

VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Let's say I'm a Catholic naturalist living in a custom-made treehouse mansion in Norway. I live there with my wife and kids, and I have Internet, so I can contact my mom with email. My life is very normal and idealistic, but I feel that my philosophy (which I only share with my wife and kids) differs too much from that of civilization and cosmopolitan 'sophisticates.'

How do I reach out to others (on Facebook, etc.) who do not share my view of life? I may feel apprehensive around 'world-shrewd' celebrities (i.e., movie stars) and/or big-shot urban 'deacons.'

I start worrying. I decide I will use the input of people from civilization (who seem 'alien' to me) for personal research about the 'wild realism' of 'Metropolis.' So I write a blog (on Facebook) regarding my intentions to use input from 'world sophisticates' and 'alternative-philosophy deacons' to understand complicated questions, such as, "How do widowers find the bravado to learn to find passion with a new lover?"

Could this be a template for religious tolerance?


GOD: This 'treehouse idealist' may have found a workable model for religious tolerance!
SATAN: Perhaps, but how will he react to extremist views such as Satanism?
GOD: There should be a recognized public figure (in media) who serves as 'Satanism deacon.'
SATAN: How about Ellen DeGeneres? She's not a Satanist, but she's certainly 'world-witty.'
GOD: Even Americans find it challenging to support Satanists in mainstream media!
SATAN: The Ellen DeGeneres Show is sufficiently 'medicinal.'
GOD: Let's hope then that there will be no further need for a 'Satanist celebrity!'
SATAN: If such a need arises, maybe Hollywood (USA) will make a movie about a 'new age Ann Landers.'



It seems to me that your model for tolerance relies on an anonymous user interface on the interwebs.

How do you get electricity and internet connectivity in a Natural Treehouse Mansion? Do you have indoor plumbing, too?
Dear Abishai100
I understand that the real meaning of Satanism is to worship the Self
and the number one rule is do NOT be self deluded.
So to practice this philosophy make sure you are not deluding yourself
with some attachment or reaction to other people or conditions
that are not really about liberation and detachment from bias.

as for tolerance, if you are using Zen riddles or questions to invoke
openness in other people, this tactic may work.

If you are trying to convince others to be religiously tolerant
the best way I know is to practice this yourself, and work on embracing
diversity and even adverse and polar opposite views from your own.

If you do your own internal work to open yourself up to different people and views,
this is the most you can do to achieve universal inclusion and tolerance, by practicing it yourself!

And the best part Abishai100
as you practice universal inclusion and tolerance in relation with others,
the same comes back to you. It is a natural law, of attraction, karma or reciprocity, the Golden Rule.

Do as you will harm none, and others will grant the same to you.
What you wish for others, practice yourself, and you attract the same.

This Golden Rule of Reciprocity is found in every philosophy.
The only place where I have found a weakness in not teaching it,
is surprisingly, Constitutional law that does not require people to follow the same standards as govt.
It remains a fre e choice to figure out that if we want
* free speech to be respected, we should respect and enforce the same for others
* if we want the right to peace, security and due process to be protected for us, we should do the same for others
* and likewise if we want our free exercise of religion, beliefs, will or consent respected for us,
we should respect the consent and free will of others.

You get the tolerance you give, Abishai
Best wishes in your practice and may all the knowledge and wisdom
you seek be opened up and poured out to you in abundance overflowing!

Let's say I'm a Catholic naturalist living in a custom-made treehouse mansion in Norway. I live there with my wife and kids, and I have Internet, so I can contact my mom with email. My life is very normal and idealistic, but I feel that my philosophy (which I only share with my wife and kids) differs too much from that of civilization and cosmopolitan 'sophisticates.'

How do I reach out to others (on Facebook, etc.) who do not share my view of life? I may feel apprehensive around 'world-shrewd' celebrities (i.e., movie stars) and/or big-shot urban 'deacons.'

I start worrying. I decide I will use the input of people from civilization (who seem 'alien' to me) for personal research about the 'wild realism' of 'Metropolis.' So I write a blog (on Facebook) regarding my intentions to use input from 'world sophisticates' and 'alternative-philosophy deacons' to understand complicated questions, such as, "How do widowers find the bravado to learn to find passion with a new lover?"

Could this be a template for religious tolerance?


GOD: This 'treehouse idealist' may have found a workable model for religious tolerance!
SATAN: Perhaps, but how will he react to extremist views such as Satanism?
GOD: There should be a recognized public figure (in media) who serves as 'Satanism deacon.'
SATAN: How about Ellen DeGeneres? She's not a Satanist, but she's certainly 'world-witty.'
GOD: Even Americans find it challenging to support Satanists in mainstream media!
SATAN: The Ellen DeGeneres Show is sufficiently 'medicinal.'
GOD: Let's hope then that there will be no further need for a 'Satanist celebrity!'
SATAN: If such a need arises, maybe Hollywood (USA) will make a movie about a 'new age Ann Landers.'



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Let's say I'm a Catholic naturalist living in a custom-made treehouse mansion in Norway. I live there with my wife and kids, and I have Internet, so I can contact my mom with email. My life is very normal and idealistic, but I feel that my philosophy (which I only share with my wife and kids) differs too much from that of civilization and cosmopolitan 'sophisticates.'

How do I reach out to others (on Facebook, etc.) who do not share my view of life? I may feel apprehensive around 'world-shrewd' celebrities (i.e., movie stars) and/or big-shot urban 'deacons.'

I start worrying. I decide I will use the input of people from civilization (who seem 'alien' to me) for personal research about the 'wild realism' of 'Metropolis.' So I write a blog (on Facebook) regarding my intentions to use input from 'world sophisticates' and 'alternative-philosophy deacons' to understand complicated questions, such as, "How do widowers find the bravado to learn to find passion with a new lover?"

Could this be a template for religious tolerance?


GOD: This 'treehouse idealist' may have found a workable model for religious tolerance!
SATAN: Perhaps, but how will he react to extremist views such as Satanism?
GOD: There should be a recognized public figure (in media) who serves as 'Satanism deacon.'
SATAN: How about Ellen DeGeneres? She's not a Satanist, but she's certainly 'world-witty.'
GOD: Even Americans find it challenging to support Satanists in mainstream media!
SATAN: The Ellen DeGeneres Show is sufficiently 'medicinal.'
GOD: Let's hope then that there will be no further need for a 'Satanist celebrity!'
SATAN: If such a need arises, maybe Hollywood (USA) will make a movie about a 'new age Ann Landers.'



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Your situation seems pretty hopeless to me. Best just take a header from the highest part of the tree and you'll be able to deal directly with God posthaste.

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