Affirmative action. Right or wrong

You are such a pathetic little pussy.
So you both should quality for AA. .

Your yip is obviously worse than any insulting and silly one-liners you can offer. You're a light-weight by any standard.

Pass on direct dialogue. I don't do that blocking shit.


Going full-on racist has only made you more obviously a douchebag. Don't expect anyone to ever take you seriously.
Can you imagine how low the self-opinion of a black kid is when he is told by the likes of World Savior that he is handicapped? It is something which destines them for failure and is passed down through generations.

Yes, that's the problem of course.
Why was AA deemed necessary in the first place? You all talk about AA as if there were no problems for women and minorities when seeking employment.

Who deemed it necessary and why?

If you can answer that question then you will also know the reason AA was created and exists today.

Go ahead and try to answer your own question.

Why are you trying to slug it out with a disgusting fuckface racist? It's only a waste of your time....
You are figuratively and literally cornered. Squirming is your last option. We got it.
If that is bitching and moaning, you cannot possibly be black.

it is and I am

The absurdity wearies me and you are tiresome.

Claim victory, put your tail between your legs and scurry off. Work on that chip on your shoulder and the inferiority complex which ails you. Btw, stop being a prick!

His chip is about as large as your denial.[/QUOTE]Nothing of CC's is as large mine except his ass, You're a bigger ass yet.

If that is bitching and moaning, you cannot possibly be black.

it is and I am

The absurdity wearies me and you are tiresome.

Claim victory, put your tail between your legs and scurry off. Work on that chip on your shoulder and the inferiority complex which ails you. Btw, stop being a prick!

His chip is about as large as your denial.
Nothing of CC's is as large mine except his ass, You're a bigger ass yet.


That you are.
There are different views on affirmative action in this country. One thing is certain though. It doesn't help to solve the problem of racial inequality in this country. On the contrary, the divide becomes even bigger thanks to the gifts from the government. Vicious circle works the following way:
1) Tell minorities they are being discriminated.
2) Promise them gifts and indulgence.
3) Bingo! They are now totally reliant on your help, yet believing everything in this country is against them.

This is ignorant, ridiculous, and wrong.

There are particular cases and situations where the use of affirmative action is appropriate, effective, and Constitutional, such as university admissions policies; provided a standard of strict scrutiny is applied by the courts when reviewing affirmative action policies and that such policies are narrowly tailored, seeking only to remedy a specific manifestation of racial inequality. See, e.g., Grutter v. Bollinger (2003)
If AA is racist, then why do blacks vote for candidates who support AA? Why do cons support a candidate, Ben Carson, who was a beneficiary of AA? If AA is racist against whites, then why don't the white majority senators and congressmen repeal AA?

If burning crosses on the lawns of black people is racist, then why did the KKK vote for democrats who supported burning crosses?

If you have a brain, then why do eat your own feces?
If you can answer that question then you will also know the reason AA was created and exists today.

Go ahead and try to answer your own question.

Yes, the reason is that because leftists believe that two wrongs make a right. That institutional racism is the cure for years of institutional racism.

Obviously you're just fine with one wrong being right.
Not a cure. Part of the treatment.
Obviously addressing employment and educational discrimination is a necessary component of the civil rights act if it was at all to succeed.
Nutters act as though affirmative action is simply giving jobs to negros even though there are more qualified white people who want those jobs. It's a simpletons view.
You're right. It's also about giving places in universities to less-qualified blacks. How is that even legal?
But you just said people who use AA are stupid. A stupid Neurosurgeon?

Is this how far down the 'silly fuck' hole we've gone?

Define "use affirmative action?"

Do you think there was a check box on his college application that said "engage in institutional racism Y/N"

AA was a fact of life - people with ethics oppose institutional racism, regardless of the color of the skin of the victim. Those who view AA as revenge against those who share the skin color of people long dead who engaged in racism, are scumbags.
There are different views on affirmative action in this country. One thing is certain though. It doesn't help to solve the problem of racial inequality in this country. On the contrary, the divide becomes even bigger thanks to the gifts from the government. Vicious circle works the following way:
1) Tell minorities they are being discriminated.
2) Promise them gifts and indulgence.
3) Bingo! They are now totally reliant on your help, yet believing everything in this country is against them.

This is ignorant, ridiculous, and wrong.

There are particular cases and situations where the use of affirmative action is appropriate, effective, and Constitutional, such as university admissions policies; provided a standard of strict scrutiny is applied by the courts when reviewing affirmative action policies and that such policies are narrowly tailored, seeking only to remedy a specific manifestation of racial inequality. See, e.g., Grutter v. Bollinger (2003)
That is wrong and much of admissions law has been rewritten.
There is no, zero, reason for discrimination in university admissions. Michigan voted to outlaw all racial preferences. The USSC backed them up.
The "legacy of discrimination" story is bullshit. It is 2015 already. Most people alive today have no memory of Jim Crow or any of that.

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