Affirmative action. Right or wrong

Can you imagine how low the self-opinion of a black kid is when he is told by the likes of World Savior that he is handicapped? It is something which destines them for failure and is passed down through generations.

Yes, that's the problem of course.
Why was AA deemed necessary in the first place? You all talk about AA as if there were no problems for women and minorities when seeking employment.

Who deemed it necessary and why?

If you can answer that question then you will also know the reason AA was created and exists today.

Go ahead and try to answer your own question.
Can you imagine how low the self-opinion of a black kid is when he is told by the likes of World Savior that he is handicapped? It is something which destines them for failure and is passed down through generations.

Yes, that's the problem of course.
Why was AA deemed necessary in the first place? You all talk about AA as if there were no problems for women and minorities when seeking employment.

Who deemed it necessary and why?

If you can answer that question then you will also know the reason AA was created and exists today.

Go ahead and try to answer your own question.

Liberal socialist idiots deemed it necessary and it has utterly failed. Just like virtually every other liberal socialist policy of the last 50 years.

Throw AA on the scrap heap of history along with the War on Poverty...School Busing....and Head Start.
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Can you imagine how low the self-opinion of a black kid is when he is told by the likes of World Savior that he is handicapped? It is something which destines them for failure and is passed down through generations.

Yes, that's the problem of course.
Why was AA deemed necessary in the first place? You all talk about AA as if there were no problems for women and minorities when seeking employment.

Who deemed it necessary and why?

If you can answer that question then you will also know the reason AA was created and exists today.

Go ahead and try to answer your own question.
I thought I told you to take it up a notch. Your problem is on the internet people do not have to be politically correct which is pretty much why you come out looking insufficient as you would anywhere else with its protection.

Man up FFS and get that fucking chip off your shoulder, or be a chump. It's your call.
Can you imagine how low the self-opinion of a black kid is when he is told by the likes of World Savior that he is handicapped? It is something which destines them for failure and is passed down through generations.

Yes, that's the problem of course.
Why was AA deemed necessary in the first place? You all talk about AA as if there were no problems for women and minorities when seeking employment.

Who deemed it necessary and why?

If you can answer that question then you will also know the reason AA was created and exists today.

Go ahead and try to answer your own question.
I thought I told you to take it up a notch. Your problem is on the internet people do not have to be politically correct which is pretty much why you come out looking insufficient as you would anywhere else with its protection.

Man up FFS and get that fucking chip off your shoulder, or be a chump. It's your call.

I would love to know just what the fuck you are talking about lol.
This is my frustration with these liberal socialist programs. Trillions of dollars and abject failure by any measure. Yet, the answer is always throw more money at the problem.

Why do liberals want to keep going with the same solution when all the evidence is clear their policies have utterly failed?
If AA is racist, then why do blacks vote for candidates who support AA? Why do cons support a candidate, Ben Carson, who was a beneficiary of AA? If AA is racist against whites, then why don't the white majority senators and congressmen repeal AA?
Because Ben Carson used Affirmative Action but unlike "other blacks" he frowned the entire time
1) Tell minorities they are being discriminated.
2) Promise them gifts and indulgence.
3) Bingo! They are now totally reliant on your help, yet believing everything in this country is against them.

Steps on how to have this opinion.

Step1: Ignore discrimination. Preferably make it seem as if minorities are being taught discrimination is a problem. Not that they have ever experienced it themselves.

Step2: Pretend as if being treated fairly is a "gift" from whites that they dont have to extend to others

Step3: Bingo! Now your opinion is based on nothing other than "yer gut" since evidence has been thrown out the window
How is it "being treated fairly" to get preferential treatment? You understand the question, right?

What did we have before AA? Any preferential treatment then?

Well, if there was, how do you make things fair?

I guess by institutionalizing the soft bigotry of low expectations.

As opposed to the harsh bigotry of employment descrimination.
Can you imagine how low the self-opinion of a black kid is when he is told by the likes of World Savior that he is handicapped? It is something which destines them for failure and is passed down through generations.

Yes, that's the problem of course.
Why was AA deemed necessary in the first place? You all talk about AA as if there were no problems for women and minorities when seeking employment.

Who deemed it necessary and why?

If you can answer that question then you will also know the reason AA was created and exists today.

Go ahead and try to answer your own question.
I thought I told you to take it up a notch. Your problem is on the internet people do not have to be politically correct which is pretty much why you come out looking insufficient as you would anywhere else with its protection.

Man up FFS and get that fucking chip off your shoulder, or be a chump. It's your call.

I would love to know just what the fuck you are talking about lol.
I am honestly not surprised. However, I do hope you understand the part about manning up, losing the chip on your shoulder and stop being chump.
Carson would have been successful with or without affirmative action. This is exactly what posters are saying.

A world renowned neurosurgeon's accomplishments are questioned or mocked because of AA.

It is racist and wrong. :(
1) Tell minorities they are being discriminated.
2) Promise them gifts and indulgence.
3) Bingo! They are now totally reliant on your help, yet believing everything in this country is against them.

Steps on how to have this opinion.

Step1: Ignore discrimination. Preferably make it seem as if minorities are being taught discrimination is a problem. Not that they have ever experienced it themselves.

Step2: Pretend as if being treated fairly is a "gift" from whites that they dont have to extend to others

Step3: Bingo! Now your opinion is based on nothing other than "yer gut" since evidence has been thrown out the window
How is it "being treated fairly" to get preferential treatment? You understand the question, right?

What did we have before AA? Any preferential treatment then?

Well, if there was, how do you make things fair?

I guess by institutionalizing the soft bigotry of low expectations.

As opposed to the harsh bigotry of employment descrimination.

Employment discrimination is illegal. This is not the 1920's.
Yes, that's the problem of course.
Why was AA deemed necessary in the first place? You all talk about AA as if there were no problems for women and minorities when seeking employment.

Who deemed it necessary and why?

If you can answer that question then you will also know the reason AA was created and exists today.

Go ahead and try to answer your own question.
I thought I told you to take it up a notch. Your problem is on the internet people do not have to be politically correct which is pretty much why you come out looking insufficient as you would anywhere else with its protection.

Man up FFS and get that fucking chip off your shoulder, or be a chump. It's your call.

I would love to know just what the fuck you are talking about lol.
I am honestly not surprised. However, I do hope you understand the part about manning up, losing the chip on your shoulder and stop being chump.

Chippy McShoulderchip tells people to get rid of the chip on their shoulder
Carson would have been successful with or without affirmative action. This is exactly what posters are saying.

A world renowned neurosurgeon's accomplishments are questioned or mocked because of AA.

It is racist and wrong. :(

But you just said people who use AA are stupid. A stupid Neurosurgeon?

Is this how far down the 'silly fuck' hole we've gone?
There are different views on affirmative action in this country. One thing is certain though. It doesn't help to solve the problem of racial inequality in this country. On the contrary, the divide becomes even bigger thanks to the gifts from the government. Vicious circle works the following way:
1) Tell minorities they are being discriminated.
2) Promise them gifts and indulgence.
3) Bingo! They are now totally reliant on your help, yet believing everything in this country is against them.

Right and wrong are really non-issues here. The issue it was designed to deal with was clear discrimination and the prevention of minorities from progressing within our society. So the only two questions which matter are 1) has it been effective in attaining that goal and 2) if so, does it continue to be effective.

Poverty rates have gotten worse for blacks over the past 15 years.

The black middle class has grown a great deal since 1970 but has started to shrink in a big way under Obama (so has the white middle class).

Overall....the data regarding affirmative action doesn't look great.

If the purpose of AA was to develop a black middle class, then according to you it has been successful. Given the overall poverty rate in the US is 14.5%, it would appear blacks are on a par with everyone else.

Sorry...I posted the wrong graph. According to the Washington Post the current black poverty rate is 28%. That is 3X as high as whites or asians.

Again....the Democrat War on Poverty.....after trillions of an abject failure. Ditto Affirmation Action.

I would encourage you to read the info from the attached link. Very informative.

Key Quote: "In 2011, 27.6 percent of black households were in poverty — nearly triple the poverty rate for whites."

These ten charts show the black-white economic gap hasn t budged in 50 years - The Washington Post

Which does not change the fact of the rise of the middle class, which was the intent. A middle class which, for practical purposes, simply did not exist before AA. I doubt anyone saw it as a panacea. So I think you have answered that AA did actually achieve its goal. But even if you wish to use poverty levels as a guide, I would point out one of the charts in that article shows the level was 42% in 1970, as compared to 28% today, which is a significant improvement.

I think any rational look at the numbers indicate the program has been successful. The question then is, does it continue to be successful? That's far more difficult as you can't fall back on history but have to predict the future. Personally, I think we have reached a point of diminishing returns.
There are different views on affirmative action in this country. One thing is certain though. It doesn't help to solve the problem of racial inequality in this country. On the contrary, the divide becomes even bigger thanks to the gifts from the government. Vicious circle works the following way:
1) Tell minorities they are being discriminated.
2) Promise them gifts and indulgence.
3) Bingo! They are now totally reliant on your help, yet believing everything in this country is against them.

Right and wrong are really non-issues here. The issue it was designed to deal with was clear discrimination and the prevention of minorities from progressing within our society. So the only two questions which matter are 1) has it been effective in attaining that goal and 2) if so, does it continue to be effective.

Poverty rates have gotten worse for blacks over the past 15 years.

The black middle class has grown a great deal since 1970 but has started to shrink in a big way under Obama (so has the white middle class).

Overall....the data regarding affirmative action doesn't look great.

If the purpose of AA was to develop a black middle class, then according to you it has been successful. Given the overall poverty rate in the US is 14.5%, it would appear blacks are on a par with everyone else.

Sorry...I posted the wrong graph. According to the Washington Post the current black poverty rate is 28%. That is 3X as high as whites or asians.

Again....the Democrat War on Poverty.....after trillions of an abject failure. Ditto Affirmation Action.

I would encourage you to read the info from the attached link. Very informative.

Key Quote: "In 2011, 27.6 percent of black households were in poverty — nearly triple the poverty rate for whites."

These ten charts show the black-white economic gap hasn t budged in 50 years - The Washington Post

Which does not change the fact of the rise of the middle class, which was the intent. A middle class which, for practical purposes, simply did not exist before AA. I doubt anyone saw it as a panacea. So I think you have answered that AA did actually achieve its goal. But even if you wish to use poverty levels as a guide, I would point out one of the charts in that article shows the level was 42% in 1970, as compared to 28% today, which is a significant improvement.

I think any rational look at the numbers indicate the program has been successful. The question then is, does it continue to be successful? That's far more difficult as you can't fall back on history but have to predict the future. Personally, I think we have reached a point of diminishing returns.
The middle class didnt exist before the 1970s? WTF? How old are you, s0n?
Steps on how to have this opinion.

Step1: Ignore discrimination. Preferably make it seem as if minorities are being taught discrimination is a problem. Not that they have ever experienced it themselves.

Step2: Pretend as if being treated fairly is a "gift" from whites that they dont have to extend to others

Step3: Bingo! Now your opinion is based on nothing other than "yer gut" since evidence has been thrown out the window
How is it "being treated fairly" to get preferential treatment? You understand the question, right?

What did we have before AA? Any preferential treatment then?

Well, if there was, how do you make things fair?

I guess by institutionalizing the soft bigotry of low expectations.

As opposed to the harsh bigotry of employment descrimination.

Employment discrimination is illegal. This is not the 1920's.

Yes, of course it is. It's also nearly impossible to prove what's in someone's head when they choose who to hire. The fact that minorities and women are still underrepresented in some segments of the workforce while being overrepresented in others, shows there clearly is still bias in hiring and promotion.

Eliminating AA would essentially be giving license to discriminate.
Which does not change the fact of the rise of the middle class, which was the intent. A middle class which, for practical purposes, simply did not exist before AA. I doubt anyone saw it as a panacea.
You would be right other than a middle class did not exist before AA which is laughable. Anyway, LBJ was one of the worst and short-sighted presidents who took to keeping and the strategy of holding power above his instincts that blacks were inferior.

His racism is a matter of history, and the results are a matter of the evening news.
How is it "being treated fairly" to get preferential treatment? You understand the question, right?

What did we have before AA? Any preferential treatment then?

Well, if there was, how do you make things fair?

I guess by institutionalizing the soft bigotry of low expectations.

As opposed to the harsh bigotry of employment descrimination.

Employment discrimination is illegal. This is not the 1920's.

Yes, of course it is. It's also nearly impossible to prove what's in someone's head when they choose who to hire. The fact that minorities and women are still underrepresented in some segments of the workforce while being overrepresented in others, shows there clearly is still bias in hiring and promotion.

Eliminating AA would essentially be giving license to discriminate.
BUllshit. The underrepresentation of women in bricklaying is obviously due to bias.
What did we have before AA? Any preferential treatment then?

Well, if there was, how do you make things fair?

I guess by institutionalizing the soft bigotry of low expectations.

As opposed to the harsh bigotry of employment descrimination.

Employment discrimination is illegal. This is not the 1920's.

Yes, of course it is. It's also nearly impossible to prove what's in someone's head when they choose who to hire. The fact that minorities and women are still underrepresented in some segments of the workforce while being overrepresented in others, shows there clearly is still bias in hiring and promotion.

Eliminating AA would essentially be giving license to discriminate.
BUllshit. The underrepresentation of women in bricklaying is obviously due to bias.

I said nothing of bricklaying moron.

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