Adulting Is Hard! Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Needs A Vacation From Work

I doubt that they were happy. I was key in several cases.

No it is not like leaving your change after a purchase. Just pay for the unused days. Instead of a week off, just pay for the week or two.

non-team players can always easily be replaced.
That's why I just didn't come back. Didn't bother calling and telling them I quit. I just found something else.

Which is why they were happy to see you go. Anyone with that sort of lack of ethics and integrity is not worth holding on to.

No doubt you will do it to your new company as well.
I doubt that they were happy. I was key in several cases.

No it is not like leaving your change after a purchase. Just pay for the unused days. Instead of a week off, just pay for the week or two.

non-team players can always easily be replaced.
That's why I just didn't come back. Didn't bother calling and telling them I quit. I just found something else.

Which is why they were happy to see you go. Anyone with that sort of lack of ethics and integrity is not worth holding on to.

No doubt you will do it to your new company as well.
Slacking off is now ethics! No wonder you're a Democrat. Lazy fools who don't want to work is now integrity!

I opened my own firm where I wasn't a doormat for the nonsense of others.

Actually there were employers that pissed me off. I found a job on my lunch hour and never went back.
I doubt that they were happy. I was key in several cases.

No it is not like leaving your change after a purchase. Just pay for the unused days. Instead of a week off, just pay for the week or two.

non-team players can always easily be replaced.
That's why I just didn't come back. Didn't bother calling and telling them I quit. I just found something else.

Which is why they were happy to see you go. Anyone with that sort of lack of ethics and integrity is not worth holding on to.

No doubt you will do it to your new company as well.
Slacking off is now ethics! No wonder you're a Democrat. Lazy fools who don't want to work is now integrity!

I opened my own firm where I wasn't a doormat for the nonsense of others.

Taking time off work is not slacking off, you have been brainwashed into thinking that work is the most important thing in your life, that just simply is not true.
Lazy slack-ass.

Whatever moron, there is more to life than working. But you are such a good little sheep that you have bought into the narrative your masters have sold you.

Some of us actually enjoy our jobs and feel personally invested in them.

On the other hand, my company doesn't actually give us a choice about taking time off. If you have over a certain amount of PTO accrued by December, you WILL take a freaking vacation and get some rest. No arguments.
What an awful company. You must work for Democrats.

Why is it awful to make people use their vacation time?

It has been shown time and time again that time away from work will increase your productive when you get back.

Americans are so stupid about this shit.
The company should not be making these decisions. If the company feels that the employee is not productive the company should fire the slacker.

I worked for one law firm that had mandatory vacation. After arguing I finally took the vacation used the time to find another job and never went back. I didn't even tell them I quit. They figured it out.

It's less about productivity and more about concern for us as people, valued co-workers, and friends. If this were a big corporation with hundreds of employees and I had passed maybe two sentences of conversation with my boss in the last six months, then I would agree with you that it's none of their damned business. But it's actually not uncommon in small businesses where a handful of people work very closely together every day for it to take on more of a family vibe than a work vibe.

When I started here a year ago, there were three more employees than there are now. All three got tossed for slacking - which is a very different thing from burning out - and the responsibilities of two of them got folded into my job, rather than us hiring replacements.

On the other hand, those of us who meet the standards for staying get treated very well and the management is very concerned about holding onto us.
I doubt that they were happy. I was key in several cases.

No it is not like leaving your change after a purchase. Just pay for the unused days. Instead of a week off, just pay for the week or two.

non-team players can always easily be replaced.
That's why I just didn't come back. Didn't bother calling and telling them I quit. I just found something else.

Which is why they were happy to see you go. Anyone with that sort of lack of ethics and integrity is not worth holding on to.

No doubt you will do it to your new company as well.
Slacking off is now ethics! No wonder you're a Democrat. Lazy fools who don't want to work is now integrity!

I opened my own firm where I wasn't a doormat for the nonsense of others.

Actually there were employers that pissed me off. I found a job on my lunch hour and never went back.

Such disloyalty, now I understand why you are so in love with Trump
Whatever moron, there is more to life than working. But you are such a good little sheep that you have bought into the narrative your masters have sold you.

Some of us actually enjoy our jobs and feel personally invested in them.

On the other hand, my company doesn't actually give us a choice about taking time off. If you have over a certain amount of PTO accrued by December, you WILL take a freaking vacation and get some rest. No arguments.
What an awful company. You must work for Democrats.

Why is it awful to make people use their vacation time?

It has been shown time and time again that time away from work will increase your productive when you get back.

Americans are so stupid about this shit.
The company should not be making these decisions. If the company feels that the employee is not productive the company should fire the slacker.

I worked for one law firm that had mandatory vacation. After arguing I finally took the vacation used the time to find another job and never went back. I didn't even tell them I quit. They figured it out.

It's less about productivity and more about concern for us as people, valued co-workers, and friends. If this were a big corporation with hundreds of employees and I had passed maybe two sentences of conversation with my boss in the last six months, then I would agree with you that it's none of their damned business. But it's actually not uncommon in small businesses where a handful of people work very closely together every day for it to take on more of a family vibe than a work vibe.

When I started here a year ago, there were three more employees than there are now. All three got tossed for slacking - which is a very different thing from burning out - and the responsibilities of two of them got folded into my job, rather than us hiring replacements.

On the other hand, those of us who meet the standards for staying get treated very well and the management is very concerned about holding onto us.
Oh nonsense and hogwash. I have always worked for small business. They don't want to pay for the week worked and an extra for the vacation. Then they were smart enough to convince you that it's for your own good. And you believe it!
I doubt that they were happy. I was key in several cases.

No it is not like leaving your change after a purchase. Just pay for the unused days. Instead of a week off, just pay for the week or two.

non-team players can always easily be replaced.
That's why I just didn't come back. Didn't bother calling and telling them I quit. I just found something else.

Which is why they were happy to see you go. Anyone with that sort of lack of ethics and integrity is not worth holding on to.

No doubt you will do it to your new company as well.
Slacking off is now ethics! No wonder you're a Democrat. Lazy fools who don't want to work is now integrity!

I opened my own firm where I wasn't a doormat for the nonsense of others.

Actually there were employers that pissed me off. I found a job on my lunch hour and never went back.

Such disloyalty, now I understand why you are so in love with Trump
Someone who has no loyalty to me certainly doesn't deserve mine. Did ever think about not being a door mat?
Lazy slack-ass.

Whatever moron, there is more to life than working. ....

Go smoke some weed, useless slacker.

Too many weakling losers in the younger generations, I guess.

Not sure mid-50s is the younger generation. ...

Then there goes the only excuse for your weak character.

Not being a slave to my job does not make me of weak character.


Being a lazy slack ass loser does. You should really consider moving to Europe where fearing hard work and avoiding it whenever possible is considered a virtue. A place where spineless slackers and lazy layabouts are lauded for their languor.
non-team players can always easily be replaced.
That's why I just didn't come back. Didn't bother calling and telling them I quit. I just found something else.

Which is why they were happy to see you go. Anyone with that sort of lack of ethics and integrity is not worth holding on to.

No doubt you will do it to your new company as well.
Slacking off is now ethics! No wonder you're a Democrat. Lazy fools who don't want to work is now integrity!

I opened my own firm where I wasn't a doormat for the nonsense of others.

Actually there were employers that pissed me off. I found a job on my lunch hour and never went back.

Such disloyalty, now I understand why you are so in love with Trump
Someone who has no loyalty to me certainly doesn't deserve mine. Did ever think about not being a door mat?

They had loyalty, they were even looking out for your well being and you were too stupid to know it.

You have been brainwashed into thinking "more work" always good
Whatever moron, there is more to life than working. But you are such a good little sheep that you have bought into the narrative your masters have sold you.

Some of us actually enjoy our jobs and feel personally invested in them.

On the other hand, my company doesn't actually give us a choice about taking time off. If you have over a certain amount of PTO accrued by December, you WILL take a freaking vacation and get some rest. No arguments.
What an awful company. You must work for Democrats.

Why is it awful to make people use their vacation time?

It has been shown time and time again that time away from work will increase your productive when you get back.

Americans are so stupid about this shit.
The company should not be making these decisions. If the company feels that the employee is not productive the company should fire the slacker.

I worked for one law firm that had mandatory vacation. After arguing I finally took the vacation used the time to find another job and never went back. I didn't even tell them I quit. They figured it out.

you are a fool if you do not take paid vacation time, that is like leaving your change when you go shopping.

people in this country have been tricked into thinking that working more equals working harder.

I am sure that firm was damn happy you left.

I take PTO when I have somewhere I want to go or something I want to do. Taking it just to get paid to sit around doing nothing seems pointless to me.

This year, I took some three- and four-day weekends here and there, but I mostly used my PTO to take care of personal business I'd been putting off, non-emergency dental work, that kinda thing. And then, of course, I had an unexpected "vacation" when I got hit by a car. What I haven't used, I'm saving up because I want to take my family on a monster blowout trip to Disneyland sometime early next year.

I like going to work. I like the people I work with, and I like my job and find the work interesting and engaging. I also like very much the fact that they're convinced that I'm amazing and irreplaceable. Good for the ego.
She doesn't appear on TV because people are interested in most of what she does, either. She appears on TV because A) she assumes she's interesting, and B) she wants to try to MAKE people interested in what she's doing.

and either she is right or it is working as you people cannot stop talking about her.

Seems she has moved into your free.

Learn the difference between "interesting" and "hilarious".

Either way you people cannot stop talking about her...thus she is winning.

If we can learn anything from Trump, any attention is good attention.

Yeah, it's "winning" to be a national laughingstock. You go with that.
My kids are her age and they and their friends don’t talk stupid like her.

My youngest is her age and this is EXACTLY what they talk like. They are the hardest working and most enthusiastic people I know. My daughter and her husband have already launched one successful business with 5 full time employees, and plans to expand to 8 next year. All of her friends are starting businesses, and succeeding in ways one would have never guessed watching as teenagers.

My older two children are in her age group, and neither of them speak like her. In fact, they both sound remarkably like English teachers, even when they don't want to.

Then I would say that based upon the family members I have on FB that are that age, your children are in the minority.

Which is a damned shame for those other people, and society in general.

Na, not a big deal. every generation thinks this about the generation replacing them.

They're usually correct.
Whatever moron, there is more to life than working. ....

Go smoke some weed, useless slacker.

Too many weakling losers in the younger generations, I guess.

Not sure mid-50s is the younger generation. ...

Then there goes the only excuse for your weak character.

Not being a slave to my job does not make me of weak character.


Being a lazy slack ass loser does. You should really consider moving to Europe where fearing hard work and avoiding it whenever possible is considered a virtue. A place where spineless slackers and lazy layabouts are lauded for their languor.

I am nether lazy nor a slacker, I do my job and I do it very well. Well enough for my employer to give me a 12 grand a year raise last Jan.

I am just capable of doing my job within the allotted amount of time and do not need to work extra hours to finish it.

People like you who suck at their jobs have to put in extra hours to make up for your lack of skills and ability
My youngest is her age and this is EXACTLY what they talk like. They are the hardest working and most enthusiastic people I know. My daughter and her husband have already launched one successful business with 5 full time employees, and plans to expand to 8 next year. All of her friends are starting businesses, and succeeding in ways one would have never guessed watching as teenagers.

My older two children are in her age group, and neither of them speak like her. In fact, they both sound remarkably like English teachers, even when they don't want to.

Then I would say that based upon the family members I have on FB that are that age, your children are in the minority.

Which is a damned shame for those other people, and society in general.

Na, not a big deal. every generation thinks this about the generation replacing them.

They're usually correct.

I disagree. The next generation is just different, not worse or better.
Some of us actually enjoy our jobs and feel personally invested in them.

On the other hand, my company doesn't actually give us a choice about taking time off. If you have over a certain amount of PTO accrued by December, you WILL take a freaking vacation and get some rest. No arguments.

I like my job, but it is not the top priority in my life, not even close.

During my 20 years in the Corps I put my heart and soul into it and it was first too many times. I am too old for that now...I choose my current employer due to their view on the proverbial work-life-balance. Turned down a job for more money that would have meant way more hours.

Believe it or not, Mr. All-or-Nothing, there's a middle ground between "my job is just a paycheck; give me every second of leave time I can get" and "my job is the top priority in my life".

One of the reasons I love my employer is that they consider their employees people, not just human resources. They understand that we have lives and families. On the other hand, we all take less time off than we actually have available to us because we feel personal concern and investment in making sure the work gets done properly, which it won't if it's done shorthanded.

Perhaps if you were better at your job you could take the time off afforded you.

Just a thought.

An ass-backward thought. If I was better at my job, I would be less necessary? How does that work?

I'm necessary precisely because no one else can do my job as well as I can.
She doesn't appear on TV because people are interested in most of what she does, either. She appears on TV because A) she assumes she's interesting, and B) she wants to try to MAKE people interested in what she's doing.

and either she is right or it is working as you people cannot stop talking about her.

Seems she has moved into your free.

Learn the difference between "interesting" and "hilarious".

Either way you people cannot stop talking about her...thus she is winning.

If we can learn anything from Trump, any attention is good attention.

Yeah, it's "winning" to be a national laughingstock. You go with that.

look at how many people laugh at you think he cares?

People have spent more time talking about this woman than any other single person since the election, that is a win no matter what they are saying.

Trump won the White House with half the country laughing at him.
Taking a vacation before you go to work?
Anyone that denounces that is sexist and believes in slavery
Lib 101
Some of us actually enjoy our jobs and feel personally invested in them.

On the other hand, my company doesn't actually give us a choice about taking time off. If you have over a certain amount of PTO accrued by December, you WILL take a freaking vacation and get some rest. No arguments.

I like my job, but it is not the top priority in my life, not even close.

During my 20 years in the Corps I put my heart and soul into it and it was first too many times. I am too old for that now...I choose my current employer due to their view on the proverbial work-life-balance. Turned down a job for more money that would have meant way more hours.

Believe it or not, Mr. All-or-Nothing, there's a middle ground between "my job is just a paycheck; give me every second of leave time I can get" and "my job is the top priority in my life".

One of the reasons I love my employer is that they consider their employees people, not just human resources. They understand that we have lives and families. On the other hand, we all take less time off than we actually have available to us because we feel personal concern and investment in making sure the work gets done properly, which it won't if it's done shorthanded.

Perhaps if you were better at your job you could take the time off afforded you.

Just a thought.

An ass-backward thought. If I was better at my job, I would be less necessary? How does that work?

I'm necessary precisely because no one else can do my job as well as I can.

If one needs more time to do their job than someone else, I take it they are not as good at that job...seems reasonable.

If people need to work 50 or 60 hours to do what other do in 40, then the problem lies with those who cannot do it in 40
Some of us actually enjoy our jobs and feel personally invested in them.

On the other hand, my company doesn't actually give us a choice about taking time off. If you have over a certain amount of PTO accrued by December, you WILL take a freaking vacation and get some rest. No arguments.

I like my job, but it is not the top priority in my life, not even close.

During my 20 years in the Corps I put my heart and soul into it and it was first too many times. I am too old for that now...I choose my current employer due to their view on the proverbial work-life-balance. Turned down a job for more money that would have meant way more hours.

Believe it or not, Mr. All-or-Nothing, there's a middle ground between "my job is just a paycheck; give me every second of leave time I can get" and "my job is the top priority in my life".

One of the reasons I love my employer is that they consider their employees people, not just human resources. They understand that we have lives and families. On the other hand, we all take less time off than we actually have available to us because we feel personal concern and investment in making sure the work gets done properly, which it won't if it's done shorthanded.

Perhaps if you were better at your job you could take the time off afforded you.

Just a thought.

An ass-backward thought. If I was better at my job, I would be less necessary? How does that work?

I'm necessary precisely because no one else can do my job as well as I can.
You choose when and why to take time off. When the employer starts demanding, that crosses the line.

I've refused jobs and turned clients away when they overreached. One guy I did some work for actually wanted me to have an active passport. I told him to work around his travel or find someone else. He found a way to work around the travel.

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