Adulting Is Hard! Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Needs A Vacation From Work

Lazy slack-ass.

Whatever moron, there is more to life than working. But you are such a good little sheep that you have bought into the narrative your masters have sold you.

Some of us actually enjoy our jobs and feel personally invested in them.

On the other hand, my company doesn't actually give us a choice about taking time off. If you have over a certain amount of PTO accrued by December, you WILL take a freaking vacation and get some rest. No arguments.
What an awful company. You must work for Democrats.

No, I work for a small business owned by an Orthodox Jew in Israel. He is a very nice man, and very concerned about his employees as people. He has built a good team, and he doesn't want to see any of us burn out because we don't take time to step away and rest once in a while. So yeah, if you don't bring up the subject of a vacation, your supervisors are going to gently suggest that you should schedule a little time to take the kids to Disneyland or something.
And if you say no. Just pay for the unused time.

They probably would. I have no idea, since it's never come up. They would prefer that we all get some rest, have some fun, and maintain a few shreds of sanity. So they will try to convince you to actually use the time.
This from a party that gave us trump, pence, mcconnell, gohmert, and more major brainless dipshits. Some people must be really scared of Ocasio. So she takes a break? She's probably got more brains than these guys do combined.

This post alone shows your ignorance and has nothing to do with the OP. Thanks for playing.

Actually, my post has everything to do with the OP. Otherwise, why would the OP have been posted? To what am I so ignorant? The ignorant bitches I mentioned don't get criticized for taking a vacation, which they need after their strenuous efforts to wreck the country.

There is very much a double standard between men and women and between the parties on "issues" like this so-important issue, but you love them. The orange whore can't even manage a week in the White House and wastes all of his time tweeting.

Because your post is 100% subjective and your opinion is not fact.

You weigh 210 pounds = Fact
You are fat = opinion

See the difference? Stop playing your opinion as fact. It isn't. This country is highly polarized and it is because of ignorant dumbasses like you.
Whatever moron, there is more to life than working. But you are such a good little sheep that you have bought into the narrative your masters have sold you.

Some of us actually enjoy our jobs and feel personally invested in them.

On the other hand, my company doesn't actually give us a choice about taking time off. If you have over a certain amount of PTO accrued by December, you WILL take a freaking vacation and get some rest. No arguments.
What an awful company. You must work for Democrats.

No, I work for a small business owned by an Orthodox Jew in Israel. He is a very nice man, and very concerned about his employees as people. He has built a good team, and he doesn't want to see any of us burn out because we don't take time to step away and rest once in a while. So yeah, if you don't bring up the subject of a vacation, your supervisors are going to gently suggest that you should schedule a little time to take the kids to Disneyland or something.
And if you say no. Just pay for the unused time.

They probably would. I have no idea, since it's never come up. They would prefer that we all get some rest, have some fun, and maintain a few shreds of sanity. So they will try to convince you to actually use the time.
They would prefer not to pay you for the vacation time.
Some of us actually enjoy our jobs and feel personally invested in them.

On the other hand, my company doesn't actually give us a choice about taking time off. If you have over a certain amount of PTO accrued by December, you WILL take a freaking vacation and get some rest. No arguments.
What an awful company. You must work for Democrats.

No, I work for a small business owned by an Orthodox Jew in Israel. He is a very nice man, and very concerned about his employees as people. He has built a good team, and he doesn't want to see any of us burn out because we don't take time to step away and rest once in a while. So yeah, if you don't bring up the subject of a vacation, your supervisors are going to gently suggest that you should schedule a little time to take the kids to Disneyland or something.
And if you say no. Just pay for the unused time.

They probably would. I have no idea, since it's never come up. They would prefer that we all get some rest, have some fun, and maintain a few shreds of sanity. So they will try to convince you to actually use the time.
They would prefer not to pay you for the vacation time.

If that was the case they would not offer it.
AOC is an entertaining gift. Every couple of days she makes a public statement, a conservative here quotes her, and the Left are off and running with hundreds of posts about how only people in Brooklyn should be able to talk about her.

2019 is going to be fun.
What an awful company. You must work for Democrats.

No, I work for a small business owned by an Orthodox Jew in Israel. He is a very nice man, and very concerned about his employees as people. He has built a good team, and he doesn't want to see any of us burn out because we don't take time to step away and rest once in a while. So yeah, if you don't bring up the subject of a vacation, your supervisors are going to gently suggest that you should schedule a little time to take the kids to Disneyland or something.
And if you say no. Just pay for the unused time.

They probably would. I have no idea, since it's never come up. They would prefer that we all get some rest, have some fun, and maintain a few shreds of sanity. So they will try to convince you to actually use the time.
They would prefer not to pay you for the vacation time.

If that was the case they would not offer it.
Evidently they are not offering it. They are offering paid vacation time. Not work the week and get paid then get a vacation pay check on top of that.
No, I work for a small business owned by an Orthodox Jew in Israel. He is a very nice man, and very concerned about his employees as people. He has built a good team, and he doesn't want to see any of us burn out because we don't take time to step away and rest once in a while. So yeah, if you don't bring up the subject of a vacation, your supervisors are going to gently suggest that you should schedule a little time to take the kids to Disneyland or something.
And if you say no. Just pay for the unused time.

They probably would. I have no idea, since it's never come up. They would prefer that we all get some rest, have some fun, and maintain a few shreds of sanity. So they will try to convince you to actually use the time.
They would prefer not to pay you for the vacation time.

If that was the case they would not offer it.
Evidently they are not offering it. They are offering paid vacation time. Not work the week and get paid then get a vacation pay check on top of that.

Why would anyone do that?

Why would anyone offer you vacation pay for vacation you did not use?

that is just stupid and defeats the purpose of such time.
Some of us actually enjoy our jobs and feel personally invested in them.

On the other hand, my company doesn't actually give us a choice about taking time off. If you have over a certain amount of PTO accrued by December, you WILL take a freaking vacation and get some rest. No arguments.
What an awful company. You must work for Democrats.

Why is it awful to make people use their vacation time?

It has been shown time and time again that time away from work will increase your productive when you get back.

Americans are so stupid about this shit.
The company should not be making these decisions. If the company feels that the employee is not productive the company should fire the slacker.

I worked for one law firm that had mandatory vacation. After arguing I finally took the vacation used the time to find another job and never went back. I didn't even tell them I quit. They figured it out.

It's less about productivity and more about concern for us as people, valued co-workers, and friends. If this were a big corporation with hundreds of employees and I had passed maybe two sentences of conversation with my boss in the last six months, then I would agree with you that it's none of their damned business. But it's actually not uncommon in small businesses where a handful of people work very closely together every day for it to take on more of a family vibe than a work vibe.

When I started here a year ago, there were three more employees than there are now. All three got tossed for slacking - which is a very different thing from burning out - and the responsibilities of two of them got folded into my job, rather than us hiring replacements.

On the other hand, those of us who meet the standards for staying get treated very well and the management is very concerned about holding onto us.
Oh nonsense and hogwash. I have always worked for small business. They don't want to pay for the week worked and an extra for the vacation. Then they were smart enough to convince you that it's for your own good. And you believe it!

When I got hit by the car, every single manager in the company personally contacted me the same day to ask how I was, and the owner cut me a check just to help me out. When I was worried about my husband having to commute 20 miles one-way to work every day by bicycle/bus, they outfitted him with transcription equipment at company expense and gave him a job transcribing from home. My two most immediate bosses and I go out shopping and to karaoke together. Those of us with young children are allowed to work from home or bring the kids to work with us on days when they aren't in school and we don't have anyone else to watch them.

I'm going to say they actually are concerned about me as a person.
AOC is an entertaining gift. Every couple of days she makes a public statement, a conservative here quotes her, and the Left are off and running with hundreds of posts about how only people in Brooklyn should be able to talk about her.

2019 is going to be fun.

I agree 100%, watching your fawn all over her has been entertaining as hell
What an awful company. You must work for Democrats.

Why is it awful to make people use their vacation time?

It has been shown time and time again that time away from work will increase your productive when you get back.

Americans are so stupid about this shit.
The company should not be making these decisions. If the company feels that the employee is not productive the company should fire the slacker.

I worked for one law firm that had mandatory vacation. After arguing I finally took the vacation used the time to find another job and never went back. I didn't even tell them I quit. They figured it out.

It's less about productivity and more about concern for us as people, valued co-workers, and friends. If this were a big corporation with hundreds of employees and I had passed maybe two sentences of conversation with my boss in the last six months, then I would agree with you that it's none of their damned business. But it's actually not uncommon in small businesses where a handful of people work very closely together every day for it to take on more of a family vibe than a work vibe.

When I started here a year ago, there were three more employees than there are now. All three got tossed for slacking - which is a very different thing from burning out - and the responsibilities of two of them got folded into my job, rather than us hiring replacements.

On the other hand, those of us who meet the standards for staying get treated very well and the management is very concerned about holding onto us.
Oh nonsense and hogwash. I have always worked for small business. They don't want to pay for the week worked and an extra for the vacation. Then they were smart enough to convince you that it's for your own good. And you believe it!

When I got hit by the car, every single manager in the company personally contacted me the same day to ask how I was, and the owner cut me a check just to help me out. When I was worried about my husband having to commute 20 miles one-way to work every day by bicycle/bus, they outfitted him with transcription equipment at company expense and gave him a job transcribing from home. My two most immediate bosses and I go out shopping and to karaoke together. Those of us with young children are allowed to work from home or bring the kids to work with us on days when they aren't in school and we don't have anyone else to watch them.

I'm going to say they actually are concerned about me as a person.

Sounds very much like they are, what an awesome place to work.
Whatever moron, there is more to life than working. ....

Go smoke some weed, useless slacker.

Too many weakling losers in the younger generations, I guess.

Not sure mid-50s is the younger generation. ...

Then there goes the only excuse for your weak character.

Not being a slave to my job does not make me of weak character.


Being a lazy slack ass loser does. You should really consider moving to Europe where fearing hard work and avoiding it whenever possible is considered a virtue. A place where spineless slackers and lazy layabouts are lauded for their languor.

I like the alliteration. :udaman:
My older two children are in her age group, and neither of them speak like her. In fact, they both sound remarkably like English teachers, even when they don't want to.

Then I would say that based upon the family members I have on FB that are that age, your children are in the minority.

Which is a damned shame for those other people, and society in general.

Na, not a big deal. every generation thinks this about the generation replacing them.

They're usually correct.

I disagree. The next generation is just different, not worse or better.

I'm sure you do disagree, since I'm betting you were one of those who made our generation worse than our parents'.
Some of us actually enjoy our jobs and feel personally invested in them.

On the other hand, my company doesn't actually give us a choice about taking time off. If you have over a certain amount of PTO accrued by December, you WILL take a freaking vacation and get some rest. No arguments.

I like my job, but it is not the top priority in my life, not even close.

During my 20 years in the Corps I put my heart and soul into it and it was first too many times. I am too old for that now...I choose my current employer due to their view on the proverbial work-life-balance. Turned down a job for more money that would have meant way more hours.

Believe it or not, Mr. All-or-Nothing, there's a middle ground between "my job is just a paycheck; give me every second of leave time I can get" and "my job is the top priority in my life".

One of the reasons I love my employer is that they consider their employees people, not just human resources. They understand that we have lives and families. On the other hand, we all take less time off than we actually have available to us because we feel personal concern and investment in making sure the work gets done properly, which it won't if it's done shorthanded.

Perhaps if you were better at your job you could take the time off afforded you.

Just a thought.

An ass-backward thought. If I was better at my job, I would be less necessary? How does that work?

I'm necessary precisely because no one else can do my job as well as I can.

If one needs more time to do their job than someone else, I take it they are not as good at that job...seems reasonable.

If people need to work 50 or 60 hours to do what other do in 40, then the problem lies with those who cannot do it in 40

Yeah, I don't know what kind of job you had, but some of us have jobs that involve constant workflow. It's not a matter of "needing more time to do it". It's a matter of every day brings in new stuff; therefore, if I am not there that day to deal with it, it's still waiting for me the next day, along with THAT day's stuff.

And I don't work more than 40 hours a week. I just need to actually be present for that 40.

You should also keep in mind that, as I said, before I got here it took three people to do what I now do all by myself.
Then I would say that based upon the family members I have on FB that are that age, your children are in the minority.

Which is a damned shame for those other people, and society in general.

Na, not a big deal. every generation thinks this about the generation replacing them.

They're usually correct.

I disagree. The next generation is just different, not worse or better.

I'm sure you do disagree, since I'm betting you were one of those who made our generation worse than our parents'.

How did I do that?

Did my 20 years of service to the country in the Marine Corps make the country worse?

Was it me listening to "rock and roll"?

How about me holding a job every day of my life since I was 15 1/2 with the exception of 4 months when I was unemployed during the last recession after getting out of the Marines...did that make the country worse?

Was it the being married to the same woman for going on 26 years and raising two children, one of which is now a independent, productive member of society and the other is on his way to being so?

Or was it me working my ass off and finishing my bachelors while working full time and then my Masters in less than 2 years that did our generation in?

Do tell, what did I do that you are so sure made the generation worse?
Some of us actually enjoy our jobs and feel personally invested in them.

On the other hand, my company doesn't actually give us a choice about taking time off. If you have over a certain amount of PTO accrued by December, you WILL take a freaking vacation and get some rest. No arguments.
What an awful company. You must work for Democrats.

No, I work for a small business owned by an Orthodox Jew in Israel. He is a very nice man, and very concerned about his employees as people. He has built a good team, and he doesn't want to see any of us burn out because we don't take time to step away and rest once in a while. So yeah, if you don't bring up the subject of a vacation, your supervisors are going to gently suggest that you should schedule a little time to take the kids to Disneyland or something.
And if you say no. Just pay for the unused time.

They probably would. I have no idea, since it's never come up. They would prefer that we all get some rest, have some fun, and maintain a few shreds of sanity. So they will try to convince you to actually use the time.
They would prefer not to pay you for the vacation time.

Probably, but over and above that, they would REALLY prefer not to try to find someone else who can replace me because I got so tired and stressed that I flipped out. They actually went through quite a few people who didn't measure up before I walked through the door.
And if you say no. Just pay for the unused time.

They probably would. I have no idea, since it's never come up. They would prefer that we all get some rest, have some fun, and maintain a few shreds of sanity. So they will try to convince you to actually use the time.
They would prefer not to pay you for the vacation time.

If that was the case they would not offer it.
Evidently they are not offering it. They are offering paid vacation time. Not work the week and get paid then get a vacation pay check on top of that.

Why would anyone do that?

Why would anyone offer you vacation pay for vacation you did not use?

that is just stupid and defeats the purpose of such time.

I think what she's saying is that a lot of companies will pay you out at the end of the year for any vacation time you have accrued but not used. So you worked, and they had to pay you, and then they ALSO had to buy out the unused vacation time.
Only in the US do people get mocked for taking vacation.

Do you never take time off work?

I know right. Never seen so much butthurt about an incoming Congresscritter who works three thousand miles away from the butthurter. :crybaby:
AOC is an entertaining gift. Every couple of days she makes a public statement, a conservative here quotes her, and the Left are off and running with hundreds of posts about how only people in Brooklyn should be able to talk about her.

2019 is going to be fun.
If only you guys would stop whining about Hillary after all these years, it would be worth it
Only in the US do people get mocked for taking vacation.

Do you never take time off work?

I know right. Never seen so much butthurt about an incoming Congresscritter who works three thousand miles away from the butthurter. :crybaby:

So I'll assume then that you don't have any posts on this board bitching bout Trump playing golf..

Not sure what the connection to the quoted post is but yes you may assume that, and such assumption would be correct.

If truth be told I'd prefer that he does play golf. Not because it supplies images of shitstained pants, not because it displays that "astonishingly excellent" svelte physique, but simply because it keeps him occupied where he can fuck up fewer things.

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