Affect of lawyers $100 billion a year greed.. $600 billion in defensive Medicine!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Health care providers ADMIT they spend over $600 billion in duplicate tests, specialist referrals because they fear lawsuits!

And why hasn't Lawyers been attacked for their contribution to this?
On this board I've raised the question several times YET NOT one of you seem to understand that fear of lawsuits add $600 billion in unnecessary tests, etc. and that Medicare/private insurance is paying this $600 billion!

A common, costly practice
In recent studies, more than 90 percent of physicians reported practicing positive defensive medicine in the past 12 months; unnecessary imaging tests accounted for 43 percent of these actions. More than 92 percent of surgeons reported ordering unnecessary tests to protect themselves.

Another study found a direct relationship between higher malpractice awards and malpractice premiums and Medicare spending, especially with imaging services. The increased spending, however, had no measurable effects on mortality.

In a recent Gallup survey, physicians attributed 34 percent of overall healthcare costs to defensive medicine and 21 percent of their practice to be defensive in nature. Specifically, they estimated that 35 percent of diagnostic tests, 29 percent of lab tests, 19 percent of hospitalizations, 14 percent of prescriptions, and 8 percent of surgeries were performed to avoid lawsuits.

Liability reform has been estimated to result in anywhere from a 5 percent to a 34 percent reduction in medical expenditures by reducing defensive medicine practices, with estimates of savings from $54 billion to $650 billion.
The costs of defensive medicine

So if the EXPERTS i.e. physicians ADMIT they spend up to $650 billion a year JUST to keep from being sued...
Isn't it time we recognize this huge Gorilla in the room?
So the biggest cause of skyrocketing health care costs, $600 billion a year in duplicate tests, unnecessary referrals is lawyers filing lawsuits against doctors. So simply taxing lawyers like Obamacare taxes tanning salons would at least put a little fear into LAWYERS and maybe drop that $600 billion that is paid by Medicare and private insurance!

SO why are all of such wussies then in criticizing lawyers?

I mean you totally and ignorantly have evidently NO IDEA that private insurance is NOT the problem!
They simply pay the bills presented to them and physicians present at least $600 billion that are not necessary i.e. out of fear of being wrong and then sued!
I really have a hard time believing that many people on this board are just so confused, especially regarding Obamcare.
I really have a hard time trying to understand why simple math i.e. that when you subtract 10 million non citizens, 14 million on Medicaid already and 18 million that PAY out of pocket their health services WHY everyone doesn't come up with 8 million truly uninsured!
And as a result, if Obamacare passed by just 6 votes.. some of those "YES" votes thought they were helping 50 million!.. but there aren't 50 million!
At the same these "YES" voters surely heard from physicians who told them they were sending over a year's time $600 billion in duplicate tests, referrals.. all because they were afraid of lawsuits!
YET NO Tort reform! Tanning salons were taxed 10% because the caused cancer..
YET LAWYERS weren't TAXED even though they CAUSE the $600 billion in Defensive medicine!

SO I'm asking you members here..

Please tell me where the truly 50 million uninsured that want health insurance are that are citizens, that aren't covered by Medicaid AND do want insurance?
Where are these 50 million???

Also..Please tell me why lawyers were NOT taxed even though fear of their actions caused $600 billion in wasted services,duplicate services,referrals?

OR as I suspect... MOST of you on this board CAN'T do simple math. Are wussies afraid of big bad lawyers and definitely are totally ignorant as to how Medicare/private insurance works, , what medical loss ratios are , "and how eliminating "pre-existing conditions" are causing premiums to climb even higher!
I guess all of you have NO problem with $600 billion a year spent entirely on "defensive Medicine" because physicians fear lawsuits?
OR are you all wussies when it comes to criticizing lawyers.. well if you are NOW you know why there is $600 billion a year WASTED in health care and more importantly NONE of you that have come forth with any counter observations??
YOU as far as I'm concerned have NO credibility in any comments especially regarding health care!
That will never happen because most politicians are former lawyers and if they dont get re elected . Guess what they will return to being lawyers
Care guidelines set by Obamacare WILL have an effect. What are your solutions?- send them to your a-hole Pub representatives. One thing's for sure- today's Pub system is the worst ever devised, and Pubs love it. O-care gives the gov't the ability to do things about it, and they'll be tinkering with it forever.
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If doctors did not fear lawsuits over incorrect treatments/diagnoses how many more would not get the tests to ensure correct treatments?
How many more would die of secondary infections caught while in a hospital?

Also many doctors own interests in the companys they refer patients to. MRI for instance.
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If doctors did not fear lawsuits over incorrect treatments/diagnoses how many more would not get the tests to ensure correct treatments?
How many more would die of secondary infections caught while in a hospital?

Also many doctors own interests in the companys they refer patients to. MRI for instance.

That is so false regarding "refer patients to MRI!" YOU obviously never heard of the Stark Law!
Take some time and do some intelligent research before you spout that OLD cliched FALSEHOOD!

Congress included a provision in the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1989 (OBRA 1989) which barred self-referrals for clinical laboratory services under the Medicare program, effective January 1, 1992. This provision is known as "Stark I".
Effective October 1, 2009, CMS prohibits the use of unit-of-service fee payments in space and/or equipment leases when the payments reflect services provided to patients referred between the parties


It is NO wonder idiots like you voted for Obama! You don't think! You respond hysterically!
Care guidelines set by Obamacare WILL have an effect. What are your solutions?- send them to your a-hole Pub representatives. One thing's for sure- today's Pub system is the worst ever devised, and Pubs love it. O-care gives the gov't the ability to do things about it, and they'll be tinkering with it forever.

MY solution is very very simple! AND SOURCE with FACTS!!! NOT guesses or hyperbole, or hysterical one off anecdotal sob stories!

1) Admit there were NEVER 50 million uninsured as 10 million NOT citizens, 14 million ALREADY covered by Medicaid and 18 million are under 34, pay their OWN health costs out of pocket and therefore DON"T need insurance!
8 million that truly need insurance.
Source for the 18 million figure: CRISIS OF THE UNINSURED: 2009
AGE the annual per capita expenditure
20 $ 1,448 (So why should they pay a $2,000 penalty for not having insurance when they pay out less in real expenses???)
40 $ 2,601
65 $10,245

1) Tax LAWYERS 10% JUST as Obamacare TAXES tanning salons!
2) Tax hospitals on the "uncompensated" services figures that they are using to "pad and pass" on to Medicare/insurance companies!

Then with the combined annual tax revenue from lawyers/hospitals.. of over $15 billion a year.. sign a contract with one of the 1,300 private insurance companies that have competitively bid to manage the "Uninsured Health Insurance Co.©"

Require ANY one that goes into a hospital and are MEANS tested they can't pay be registered with UHIC!

Then all the claims these NOW insured rack up are paid from the premiums from the taxes of Lawyers/hospitals!

Tie the taxes on lawyers to a declining scale based on lower tax in direct ratio to lowering of the $600 billion a year in "defensive medicine"!
Then each hospital that has historically "padded and passed" agree to audits of claims by UHIC to verify that such gross markups like those
I can prove to you if YOU WANT to share YOUR city where you live and I'll tell you how much your largest hospital is marking up Medicare Claims!
For example in Tampa a hospital has been sending claims for CAT that costs them $43.. YeT the bill Medicare over $2,000 A 6000% MARKUP!

Aren't you disgusted just a little that hospitals have to "pad and pass" ALL because NOW do some research don't be lazy on EMTALA!
A law passed in 1986 that was so compassionate so wonderful AND NOW has become a MAJOR snowball of skyrocketing "padding and passing" i.e. 6,000% markups to recover their "uncompensated" costs!

With UHIC managing the 8 million truly uninsured (at a profit or else they won't win the contract) ==
With Lawyers /hospitals paying the premium on the 8 million padding and passing as well as $600 billion a year will DECLINE~
With the decline.. insurance premiums decline! That is a fact!
And it didn't take a takeover of the health care industry to accomplish this!!!
Care guidelines set by Obamacare WILL have an effect. What are your solutions?- send them to your a-hole Pub representatives. One thing's for sure- today's Pub system is the worst ever devised, and Pubs love it. O-care gives the gov't the ability to do things about it, and they'll be tinkering with it forever.

I provided a solution. Lawyers/Hospitals taxation used to provide health insurance for the 8 million uninsured will reduce the $600 billion in defensive medicine and the reducing if not elimination of the 6,000% Markup over costs that some hospitals do with Medicare to pad and pass on the "uncompensated" care costs.

This one simple solution would reduce easily $100 billion a year in waste,fraud and duplications of tests out of fear of lawsuits.

This $100 billion in reductions would be lower costs which would in turn LOWER health insurance premiums!
To put in this solution requires agreement that there ARE only 8 million uninsured.
To put in the solution requires that the $600 billion a year defensive medicine costs due to duplicate tests, etc. be recognized.
And hospitals "pad and pass" sometimes 6,000% markups over cost.

Recognizing THESE facts would be the first step to solving the problem of rising health services compensations costs!
Same reason we are losing manufacturing in the USA the lawyers are suing as many products of manufacturing as they can think of. Watch you TV.
Same reason we are losing manufacturing in the USA the lawyers are suing as many products of manufacturing as they can think of. Watch you TV.

Look at this site and get several examples of what you are saying!!!

A new report from California Citizens Against Lawsuit Abuse found that frivolous lawsuits costs the city of San Diego $17 million, including suits for tripping over sidewalks, wrongful termination when the city wasn’t the plaintiff’s employer and taxi drivers falling asleep.

A Florida man who participated in a “Hairiest Man” contest on board a Carnival cruise is suing the company, claiming his feet were burned while he stood on deck in front of the judges. None of the other barefoot contestants or judges reported any burned feet.

Why are any of these lawsuits allowed to move forward? LAWYERS!!!
This is the 1000th time you've created a thread on this failed theory. Why are you so stupid?
Doctors are an attractive target of lawyers for several reasons. The first is that they kill or maime people through their negligence. The second is that some of them make ungodly ammounts of money. The last is their arrogance in not admitting when they have made a mistake, some hospitals have addressed this last one and have seen their lawsuits drop.

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