Adulting Is Hard! Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Needs A Vacation From Work

Anybody pointed out yet that Trump takes a vacation every single week

And yet he's managed to get more done in a shorter period of time then almost any President in recent memory! Who cares if he works out of the White House or out of one of his golf properties? He gets the job done.
EO’s can be reversed as quickly as Trump signed them. All the dotard has done is give the Google’s and Jeff Bezos’ of the country a tax cut.

Actually what the "dotard" has done is grow the economy and create jobs despite having to deal with five Fed rate increases! It's a remarkable achievement. He's also gotten our NATO allies to live up to their responsibilities and spend more on their own defense. He's also managed to create a record number of manufacturing jobs. He's also managed to use the threat of tariffs against the EU, Canada, Mexico and now China to get better trade deals for us! He's cut stupid regulations. He's induced billions of dollars held overseas by US based corporations to be brought back into the country and invested here.

As for tax cuts? He gave them to Middle Americans as well as the rich. He also gave them JOBS!
The economy’s been growing for 10 years. The only funding plans our NATO allies have considered changing is abandoning NATO and making an EU army. Tariffs are socialist nonsense, note our record high deficits since your dotard’s failing trade policies have been in place.
The economy has been growing...for janitors.
The champion of the working class needs a service dog, crayons, binkie and juice boxes.

“I’m taking a few days to take care of myself before what is sure to be an eventful term. For working people, immigrants, & the poor, self-care is political — not because we want it to be, but bc of the inevitable shaming of someone doing a face mask while financially stressed. So I’ve decided to take others along with me on IG as I learn what self-care even means and why it’s important.”

You don't say! Everyone of you working slobs, call in to your boss and let him know you are taking time off because SELF CARE IS POLITICAL!

Stock up on popcorn and head desk protection, folks. Congress in 2019 is in for one helluva bumpy ride!

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez announces 'self-care' break before congressional session even starts - NY Daily News
You've gotta stop letting folks move in to your head.

Unless you just aren't using it for anything else.
Hilarious how you Leftards are so desperate to have people stop talking about your new superstar. It’s almost as if she needs protection....

She seems to be doing quite well

She has landed on the Conservative hate list and she has not even taken office yet

she's got a long way to go before she gets the trump hate he got before getting into office.

suddenly that's not such a victory, huh?

Well she hasn't encouraged violence at her rallies, hinted that her opponent should be shot, paid off pornstars she had an affair with while leaving her spouse to take care of the new baby, and so on.

Just wait until she starts figuring out she can’t have her way. Then we’ll start getting the Pelosi/Waters/Hillary etc calls for violence.

She’s a socialist. They all go in one predictable direction.
I know

She talks about crazy things like helping the people, healthcare, education

You can see what a danger she is

Fuckin' commie bitch!
Crazy eyes has zero credibility....

The company should not be making these decisions. If the company feels that the employee is not productive the company should fire the slacker.

I worked for one law firm that had mandatory vacation. After arguing I finally took the vacation used the time to find another job and never went back. I didn't even tell them I quit. They figured it out.

It's less about productivity and more about concern for us as people, valued co-workers, and friends. If this were a big corporation with hundreds of employees and I had passed maybe two sentences of conversation with my boss in the last six months, then I would agree with you that it's none of their damned business. But it's actually not uncommon in small businesses where a handful of people work very closely together every day for it to take on more of a family vibe than a work vibe.

When I started here a year ago, there were three more employees than there are now. All three got tossed for slacking - which is a very different thing from burning out - and the responsibilities of two of them got folded into my job, rather than us hiring replacements.

On the other hand, those of us who meet the standards for staying get treated very well and the management is very concerned about holding onto us.
Oh nonsense and hogwash. I have always worked for small business. They don't want to pay for the week worked and an extra for the vacation. Then they were smart enough to convince you that it's for your own good. And you believe it!

When I got hit by the car, every single manager in the company personally contacted me the same day to ask how I was, and the owner cut me a check just to help me out. When I was worried about my husband having to commute 20 miles one-way to work every day by bicycle/bus, they outfitted him with transcription equipment at company expense and gave him a job transcribing from home. My two most immediate bosses and I go out shopping and to karaoke together. Those of us with young children are allowed to work from home or bring the kids to work with us on days when they aren't in school and we don't have anyone else to watch them.

I'm going to say they actually are concerned about me as a person.

Sounds very much like they are, what an awesome place to work.

I'm very fond of it, and them.

So you can see why I'm not overly eager to avoid coming to work every chance I get. They treat me very well, and in return, I feel motivated to make the business as much of a success as possible.

I am fond of my family, but still do not want to be with them all the time! :21::21::21:
Anybody pointed out yet that Trump takes a vacation every single week

And yet he's managed to get more done in a shorter period of time then almost any President in recent memory! Who cares if he works out of the White House or out of one of his golf properties? He gets the job done.
EO’s can be reversed as quickly as Trump signed them. All the dotard has done is give the Google’s and Jeff Bezos’ of the country a tax cut.

Actually what the "dotard" has done is grow the economy and create jobs despite having to deal with five Fed rate increases! It's a remarkable achievement. He's also gotten our NATO allies to live up to their responsibilities and spend more on their own defense. He's also managed to create a record number of manufacturing jobs. He's also managed to use the threat of tariffs against the EU, Canada, Mexico and now China to get better trade deals for us! He's cut stupid regulations. He's induced billions of dollars held overseas by US based corporations to be brought back into the country and invested here.

As for tax cuts? He gave them to Middle Americans as well as the rich. He also gave them JOBS!

His job creation has stalled, his stock market has stalled, and it's unlikely his growth won't be above 2.2% per cent this fiscal year. It's not much of an achievement, given the double goosing of HUGE increase in the deficit and massive tax cuts,
The champion of the working class needs a service dog, crayons, binkie and juice boxes.

“I’m taking a few days to take care of myself before what is sure to be an eventful term. For working people, immigrants, & the poor, self-care is political — not because we want it to be, but bc of the inevitable shaming of someone doing a face mask while financially stressed. So I’ve decided to take others along with me on IG as I learn what self-care even means and why it’s important.”

You don't say! Everyone of you working slobs, call in to your boss and let him know you are taking time off because SELF CARE IS POLITICAL!

Stock up on popcorn and head desk protection, folks. Congress in 2019 is in for one helluva bumpy ride!

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez announces 'self-care' break before congressional session even starts - NY Daily News
You've gotta stop letting folks move in to your head.

Unless you just aren't using it for anything else.
Hilarious how you Leftards are so desperate to have people stop talking about your new superstar. It’s almost as if she needs protection....

She seems to be doing quite well

She has landed on the Conservative hate list and she has not even taken office yet

she's got a long way to go before she gets the trump hate he got before getting into office.

suddenly that's not such a victory, huh?

Well she hasn't encouraged violence at her rallies, hinted that her opponent should be shot, paid off pornstars she had an affair with while leaving her spouse to take care of the new baby, and so on.

She also didn't ask Russia to hack her opponent.
If only you guys would stop whining about Hillary after all these years, it would be worth it

I'll stop whining about Hillary when she stops whining about the epic EC beat down she received by the Orange Man.

But you have Ocasio Cortez to make shit up about now

I get the feeling that Ocasio Cortez isn't someone anyone will have to "make shit up about", Winger...she's the type of person who will say things that are so obviously clueless that people will stop and go "Wow...that women is really not smart!"
She has a lot to learn about Congressional protocols and procedures

She can teach fellow Congressmen a lot about how common people live, what they need and what Congress can do to help them

What's amusing is that you've bought into the whole narrative that she's one of the "common people", Winger! She's not working class. She's a rich kid from the suburbs not some tough street kid from NYC!
Her father was an architect who died while she was in college
Note to Conservatives.......Rich kids don’t have to waitress to get by
Anybody pointed out yet that Trump takes a vacation every single week

And yet he's managed to get more done in a shorter period of time then almost any President in recent memory! Who cares if he works out of the White House or out of one of his golf properties? He gets the job done.
EO’s can be reversed as quickly as Trump signed them. All the dotard has done is give the Google’s and Jeff Bezos’ of the country a tax cut.

Actually what the "dotard" has done is grow the economy and create jobs despite having to deal with five Fed rate increases! It's a remarkable achievement. He's also gotten our NATO allies to live up to their responsibilities and spend more on their own defense. He's also managed to create a record number of manufacturing jobs. He's also managed to use the threat of tariffs against the EU, Canada, Mexico and now China to get better trade deals for us! He's cut stupid regulations. He's induced billions of dollars held overseas by US based corporations to be brought back into the country and invested here.

As for tax cuts? He gave them to Middle Americans as well as the rich. He also gave them JOBS!

His job creation has stalled, his stock market has stalled, and it's unlikely his growth won't be above 2.2% per cent this fiscal year. It's not much of an achievement, given the double goosing of HUGE increase in the deficit and massive tax cuts,
You've gotta stop letting folks move in to your head.

Unless you just aren't using it for anything else.
Hilarious how you Leftards are so desperate to have people stop talking about your new superstar. It’s almost as if she needs protection....

She seems to be doing quite well

She has landed on the Conservative hate list and she has not even taken office yet

she's got a long way to go before she gets the trump hate he got before getting into office.

suddenly that's not such a victory, huh?

Well she hasn't encouraged violence at her rallies, hinted that her opponent should be shot, paid off pornstars she had an affair with while leaving her spouse to take care of the new baby, and so on.

She also didn't ask Russia to hack her opponent.

Unemployment won’t go lower because it’s at rock bottom.

You Russian bots crack me up.
Occasional Cortex is going to be a hoot of a reality show over the next two years. She is going to be such an embarrassment to the Dems that they will make sure she is not re-elected.
Occasional Cortex is going to be a hoot of a reality show over the next two years. She is going to be such an embarrassment to the Dems that they will make sure she is not re-elected.
For a Rookie, she is doing quite well
She has ignored her colleagues demands that she act as a back bencher, she is building a coalition of like minded legislators, she has the media in the palm of her hand

Most importantly, she has elevated herself to the top of the conservative hate list
Occasional Cortex is going to be a hoot of a reality show over the next two years. She is going to be such an embarrassment to the Dems that they will make sure she is not re-elected.
For a Rookie, she is doing quite well
She has ignored her colleagues demands that she act as a back bencher, she is building a coalition of like minded legislators, she has the media in the palm of her hand

Most importantly, she has elevated herself to the top of the conservative hate list

Yes, I'm sure telling yourself that gives you comfort.

To normal people she's as ridiculous as Paris Hilton on the Simple Life.
I'll stop whining about Hillary when she stops whining about the epic EC beat down she received by the Orange Man.

But you have Ocasio Cortez to make shit up about now

I get the feeling that Ocasio Cortez isn't someone anyone will have to "make shit up about", Winger...she's the type of person who will say things that are so obviously clueless that people will stop and go "Wow...that women is really not smart!"
She has a lot to learn about Congressional protocols and procedures

She can teach fellow Congressmen a lot about how common people live, what they need and what Congress can do to help them

What's amusing is that you've bought into the whole narrative that she's one of the "common people", Winger! She's not working class. She's a rich kid from the suburbs not some tough street kid from NYC!
Her father was an architect who died while she was in college
Note to Conservatives.......Rich kids don’t have to waitress to get by
So she lied about growing up in poverty.
Occasional Cortex is going to be a hoot of a reality show over the next two years. She is going to be such an embarrassment to the Dems that they will make sure she is not re-elected.
For a Rookie, she is doing quite well
She has ignored her colleagues demands that she act as a back bencher, she is building a coalition of like minded legislators, she has the media in the palm of her hand

Most importantly, she has elevated herself to the top of the conservative hate list
Love it! We are Superiors because everyone is laughing at us!

Who said the Left were delusional?
Occasional Cortex is going to be a hoot of a reality show over the next two years. She is going to be such an embarrassment to the Dems that they will make sure she is not re-elected.
For a Rookie, she is doing quite well
She has ignored her colleagues demands that she act as a back bencher, she is building a coalition of like minded legislators, she has the media in the palm of her hand

Most importantly, she has elevated herself to the top of the conservative hate list

Yes, I'm sure telling yourself that gives you comfort.

To normal people she's as ridiculous as Paris Hilton on the Simple Life.


The best Conservative rebuttals I see to Ocasio Cortez center around doctored photos........Look! She has crazy eyes
It's less about productivity and more about concern for us as people, valued co-workers, and friends. If this were a big corporation with hundreds of employees and I had passed maybe two sentences of conversation with my boss in the last six months, then I would agree with you that it's none of their damned business. But it's actually not uncommon in small businesses where a handful of people work very closely together every day for it to take on more of a family vibe than a work vibe.

When I started here a year ago, there were three more employees than there are now. All three got tossed for slacking - which is a very different thing from burning out - and the responsibilities of two of them got folded into my job, rather than us hiring replacements.

On the other hand, those of us who meet the standards for staying get treated very well and the management is very concerned about holding onto us.
Oh nonsense and hogwash. I have always worked for small business. They don't want to pay for the week worked and an extra for the vacation. Then they were smart enough to convince you that it's for your own good. And you believe it!

When I got hit by the car, every single manager in the company personally contacted me the same day to ask how I was, and the owner cut me a check just to help me out. When I was worried about my husband having to commute 20 miles one-way to work every day by bicycle/bus, they outfitted him with transcription equipment at company expense and gave him a job transcribing from home. My two most immediate bosses and I go out shopping and to karaoke together. Those of us with young children are allowed to work from home or bring the kids to work with us on days when they aren't in school and we don't have anyone else to watch them.

I'm going to say they actually are concerned about me as a person.

Sounds very much like they are, what an awesome place to work.

I'm very fond of it, and them.

So you can see why I'm not overly eager to avoid coming to work every chance I get. They treat me very well, and in return, I feel motivated to make the business as much of a success as possible.

I am fond of my family, but still do not want to be with them all the time! :21::21::21:

Same here. That's why I have family and work, and divide my time between them: so I don't have to be with either all the time.
Yeah, I don't know what kind of job you had, but some of us have jobs that involve constant workflow. It's not a matter of "needing more time to do it". It's a matter of every day brings in new stuff; therefore, if I am not there that day to deal with it, it's still waiting for me the next day, along with THAT day's stuff.

And I don't work more than 40 hours a week. I just need to actually be present for that 40.

You should also keep in mind that, as I said, before I got here it took three people to do what I now do all by myself.

I am a Statistician, my job is a constant flow of projects for clients. Each project is separate and distinct and has it own timeline and parameters. Some are simply about data, some are data and analysis and some throw in making recommendations based off of the data and the analysis.

I never do not have multiple projects happening at the same time. Some are projects I am the lead for, others are projects I am a team member on.

Each project last from around a month to 6 months depending on the size and scope.

My performance is judged by timeliness, accuracy and completeness of the data and the analysis.
Occasional Cortex is going to be a hoot of a reality show over the next two years. She is going to be such an embarrassment to the Dems that they will make sure she is not re-elected.
For a Rookie, she is doing quite well
She has ignored her colleagues demands that she act as a back bencher, she is building a coalition of like minded legislators, she has the media in the palm of her hand

Most importantly, she has elevated herself to the top of the conservative hate list
Love it! We are Superiors because everyone is laughing at us!

Who said the Left were delusional?

Actually, everyone is laughing at you
You elected Trump
But you have Ocasio Cortez to make shit up about now

I get the feeling that Ocasio Cortez isn't someone anyone will have to "make shit up about", Winger...she's the type of person who will say things that are so obviously clueless that people will stop and go "Wow...that women is really not smart!"
She has a lot to learn about Congressional protocols and procedures

She can teach fellow Congressmen a lot about how common people live, what they need and what Congress can do to help them

What's amusing is that you've bought into the whole narrative that she's one of the "common people", Winger! She's not working class. She's a rich kid from the suburbs not some tough street kid from NYC!
Her father was an architect who died while she was in college
Note to Conservatives.......Rich kids don’t have to waitress to get by
So she lied about growing up in poverty.
Show me
I am from the US and I take all the vacation and time off my company allows. Anyone that does not is a fucking moron.

Lazy slack-ass.

Whatever moron, there is more to life than working. But you are such a good little sheep that you have bought into the narrative your masters have sold you.

Some of us actually enjoy our jobs and feel personally invested in them.

On the other hand, my company doesn't actually give us a choice about taking time off. If you have over a certain amount of PTO accrued by December, you WILL take a freaking vacation and get some rest. No arguments.
What an awful company. You must work for Democrats.

Why is it awful to make people use their vacation time?

It has been shown time and time again that time away from work will increase your productive when you get back.

Americans are so stupid about this shit.

What is your nationality?

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