Affirmative action. Right or wrong

The ironically named "World Savior" has seemed to disappear. He was obviously a racist of the worst sort.

What do you expect when one accuses others of racism while calling one race handicapped.

How can people like CC ever feel equal?!
Carson would have been successful with or without affirmative action. This is exactly what posters are saying.

A world renowned neurosurgeon's accomplishments are questioned or mocked because of AA.

It is racist and wrong. :(

But you just said people who use AA are stupid. A stupid Neurosurgeon?

Is this how far down the 'silly fuck' hole we've gone?

I never said any such thing. POS
I guess by institutionalizing the soft bigotry of low expectations.

As opposed to the harsh bigotry of employment descrimination.

Employment discrimination is illegal. This is not the 1920's.

Yes, of course it is. It's also nearly impossible to prove what's in someone's head when they choose who to hire. The fact that minorities and women are still underrepresented in some segments of the workforce while being overrepresented in others, shows there clearly is still bias in hiring and promotion.

Eliminating AA would essentially be giving license to discriminate.
BUllshit. The underrepresentation of women in bricklaying is obviously due to bias.

I said nothing of bricklaying moron.

No...what it shows is that too many minorities are still stuck in government schools controlled by the education wing of the democrat party, which simply uses education as a way to support their union leadership and democrat politicians at the expense of students and tax payers....graduating students from high school at only 50% rates and of those graduating even more are barely able to read and write and do math........

And then they can claim that it is evil republicans discriminating against these victims of democrats because they can't hold real jobs because they can barely read english, or do math......
If that is bitching and moaning, you cannot possibly be black.

it is and I am

The absurdity wearies me and you are tiresome.

Claim victory, put your tail between your legs and scurry off. Work on that chip on your shoulder and the inferiority complex which ails you. Btw, stop being a prick![/QUOTE]

I dont take advice from dumb white guys like yourself. But for future reference it looks silly when you claim that I'm not a black guy then in the next post disagree with yourself.

You look desperate. I contend that you are an idiot everytime
Nutters act as though affirmative action is simply giving jobs to negros even though there are more qualified white people who want those jobs. It's a simpletons view.
Nutters act as though affirmative action is simply giving jobs to negros even though there are more qualified white people who want those jobs. It's a simpletons view.

It's so much deeper than that.
Nutters act as though affirmative action is simply giving jobs to negros even though there are more qualified white people who want those jobs. It's a simpletons view. is an accurate view....and a damaging one...since when a minority is really good at what they do....they are looked at as having to have had help to get the job.......that eats away at the relationship between co workers...which is a good thing for democrats...keeps people isolated and angry....
Everyone knows that to fight discrimination one must discriminate... against whitey that is.
Affirmative Action is wrong. It's a form of discrimination based upon genetics. Trying to wrap it up in a Good Intention doesn't change that fact.
Can you imagine how low the self-opinion of a black kid is when he is told by the likes of World Savior that he is handicapped? It is something which destines them for failure and is passed down through generations.

Yes, that's the problem of course.
Why was AA deemed necessary in the first place? You all talk about AA as if there were no problems for women and minorities when seeking employment.

Who deemed it necessary and why?

If you can answer that question then you will also know the reason AA was created and exists today.

Go ahead and try to answer your own question.

Why are you trying to slug it out with a disgusting fuckface racist? It's only a waste of your time....
The only people that support AA are the greedy Blacks who benefit from it and the pathetic White Guilt Libtards.

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