Affirmative action. Right or wrong

1) Tell minorities they are being discriminated.
2) Promise them gifts and indulgence.
3) Bingo! They are now totally reliant on your help, yet believing everything in this country is against them.

Steps on how to have this opinion.

Step1: Ignore discrimination. Preferably make it seem as if minorities are being taught discrimination is a problem. Not that they have ever experienced it themselves.

Step2: Pretend as if being treated fairly is a "gift" from whites that they dont have to extend to others

Step3: Bingo! Now your opinion is based on nothing other than "yer gut" since evidence has been thrown out the window

Jmo, but if private biz want to increase minority hiring to project an image and gain market share ... more the merrier.

But, govt should not be able to use race or religion or anything else, beyond a showing of economic disadvantage, to provide extra aide or entry into a school or job.

Why not? They did for whites but but but NOW it's different?
1) Tell minorities they are being discriminated.
2) Promise them gifts and indulgence.
3) Bingo! They are now totally reliant on your help, yet believing everything in this country is against them.

Steps on how to have this opinion.

Step1: Ignore discrimination. Preferably make it seem as if minorities are being taught discrimination is a problem. Not that they have ever experienced it themselves.

Step2: Pretend as if being treated fairly is a "gift" from whites that they dont have to extend to others

Step3: Bingo! Now your opinion is based on nothing other than "yer gut" since evidence has been thrown out the window

Jmo, but if private biz want to increase minority hiring to project an image and gain market share ... more the merrier.

But, govt should not be able to use race or religion or anything else, beyond a showing of economic disadvantage, to provide extra aide or entry into a school or job.

Why not? They did for whites but but but NOW it's different?

Two reasons mainly. The oversimplification of two wrongs don't make a right. But more explicitly, racial dislikes are fomented when society treats any race differently.

And, despite any positive social impact AA may have today, and I don't think that can be proven, the real effect for colleges is that they seek to attract the most qualified blacks. So, who gets the real benefit? The black middle class, and even upper middle class. I believe the studies show that basing preferential status purely on need does end up with blacks getting less preference, but overall more preference goes to the economically disadvantaged.
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So your solution to the wrongs done in the past is to do nothing to attempt to rectify the wrongs?

That sounds like the excuses used by the people that benefitted in the past. Which is "my bad you were wronged but let's just call it even mkay"

Sorry champ..but the idea of 2 wrongs don't make a right always comes from the people who did the wrong in the first place. It doesn't fly here
So your solution to the wrongs done in the past is to do nothing to attempt to rectify the wrongs?

That sounds like the excuses used by the people that benefitted in the past. Which is "my bad you were wronged but let's just call it even mkay"

Sorry champ..but the idea of 2 wrongs don't make a right always comes from the people who did the wrong in the first place. It doesn't fly here

We have done a huge amount to right the wrongs of the past.

Do you think that a child who was beaten by his father will make his life better by beating his own children? After all, that is the AA solution. More racism is the answer to past racism, so more violence must be the answer to past violence.

Do you perhaps glimpse the flaw in your reasoning?
Doesn't matter what you've done already. If you stab someone and pull the knife half way out don't expect a thanks.

Whites had AA before AA...and your solution is, "get over it"
White people still haven't gotten over Elvis. Lol
LOL the racist southern democrats became today's racist republicans. Remember this adage:

Not all conservatives are racists but all racists are conservatives.

The adage you operate is "when you tell a lie, make is a big and outrageous lie, more people will be likely to believe it."

You either know you are lying, or you are too stupid to do more than bleat idiotic bullshit from the leftist hate sites.

The racist democrats of old are the same as the racist democrats today, both judge others by the color of their skin.

You hated black - so fuck you.

Now you hate white - fuck you.

You were scum then, you are scum now - no change.
Please notice. Everytime when conservatives are being blamed for racism against blacks they claim that those who blame are anti-white according to their own words! Unconvincingly. Nothing to answer more? Think about it, conservative and uncensored mister.
Misleading and Using Blacks
The victims of affirmative action.
December 29, 2015
Walter Williams

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia ran headlong into the leftist meat grinder by questioning whether college admission of blacks with academic achievement levels significantly lower than the rest of the student body is beneficial to blacks. His question came up during oral arguments in Fisher v. University of Texas, wherein the court will rule whether the use of race in college admission decisions violates the 14th Amendment's guarantee of "equal protection of the laws" to all citizens.

Justice Scalia's questions generated news headlines such as "Justice Scalia Suggests Blacks Belong at 'Slower' Colleges," "Scalia questions place of some black students in elite colleges" and "Scalia and the misguided 'mismatch' theory." Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid said, "It is deeply disturbing to hear a Supreme Court justice endorse racist ideas from the bench of the nation's highest court."

The issue for black parents is not whether their sons and daughters should be admitted to an elite college or one that is lower-ranked. The issue is whether their sons and daughters should be admitted to a college where they would not be admitted if they were white. The question for black parents and black people is: Which better serves our interests, a black student's being admitted to an elite college and winding up in the bottom of his class or flunking out or a black student's being admitted to a less prestigious college and performing just as well as his white peers? I would opt for a black student's doing well and graduating from a less prestigious college.

Think of it this way. Suppose you asked, "Williams, would you teach my son how to box?" I say yes, and after your son wins a few amateur matches, I set him up with a match against an elite boxer like Mike Tyson or Lennox Lewis. Your son may have the potential to be a world-class boxer, but he is going to get his brains beaten out and have his career ended before he learns how to bob and weave.

It's the same with any student — black or white.


I have been asked: If elite colleges do not create lower admission standards, how are they going to have enough black students? My response is: That's their problem. Black people cannot afford to have our youngsters turned into failures in order to support the agendas of diversity race hustlers and to lessen the guilt of white liberals.

Misleading and Using Blacks

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