

Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Dec 20, 2010
North Coast, USA
Has anyone here ever adopted a child?

Our babysitter that lives a few doors down the block has been in the foster care system most of her lifespan. She told my wife that we are the only adults that she trusts besides one of her teachers at school. She wants us to adopt her. She straight up begged my wife to legally adopt her so that she does not get put into another foster care home of strangers. We are financially secure and can easily afford to adopt her.

She is 15 years old, has her student driver's license and I've been teaching her defensive driving because she babysits our 2 year old daughter and sometimes she also babysits my grandchild and my niece. So I most definately want her to understand the physics involved and learn how to skillfully perform defensive driving manuvers and techniques like they are just second nature to her.

My wife doesn't know this yet because she is only 25 years old, she's younger than 5 of my kids. She has no clue yet that one of the most stressful periods of a parent's life is when their children learn how to drive a car and get their first drivers' license.

Think about it, what percentage of teenagers that you know have never got involved in an automobile accident?

Most likely, practically zero percent. I also haven't told her that she's pregnant again. I gave her a slight hint yesterday when I made lasagna and served her a glass of non-alcohol grape juice.

I can tell when a girl is pregnant because they get a sort of glowing pink tint to their skin that I can notice. And when they look at you, you can feel something like an infrared warmth eminating from their face. Almost like an aura. Just something special about them or whatever..

Has anyone here ever adopted a child? If so, how did it work out?

Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
I was adopted. I always felt like a round peg in a square hole.
I'm a 1950's closed case. So I can never find out who my birth parents are.
Our babysitter that lives a few doors down the block has been in the foster care system most of her lifespan.

My wife, Patricia, has been a nanny more than ten years for a family, who adopted two girls under 2 years old from China. They have been nothing but successful, one even performed on violin for the pope in Europe. The other appeared in a Shakespearian play, "Much Ado About Nothing," and had two roles in it my wife told me she saw a few nights ago, but her young Chinese girl Patty takes care of also plays the violin very well.

From what my wife has told me, adoption is wonderful as long as it is planned thoroughly.
Hmmmmm ….. let me see.

You are considering adopting a 15 year old girl, mostly because she flattered you. Your wife (who is only 25) is young enough to be your own daughter and you're thinking about bringing in a girl of 15 into the household. Your wife is pregnant but you are the only one in the world who knows this ….. not even your wife knows she's pregnant. And from this you are asking advice?

My advice is for no one to give you any advice based upon your story. Your story, and the girl's story both stink to high heaven. Someone is not being perfectly honest.

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