Affirmative action. Right or wrong

Carson would have been successful with or without affirmative action. This is exactly what posters are saying.

A world renowned neurosurgeon's accomplishments are questioned or mocked because of AA.

It is racist and wrong. :(

AA is an attempt to correct the atrocity of racism which still exists in America. It's no different than assigning handicapped parking spaces for handicapped.

Remember you morons, I equate racism and racists to handicap. You equate being minority as a handicap. I never said being a minority is a handicap, you people on the right did without me mentioning it. There's a difference between you racists and me non-racist. Get it?

No worries though: We have the minority votes. You don't and never will, not during your lifetime. Bye bye.
Because Ben Carson used Affirmative Action but unlike "other blacks" he frowned the entire time

OK if BC frowned upon AA then he should return all the benefits he received from AA and discontinue every social program that benefits poor and minorities and disadvantaged people. Let him promote NRA's weapons and dismantling of all social programs including health care. Then, abra ka dobra, he will get all poor and minority votes.
There are different views on affirmative action in this country. One thing is certain though. It doesn't help to solve the problem of racial inequality in this country. On the contrary, the divide becomes even bigger thanks to the gifts from the government. Vicious circle works the following way:
1) Tell minorities they are being discriminated.
2) Promise them gifts and indulgence.
3) Bingo! They are now totally reliant on your help, yet believing everything in this country is against them.

"Affirmative action. Right or wrong" It shouldn't have been necessary to begin with. It was only made law because of problems, like all laws. I've personally seen hard working blacks denied jobs because they were black and "we already have enough minorities".

Affirmative action sucks as a law. The irony is the people that hate it most are generally the ones that deemed it necessary.

Just look at how many poor people are black. Then ask if they are lazy. Then ask how many top athletes are black. Then ask again are they lazy.
OK if BC frowned upon AA then he should return all the benefits he received from AA and discontinue every social program that benefits poor and minorities and disadvantaged people. Let him promote NRA's weapons and dismantling of all social programs including health care. Then, abra ka dobra, he will get all poor and minority votes.
People like Ben Carson succeed exactly because they refuse to accept they are handicapped as they are told. You are not doing black America any favors by doing so.
OK if BC frowned upon AA then he should return all the benefits he received from AA and discontinue every social program that benefits poor and minorities and disadvantaged people. Let him promote NRA's weapons and dismantling of all social programs including health care. Then, abra ka dobra, he will get all poor and minority votes.
People like Ben Carson succeed exactly because they refuse to accept they are handicapped as they are told. You are not doing black America any favors by doing so.

You make no sense. Ben Carson succeeded ONLY because he was a beneficiary of AA. That said, once he got those opportunities, he proved himself. It's really sad that majority white people refuse to accept discrimination as the problem. AA exists because the problem originates with the racists, not the minorities. If you stopped ALL racism in this world tomorrow, then we won't need AA.

You are talking to the wrong guy here. You need to talk to the racists who created the need for AA. Your fight is not with the minorities and dems. I've told you a billion times and will repeat this again and again: Your problem is with the racists. You should address this with the racists and haters, not the minorities. Remember, minorities have done nothing wrong to be discriminated against. The piece of shit racists are the ones who created this "problem" of AA that gives you sleepless nights.
OK if BC frowned upon AA then he should return all the benefits he received from AA and discontinue every social program that benefits poor and minorities and disadvantaged people. Let him promote NRA's weapons and dismantling of all social programs including health care. Then, abra ka dobra, he will get all poor and minority votes.
People like Ben Carson succeed exactly because they refuse to accept they are handicapped as they are told. You are not doing black America any favors by doing so.

You make no sense. Ben Carson succeeded ONLY because he was a beneficiary of AA. That said, once he got those opportunities, he proved himself. It's really sad that majority white people refuse to accept discrimination as the problem. AA exists because the problem originates with the racists, not the minorities. If you stopped ALL racism in this world tomorrow, then we won't need AA.

You are talking to the wrong guy here. You need to talk to the racists who created the need for AA. Your fight is not with the minorities and dems. I've told you a billion times and will repeat this again and again: Your problem is with the racists. You should address this with the racists and haters, not the minorities. Remember, minorities have done nothing wrong to be discriminated against. The piece of shit racists are the ones who created this "problem" of AA that gives you sleepless nights.
You keep missing the point. The problem isn't with me, it is with the black community and the low self-esteem which comes from being told they are handicapped. Carson did not buy it and succeeded regardless.

Why don't you just call them the "n-word" and be done with it?! Handicapped, Please!!!
OK if BC frowned upon AA then he should return all the benefits he received from AA and discontinue every social program that benefits poor and minorities and disadvantaged people. Let him promote NRA's weapons and dismantling of all social programs including health care. Then, abra ka dobra, he will get all poor and minority votes.
People like Ben Carson succeed exactly because they refuse to accept they are handicapped as they are told. You are not doing black America any favors by doing so.

You make no sense. Ben Carson succeeded ONLY because he was a beneficiary of AA. That said, once he got those opportunities, he proved himself. It's really sad that majority white people refuse to accept discrimination as the problem. AA exists because the problem originates with the racists, not the minorities. If you stopped ALL racism in this world tomorrow, then we won't need AA.

You are talking to the wrong guy here. You need to talk to the racists who created the need for AA. Your fight is not with the minorities and dems. I've told you a billion times and will repeat this again and again: Your problem is with the racists. You should address this with the racists and haters, not the minorities. Remember, minorities have done nothing wrong to be discriminated against. The piece of shit racists are the ones who created this "problem" of AA that gives you sleepless nights.
You keep missing the point. The problem isn't with me, it is with the black community and the low self-esteem which comes from being told they are handicapped. Carson did not buy it and succeeded regardless.

Why don't you just call them the "n-word" and be done with it?! Handicapped, Please!!!

Remember, your boorish attitude and support for racism is what causes blacks to stay away from you. Actually, now that I think about it, the racist right wingers like yourself who call minorities as handicapped is a boon to democratic party. You should continue to disenfranchise the minorities more so that they will never vote for you. We have a firm control of the minority votes. And we will continue to support their struggles against racists on your side.

Remember, you've lost the minorities. Not much you can do to get them back. Wish you the best in your own discriminatory racist world.

FYI: The handicap is racism, not minorities. LOL!
Democrats certainly treat blacks like their handicapped. It is disgusting.

Time to buck up people! Work hard....get an education....raise your children. It's pretty simple.

If someone is mean to you stop crying. Fuck 'em and prove the assholes wrong. Stop making excuses and man up. Okay?

What the F are you talking about? Who's treating blacks like they're handicapped? And if dems are treating blacks like handicapped then why do dems consistently get black votes in the 90s percentile?

What you are saying is blacks invite racism and self humiliation from the dems upon themselves? Gawd, you Fucks Nuse viewers are complete morons.

You're treating them like they are handicapped.

Better question: What percentage of blacks actually vote?

Even better question: Why did all these blacks in Chicago tell Al Shartpon that they don't know a single person who voted for Rahm Emanual (watch the video): Sounds like mass voter fraud in Chicago!

"Better question: What percentage of blacks actually vote?"

Black voters turned out at higher rate than white voters in 2012 and 2008

Black voters turned out at higher rate than white voters in 2012 and 2008 - The Washington Post
Which does not change the fact of the rise of the middle class, which was the intent. A middle class which, for practical purposes, simply did not exist before AA. I doubt anyone saw it as a panacea.
You would be right other than a middle class did not exist before AA which is laughable. Anyway, LBJ was one of the worst and short-sighted presidents who took to keeping and the strategy of holding power above his instincts that blacks were inferior.

His racism is a matter of history, and the results are a matter of the evening news.

And another person who needs to read the discussion before getting involved.
Affirmative Action is a secret to those espouse it, but not those who object.

The objection is one who those who have felt slighted in the past should completely understand, but I am sure they see it through the prism of retribution.

You can think anything you like, but it means nothing unless you are willing to deal in the reality. The reality is that following the implementation of AA we saw a significant rise in the black middle class and a significant drop in black poverty. That was the goal of the program and it worked. To argue otherwise is to ignore the facts, which you are certainly free to do but it will achieve nothing. The only real issue is whether it continues to be an effective tool. Unless you are willing to approach that in terms of reality, we will continue with the status quo. Just complaining that discrimination is wrong if it means you are the one being discriminated against is not going to garner much support.
If the purpose of AA was to develop a black middle class, then according to you it has been successful. Given the overall poverty rate in the US is 14.5%, it would appear blacks are on a par with everyone else.

Sorry...I posted the wrong graph. According to the Washington Post the current black poverty rate is 28%. That is 3X as high as whites or asians.

Again....the Democrat War on Poverty.....after trillions of an abject failure. Ditto Affirmation Action.

I would encourage you to read the info from the attached link. Very informative.

Key Quote: "In 2011, 27.6 percent of black households were in poverty — nearly triple the poverty rate for whites."

These ten charts show the black-white economic gap hasn t budged in 50 years - The Washington Post

Which does not change the fact of the rise of the middle class, which was the intent. A middle class which, for practical purposes, simply did not exist before AA. I doubt anyone saw it as a panacea. So I think you have answered that AA did actually achieve its goal. But even if you wish to use poverty levels as a guide, I would point out one of the charts in that article shows the level was 42% in 1970, as compared to 28% today, which is a significant improvement.

I think any rational look at the numbers indicate the program has been successful. The question then is, does it continue to be successful? That's far more difficult as you can't fall back on history but have to predict the future. Personally, I think we have reached a point of diminishing returns.
The middle class didnt exist before the 1970s? WTF? How old are you, s0n?

Seriously, if you want to get into a conversation you should first try to understand what was being said. Bring yourself up to speed.
Translation: Ooh you caught me so I'll write something that seems to indicate I actually know what I'm talking abouit.

That was a fail, s0n.

No, that was you continuing to fail to read the discussion before jumping in. Certainly a fail but you have to pay attention to realize it.
Who deemed it necessary and why?

If you can answer that question then you will also know the reason AA was created and exists today.

Go ahead and try to answer your own question.

Why are you trying to slug it out with a disgusting fuckface racist? It's only a waste of your time....

thought you had me on ignore Scatty? What a fag. :lol:

Scatty roars like a big puddy cat.......:rofl::rofl::rofl:

while I agree that Stats is a very lonely American gay jew, I understand the chip on the shoulder, pedantry and greed, Yet he's like a parody of a guilt-ridden Ashkenazim Jew.
He's not Jewish at all. He is a parody of a euro-fag.

Says the fake Rabbi who knows nothing of real Judiasm.

And his fucked up Meathead loverboy.

Too funny.
If you can answer that question then you will also know the reason AA was created and exists today.

Go ahead and try to answer your own question.

Why are you trying to slug it out with a disgusting fuckface racist? It's only a waste of your time....

thought you had me on ignore Scatty? What a fag. :lol:

Scatty roars like a big puddy cat.......:rofl::rofl::rofl:

while I agree that Stats is a very lonely American gay jew, I understand the chip on the shoulder, pedantry and greed, Yet he's like a parody of a guilt-ridden Ashkenazim Jew.
He's not Jewish at all. He is a parody of a euro-fag.

Says the fake Rabbi who knows nothing of real Judiasm.

And his fucked up Meathead loverboy.

Too funny.
A lot of gays are self-loathing, I know. Your inability to come out is proof enough. Compound that with being Jewish and all I can say is good luck. Call a suicide hotline if it gets worse, what, with Hillary tanking on top of everything else.
1) Tell minorities they are being discriminated.
2) Promise them gifts and indulgence.
3) Bingo! They are now totally reliant on your help, yet believing everything in this country is against them.

Steps on how to have this opinion.

Step1: Ignore discrimination. Preferably make it seem as if minorities are being taught discrimination is a problem. Not that they have ever experienced it themselves.

Step2: Pretend as if being treated fairly is a "gift" from whites that they dont have to extend to others

Step3: Bingo! Now your opinion is based on nothing other than "yer gut" since evidence has been thrown out the window

Jmo, but if private biz want to increase minority hiring to project an image and gain market share ... more the merrier.

But, govt should not be able to use race or religion or anything else, beyond a showing of economic disadvantage, to provide extra aide or entry into a school or job.
LOL the racist southern democrats became today's racist republicans. Remember this adage:

Not all conservatives are racists but all racists are conservatives.

The adage you operate is "when you tell a lie, make is a big and outrageous lie, more people will be likely to believe it."

You either know you are lying, or you are too stupid to do more than bleat idiotic bullshit from the leftist hate sites.

The racist democrats of old are the same as the racist democrats today, both judge others by the color of their skin.

You hated black - so fuck you.

Now you hate white - fuck you.

You were scum then, you are scum now - no change.
AA is an attempt to correct the atrocity of racism which still exists in America. It's no different than assigning handicapped parking spaces for handicapped.

Remember you morons, I equate racism and racists to handicap. You equate being minority as a handicap. I never said being a minority is a handicap, you people on the right did without me mentioning it. There's a difference between you racists and me non-racist. Get it?

No worries though: We have the minority votes. You don't and never will, not during your lifetime. Bye bye.

You don't "correct" racism by engaging in racism, stupid fuck.
OK if BC frowned upon AA then he should return all the benefits he received from AA and discontinue every social program that benefits poor and minorities and disadvantaged people. Let him promote NRA's weapons and dismantling of all social programs including health care. Then, abra ka dobra, he will get all poor and minority votes.

Just as soon as you and your fellow fucktard leftists return all the benefits you have received from capitalism and free markets, Comrade/

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