Aerosmith To Announce 40-Plus-Date U.S. Tour On 'The Howard Stern Show'


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
i couldn't love Aerosmith more if i tried. they are a Godsend!

i couldn't love Aerosmith more if i tried. they are a Godsend!

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They used to be, these old bands are terrible now and without lip sync can't carry a tune
I saw Blue Oyster Cult a couple weeks ago. Still sing well.
Yeah I saw Duran Duran a couple months ago, Simon can still sing with the best of them.

if you are into Duran Duran you GOT to watch this video of this live performance ,I was somewhat a duran duran fan before i saw this video but AFTER seeing it i became a HUGE fan of them. pknopp and Ordinary Guy

saw pat benatar shortly before them going into it not expecting anything at all after watching a video of a concert performance she gave a yeat ago,she sounded and looked nothing like the pat benatar i remembered so i had VERY LOW expectations going in and was expecting a major dissapointment HOWEVER,to my pleasant surprise she can STILL carry a tune and still has an amazing pair of lungs and can really belt them toons out. at 70 freaking years old. she does not sound like a 70 year old in the least. she can still belt them toons out better than most the 20 or 30 year old rock stars there are today.
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i couldn't love Aerosmith more if i tried. they are a Godsend!

Do people still get excited about paying insanely inflated prices to be herded into ludicrously overcrowded venues, and pay $20 for a shitty domestic beer, to see aging bands desperate to rake in one more windfall before they die? I just don't get the attraction...
Do people still get excited about paying insanely inflated prices to be herded into ludicrously overcrowded venues, and pay $20 for a shitty domestic beer, to see aging bands desperate to rake in one more windfall before they die? I just don't get the attraction...

well not being a fan of Aerosmith as he is I cant speak to how THEY sound now but as i said,I just recently saw Duran Duran a couple months ago,another aging band and they are showing NO SIGNS of slowing down at all as seen in that video I posted.

I had never seen them in concert and always wanted to the fact they are one of my top five favorites and the lead singer,he STILL sings with the best of them and is showing no signs in the least of slowing down. you watch that video i just posted and you will see what i mean. you may not like them or their music but if you listen to it you will see they STILL sound amazing.

but they are one of the rare exceptions,few bands when they get that old still sound as great as they do. canon shooter who is not a fan of them but saw them in concert five years ago or so because he had to as part of his job being a photographer for bands,he said the same thing,he had never been a fan of theuir music listening to them on the radio but when he saw them in CONCERT,he changed his mind about them.

unless you totally hate the songs and the music of duran duran,if you see them in concert,youll see what i mean how amazing they sound.

That goes for THE EAGLES as well. They are also one of my top five favorites but i never got around to seeing them until just recently and they STILL incredibly are one amazing band and STILL sound amazing despite the fact these guys are 75 fucking years old.:biggrin:
these old fogies like the eagles and duran duran,they sure as hell beat all the crap coming out from the young talent these days.face it rock and roll is a dying breed if you want to hear good music from the young turks.
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Do people still get excited about paying insanely inflated prices to be herded into ludicrously overcrowded venues, and pay $20 for a shitty domestic beer, to see aging bands desperate to rake in one more windfall before they die? I just don't get the attraction...

I volunteer at one of the local small venues. I showed people where their seat is, helped clean a little at the end and got to see Blue Oyster Cult for free.

Beer is $5.00. Still a lot but then again, I'm not drinking.
At least they haven't gone to that 'auto tune' crap, which is all I see younger artists doing these days. One problem with bands like Aerosmith is they need screamers for front men, and older guys who haven't ripped their throats out like Steve Perry has are getting pretty rare.

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