Something I Never Got About My Body My Choice

And those things don't count for at least attempted murder? Also, isn't that what abortion is?
No doofus. Unless you want to call the fetus a person. If that is the case, every pregnant woman needs to get counted twice when they do the census. Blacks and Hispanics are having five kids for every white baby.....

Care to give the urban areas and inner cities another 20-30 House seats?

Have someone explain that to you and get back to us...
What's the difference? Doesn't fetus mean offspring or something?
A fetus is not a child.
  1. an offspring of a human or other mammal in the stages of prenatal development that follow the embryo stage (in humans taken as beginning eight weeks after conception):

    1. a young human being below the age of puberty or below the legal age of majority:
So a woman could consume alcohol when she's pregnant and it wouldn't be a problem? What about certain pills that she can't consume while pregnant? Is the government not supposed to get involved at all if she plans on harming or murdering her baby?
What about if the pregnant woman has a terrible diet that could lead to diabetes in the newborn? What if she smokes, or vapes?

What should government watchdogs do if a woman who is pregnant does not take care of herself physically or emotionally?

Should we build pegnancy wards like we had state mental hospitals, in order to keep pregnant women ...
That is what you people deny about Jan 6. Words having meanings.


What about if the pregnant woman has a terrible diet that could lead to diabetes in the newborn? What if she smokes, or vapes?

What should government watchdogs do if a woman who is pregnant does not take care of herself physically or emotionally?

Should we build pegnancy wards like we had state mental hospitals, in order to keep pregnant women ...

Well having a good diet should be common sense, smoking and vaping while pregnant should be illegal if it's not already.

That is what you people deny about Jan 6. Words having meanings.

I don't know what you're talking about but this isn't a J6 thread.

A fetus? Yes. Offspring in prenatal development.

Again, I am seeing the word offspring written in front of me.
Thats because we both have typed it out multiple times.

Then why do you keep acting like it doesn't say offspring.. as in CHILD? I repeat my question. Where's the difference between a fetus and an offspring?

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