Admit it USMB GOP, your leadership doesn't care about the Middle Class

Either you can't answer or we take you at your word.

yeah you're right dean every republican on here is super rich and we just have to speak to morons like you because we could take trips to Italy or France or ride in our Ferraris. Do you realize how stupid you sound.

You guys are being played. Somehow, they've convinced you to vote against your own best interests. Maybe it's a belief that all pain leads to some kind of reward.

What are my best interests?

Prediction: It will wind up being "Voting to keep liberals in power". It always does.
Admit it USMB GOP, your leadership doesn't care about the Middle Class
I feel no obligation to validate your delusion.

Deany doesn't belive that your share is whatever you EARN by the course you decide to take in your life. It's called exercising one's liberty.

It could be said that he's advocating theft.

Derpy thinks all money belongs to the government, and only their benevolence and compassion allows you to keep some for yourself.
I feel no obligation to validate your delusion.

Deany doesn't belive that your share is whatever you EARN by the course you decide to take in your life. It's called exercising one's liberty.

It could be said that he's advocating theft.

Derpy thinks all money belongs to the government, and only their benevolence and compassion allows you to keep some for yourself.

Precisely. Economic Jihad.
Come on. I just want to hear you guys say it. You know it's true and we know it's true. Just admit your leadership puts millionaires and billionaires above all other Americans.

You can't hide that corporations are making historic profits. The DOW has doubled. Only demand creates jobs. You know these things to be true, right? At least admit that.

Now, if there is no demand, no jobs will be created. Tax cuts only work for people who have jobs. Admit that too.

So, is there a Republican Plan to get money into the pockets of the Middle Class? In the past, that was done by rebuilding the country. But we spent that money in Iraq, so Republicans say "That's out".

So you guys have no plan. Right. Come on. Either admit it or tell us the "plan".

Does it really matter? I say that because the pattern has long been established. If (or more likely when) the middle class is eventually decimated by conservative policies that favor the wealthy (increasingly wealthy, I should say), conservatives will just find some kind of narrative to blame liberals for the problem, regardless of how farfetched and ridiculous it sounds. If you don't believe that's possible, look how they blamed the housing market collapse on the inner city poor and the CRA of 1977.

All politicians are capable of changing a rational for an argument, but the Democrats don't hold a candle to Republicans when it comes to sheer chutzpa when it comes to fingering imaginary bogeymen.

And yet, there are times of prosperity when liberals manage to vote conservatives out of office. Times that are good for the country. We have to do that again. It's our only option against their dangerous and destructive policies.
Does it really matter? I say that because the pattern has long been established. If (or more likely when) the middle class is eventually decimated by conservative policies that favor the wealthy (increasingly wealthy, I should say), conservatives will just find some kind of narrative to blame liberals for the problem, regardless of how farfetched and ridiculous it sounds. If you don't believe that's possible, look how they blamed the housing market collapse on the inner city poor and the CRA of 1977.

All politicians are capable of changing a rational for an argument, but the Democrats don't hold a candle to Republicans when it comes to sheer chutzpa when it comes to fingering imaginary bogeymen.

Man, if you are agreeing with rdean, you seriously need to re-evaluate your position, just sayin'.

Members of both political parties have been corrupted by campaign cash. But the GOP, as a political party, is more firmly in the pocket of the wealthiest Americans, and their legislative actions bear that fact out.

So, whether it's Medicare Part D, or guaranteed cost+ contracts for private companies to provide Iraqi war zone reconstruction and military support, or private mercenary contracts like Blackwater, or the push to privatize social security so Wall St can get their hands on people's retirement money, or GOP efforts to continue cutting taxes for the wealthy even as school teachers are being furloughed, or the trend toward privatizing virtually everything and anything (which is little more than corporate welfare) from schools to prisons, or the GOP hostility toward regulation in general (which, more often than not, tends to protect consumers or average citizens who are in no position to rise up to the challenge of policing corporate behavior), the GOP is showing that people don't matter as much as corporations do. And why should that surprise anyone considering that Romney has said that corporations ARE people. If corporations are people, than they're VIPs, and the rest of us are just plain folks.

With that said, let me say that while I'm not much in favor of overly melodramatic fare, especially when it comes across as hyperbolic, I have noted the corporate ascendency of the last thirty years or so. And, as our country moves ever closer to a reality the bears a striking resemblance to some of those dystopian futuristic novels that were written over 60 years ago, I can't help but ask myself if other people can't see "the writing on the wall" about what tomorrow's America is going to look like if things continue as they are. So, if you've never studied trend line analysis, let me put it to you another way. When the relatively small number of the increasingly powerful corporations-are-people-too crowd's interests come into conflict with the vast majority of the average We-the-people-citizenry, which group do you think is more likely to prevail when the corporate crowd is bankrolling the campaigns of people in both parties and the We-the-people citizenry group of average people is only giving pennies on the dollar (if that) in comparison?

Absolutely. Both parties. However, it's the Chamber of Commerce who worked with China to move millions of jobs to China. The SAME Chamber of Commerce who gives to Republicans 9 to 1 over Democrats.

Hilarious that as many times I posted links to that fact, even to Republican congressmen who said they don't like it either, USMB Republicans still say "prove it". They won't read any links that they think could show how wrong they are. Every time they say "prove it", but refuse to read or learn. How many times have I linked to the Christian Science Monitor or some other right wing site. They don't even believe their own people if it goes against the indoctrination.
Man, if you are agreeing with rdean, you seriously need to re-evaluate your position, just sayin'.

Members of both political parties have been corrupted by campaign cash. But the GOP, as a political party, is more firmly in the pocket of the wealthiest Americans, and their legislative actions bear that fact out.

So, whether it's Medicare Part D, or guaranteed cost+ contracts for private companies to provide Iraqi war zone reconstruction and military support, or private mercenary contracts like Blackwater, or the push to privatize social security so Wall St can get their hands on people's retirement money, or GOP efforts to continue cutting taxes for the wealthy even as school teachers are being furloughed, or the trend toward privatizing virtually everything and anything (which is little more than corporate welfare) from schools to prisons, or the GOP hostility toward regulation in general (which, more often than not, tends to protect consumers or average citizens who are in no position to rise up to the challenge of policing corporate behavior), the GOP is showing that people don't matter as much as corporations do. And why should that surprise anyone considering that Romney has said that corporations ARE people. If corporations are people, than they're VIPs, and the rest of us are just plain folks.

With that said, let me say that while I'm not much in favor of overly melodramatic fare, especially when it comes across as hyperbolic, I have noted the corporate ascendency of the last thirty years or so. And, as our country moves ever closer to a reality the bears a striking resemblance to some of those dystopian futuristic novels that were written over 60 years ago, I can't help but ask myself if other people can't see "the writing on the wall" about what tomorrow's America is going to look like if things continue as they are. So, if you've never studied trend line analysis, let me put it to you another way. When the relatively small number of the increasingly powerful corporations-are-people-too crowd's interests come into conflict with the vast majority of the average We-the-people-citizenry, which group do you think is more likely to prevail when the corporate crowd is bankrolling the campaigns of people in both parties and the We-the-people citizenry group of average people is only giving pennies on the dollar (if that) in comparison?

Absolutely. Both parties. However, it's the Chamber of Commerce who worked with China to move millions of jobs to China. The SAME Chamber of Commerce who gives to Republicans 9 to 1 over Democrats.

Hilarious that as many times I posted links to that fact, even to Republican congressmen who said they don't like it either, USMB Republicans still say "prove it". They won't read any links that they think could show how wrong they are. Every time they say "prove it", but refuse to read or learn. How many times have I linked to the Christian Science Monitor or some other right wing site. They don't even believe their own people if it goes against the indoctrination.

Obama moved Jobs and wealth to China when he gave our tax dollars to GM to build a new plant and many new dealerships in China.
Members of both political parties have been corrupted by campaign cash. But the GOP, as a political party, is more firmly in the pocket of the wealthiest Americans, and their legislative actions bear that fact out.

So, whether it's Medicare Part D, or guaranteed cost+ contracts for private companies to provide Iraqi war zone reconstruction and military support, or private mercenary contracts like Blackwater, or the push to privatize social security so Wall St can get their hands on people's retirement money, or GOP efforts to continue cutting taxes for the wealthy even as school teachers are being furloughed, or the trend toward privatizing virtually everything and anything (which is little more than corporate welfare) from schools to prisons, or the GOP hostility toward regulation in general (which, more often than not, tends to protect consumers or average citizens who are in no position to rise up to the challenge of policing corporate behavior), the GOP is showing that people don't matter as much as corporations do. And why should that surprise anyone considering that Romney has said that corporations ARE people. If corporations are people, than they're VIPs, and the rest of us are just plain folks.

With that said, let me say that while I'm not much in favor of overly melodramatic fare, especially when it comes across as hyperbolic, I have noted the corporate ascendency of the last thirty years or so. And, as our country moves ever closer to a reality the bears a striking resemblance to some of those dystopian futuristic novels that were written over 60 years ago, I can't help but ask myself if other people can't see "the writing on the wall" about what tomorrow's America is going to look like if things continue as they are. So, if you've never studied trend line analysis, let me put it to you another way. When the relatively small number of the increasingly powerful corporations-are-people-too crowd's interests come into conflict with the vast majority of the average We-the-people-citizenry, which group do you think is more likely to prevail when the corporate crowd is bankrolling the campaigns of people in both parties and the We-the-people citizenry group of average people is only giving pennies on the dollar (if that) in comparison?

Absolutely. Both parties. However, it's the Chamber of Commerce who worked with China to move millions of jobs to China. The SAME Chamber of Commerce who gives to Republicans 9 to 1 over Democrats.

Hilarious that as many times I posted links to that fact, even to Republican congressmen who said they don't like it either, USMB Republicans still say "prove it". They won't read any links that they think could show how wrong they are. Every time they say "prove it", but refuse to read or learn. How many times have I linked to the Christian Science Monitor or some other right wing site. They don't even believe their own people if it goes against the indoctrination.

Obama moved Jobs and wealth to China when he gave our tax dollars to GM to build a new plant and many new dealerships in China.

Toldya he'd be back with idiotic profundities, didn't I?
Deany doesn't belive that your share is whatever you EARN by the course you decide to take in your life. It's called exercising one's liberty.

It could be said that he's advocating theft.

Derpy thinks all money belongs to the government, and only their benevolence and compassion allows you to keep some for yourself.

Precisely. Economic Jihad.
Derp longs for the day when he'll receive all he needs, and gives according to his abilities, guided and loved by the government.
Why is it the left is all to eager to proclaim my troll threads troll threads? Yet this bullshit goes by unchallenged? Hell, I often admit when I'm trolling yet you guys seem incapable of being fair in your analysis. And you call me a partisan hack.
And yet, there are times of prosperity when liberals manage to vote conservatives out of office. Times that are good for the country. We have to do that again. It's our only option against their dangerous and destructive policies.

you mean like in the 90's.....
Derpy thinks all money belongs to the government, and only their benevolence and compassion allows you to keep some for yourself.

Precisely. Economic Jihad.
Derp longs for the day when he'll receive all he needs, and gives according to his abilities, guided and loved by the government.

And how will he react when they approach him demanding party membership forwhat he got from them...or else disappear off the face of the Earth never to be seen or heard again?:eusa_shhh:
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Members of both political parties have been corrupted by campaign cash. But the GOP, as a political party, is more firmly in the pocket of the wealthiest Americans, and their legislative actions bear that fact out.

So, whether it's Medicare Part D, or guaranteed cost+ contracts for private companies to provide Iraqi war zone reconstruction and military support, or private mercenary contracts like Blackwater, or the push to privatize social security so Wall St can get their hands on people's retirement money, or GOP efforts to continue cutting taxes for the wealthy even as school teachers are being furloughed, or the trend toward privatizing virtually everything and anything (which is little more than corporate welfare) from schools to prisons, or the GOP hostility toward regulation in general (which, more often than not, tends to protect consumers or average citizens who are in no position to rise up to the challenge of policing corporate behavior), the GOP is showing that people don't matter as much as corporations do. And why should that surprise anyone considering that Romney has said that corporations ARE people. If corporations are people, than they're VIPs, and the rest of us are just plain folks.

With that said, let me say that while I'm not much in favor of overly melodramatic fare, especially when it comes across as hyperbolic, I have noted the corporate ascendency of the last thirty years or so. And, as our country moves ever closer to a reality the bears a striking resemblance to some of those dystopian futuristic novels that were written over 60 years ago, I can't help but ask myself if other people can't see "the writing on the wall" about what tomorrow's America is going to look like if things continue as they are. So, if you've never studied trend line analysis, let me put it to you another way. When the relatively small number of the increasingly powerful corporations-are-people-too crowd's interests come into conflict with the vast majority of the average We-the-people-citizenry, which group do you think is more likely to prevail when the corporate crowd is bankrolling the campaigns of people in both parties and the We-the-people citizenry group of average people is only giving pennies on the dollar (if that) in comparison?

Absolutely. Both parties. However, it's the Chamber of Commerce who worked with China to move millions of jobs to China. The SAME Chamber of Commerce who gives to Republicans 9 to 1 over Democrats.

Hilarious that as many times I posted links to that fact, even to Republican congressmen who said they don't like it either, USMB Republicans still say "prove it". They won't read any links that they think could show how wrong they are. Every time they say "prove it", but refuse to read or learn. How many times have I linked to the Christian Science Monitor or some other right wing site. They don't even believe their own people if it goes against the indoctrination.

Obama moved Jobs and wealth to China when he gave our tax dollars to GM to build a new plant and many new dealerships in China.

and china, japan, germany built plants here to produce cars. why? Cause it's economical, duh!
Absolutely. Both parties. However, it's the Chamber of Commerce who worked with China to move millions of jobs to China. The SAME Chamber of Commerce who gives to Republicans 9 to 1 over Democrats.

Hilarious that as many times I posted links to that fact, even to Republican congressmen who said they don't like it either, USMB Republicans still say "prove it". They won't read any links that they think could show how wrong they are. Every time they say "prove it", but refuse to read or learn. How many times have I linked to the Christian Science Monitor or some other right wing site. They don't even believe their own people if it goes against the indoctrination.

Obama moved Jobs and wealth to China when he gave our tax dollars to GM to build a new plant and many new dealerships in China.

and china, japan, germany built plants here to produce cars. why? Cause it's economical, duh!

Yeah, we didn't need those jobs anyhow huh? You leftwing idiots cry fowl when someone like Romney makes money overseas or when a non union company moves overseas but its okay now because Obama and the unions approve.

Hypocrites, all of you.
Shit you guys threw a fit when one large company decided to build its new plant in a right to work state but this is somehow different.

Fucking tools
Obama moved Jobs and wealth to China when he gave our tax dollars to GM to build a new plant and many new dealerships in China.

and china, japan, germany built plants here to produce cars. why? Cause it's economical, duh!

Yeah, we didn't need those jobs anyhow huh? You leftwing idiots cry fowl when someone like Romney makes money overseas or when a non union company moves overseas but its okay now because Obama and the unions approve.

Hypocrites, all of you.

well the auto plants in the US need American workers, gee you got a hangover and just want to whine and bitch over everything, do you throw tantrums at home and break stuff also?

GM moved and many more auto companies moved many plants outside the US many years ago. But i know that, hangover and youor hate of Obama melts away your ability to function with reason.

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