Affirmative Action Needs to Be Banned (all 50 states)

Youre a moron. Black unemployment rate is the highest and you keep whining about AA. Give me a break. :laugh:
Most Black unemployment has nothing to do with anything but one thing > LAZINESS, and a rejection of the workforce.
If they are lazy then how are they taking your jobs? Got yourself caught in your own logic loop again didnt you?
No. You're just being stupid about the posts. The lazy ones stay home, driving up the Black Unemployment rate. The more energetic ones take jobs away from Whites et al races, because of AA.
You said "most". If most are lazy and not taking away jobs then why are you whining?
Yea. Blacks only 12% of population. Most would be at least 51% of blacks. So he's worrying about competing with 5% of the population. What a whiner
I'm not worried about competing against anybody. I'm retired. So now I need to collect reparation FROM YOU and all the other AA thieves who have stolen then money right out of my pocket between 1964 and 2012. So pay up.
These stupid pie charts don't even list a source, or say what they're talking about. Pure meaningless.
I'm just doing the same thing as you are doing. Your opinions are meaningless.
No you're not. You are being a racist, supporting AA racism, and you're also lying.
You are the one lying. You couldnt get a job because you were not educated enough and lazy.
False. I completed 4 yrs of college. That's no lazy. I went to grad school. That's not lazy. I got lots of education. If I didn't get a job in that field (City Planning) it's because I got discriminated against, by racists like you. How incredible that in 2015, someone, anyone, would have the audacity to shoe up here and actually defend this abomination. You have no morals, no shame, and no self-respect.
You must have majored in underwater basket weaving. I have a hard time believing you went through 4 years of college. You got lots of education in everything except the one subject that counted. How to get a job 101.
We all know how YOU do that. YOU throw away every ounce of decency and self-respect you ever might have had, and fill out an AA questionnaire, and check a box that says Black. Bwa ha ha ha ha ha.

Most Black unemployment has nothing to do with anything but one thing > LAZINESS, and a rejection of the workforce.
If they are lazy then how are they taking your jobs? Got yourself caught in your own logic loop again didnt you?
No. You're just being stupid about the posts. The lazy ones stay home, driving up the Black Unemployment rate. The more energetic ones take jobs away from Whites et al races, because of AA.
You said "most". If most are lazy and not taking away jobs then why are you whining?
Yea. Blacks only 12% of population. Most would be at least 51% of blacks. So he's worrying about competing with 5% of the population. What a whiner
I'm not worried about competing against anybody. I'm retired. So now I need to collect reparation FROM YOU and all the other AA thieves who have stolen then money right out of my pocket between 1964 and 2012. So pay up.
You pay up for the 400 years of AA whites got first.
I'm just doing the same thing as you are doing. Your opinions are meaningless.
No you're not. You are being a racist, supporting AA racism, and you're also lying.
You are the one lying. You couldnt get a job because you were not educated enough and lazy.
False. I completed 4 yrs of college. That's no lazy. I went to grad school. That's not lazy. I got lots of education. If I didn't get a job in that field (City Planning) it's because I got discriminated against, by racists like you. How incredible that in 2015, someone, anyone, would have the audacity to shoe up here and actually defend this abomination. You have no morals, no shame, and no self-respect.
You must have majored in underwater basket weaving. I have a hard time believing you went through 4 years of college. You got lots of education in everything except the one subject that counted. How to get a job 101.
We all know how YOU do that. YOU throw away every ounce of decency and self-respect you ever might have had, and fill out an AA questionnaire, and check a box that says Black. Bwa ha ha ha ha ha.

View attachment 36900
I never threw away any of my self respect. I just went out there and made money by being the best for the job. I actually hope someone did hire me using AA.
My wife didn't work at all. She stayed home and took care of the little kids All our income came from me. And before that, when my wife was working, she made MORE money that I did (as a microbiologist, in an AA acquired job). So much for your illustrious "fucked" theory.
So aa helped your family?
No, it damaged us - by denying me opportunities,

Note: I am a minority, who could have taken advantage of AA discrimination. I wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole. I wouldn't live with the DISGRACE of being an AA beneficiary. I could have checked Hispanic, on the AA forms. Never once in 50 years, did I stoop down to do that, I am proud to say.
Sounds more like you hate being part Mexican and desperately wants everyone to see you as a white guy. BTW.....Stop whining.
This shows that one of the things that your lying liberal media routinely withholds from you is that Hispanics are discriminated against in AA almost as much as Whites. when I was discriminated against from AA in my graduate school, only Blacks got assistantships. Everyone else was denied. That included 3 Hispanics (one Mexican, one Puerto Rican, and one myself > 50% Central American) In addition, 2 Asians were also discriminated against (one Korean, one Chinese)

And stop telling me to stop whining. There is no greater whiner in American history that someone who support AA. It is the # 1 whine of all time.

Us white male liberal progressives see the social justice and benefit of AA. We dont get anything out of it. In fact we know we'll be OK despite it.

You sound like someone who's loosing jobs to coloreds and youre bitter.

Got to break a few eggs to make an omelette. You're an egg.
To call the racist discrimation of AA "social justice" is pure INSANITY. And you white male liberals who perpetrate this CRIME and immoralty should be the ones to pay the reparations to all the victims you have harmed, with your anti-White, anti-male racism and sexism.
If they are lazy then how are they taking your jobs? Got yourself caught in your own logic loop again didnt you?
No. You're just being stupid about the posts. The lazy ones stay home, driving up the Black Unemployment rate. The more energetic ones take jobs away from Whites et al races, because of AA.
You said "most". If most are lazy and not taking away jobs then why are you whining?
Yea. Blacks only 12% of population. Most would be at least 51% of blacks. So he's worrying about competing with 5% of the population. What a whiner
I'm not worried about competing against anybody. I'm retired. So now I need to collect reparation FROM YOU and all the other AA thieves who have stolen then money right out of my pocket between 1964 and 2012. So pay up.
You pay up for the 400 years of AA whites got first.
Why ? I had nothing to with any of that. (and it wasn't affirmative action)
No you're not. You are being a racist, supporting AA racism, and you're also lying.
You are the one lying. You couldnt get a job because you were not educated enough and lazy.
False. I completed 4 yrs of college. That's no lazy. I went to grad school. That's not lazy. I got lots of education. If I didn't get a job in that field (City Planning) it's because I got discriminated against, by racists like you. How incredible that in 2015, someone, anyone, would have the audacity to shoe up here and actually defend this abomination. You have no morals, no shame, and no self-respect.
You must have majored in underwater basket weaving. I have a hard time believing you went through 4 years of college. You got lots of education in everything except the one subject that counted. How to get a job 101.
We all know how YOU do that. YOU throw away every ounce of decency and self-respect you ever might have had, and fill out an AA questionnaire, and check a box that says Black. Bwa ha ha ha ha ha.

View attachment 36900
I never threw away any of my self respect. I just went out there and made money by being the best for the job. I actually hope someone did hire me using AA.
You're throwing it away right now. And you'll never know if you were the "best for the job", since you engaged in AA. You might have been the WORST for the job. I wouldn't be surprised.
Currently, Affirmative Action is banned in only 8 states in the US. These are Oklahoma, New Hampshire, Arizona, Washington, Florida, Nebraska, Michigan, and California. This is preposterous. 42 states still allow this blatant, illegal, racial discrimination to occur. And in the states that DO have bans, some are only partial, covering some AA, but not others.

For example, in Florida, the AA "ban" set up by ex. Governor Jeb Bush in 1999, and still in force, only bans AA in college admissions and state contracting. So White kids wanting to get into college, and businesses seeking state contracts are protected. Nice for them. But not a word in the law about racial and gender AA in job hiring and job promotions. As for whether Florida's AA law covers financial aid, your guess is as good as mine, and that's not too good a guess.

In addition to a nationwide ban on this national disgrace (and ALL aspects of it), I suggest reparations be paid to the victims of this discrimination, who truly have lost large sums of money due to it over the past 50 years, and continue to incur damages$$$$ even in retirement.

I'm quite sure Obama would not be in favor of this, but the Congress should pass a bill and send it to his desk, and force him to veto it, thereby showing the nation, and the world, his identity as a racial discriminator, as well as all those in the Congress who would vote against it.

It just dawned on me that one of the main reasons for high crime is unemployment. I heard a story once about back when ford or gm was in Compton or watts and it was a thriving black community with low crime. The minute the jobs left the crime went up.

We need to double down on AA. Employers should have to hire twice as many as they did before. You'll be alright crybaby
1. The top way to cure American unemployment is a mass deportation program of illegal aliens + an end to work visas. Of course this still won't put Americans (of any race) to work, who just don't want to

2. AA won't help unemployment. It merely changes the identities of victims and beneficiaries of discrimination.
Youre a moron. Black unemployment rate is the highest and you keep whining about AA. Give me a break. :laugh:
Most Black unemployment has nothing to do with anything but one thing > LAZINESS, and a rejection of the workforce.
Just blatantly not true. Your credibility keeps slipping.
It IS true, and you have no way of refuting it. My credibility is just fine. :biggrin:
As usual your are full of it. AA benefits in this order. white women, asians, Blacks, and finally others. Your little experience doesnt count as proof. You have got to be one of the saddest whiners I have ever experienced on a message board. You suck because you suck. Has nothing to do with AA. Stop whining.

These stupid pie charts don't even list a source, or say what they're talking about. Pure meaningless.
I'm just doing the same thing as you are doing. Your opinions are meaningless.
No you're not. You are being a racist, supporting AA racism, and you're also lying.
You are the one lying. You couldnt get a job because you were not educated enough and lazy.
False. I completed 4 yrs of college. That's no lazy. I went to grad school. That's not lazy. I got lots of education. If I didn't get a job in that field (City Planning) it's because I got discriminated against, by racists like you. How incredible that in 2015, someone, anyone, would have the audacity to shoe up here and actually defend this abomination. You have no morals, no shame, and no self-respect.

What is more incredible is that you could obtain the education that you claim to have and would be whining on an anonymous message board that you are a victim.
You're "lying" about what, dumbsss? Denying the fact that you are one of those crosseyed, inbred retards from
WOW!! First this baldfaced anti-White RACIST runs down White people. Now he just laid a BIGOT BOMB on 4.4 Million Americans who live in Kentucky. As George H. Bush used to say >> BAD!! BAD!!

No one "ran down" white people in general. An INDIVIDUAL was being addressed. Besides, YOU are probably the most racist, anti immigrant cretin that posts here.
:bsflag: You're a baldfaced anti-White RACIST who runs down White people. Now you just laid a BIGOT BOMB on 4.4 Million Americans who live in Kentucky. Yes, I am anti-immigration, and you should be to, ANd if you had an ounce of decency, and cared about the massive harms that immigration is doing to the American people you would care.

Oh wait a minute. I forgot. You're a liberal who is ordered to avoid all conservative news reporting. So within you little cocoon of liberal censorship, you probably have NO IDEA what all these harms are becasue you liberal reporters don't won't go there, and they avoid that subject like it was Ebola.

As for racism, the only racism going on in America over the past 51 years is affirmative action, and you support it. YOU are the racist fool in this forum, and you dig yourself a deeper hole about it every time you open your mouth. :dig: :slap:

Whatever, , "cra cra". What your delusional
imagination conjures up is of no importance to me at all except to supply an unending source of entertainment.

Frankly. It is no surprise at all that life dealt you a crappy deal, because all that you do is whine about being a victim, and blame AA and the black population as well as immigrants for your abysmal, wretched station in life., while it becomes more obvious with every word that you type that your being a failure is no ones fault but your own.

It is your fault that you failed to be anything but marginal, because just like now, you probably sat around and whined about being passed over as opposed to getting off your lazy ass, and making something happen for yourself.

You will likely end up being carted off to a V.A. mental ward and placed on a 5150, after having a complete mental breakdown.

I wish I could be a fly on the wall and laugh when that day comes.

As I just told that other AA whiner, you AA supporters are the whiners. You whine about 400 years of oppression to Blacks (which was before your time), and then act like you are still the victims when, of course it is Whites and other races that are. I no, I wouldn't call you delusional. I call you a baldfaced LAIR, because you're too smart to not know that oppression on Blacks stopped 51 years ago, and oppression on Whites (AA) started then.

As for your silly attacks on me, smart readers here know all you're doing is the old attack the messenger when you can't defeat the message tactic. Weak. Very obvioulsy weak. :slap:
These stupid pie charts don't even list a source, or say what they're talking about. Pure meaningless.
I'm just doing the same thing as you are doing. Your opinions are meaningless.
No you're not. You are being a racist, supporting AA racism, and you're also lying.
You are the one lying. You couldnt get a job because you were not educated enough and lazy.
False. I completed 4 yrs of college. That's no lazy. I went to grad school. That's not lazy. I got lots of education. If I didn't get a job in that field (City Planning) it's because I got discriminated against, by racists like you. How incredible that in 2015, someone, anyone, would have the audacity to shoe up here and actually defend this abomination. You have no morals, no shame, and no self-respect.

What is more incredible is that you could obtain the education that you claim to have and would be whining on an anonymous message board that you are a victim.
WOW!! First this baldfaced anti-White RACIST runs down White people. Now he just laid a BIGOT BOMB on 4.4 Million Americans who live in Kentucky. As George H. Bush used to say >> BAD!! BAD!!

No one "ran down" white people in general. An INDIVIDUAL was being addressed. Besides, YOU are probably the most racist, anti immigrant cretin that posts here.
:bsflag: You're a baldfaced anti-White RACIST who runs down White people. Now you just laid a BIGOT BOMB on 4.4 Million Americans who live in Kentucky. Yes, I am anti-immigration, and you should be to, ANd if you had an ounce of decency, and cared about the massive harms that immigration is doing to the American people you would care.

Oh wait a minute. I forgot. You're a liberal who is ordered to avoid all conservative news reporting. So within you little cocoon of liberal censorship, you probably have NO IDEA what all these harms are becasue you liberal reporters don't won't go there, and they avoid that subject like it was Ebola.

As for racism, the only racism going on in America over the past 51 years is affirmative action, and you support it. YOU are the racist fool in this forum, and you dig yourself a deeper hole about it every time you open your mouth. :dig: :slap:

Whatever, , "cra cra". What your delusional
imagination conjures up is of no importance to me at all except to supply an unending source of entertainment.

Frankly. It is no surprise at all that life dealt you a crappy deal, because all that you do is whine about being a victim, and blame AA and the black population as well as immigrants for your abysmal, wretched station in life., while it becomes more obvious with every word that you type that your being a failure is no ones fault but your own.

It is your fault that you failed to be anything but marginal, because just like now, you probably sat around and whined about being passed over as opposed to getting off your lazy ass, and making something happen for yourself.

You will likely end up being carted off to a V.A. mental ward and placed on a 5150, after having a complete mental breakdown.

I wish I could be a fly on the wall and laugh when that day comes.

As I just told that other AA whiner, you AA supporters are the whiners. You whine about 400 years of oppression to Blacks (which was before your time), and then act like you are still the victims when, of course it is Whites and other races that are. I no, I wouldn't call you delusional. I call you a baldfaced LAIR, because you're too smart to not know that oppression on Blacks stopped 51 years ago, and oppression on Whites (AA) started then.

As for your silly attacks on me, smart readers here know all you're doing is the old attack the messenger when you can't defeat the message tactic. Weak. Very obvioulsy weak. :slap:

There is no message here except a bitter old bigot of a man is angry because he was passed over, and is looking for any place to lay blame except on himself.

A little sad, but more pathetic.
Currently, Affirmative Action is banned in only 8 states in the US. These are Oklahoma, New Hampshire, Arizona, Washington, Florida, Nebraska, Michigan, and California. This is preposterous. 42 states still allow this blatant, illegal, racial discrimination to occur. And in the states that DO have bans, some are only partial, covering some AA, but not others.

For example, in Florida, the AA "ban" set up by ex. Governor Jeb Bush in 1999, and still in force, only bans AA in college admissions and state contracting. So White kids wanting to get into college, and businesses seeking state contracts are protected. Nice for them. But not a word in the law about racial and gender AA in job hiring and job promotions. As for whether Florida's AA law covers financial aid, your guess is as good as mine, and that's not too good a guess.

In addition to a nationwide ban on this national disgrace (and ALL aspects of it), I suggest reparations be paid to the victims of this discrimination, who truly have lost large sums of money due to it over the past 50 years, and continue to incur damages$$$$ even in retirement.

I'm quite sure Obama would not be in favor of this, but the Congress should pass a bill and send it to his desk, and force him to veto it, thereby showing the nation, and the world, his identity as a racial discriminator, as well as all those in the Congress who would vote against it.

It just dawned on me that one of the main reasons for high crime is unemployment. I heard a story once about back when ford or gm was in Compton or watts and it was a thriving black community with low crime. The minute the jobs left the crime went up.

We need to double down on AA. Employers should have to hire twice as many as they did before. You'll be alright crybaby
1. The top way to cure American unemployment is a mass deportation program of illegal aliens + an end to work visas. Of course this still won't put Americans (of any race) to work, who just don't want to

2. AA won't help unemployment. It merely changes the identities of victims and beneficiaries of discrimination.
Youre a moron. Black unemployment rate is the highest and you keep whining about AA. Give me a break. :laugh:
Most Black unemployment has nothing to do with anything but one thing > LAZINESS, and a rejection of the workforce.
1. The top way to cure American unemployment is a mass deportation program of illegal aliens + an end to work visas. Of course this still won't put Americans (of any race) to work, who just don't want to

2. AA won't help unemployment. It merely changes the identities of victims and beneficiaries of discrimination.
Youre a moron. Black unemployment rate is the highest and you keep whining about AA. Give me a break. :laugh:
Most Black unemployment has nothing to do with anything but one thing > LAZINESS, and a rejection of the workforce.
But you make no sense. First you say they're taking your jobs but then say they're too lazy to work. Which is it?

Exactly. In this very same thread, "cra cra" stated that "Black hiring managers, are discriminating against white applicants".

I guess they are "discriminating" from the unemployment line.......LMAO!
Already refuted.

In your dreams.
This shows that one of the things that your lying liberal media routinely withholds from you is that Hispanics are discriminated against in AA almost as much as Whites. when I was discriminated against from AA in my graduate school, only Blacks got assistantships. Everyone else was denied. That included 3 Hispanics (one Mexican, one Puerto Rican, and one myself > 50% Central American) In addition, 2 Asians were also discriminated against (one Korean, one Chinese)

And stop telling me to stop whining. There is no greater whiner in American history that someone who support AA. It is the # 1 whine of all time.
As usual your are full of it. AA benefits in this order. white women, asians, Blacks, and finally others. Your little experience doesnt count as proof. You have got to be one of the saddest whiners I have ever experienced on a message board. You suck because you suck. Has nothing to do with AA. Stop whining.

These stupid pie charts don't even list a source, or say what they're talking about. Pure meaningless.
I'm just doing the same thing as you are doing. Your opinions are meaningless.
No you're not. You are being a racist, supporting AA racism, and you're also lying.
You are the one lying. You couldnt get a job because you were not educated enough and lazy.
Doesn't he sound exactly like the blacks who white people complain about who use their color as an excuse?

And did he say he went into city planning? Aren't conservatives against govenment jobs? Didn't the GOP shrink the govenment? Maybe that's why he can't find a job?

And notice he said he completed 4 years of college? He didn't say he graduated.
I can see someone complaining that illegals are taking OUR jobs but haven't blacks been in america for hundreds of years? Blacks are as american as apple pie and baseball. For example the blues.
Is there a point somewhere immersed in this ?

Were just waiting for people your age to die. I wonder what germany in 1995 did with their 70 year old Nazis.
And when people my age die, so what ? what does that have to do with it. The trend (including SCOTUS decisions) is clearly toward eradication of AA. In the future, it won't exist at all.
How interesting. The beneficiary Blacks favor AA. And the White male victims oppose it. Gee, who woulda ever thought, huh ?
I'm a white male and I favor it.
If they are lazy then how are they taking your jobs? Got yourself caught in your own logic loop again didnt you?
No. You're just being stupid about the posts. The lazy ones stay home, driving up the Black Unemployment rate. The more energetic ones take jobs away from Whites et al races, because of AA.
You said "most". If most are lazy and not taking away jobs then why are you whining?
Yea. Blacks only 12% of population. Most would be at least 51% of blacks. So he's worrying about competing with 5% of the population. What a whiner
I'm not worried about competing against anybody. I'm retired. So now I need to collect reparation FROM YOU and all the other AA thieves who have stolen then money right out of my pocket between 1964 and 2012. So pay up.
You pay up for the 400 years of AA whites got first.

You know how I've been saying a lack of jobs is the problem? Great news. Did you hear about the guy in Detroit who walked 20 miles a day for 20 years and people gave him over $300k? He has inspired the government to give us a better bus system. So now black people will be able to get on a bus and be taken to where jobs exist. This is great news. There truly arent enough jobs in Detroit so a good bus system will really help a lot.

This is good news to everyone but protectionist who will now shit himself because now he will have to compete with blacks who clearly interview better than he does.

Something doesnt add up. He says he's educated but it sounds like he's competing for jobs that don't require an education. Not saying blacks don't have degrees but usually where I see more blacks than white workers is on factory floors not executive board rooms.
As usual your are full of it. AA benefits in this order. white women, asians, Blacks, and finally others. Your little experience doesnt count as proof. You have got to be one of the saddest whiners I have ever experienced on a message board. You suck because you suck. Has nothing to do with AA. Stop whining.

These stupid pie charts don't even list a source, or say what they're talking about. Pure meaningless.
I'm just doing the same thing as you are doing. Your opinions are meaningless.
No you're not. You are being a racist, supporting AA racism, and you're also lying.
You are the one lying. You couldnt get a job because you were not educated enough and lazy.
Doesn't he sound exactly like the blacks who white people complain about who use their color as an excuse?

And did he say he went into city planning? Aren't conservatives against govenment jobs? Didn't the GOP shrink the govenment? Maybe that's why he can't find a job?

And notice he said he completed 4 years of college? He didn't say he graduated.
I couldn't have been in graduate school if I wasn't a graduate. :lol: Maybe it's time you went to bed. You think ? :itsok:
These stupid pie charts don't even list a source, or say what they're talking about. Pure meaningless.
I'm just doing the same thing as you are doing. Your opinions are meaningless.
No you're not. You are being a racist, supporting AA racism, and you're also lying.
You are the one lying. You couldnt get a job because you were not educated enough and lazy.
Doesn't he sound exactly like the blacks who white people complain about who use their color as an excuse?

And did he say he went into city planning? Aren't conservatives against govenment jobs? Didn't the GOP shrink the govenment? Maybe that's why he can't find a job?

And notice he said he completed 4 years of college? He didn't say he graduated.
I couldn't have been in graduate school if I wasn't a graduate. :lol: Maybe it's time you went to bed. You think ? :itsok:

Looks like rand Paul did it. Lol
No. You're just being stupid about the posts. The lazy ones stay home, driving up the Black Unemployment rate. The more energetic ones take jobs away from Whites et al races, because of AA.
You said "most". If most are lazy and not taking away jobs then why are you whining?
Yea. Blacks only 12% of population. Most would be at least 51% of blacks. So he's worrying about competing with 5% of the population. What a whiner
I'm not worried about competing against anybody. I'm retired. So now I need to collect reparation FROM YOU and all the other AA thieves who have stolen then money right out of my pocket between 1964 and 2012. So pay up.
You pay up for the 400 years of AA whites got first.

You know how I've been saying a lack of jobs is the problem? Great news. Did you hear about the guy in Detroit who walked 20 miles a day for 20 years and people gave him over $300k? He has inspired the government to give us a better bus system. So now black people will be able to get on a bus and be taken to where jobs exist. This is great news. There truly arent enough jobs in Detroit so a good bus system will really help a lot.

This is good news to everyone but protectionist who will now shit himself because now he will have to compete with blacks who clearly interview better than he does.

Something doesnt add up. He says he's educated but it sounds like he's competing for jobs that don't require an education. Not saying blacks don't have degrees but usually where I see more blacks than white workers is on factory floors not executive board rooms.
Don't read very well do you ? first you make the mistake about being a graduate and now this. I'm retired (it's only been posted about 10 times) Pheeeeww!! (high-pitched whistle)

PS - you think factory jobs aren't hired through AA ? If so, you're wrong.
I'm just doing the same thing as you are doing. Your opinions are meaningless.
No you're not. You are being a racist, supporting AA racism, and you're also lying.
You are the one lying. You couldnt get a job because you were not educated enough and lazy.
Doesn't he sound exactly like the blacks who white people complain about who use their color as an excuse?

And did he say he went into city planning? Aren't conservatives against govenment jobs? Didn't the GOP shrink the govenment? Maybe that's why he can't find a job?

And notice he said he completed 4 years of college? He didn't say he graduated.
I couldn't have been in graduate school if I wasn't a graduate. :lol: Maybe it's time you went to bed. You think ? :itsok:

Looks like rand Paul did it. Lol
Did what ?
These stupid pie charts don't even list a source, or say what they're talking about. Pure meaningless.
I'm just doing the same thing as you are doing. Your opinions are meaningless.
No you're not. You are being a racist, supporting AA racism, and you're also lying.
You are the one lying. You couldnt get a job because you were not educated enough and lazy.
Doesn't he sound exactly like the blacks who white people complain about who use their color as an excuse?

And did he say he went into city planning? Aren't conservatives against govenment jobs? Didn't the GOP shrink the govenment? Maybe that's why he can't find a job?

And notice he said he completed 4 years of college? He didn't say he graduated.
I couldn't have been in graduate school if I wasn't a graduate. :lol: Maybe it's time you went to bed. You think ? :itsok:

I know social workers and teachers with masters who make $30k a year. What do city planners make?
Is there a point somewhere immersed in this ?

Were just waiting for people your age to die. I wonder what germany in 1995 did with their 70 year old Nazis.
And when people my age die, so what ? what does that have to do with it. The trend (including SCOTUS decisions) is clearly toward eradication of AA. In the future, it won't exist at all.
How interesting. The beneficiary Blacks favor AA. And the White male victims oppose it. Gee, who woulda ever thought, huh ?
I'm a white male and I favor it.
That's because you are lacking upstairs. Maybe you'd like to have some static on your TV set too ? Care for some trouble with your vacuum cleaner ? Maybe a bad case of termites or fleas ?

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