think about just how much money those salaries represent.

Simon's $137 million is almost entirely in stock awards that could eventually be worth $132 million. The company said it wanted to make sure Simon wasn't lured to another company.

HOW LONG IT TAKES OTHERS TO MAKE THAT MUCH: A minimum wage worker - paid $7.25 per hour, as some workers at Simon malls are - would have to work one month shy of 9,096 years to make what Simon made last year. A person making the national median salary, $39,312 by AP calculations, would have to work 3,489 years.

BY THE HOUR: Assuming Simon worked a 60-hour week, his pay was $43,963.64 per hour, or $732.73 per minute. To put that in perspective, the minimum-wage worker would have to labor for nearly three years to make what Simon earns in an hour. The average U.S. worker makes slightly less in one year than Simon makes in an hour.

COMPARED WITH AMERICA'S CEO: Simon makes about 342 times the $400,000 annual salary of President Barack Obama. In fact, if you add the salaries of Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, the Cabinet, the Supreme Court justices, all the members of the Senate and House of Representatives and all 50 governors, it is less than $110 million, so Simon makes well more than government's top 600 leaders. In the past 100 years, U.S. taxpayers have paid a total of $80.6 million, adjusted for inflation, to presidents from Woodrow Wilson to Obama.

The median CEO salary of $9.587 million:

HOW LONG IT TAKES OTHERS TO MAKE THAT MUCH: A minimum wage worker would have to work 636 years to make that much. A person making the national average salary would have to work 244 years to make the median CEO salary.

BY THE HOUR: If you assume the CEO works a 60-hour week, the pay comes to $3,072.84 per hour, or $51.21 per minute. To put that in perspective, the minimum wage worker would have to labor more than 10 weeks to make what the median CEO earns in an hour. It would take the average U.S. worker nearly a month to make what the average CEO makes in an hour.

COMPARED WITH AMERICA'S CEO: The CEO who made the median salary took in 12 times the total $789,674 in gross income that President Obama reported last year. But it is less than half the $20.9 million in income that presumptive Republican nominee Mitt Romney reported in his tax filing.

10 highest-paid CEOs

The 10 highest-paid CEOs for 2011, according to an Associated Press analysis of Standard & Poor's 500 companies. The analysis includes companies that had the same CEO for all of 2010 and 2011 and that filed proxy statements with the Securities and Exchange Commission between Jan. 1 and April 30.

They are based on the AP's compensation formula, which adds up salary, perks, bonuses, preferential interest rates on pay set aside for later, and company estimates for the value of stock options and stock awards on the day they were granted last year.

1. David Simon, Simon Property Group, $137.2 million, up 458 percent

2. Leslie Moonves, CBS, $68.4 million, up 20 percent

3. David M. Zaslav, Discovery Communications, $52.4 million, up 23 percent

4. Sanjay K. Jha, Motorola Mobility, $47.2 million, up 262 percent

5. Philippe P. Dauman, Viacom, $43.1 million, down 49 percent

6. David M. Cote, Honeywell International, $35.7 million, up 135 percent

7. Robert A. Iger, Walt Disney, $31.4 million, up 12 percent

8. Clarence P. Cazalot Jr., Marathon Oil, $29.9 million, up 239 percent

9. John P. Daane, Altera, $29.6, million, up 278 percent

10. Alan Mulally, Ford Motor, $29.5 million, up 11 percent

Good for them, they deserve it.

Mindless drones like Chrissy cannot begin to fathom the obvious questions, much less the more difficult ones, that are raised by his "concern" with "income inequality."

What "share" of the total economy does a guy working at McDonalds "deserve," Chrissy?


Mindless drones like Chrissy cannot begin to fathom the obvious questions, much less the more difficult ones, that are raised by his "concern" with "income inequality."

What "share" of the total economy does a guy working at McDonalds "deserve," Chrissy?


Chrissy is one of the idiots that belives in 'Zero Sum Game'
Come on. I just want to hear you guys say it. You know it's true and we know it's true. Just admit your leadership puts millionaires and billionaires above all other Americans.

You can't hide that corporations are making historic profits. The DOW has doubled. Only demand creates jobs. You know these things to be true, right? At least admit that.

Now, if there is no demand, no jobs will be created. Tax cuts only work for people who have jobs. Admit that too.

So, is there a Republican Plan to get money into the pockets of the Middle Class? In the past, that was done by rebuilding the country. But we spent that money in Iraq, so Republicans say "That's out".

So you guys have no plan. Right. Come on. Either admit it or tell us the "plan".

If you are in the middle class, answer HONESTLY: Did you earn your wages/salary on your own merit, or was it because some union thug "spoke" on your behalf?

If you got your riches because some thugs spoke on your behalf, you are no middle class, you are an impotent free-loader. You will fit right in with the rest of welfare recipients, whose unions negotiated them out of a job, and sent those jobs to China. Or India. Or Bengla Desh. Or Singapore. Or Nigeria.

If you got your wealth as a result of collective bargaining, you don't deserve it.

And if you are honest, you will admit it.
yeah you're right dean every republican on here is super rich and we just have to speak to morons like you because we could take trips to Italy or France or ride in our Ferraris. Do you realize how stupid you sound.

You guys are being played. Somehow, they've convinced you to vote against your own best interests. Maybe it's a belief that all pain leads to some kind of reward.

Hello Pot?
This is Kettle.
Guess what?
You're black!

Shame on you for being so politically incorrect!!!

You should have said: "You're African-American!"
So deano, when you start your business, what are you going to pay the workers? Out with it now, it's time to get down and dirty and lets get specific. So how much?

I am not deano, and I am somewhat too old to start my own business, but if I were, I would give my employees the wages they deserve. If they and I would disagree on the fairness of that arrangement, I would not block them to seek employment elsewhere.

I would not let some liberal free-loader tell me what the minimum wage should be. That kind of hypocrisy is the exclusive purview of billionaires born into criminally acquired family money, like the Kennedy's, or money married into as a gigolo, as John Kerry.

If the wages I would pay, would be mutually agreeable, there would be no reason to get a union. There would be no reason to squabble. Those employees who bettered themselves would move on, and those who did not would be gainfully employed.

Liberals, who think they are the new Messiah, learn to mind your own damn business!!
Wealthy people also buy politicians to tilt the game in their favor. Look at the dozen or so billionaires pouring money into the Mitt Romney campaign. What is they expect to get? Do some research. It's not like they've been quiet about it. And before you go "But but but DEMOCRATS HAVE BILLIONAIRES TOO", forget about the Democrats. What is it Republicans are supporting? Don't be blind. If you can't say what it is, you don't know.

Every time you post you prove yourself to be a bigger idiot than before.

Fuck you too. You don't even have an argument. Because I'm right and all you asswipes know it. That's why all you can do is call names.

We all know that you are right, because we all see that we are defenseless against your unassailable arguments of obscenity (Your first sentence) and name-calling (Your second sentence).

And, to top it all off, your accusation of name-calling. (Your third sentence).

Congratulations! You are three for three!!!

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