Affirmative action doesn’t just hurt whites, it backfires on blacks

I read it

Noticed it made no mention of those who get admitted by other means…….only minorities
The article does mention that legacy students have similar rates of failure to people admitted under lower standards. So you are, as usual,wrong.
I strongly disagree. Replacing favoritism towards one group with favoritism towards another just creates new problems. The best solution would have been to forbid discrimination entirely, which by the way, is exactly what the law did.
There has been no favoritism unless you think whites are entitled to all the jobs and admission.
They are also losing slots to upper class students with connections to the admissions office or athletes whose academic credentials are lacking but they know how to sink a basket

But you only care about the negroes who get into college
She is obsessed with black people being treated equal. She rants about blacks in ads in malls, on TV commercials................and now, getting into college and/or getting jobs.
This article opens with a description of Fisher v Texas, a white girl who claims she was unfairly rejected due to her race since blacks with lower grades and scores were accepted. (The article was written prior to the decision. The SCOTUS, more liberal at that time, ultimately ruled that racial preferences favoring blacks were OK.)

This article describes the negative consequences when you have a “mismatch” between cohorts, the more academically superior whites (and lately, Asians), and the less academically accomplished blacks. (Note: I’ve said before that 1 out of 3 blacks met the “white” standard, but the majority of blacks would not qualify if their race hadn’t given them preference.) The article goes on to discuss other negative consequences.

Now, really, would it be so horrible if blacks who wouldn’t otherwise qualify for Harvard end up at Duke or Northwestern? Or if not good enough for those, what’s wrong with Villanova or Emory? This is what smart but not the top have been doing for decades.

It‘s past time that blacks be admitted to schools for which they qualify (without the racial preference) and be among their students with similar academic accomplishments. It’s better for the whites displaced by AA, and it’s better for the blacks manipulated in via lower standards.

Please let’s discuss without the usual “you’re raaaaacist”” accusations.

It's past time you stopped lying to yourself. The article is garBage you use because it suits your confirmation bias.

Please let’s discuss without the usual “you’re raaaaacist”” accusations.
Yes, affirmative action can be used incorrectly.

The new White House press secretary is an example.

She is doing a very bad job.

People are laughing at her bumbling comments.

The White House wanted a person of color.


But they should have chosen a competent person for the job.

The person they chose only makes some people say, "See what happens when you use affirmative action to hire employees?"
Yes, affirmative action can be used incorrectly.

The new White House press secretary is an example.

She is doing a very bad job.

People are laughing at her bumbling comments.

The White House wanted a person of color.


But they should have chosen a competent person for the job.

The person they chose only makes some people say, "See what happens when you use affirmative action to hire employees?"
Do you ever apply this to whites?

Because trump himself was unqualified to make public policy and had several incompetent press secretaries. As for Jean- Pierre, she is well qualified.
Yes, affirmative action can be used incorrectly.

The new White House press secretary is an example.

She is doing a very bad job.

People are laughing at her bumbling comments.

The White House wanted a person of color.


But they should have chosen a competent person for the job.

The person they chose only makes some people say, "See what happens when you use affirmative action to hire employees?"

She doesn’t seem to have a problem destroying Peter Doocey stupid questions

I don't think most women want to return to the kitchen and be used for baby factories anymore but this is exactly what the right wing seems to want for women. First they want to force women to have children no matter what. And they want to end affirmative action, which is a policy that has allowed women into places they were denied. The greatest beneficiary of Affirmative action have been white women, but it seems that we have some valley girls and Karen moaning about how the policy only provides favors for blacks.

That is a race baited lie! And it's time that lie got put down.

“While people of color, individually and as groups, have been helped by affirmative action in the subsequent years, data and studies suggest women — white women in particular — have benefited disproportionately. According to one study, in 1995, 6 million women, the majority of whom were white, had jobs they wouldn’t have otherwise held but for affirmative action.” -Sally Kohn

Sally Kohn, Affirmative Action Has Helped White Women More Than Anyone, Time, JUNE 17, 2013, Affirmative Action Has Helped White Women More Than Anyone.

The National Womens Law Center did a study on Affirmatives Action and found that: “Women of color have lagged particularly far behind in both employment and education. For example, in 1998, the median weekly salary for Black women was $400 compared to $468 for white women and $615 for white men. Hispanic women earned a median weekly income of only $337. Even in sectors where women have made inroads into management, minority women continue to be underrepresented. In the banking industry, only 2.6% of executive, managerial and administrative jobs were held by Black women, and 5% by Hispanic women, compared to 37.6% by white women. In the hospital industry, Black and Hispanic women each held 4.6% of these jobs, while white women held 50.2%. At the top, women of color represented only 11.2% of all corporate officers in Fortune 500 companies. Women of color also earn fewer college degrees than white women. In 1997, white women made up 39% of college undergraduates and 42% of graduate students; minority women were only 16% of undergraduates and 10% of graduate students.”

Fact Sheet: Affirmative Action and What It Means for Women,
July 1, 2000, The National Womens Law Center,

“Thanks in large measure to affirmative action and civil rights protections that opened up previously restricted opportunities to women of all colors, from 1972-1993:
  • The percentage of women architects increased from 3% to nearly 19% of the total;
  • The percentage of women doctors more than doubled from 10% to 22% of all doctors;
  • The percentage of women lawyers grew from 4% to 23% of the national total;
  • The percentage of female engineers went from less than 1% to nearly 9%;
  • The percentage of female chemists grew from 10% to 30% of all chemists; and,
  • The percentage of female college faculty went from 28% to 42% of all faculty.
Furthermore, since only 1983, the percentage of women business managers and professionals grew from 41% of all such persons, to 48%, while the number of female police officers more than doubled, from 6% to 13% (U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census 1995, Table 649). According to a 1995 study, there are at least six million women — the overwhelming majority of them white — who simply wouldn’t have the jobs they have today, but for the inroads made by affirmative action (Cose 1997, 171).

Tim Wise, Is Sisterhood Conditional?: White Women and the Rollback of Affirmative Action, September 23, 1998, Is Sisterhood Conditional?: White Women and the Rollback of Affirmative Action

Victoria M. Massie, White women benefit most from affirmative action — and are among its fiercest opponents, White women benefit most from affirmative action — and are among its fiercest opponents
When I was in High Schools in the early 70s, the females in my class aspired to be nurses, teachers, secretaries, beauticians or bank tellers.

Affirmative Action opened up all possibilities to women where no job is out of reach

Females in my class never would have aspired to be Astronauts
Standards have been changed and people denied due to quotas. This designed to weaken us, and it has. We are to into ourselves and not seeing the big picture of competitors.
Standards have been changed and people denied due to quotas. This designed to weaken us, and it has. We are to into ourselves and not seeing the big picture of competitors.
Women, blacks, Hispanics, the disabled have been given opportunities to perform jobs that were previously denied them

Thank Affirmative Action
Standards were lower when quotas were 100 percent white males.
Getting rid of bum white males is just. Getting rid of bum minorities is not so easy and this makes men and women who earned it seem questionable when they are not to some.
Women, blacks, Hispanics, the disabled have been given opportunities to perform jobs that were previously denied them

Thank Affirmative Action
And we are not as competitive. Big ticket items are much more expensive to produce, and the price will get higher. Computerized robotics makes things look better.
And we are not as competitive. Big ticket items are much more expensive to produce, and the price will get higher. Computerized robotics makes things look better.
Were we as competitive with under qualified white males who were given positions because nobody else was allowed to compete?
Getting rid of bum white males is just. Getting rid of bum minorities is not so easy and this makes men and women who earned it seem questionable when they are not to some.
That's a lie and drop the white victimhood. Whites like you never question if a white person was hired only because they are white. That happens more than anything else.
And we are not as competitive. Big ticket items are much more expensive to produce, and the price will get higher. Computerized robotics makes things look better.
There has been no favoritism unless you think whites are entitled to all the jobs and admission.
Yes, what the hell do you think “affirmative action” means? It means taking action to favor one group over another.

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