Adulting Is Hard! Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Needs A Vacation From Work

Anybody pointed out yet that Trump takes a vacation every single week

And yet he's managed to get more done in a shorter period of time then almost any President in recent memory! Who cares if he works out of the White House or out of one of his golf properties? He gets the job done.
EO’s can be reversed as quickly as Trump signed them. All the dotard has done is give the Google’s and Jeff Bezos’ of the country a tax cut.

Actually what the "dotard" has done is grow the economy and create jobs despite having to deal with five Fed rate increases! It's a remarkable achievement. He's also gotten our NATO allies to live up to their responsibilities and spend more on their own defense. He's also managed to create a record number of manufacturing jobs. He's also managed to use the threat of tariffs against the EU, Canada, Mexico and now China to get better trade deals for us! He's cut stupid regulations. He's induced billions of dollars held overseas by US based corporations to be brought back into the country and invested here.

As for tax cuts? He gave them to Middle Americans as well as the rich. He also gave them JOBS!

His job creation has stalled, his stock market has stalled, and it's unlikely his growth won't be above 2.2% per cent this fiscal year. It's not much of an achievement, given the double goosing of HUGE increase in the deficit and massive tax cuts,
You've gotta stop letting folks move in to your head.

Unless you just aren't using it for anything else.
Hilarious how you Leftards are so desperate to have people stop talking about your new superstar. It’s almost as if she needs protection....

She seems to be doing quite well

She has landed on the Conservative hate list and she has not even taken office yet

she's got a long way to go before she gets the trump hate he got before getting into office.

suddenly that's not such a victory, huh?

Well she hasn't encouraged violence at her rallies, hinted that her opponent should be shot, paid off pornstars she had an affair with while leaving her spouse to take care of the new baby, and so on.

She also didn't ask Russia to hack her opponent.

I'm always amused when you progressives try so hard to understand economics, Dragon Lady! You're HOPING that Trump's economy slows but you don't have the faintest idea why it would! The fact that he's been able to do what he has with the economy with all of the rate raises that the Fed has done and how he's been playing hardball with our trading partners borders on the unbelievable. Trump understands economics and business. You on the left are as clueless as Barry was!
Not being a slave to my job does not make me of weak character.


Being a lazy slack ass loser does. You should really consider moving to Europe where fearing hard work and avoiding it whenever possible is considered a virtue. A place where spineless slackers and lazy layabouts are lauded for their languor.

I am nether lazy nor a slacker...

Your own words betray you, Euro-boy.

No, my words show that I am not a slave to the system and I understand that there are things more important in life than work.


Those are the words of a lazy POS who sees work as a “necessary evil” to be avoided whenever possible. Pathetic and weak.

Such a faithful and compliant little slave you are...

work is is work...

Been there, done that, have the t-shirt and now I will no longer be such a slave
Being a lazy slack ass loser does. You should really consider moving to Europe where fearing hard work and avoiding it whenever possible is considered a virtue. A place where spineless slackers and lazy layabouts are lauded for their languor.

I am nether lazy nor a slacker...

Your own words betray you, Euro-boy.

No, my words show that I am not a slave to the system and I understand that there are things more important in life than work.


Those are the words of a lazy POS who sees work as a “necessary evil” to be avoided whenever possible. Pathetic and weak.

Such a faithful and compliant little slave you are...

work is is work...

Been there, done that, have the t-shirt and now I will no longer be such a slave

You mean you have
Not being a slave to my job does not make me of weak character.


Being a lazy slack ass loser does. You should really consider moving to Europe where fearing hard work and avoiding it whenever possible is considered a virtue. A place where spineless slackers and lazy layabouts are lauded for their languor.

I am nether lazy nor a slacker...

Your own words betray you, Euro-boy.

No, my words show that I am not a slave to the system and I understand that there are things more important in life than work.


Those are the words of a lazy POS who sees work as a “necessary evil” to be avoided whenever possible. Pathetic and weak.
Anybody pointed out yet that Trump takes a vacation every single week

And yet he's managed to get more done in a shorter period of time then almost any President in recent memory! Who cares if he works out of the White House or out of one of his golf properties? He gets the job done.
EO’s can be reversed as quickly as Trump signed them. All the dotard has done is give the Google’s and Jeff Bezos’ of the country a tax cut.

Actually what the "dotard" has done is grow the economy and create jobs despite having to deal with five Fed rate increases! It's a remarkable achievement. He's also gotten our NATO allies to live up to their responsibilities and spend more on their own defense. He's also managed to create a record number of manufacturing jobs. He's also managed to use the threat of tariffs against the EU, Canada, Mexico and now China to get better trade deals for us! He's cut stupid regulations. He's induced billions of dollars held overseas by US based corporations to be brought back into the country and invested here.

As for tax cuts? He gave them to Middle Americans as well as the rich. He also gave them JOBS!

His job creation has stalled, his stock market has stalled, and it's unlikely his growth won't be above 2.2% per cent this fiscal year. It's not much of an achievement, given the double goosing of HUGE increase in the deficit and massive tax cuts,
Hilarious how you Leftards are so desperate to have people stop talking about your new superstar. It’s almost as if she needs protection....

She seems to be doing quite well

She has landed on the Conservative hate list and she has not even taken office yet

she's got a long way to go before she gets the trump hate he got before getting into office.

suddenly that's not such a victory, huh?

Well she hasn't encouraged violence at her rallies, hinted that her opponent should be shot, paid off pornstars she had an affair with while leaving her spouse to take care of the new baby, and so on.

She also didn't ask Russia to hack her opponent.

I'm always amused when you progressives try so hard to understand economics, Dragon Lady! You're HOPING that Trump's economy slows but you don't have the faintest idea why it would! The fact that he's been able to do what he has with the economy with all of the rate raises that the Fed has done and how he's been playing hardball with our trading partners borders on the unbelievable. Trump understands economics and business. You on the left are as clueless as Barry was!

isn't right wing fantasy, wonderful.
Only in the US do people get mocked for taking vacation.

Do you never take time off work?

Not before I actually started the job, no.

Many people take time off before starting a new job because they know it will be a while before they can take off

By definition the time before one begins a job, IS ALREADY time off.

The fact is nowhere in Ocasio-Cortéz' note, or anywhere in the OP article, is there any reference to any "vacation". The OP pulled that out of his ass hoping to assuage his own butthurt about somebody else's incoming representative three thousand miles away.
Only in the US do people get mocked for taking vacation.

Do you never take time off work?

Not before I actually started the job, no.

Many people take time off before starting a new job because they know it will be a while before they can take off

your attempts at defending this ignorant child are admirable, but nothing you say will counter her foolish ignorant childish remarks or her obvious lack of understanding of economics, the US government, or life in general.

please continue to back her, she is the best thing for the GOP since crooked Hillary.
Only in the US do people get mocked for taking vacation.

Do you never take time off work?

Not before I actually started the job, no.

Many people take time off before starting a new job because they know it will be a while before they can take off

By definition the time before one begins a job, IS ALREADY time off.

The fact is nowhere in Ocasio-Cortéz' note, or anywhere in the OP article, is there any reference to any "vacation". The OP pulled that out of his ass hoping to assuage his own butthurt about somebody else's incoming representative three thousand miles away.

I wouldn’t say a newly elected member of Congress has time off between the election and when they are sworn in

She has to establish an office in NY and DC. She has to hire staff. She has to learn the nuances of being a Congresswoman

She is just taking a few days off from all that and Conservatives are outraged
Only in the US do people get mocked for taking vacation.

Do you never take time off work?

Not before I actually started the job, no.

Many people take time off before starting a new job because they know it will be a while before they can take off

By definition the time before one begins a job, IS ALREADY time off.

The fact is nowhere in Ocasio-Cortéz' note, or anywhere in the OP article, is there any reference to any "vacation". The OP pulled that out of his ass hoping to assuage his own butthurt about somebody else's incoming representative three thousand miles away.

I wouldn’t say a newly elected member of Congress has time off between the election and when they are sworn in

She has to establish an office in NY and DC. She has to hire staff. She has to learn the nuances of being a Congresswoman

She is just taking a few days off from all that and Conservatives are outraged

no one is outraged, just pointing out another foolish statement from this ignorant young girl who finds herself in an environment that she has no idea how to deal with.
Only in the US do people get mocked for taking vacation.

Do you never take time off work?

Not before I actually started the job, no.

Many people take time off before starting a new job because they know it will be a while before they can take off

your attempts at defending this ignorant child are admirable, but nothing you say will counter her foolish ignorant childish remarks or her obvious lack of understanding of economics, the US government, or life in general.

please continue to back her, she is the best thing for the GOP since crooked Hillary.
No question the 29 year old has a lot to learn about being a member of Congress. But if her constituents wanted someone who knows the job inside out, they would have re-elected her predecessor

But Ocasio Cortez actually went door to door to meet her constituents. She spent time to learn their problems and concerns. She proposed programs that would help the people in her district.

That is an education that most members of Congress can use
Only in the US do people get mocked for taking vacation.

Do you never take time off work?

Not before I actually started the job, no.

Many people take time off before starting a new job because they know it will be a while before they can take off

By definition the time before one begins a job, IS ALREADY time off.

The fact is nowhere in Ocasio-Cortéz' note, or anywhere in the OP article, is there any reference to any "vacation". The OP pulled that out of his ass hoping to assuage his own butthurt about somebody else's incoming representative three thousand miles away.

I wouldn’t say a newly elected member of Congress has time off between the election and when they are sworn in

She has to establish an office in NY and DC. She has to hire staff. She has to learn the nuances of being a Congresswoman

She is just taking a few days off from all that and Conservatives are outraged

no one is outraged, just pointing out another foolish statement from this ignorant young girl who finds herself in an environment that she has no idea how to deal with.
What was foolish was conservatives wetting themselves because she said she was taking time off
Only in the US do people get mocked for taking vacation.

Do you never take time off work?

Not before I actually started the job, no.

Many people take time off before starting a new job because they know it will be a while before they can take off

By definition the time before one begins a job, IS ALREADY time off.

The fact is nowhere in Ocasio-Cortéz' note, or anywhere in the OP article, is there any reference to any "vacation". The OP pulled that out of his ass hoping to assuage his own butthurt about somebody else's incoming representative three thousand miles away.

I wouldn’t say a newly elected member of Congress has time off between the election and when they are sworn in

She has to establish an office in NY and DC. She has to hire staff. She has to learn the nuances of being a Congresswoman

She is just taking a few days off from all that and Conservatives are outraged

As I read it all she said was she's keeping personal time in mind and has had to let yoga go for fast food. It's a meaningless diary entry basically. But yeah if she posted that she had stopped to watch a bird in flight some wag in Idaho would be in here screaming and crying the blues about whatever his Fox Noise/Alex John Brinkley Jones/Dimbart parrotmaster ordered him to bitch about in a pathetic puddle of inconsolable butthurtitude.
Not before I actually started the job, no.

Many people take time off before starting a new job because they know it will be a while before they can take off

By definition the time before one begins a job, IS ALREADY time off.

The fact is nowhere in Ocasio-Cortéz' note, or anywhere in the OP article, is there any reference to any "vacation". The OP pulled that out of his ass hoping to assuage his own butthurt about somebody else's incoming representative three thousand miles away.

I wouldn’t say a newly elected member of Congress has time off between the election and when they are sworn in

She has to establish an office in NY and DC. She has to hire staff. She has to learn the nuances of being a Congresswoman

She is just taking a few days off from all that and Conservatives are outraged

no one is outraged, just pointing out another foolish statement from this ignorant young girl who finds herself in an environment that she has no idea how to deal with.
What was foolish was conservatives wetting themselves because she said she was taking time off

who was pissing their pants over this? only you from what I have seen.

If AOC is the future of your dem party, then your party is dead.
Only in the US do people get mocked for taking vacation.

Do you never take time off work?

Not before I actually started the job, no.

Many people take time off before starting a new job because they know it will be a while before they can take off

your attempts at defending this ignorant child are admirable, but nothing you say will counter her foolish ignorant childish remarks or her obvious lack of understanding of economics, the US government, or life in general.

please continue to back her, she is the best thing for the GOP since crooked Hillary.
No question the 29 year old has a lot to learn about being a member of Congress. But if her constituents wanted someone who knows the job inside out, they would have re-elected her predecessor

But Ocasio Cortez actually went door to door to meet her constituents. She spent time to learn their problems and concerns. She proposed programs that would help the people in her district.

That is an education that most members of Congress can use

That's exactly what a Rep is supposed to be doing but I'm afraid it's also going to fly over the heads of those who swim in the soup of Planet RINO where Congresscritters are elected to serve a political party instead of constituents. They're not going to grasp that nuance.

Pogo Predicts: One of these Planet RINO party people will be in lickety-split on the very next post.
Only in the US do people get mocked for taking vacation.

Do you never take time off work?

Not before I actually started the job, no.

Many people take time off before starting a new job because they know it will be a while before they can take off

your attempts at defending this ignorant child are admirable, but nothing you say will counter her foolish ignorant childish remarks or her obvious lack of understanding of economics, the US government, or life in general.

please continue to back her, she is the best thing for the GOP since crooked Hillary.
No question the 29 year old has a lot to learn about being a member of Congress. But if her constituents wanted someone who knows the job inside out, they would have re-elected her predecessor

But Ocasio Cortez actually went door to door to meet her constituents. She spent time to learn their problems and concerns. She proposed programs that would help the people in her district.

That is an education that most members of Congress can use

great, stay on her bandwagon. she is helping the GOP every time she opens her mouth.
Many people take time off before starting a new job because they know it will be a while before they can take off

By definition the time before one begins a job, IS ALREADY time off.

The fact is nowhere in Ocasio-Cortéz' note, or anywhere in the OP article, is there any reference to any "vacation". The OP pulled that out of his ass hoping to assuage his own butthurt about somebody else's incoming representative three thousand miles away.

I wouldn’t say a newly elected member of Congress has time off between the election and when they are sworn in

She has to establish an office in NY and DC. She has to hire staff. She has to learn the nuances of being a Congresswoman

She is just taking a few days off from all that and Conservatives are outraged

no one is outraged, just pointing out another foolish statement from this ignorant young girl who finds herself in an environment that she has no idea how to deal with.
What was foolish was conservatives wetting themselves because she said she was taking time off

who was pissing their pants over this? only you from what I have seen.

If AOC is the future of your dem party, then your party is dead.

Who started this thread, complete with the idea of "vacation" that he pulled out of his ass?

Hint -- he lives a continent away from her district.
Only in the US do people get mocked for taking vacation.

Do you never take time off work?

Not before I actually started the job, no.

Many people take time off before starting a new job because they know it will be a while before they can take off

your attempts at defending this ignorant child are admirable, but nothing you say will counter her foolish ignorant childish remarks or her obvious lack of understanding of economics, the US government, or life in general.

please continue to back her, she is the best thing for the GOP since crooked Hillary.
No question the 29 year old has a lot to learn about being a member of Congress. But if her constituents wanted someone who knows the job inside out, they would have re-elected her predecessor

But Ocasio Cortez actually went door to door to meet her constituents. She spent time to learn their problems and concerns. She proposed programs that would help the people in her district.

That is an education that most members of Congress can use

That's exactly what a Rep is supposed to be doing but I'm afraid it's also going to fly over the heads of those who swim in the soup of Planet RINO where Congresscritters are elected to serve a political party instead of constituents. They're not going to grasp that nuance.

so all of her constituents want to live under a socialist thumb? Do you?
Not before I actually started the job, no.

Many people take time off before starting a new job because they know it will be a while before they can take off

your attempts at defending this ignorant child are admirable, but nothing you say will counter her foolish ignorant childish remarks or her obvious lack of understanding of economics, the US government, or life in general.

please continue to back her, she is the best thing for the GOP since crooked Hillary.
No question the 29 year old has a lot to learn about being a member of Congress. But if her constituents wanted someone who knows the job inside out, they would have re-elected her predecessor

But Ocasio Cortez actually went door to door to meet her constituents. She spent time to learn their problems and concerns. She proposed programs that would help the people in her district.

That is an education that most members of Congress can use

That's exactly what a Rep is supposed to be doing but I'm afraid it's also going to fly over the heads of those who swim in the soup of Planet RINO where Congresscritters are elected to serve a political party instead of constituents. They're not going to grasp that nuance.

Pogo Predicts: One of these Planet RINO party people will be in lickety-split on the very next post.

so all of her constituents want to live under a socialist thumb? Do you?

I'm not in her district; I have my own Congresscritter to criticize. And I don't know wtf a "socialist thumb" is anyway. Is it anything like a "partisan butthurt"?
By definition the time before one begins a job, IS ALREADY time off.

The fact is nowhere in Ocasio-Cortéz' note, or anywhere in the OP article, is there any reference to any "vacation". The OP pulled that out of his ass hoping to assuage his own butthurt about somebody else's incoming representative three thousand miles away.

I wouldn’t say a newly elected member of Congress has time off between the election and when they are sworn in

She has to establish an office in NY and DC. She has to hire staff. She has to learn the nuances of being a Congresswoman

She is just taking a few days off from all that and Conservatives are outraged

no one is outraged, just pointing out another foolish statement from this ignorant young girl who finds herself in an environment that she has no idea how to deal with.
What was foolish was conservatives wetting themselves because she said she was taking time off

who was pissing their pants over this? only you from what I have seen.

If AOC is the future of your dem party, then your party is dead.

Who started this thread, complete with the idea of "vacation" that he pulled out of his ass?

Hint -- he lives a continent away from her district.

so its not a vacation? is time off not a vacation? is it his choice of words that have you libs raving like jackasses with a hot poker up their ass?

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