Adults/Parents treatment of other people's kids


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Something I'm noticing here of late, now that the weather's nice and I'm outside more, is neighbors with kids chastizing other people's kids for misbehaving (as they see it.) Yesterday, a mother couple doors down hollered at her sons when a girl they were playing with screamed passing by the 3 kids riding their bikes. The mother thought it was one of her sons but it was the girl they were riding with. The sons corrected their mother and went about their merry way. But as they came back around (apartment's a circular building as the courtyard they play in is in the interior of the building, think Pentagon but round,) and the mother called to the girl and gave her a talking to about not screaching even going as far as to mention her newborn baby and when she's older and has kids will understand. This was only the latest incident though.

Week or two ago, the mother's husband told his sons they couldn't play with another girl any more because she doesn't show him any respect as with addressing him with "Sir" as his boys do. Kids here in these incidents are all under 10 and probably under 8 (can't tell how old kids are any more. Used to be able to by height when a kid myself but that doesn't work any more heh.)

Wanan discipline your own kids more power to ya. In extreme cases some polite and reasoned correction of other kids behaviour is acceptable (I feel) but full on chastisement and beratement is over the line. And (as happened later) talking to other kids about the girl you don't like doesn't make me think 'adult worthy of respect' but 'immature adult who needs a smack upside the head.'

You don't exile a child from playing with other children because the child behaved childlishly. Children should be corrected and taught, but not punished for something children do. Short of raising demons from hell and slaughering bunnies, nothing a child does is worthy of exile and 'writing off.'

This same 'worthy of respect' adult told his sons to throw rocks at a migratory goose the other day for which I myself spoke to him about it suggesting he clarify 'scaring off' and 'throwing rocks at' to his 6 and maybe 8 year boys. Deliberately injuring wildlife is animal cruelty "causing injury of suffering to" and a class A misdeameanor (most serious sort.) And telling your children to be cruel to animals is probably something child welfare would be interested in.

Because I don't believe in unique people (things people do is probably pretty common) I offer this example for everyone's benefit.

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