Adulting Is Hard! Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Needs A Vacation From Work

AOC is an entertaining gift. Every couple of days she makes a public statement, a conservative here quotes her, and the Left are off and running with hundreds of posts about how only people in Brooklyn should be able to talk about her.

2019 is going to be fun.
If only you guys would stop whining about Hillary after all these years, it would be worth it

I'll stop whining about Hillary when she stops whining about the epic EC beat down she received by the Orange Man.

Only in the US do people get mocked for taking vacation.

Do you never take time off work?

I know right. Never seen so much butthurt about an incoming Congresscritter who works three thousand miles away from the butthurter. :crybaby:

So I'll assume then that you don't have any posts on this board bitching bout Trump playing golf..

Not sure what the connection to the quoted post is but yes you may assume that, and such assumption would be correct.

The connection is obvious. People need vacations, and breaks and whining about them is stupid. I'm very glad to hear that you aren't one of "those people" if you know what I mean.
Only in the US do people get mocked for taking vacation.

Do you never take time off work?

I know right. Never seen so much butthurt about an incoming Congresscritter who works three thousand miles away from the butthurter. :crybaby:

So I'll assume then that you don't have any posts on this board bitching bout Trump playing golf..

Not sure what the connection to the quoted post is but yes you may assume that, and such assumption would be correct.

If truth be told I'd prefer that he does play golf. Not because it supplies images of shitstained pants, not because it displays that "astonishingly excellent" svelte physique, but simply because it keeps him occupied where he can fuck up fewer things.

The connection is obvious. People need vacations, and breaks and whining about them is stupid. I'm very glad to hear that you aren't one of "those people" if you know what I mean.

I don't think this thread is about any kind of "vacation". The OP simply pulled that term out of his ass and wiped it on his title.

I'm pretty sure Ocasio-Cortéz isn't sworn in yet so there would be no position to take a vacation from.
But then considering the intellect of the OP he prolly doesn't know that. Butthurt isn't real strong on stuff like calendar dates.
AOC is an entertaining gift. Every couple of days she makes a public statement, a conservative here quotes her, and the Left are off and running with hundreds of posts about how only people in Brooklyn should be able to talk about her.

2019 is going to be fun.
If only you guys would stop whining about Hillary after all these years, it would be worth it

I'll stop whining about Hillary when she stops whining about the epic EC beat down she received by the Orange Man.


Link to that actually existing?
Why is it awful to make people use their vacation time?

It has been shown time and time again that time away from work will increase your productive when you get back.

Americans are so stupid about this shit.
The company should not be making these decisions. If the company feels that the employee is not productive the company should fire the slacker.

I worked for one law firm that had mandatory vacation. After arguing I finally took the vacation used the time to find another job and never went back. I didn't even tell them I quit. They figured it out.

It's less about productivity and more about concern for us as people, valued co-workers, and friends. If this were a big corporation with hundreds of employees and I had passed maybe two sentences of conversation with my boss in the last six months, then I would agree with you that it's none of their damned business. But it's actually not uncommon in small businesses where a handful of people work very closely together every day for it to take on more of a family vibe than a work vibe.

When I started here a year ago, there were three more employees than there are now. All three got tossed for slacking - which is a very different thing from burning out - and the responsibilities of two of them got folded into my job, rather than us hiring replacements.

On the other hand, those of us who meet the standards for staying get treated very well and the management is very concerned about holding onto us.
Oh nonsense and hogwash. I have always worked for small business. They don't want to pay for the week worked and an extra for the vacation. Then they were smart enough to convince you that it's for your own good. And you believe it!

When I got hit by the car, every single manager in the company personally contacted me the same day to ask how I was, and the owner cut me a check just to help me out. When I was worried about my husband having to commute 20 miles one-way to work every day by bicycle/bus, they outfitted him with transcription equipment at company expense and gave him a job transcribing from home. My two most immediate bosses and I go out shopping and to karaoke together. Those of us with young children are allowed to work from home or bring the kids to work with us on days when they aren't in school and we don't have anyone else to watch them.

I'm going to say they actually are concerned about me as a person.

Sounds very much like they are, what an awesome place to work.

I'm very fond of it, and them.

So you can see why I'm not overly eager to avoid coming to work every chance I get. They treat me very well, and in return, I feel motivated to make the business as much of a success as possible.
AOC is an entertaining gift. Every couple of days she makes a public statement, a conservative here quotes her, and the Left are off and running with hundreds of posts about how only people in Brooklyn should be able to talk about her.

2019 is going to be fun.
If only you guys would stop whining about Hillary after all these years, it would be worth it

I'll stop whining about Hillary when she stops whining about the epic EC beat down she received by the Orange Man.


Link to that actually existing?

If you're so far out that you have lost touch with reality, I can't possibly link you back to it, it's well beyond my abilities.

Come on man , she's out there every day blaming everyone but herself and whining about her loss. It's embarrassing.
AOC is an entertaining gift. Every couple of days she makes a public statement, a conservative here quotes her, and the Left are off and running with hundreds of posts about how only people in Brooklyn should be able to talk about her.

2019 is going to be fun.
If only you guys would stop whining about Hillary after all these years, it would be worth it

I'll stop whining about Hillary when she stops whining about the epic EC beat down she received by the Orange Man.


Link to that actually existing?

If you're so far out that you have lost touch with reality, I can't possibly link you back to it, it's well beyond my abilities.

Come on man , she's out there every day blaming everyone but herself and whining about her loss. It's embarrassing.

So you can't do it.

I win again. Damn.
I raised them to be honest.

Then they are just what we need in Congress.
Politics is a group activity; honest people need not apply.
If they do apply, they’re in for a shock.
My son has been involved with both parties and decided to opt out of both.

It is a shame this is what our country has come to, honest need not apply.

But we have no one to blame but ourselves. once we made party more important than country it was bound to happen,.

Once we made being comforted more important than hearing the truth, it was bound to happen.

As a fan of Donald Trump, would you even know the truth if you heard it. I've seen no evidence that you aren't living in some fantasy bubble where everything Trump is pure and true. Here you sit on a message board insulting and denigrating a young woman who has already accomplished more in her short life, that you have in your lifetime.

When you do that, you don't diminish her, you diminish yourself. Lies, anger and hate is where the right lives right now.
There’s the problem right there...
Trump is pure evil and every Liberal, regardless of IQ, is pure gold.
Whatever moron, there is more to life than working. But you are such a good little sheep that you have bought into the narrative your masters have sold you.

Some of us actually enjoy our jobs and feel personally invested in them.

On the other hand, my company doesn't actually give us a choice about taking time off. If you have over a certain amount of PTO accrued by December, you WILL take a freaking vacation and get some rest. No arguments.
What an awful company. You must work for Democrats.

Why is it awful to make people use their vacation time?

It has been shown time and time again that time away from work will increase your productive when you get back.

Americans are so stupid about this shit.

Within reason. Not many places let you take vacition most of the year. Congress has always done this and they aren’t to productive.
When Congress is not in session, it does not mean they are on vacation

Congressmen return to their home district, meet with staff, meet with constituents

And listen to lobbyists sales pitches. Still, the point remains, work is work and it has to be done, sometimes it sucks, and no one wants to hear someone griping about what really is a pretty fishy joint.
Then they are just what we need in Congress.
Politics is a group activity; honest people need not apply.
If they do apply, they’re in for a shock.
My son has been involved with both parties and decided to opt out of both.

It is a shame this is what our country has come to, honest need not apply.

But we have no one to blame but ourselves. once we made party more important than country it was bound to happen,.

Once we made being comforted more important than hearing the truth, it was bound to happen.

As a fan of Donald Trump, would you even know the truth if you heard it. I've seen no evidence that you aren't living in some fantasy bubble where everything Trump is pure and true. Here you sit on a message board insulting and denigrating a young woman who has already accomplished more in her short life, that you have in your lifetime.

When you do that, you don't diminish her, you diminish yourself. Lies, anger and hate is where the right lives right now.
There’s the problem right there...
Trump is pure evil and every Liberal, regardless of IQ, is pure gold.

Pure gold: you mean soft, essentally useless, and valued far beyond its practical utility?
It’s tough growing up to find that politics, and life, involves more than emoting and rallying fellow emoters
It involves work, often behind the scenes grunt work-not a libbie preferred course.
and i need a vacation from the freaking posts saying what a bitch she is.
The Right-wing snowflakes always tell you who the honest and trustworthy people are by who they attack!

Like Hillary? :auiqs.jpg:
She is infinitely more honest than the lying turd in the white house!

With all due respect, Ed...I'm hard pressed to think of ANYONE that Hillary is more honest than! Not for nothing but Hillary's a bit of a pathological liar. She lies about little things that nobody cares about like how she got her name. She lies about big things like those two servers she had hidden in her home. It's like she can't help herself.
AOC is an entertaining gift. Every couple of days she makes a public statement, a conservative here quotes her, and the Left are off and running with hundreds of posts about how only people in Brooklyn should be able to talk about her.

2019 is going to be fun.
If only you guys would stop whining about Hillary after all these years, it would be worth it

I'll stop whining about Hillary when she stops whining about the epic EC beat down she received by the Orange Man.

But you have Ocasio Cortez to make shit up about now
Only in the US do people get mocked for taking vacation.

Do you never take time off work?
I can’t remember ever having no job and needing a vacation.
She has a job
She has been elected to Congress

Quite impressive for a woman in her twenties

Even more impressive considering her prior job experience was mixing drinks! You go, Che Barbie!
Gotta start somewhere
and i need a vacation from the freaking posts saying what a bitch she is.
The Right-wing snowflakes always tell you who the honest and trustworthy people are by who they attack!

Like Hillary? :auiqs.jpg:
She is infinitely more honest than the lying turd in the white house!

With all due respect, Ed...I'm hard pressed to think of ANYONE that Hillary is more honest than! Not for nothing but Hillary's a bit of a pathological liar. She lies about little things that nobody cares about like how she got her name. She lies about big things like those two servers she had hidden in her home. It's like she can't help herself.
And you voted for Crooked Donnie

You can’t talk about lying
AOC is an entertaining gift. Every couple of days she makes a public statement, a conservative here quotes her, and the Left are off and running with hundreds of posts about how only people in Brooklyn should be able to talk about her.

2019 is going to be fun.
If only you guys would stop whining about Hillary after all these years, it would be worth it

I'll stop whining about Hillary when she stops whining about the epic EC beat down she received by the Orange Man.

But you have Ocasio Cortez to make shit up about now

I get the feeling that Ocasio Cortez isn't someone anyone will have to "make shit up about", Winger...she's the type of person who will say things that are so obviously clueless that people will stop and go "Wow...that women is really not smart!"
Only in the US do people get mocked for taking vacation.

Do you never take time off work?
I can’t remember ever having no job and needing a vacation.
She has a job
She has been elected to Congress

Quite impressive for a woman in her twenties

Even more impressive considering her prior job experience was mixing drinks! You go, Che Barbie!
Gotta start somewhere

Gotta get some experience that would help you be a member of Congress? Somehow I don't think knowing how to make a mean Cosmo is going to help her to craft legislation! Of course Barry couldn't do that either...and he ended up as President! So who knows...

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