Affirmative action. Right or wrong

If affirmative action for blacks is wrong, then assigning handicapped parking for handicapped people is also wrong.

Comparing blacks to handicapped. What a liberal and anti-racist comment to make!
In no way black people are handicapped by their blackness. Their culture is different, their skin color is different, their heritage is different. Their intellectual opportunities are equal to those of white people. The only thing they have to do is to step out of vicious circle. That's not the way our government wants it though.

LOL....Racism doesnt exist and if it does its black peoples fault for not "stepping out of the vicious circle".

Apparently teh "vicious circle" is America. And blacks need to step out of it or get over it

Classic! Blame the victoms. Do you also blame women for getting raped?
My father was career US Navy and he told me many a good sailor was passed over due to affirmative action and people not nearly as qualified made advancement, that's not right

I agree AA is not the best solution just as chemo is not the most desirable solution. But cancer is worse. I'd rather go through the pain of chemo than suffer from the cancer. Get it?

Go away, troll

Public forum. Don't like it? Don't read it. Get it, you stupid rightie?

Ignored, asshole. You bring nothing but BS to the table

Unlike you who thinks that telling someone to go away when they dont blindly agree with you. Boo Hoo
1) Tell minorities they are being discriminated.
2) Promise them gifts and indulgence.
3) Bingo! They are now totally reliant on your help, yet believing everything in this country is against them.

Steps on how to have this opinion.

Step1: Ignore discrimination. Preferably make it seem as if minorities are being taught discrimination is a problem. Not that they have ever experienced it themselves.

Step2: Pretend as if being treated fairly is a "gift" from whites that they dont have to extend to others

Step3: Bingo! Now your opinion is based on nothing other than "yer gut" since evidence has been thrown out the window

I am not saying minorities and troublesome categories of American citizens should be left all alone. Some degree of support and governmental intervention is necessary. The way our government is addressing the problem troubles me though. Promote education, move people out of economically depressive areas, create more jobs. But in no way it is acceptable to discriminate against whites in order to save others.

AA is no discrimination. Neither is handicapped parking. Neither is special dogs for the blind. Neither is 10% discount for seniors. Neither is food stamps. In an ideal everyone would make $100,000 a year and live happily ever after. We have a legacy of racism. The place to address AA is not with the minorities, they've done nothing wrong. The place to begin addressing AA policy is with the racists.

Don't blame the doctor for administering chemo. Blame the cancer cells.
Blacks are discriminated against. I will speak for myself when I say that blacks are neither handicapped nor incapable nor lazy nor stupid. Blacks are discriminated against.

The racists find that last comment of mine very hurtful. Poor poor racists never understand why AA exists in the first place.
You made the analogy. Stick with it and admit you think blacks are handicapped.

How many hours a day do you watch Fucks Nuse?
None. I live in Prague and we don't get Fox, just CNN and BBC.

Your idiot analogy is as puerile as that vid you have in your signature I had the misfortune of watching. Sorry bud, you're a dime-a-dozen hack.

Hey, this is a free world. You do'nt have to watch my videos nor do you have to read my posts.

Again, AA exists because of racism, just as handicapped spots exist because people lose their phsycial capabilities. There's a solution to every problem.

Racism is the problem, created by racists, not by minorities. AA is a partial solution to cure the problem. The problem is rsacism. And not it does not mean minorities are handicapped as some of your right wing moronic intellectually handicapped fucks news viewers on this forum suggest.
don't be daft. Your analogy clearly was that we have AA for blacks for the same reason we have handicapped parking for the handicapped. Handicapped people have aspects dysfunction and you plainly contended that blacks do as well.

Sorry, stupid thing to say when you call others racists. Go back to Crooksandliars.
Blacks are discriminated against. I will speak for myself when I say that blacks are neither handicapped nor incapable nor lazy nor stupid. Blacks are discriminated against.

The racists find that last comment of mine very hurtful. Poor poor racists never understand why AA exists in the first place.
You made the analogy. Stick with it and admit you think blacks are handicapped.

How many hours a day do you watch Fucks Nuse?
None. I live in Prague and we don't get Fox, just CNN and BBC.

Your idiot analogy is as puerile as that vid you have in your signature I had the misfortune of watching. Sorry bud, you're a dime-a-dozen hack.

Hey, this is a free world. You do'nt have to watch my videos nor do you have to read my posts.

Again, AA exists because of racism, just as handicapped spots exist because people lose their phsycial capabilities. There's a solution to every problem.

Racism is the problem, created by racists, not by minorities. AA is a partial solution to cure the problem. The problem is rsacism. And not it does not mean minorities are handicapped as some of your right wing moronic intellectually handicapped fucks news viewers on this forum suggest.
don't be daft. Your analogy clearly was that we have AA for blacks for the same reason we have handicapped parking for the handicapped. Handicapped people have aspects dysfunction and you plainly contended that blacks do as well.

Sorry, stupid thing to say when you call others racists. Go back to Crooksandliars.

OK let's go with that anaology.

If blacks are handicapped, then you look worse even much worse. One can be handicapped as a result of physical assault and crime. So if my analogy that blacks are handicapped is true, then it means the racist A holes in this world the KKK trash piece of shits, committed a crime and handicapped theeir victims.

Remember, now yo look much worse. You just helped me make a case that racists are not just intellectually challenged but they made minorities victims.

So we agree: Racists are criminals, and minorities are their victims. Which means we need more AA, not less. Glad we agree. Cheers. Drinks are on you!
Blacks are discriminated against. I will speak for myself when I say that blacks are neither handicapped nor incapable nor lazy nor stupid. Blacks are discriminated against.

The racists find that last comment of mine very hurtful. Poor poor racists never understand why AA exists in the first place.
You made the analogy. Stick with it and admit you think blacks are handicapped.

How many hours a day do you watch Fucks Nuse?
None. I live in Prague and we don't get Fox, just CNN and BBC.

Your idiot analogy is as puerile as that vid you have in your signature I had the misfortune of watching. Sorry bud, you're a dime-a-dozen hack.

Hey, this is a free world. You do'nt have to watch my videos nor do you have to read my posts.

Again, AA exists because of racism, just as handicapped spots exist because people lose their phsycial capabilities. There's a solution to every problem.

Racism is the problem, created by racists, not by minorities. AA is a partial solution to cure the problem. The problem is rsacism. And not it does not mean minorities are handicapped as some of your right wing moronic intellectually handicapped fucks news viewers on this forum suggest.
don't be daft. Your analogy clearly was that we have AA for blacks for the same reason we have handicapped parking for the handicapped. Handicapped people have aspects dysfunction and you plainly contended that blacks do as well.

Sorry, stupid thing to say when you call others racists. Go back to Crooksandliars.

Here is where I totally disagree.

Your analogy clearly was that we have AA for blacks for the same reason we have handicapped parking for the handicapped. Handicapped people have aspects dysfunction and you plainly contended that blacks do as well.

How dare you? Everyone has aspects of dysfunction but I refuse to believe that everyone because they have some aspects of dysfunction is "handicapped"
So glad all the people agreed with me. We all agree, blacks are victims of racism. Blacks are fully capable people and they can fend for themselves if not for racist's racism. Glad we all agree. Glad my rw friends here agree blacks are not really handicapped naturally but are victims of racist trash's racism. Good, glad to hear RWers are evolving.
You made the analogy. Stick with it and admit you think blacks are handicapped.

How many hours a day do you watch Fucks Nuse?
None. I live in Prague and we don't get Fox, just CNN and BBC.

Your idiot analogy is as puerile as that vid you have in your signature I had the misfortune of watching. Sorry bud, you're a dime-a-dozen hack.

Hey, this is a free world. You do'nt have to watch my videos nor do you have to read my posts.

Again, AA exists because of racism, just as handicapped spots exist because people lose their phsycial capabilities. There's a solution to every problem.

Racism is the problem, created by racists, not by minorities. AA is a partial solution to cure the problem. The problem is rsacism. And not it does not mean minorities are handicapped as some of your right wing moronic intellectually handicapped fucks news viewers on this forum suggest.
don't be daft. Your analogy clearly was that we have AA for blacks for the same reason we have handicapped parking for the handicapped. Handicapped people have aspects dysfunction and you plainly contended that blacks do as well.

Sorry, stupid thing to say when you call others racists. Go back to Crooksandliars.

Here is where I totally disagree.

Your analogy clearly was that we have AA for blacks for the same reason we have handicapped parking for the handicapped. Handicapped people have aspects dysfunction and you plainly contended that blacks do as well.

How dare you? Everyone has aspects of dysfunction but I refuse to believe that everyone because they have some aspects of dysfunction is "handicapped"

Right, as I said above, it is your interpretation, not mine. But using your interpretation I made the RW racists look much worse. Assuming minorities are handicapped and if you accept that analogy, then you must also accept the analogy that the RW racist criminals made it much worse through discrimination and racism, which means you proved to us all that the handicap was created by the RW racists. Since you are keen on using that analogy just remember that the origin of the handicap (your idea, not mine) begins with the racist criminals. Good, you made the racists look much worse than I could have done myself.
If affirmative action for blacks is wrong, then assigning handicapped parking for handicapped people is also wrong.

So you are saying (or believing) blacks are handicapped?

Really? In what way, and be specific?

Nope, I didn't say what you said. Here let me repeat, see if you can understand it.

If affirmative action for blacks is wrong, then assigning handicapped parking for handicapped people is also wrong.

Come back again if you didn't understand it this time either. I will repost it as often as it takes for you to understand the basic principle of my comment.
Do you honestly believe those are comparable policies? This is a real question. I want to see whether you are for real or just another smelly troll.
AA-Making what never was equal,never can be equal,what can not be equal. Equal. Its just racism. Blacks on par are not mentally capable of living in a civilized society...sure you have a small portion that can and do.But vast majority can't and never will be able to no matter how many handouts they get. Call me racist,bigot,redneck,ignorant but facts are facts no matter how much in the face of political correctness they fly.
How many hours a day do you watch Fucks Nuse?
None. I live in Prague and we don't get Fox, just CNN and BBC.

Your idiot analogy is as puerile as that vid you have in your signature I had the misfortune of watching. Sorry bud, you're a dime-a-dozen hack.

Hey, this is a free world. You do'nt have to watch my videos nor do you have to read my posts.

Again, AA exists because of racism, just as handicapped spots exist because people lose their phsycial capabilities. There's a solution to every problem.

Racism is the problem, created by racists, not by minorities. AA is a partial solution to cure the problem. The problem is rsacism. And not it does not mean minorities are handicapped as some of your right wing moronic intellectually handicapped fucks news viewers on this forum suggest.
don't be daft. Your analogy clearly was that we have AA for blacks for the same reason we have handicapped parking for the handicapped. Handicapped people have aspects dysfunction and you plainly contended that blacks do as well.

Sorry, stupid thing to say when you call others racists. Go back to Crooksandliars.

Here is where I totally disagree.

Your analogy clearly was that we have AA for blacks for the same reason we have handicapped parking for the handicapped. Handicapped people have aspects dysfunction and you plainly contended that blacks do as well.

How dare you? Everyone has aspects of dysfunction but I refuse to believe that everyone because they have some aspects of dysfunction is "handicapped"

Right, as I said above, it is your interpretation, not mine. But using your interpretation I made the RW racists look much worse. Assuming minorities are handicapped and if you accept that analogy, then you must also accept the analogy that the RW racist criminals made it much worse through discrimination and racism, which means you proved to us all that the handicap was created by the RW racists. Since you are keen on using that analogy just remember that the origin of the handicap (your idea, not mine) begins with the racist criminals. Good, you made the racists look much worse than I could have done myself.

I dont disagree with you dude
How many hours a day do you watch Fucks Nuse?
None. I live in Prague and we don't get Fox, just CNN and BBC.

Your idiot analogy is as puerile as that vid you have in your signature I had the misfortune of watching. Sorry bud, you're a dime-a-dozen hack.

Hey, this is a free world. You do'nt have to watch my videos nor do you have to read my posts.

Again, AA exists because of racism, just as handicapped spots exist because people lose their phsycial capabilities. There's a solution to every problem.

Racism is the problem, created by racists, not by minorities. AA is a partial solution to cure the problem. The problem is rsacism. And not it does not mean minorities are handicapped as some of your right wing moronic intellectually handicapped fucks news viewers on this forum suggest.
don't be daft. Your analogy clearly was that we have AA for blacks for the same reason we have handicapped parking for the handicapped. Handicapped people have aspects dysfunction and you plainly contended that blacks do as well.

Sorry, stupid thing to say when you call others racists. Go back to Crooksandliars.

Here is where I totally disagree.

Your analogy clearly was that we have AA for blacks for the same reason we have handicapped parking for the handicapped. Handicapped people have aspects dysfunction and you plainly contended that blacks do as well.

How dare you? Everyone has aspects of dysfunction but I refuse to believe that everyone because they have some aspects of dysfunction is "handicapped"

Right, as I said above, it is your interpretation, not mine. But using your interpretation I made the RW racists look much worse. Assuming minorities are handicapped and if you accept that analogy, then you must also accept the analogy that the RW racist criminals made it much worse through discrimination and racism, which means you proved to us all that the handicap was created by the RW racists. Since you are keen on using that analogy just remember that the origin of the handicap (your idea, not mine) begins with the racist criminals. Good, you made the racists look much worse than I could have done myself.
You're absolutely right. You exposed your own racism and made yourself look like an idiot. The blacks-handicapped analogy was yours, own up to it.
If affirmative action for blacks is wrong, then assigning handicapped parking for handicapped people is also wrong.

So you are saying (or believing) blacks are handicapped?

Really? In what way, and be specific?

Nope, I didn't say what you said. Here let me repeat, see if you can understand it.

If affirmative action for blacks is wrong, then assigning handicapped parking for handicapped people is also wrong.

Come back again if you didn't understand it this time either. I will repost it as often as it takes for you to understand the basic principle of my comment.
Do you honestly believe those are comparable policies? This is a real question. I want to see whether you are for real or just another smelly troll.

I have spoken. Your friends on the RW end of the spectrum don't want to believe me and they are desperately trying to put word sin my mouth, saying I compared minorities as being handicapped.

The above is not true at best. Inever said minorities are handicapped.

But even if I were to say minorities are handicapped victims, then the RW racists look much worse under that scenario. It means, to their chagrin and dismay, that RW racists discriminated against mionrities to the point that they became handicapped victims. In other words, the racists caused the handicap among their minorities victims.

Racists just helped me make the case that their crime of racism is MUCH worse than originally thought. Shall we close this thread now? It's impossible to debate with the racists on the right. Note, I am not calling you a racist. I am just saying the general line of racist logic on the right is impossible to debate with.
None. I live in Prague and we don't get Fox, just CNN and BBC.

Your idiot analogy is as puerile as that vid you have in your signature I had the misfortune of watching. Sorry bud, you're a dime-a-dozen hack.

Hey, this is a free world. You do'nt have to watch my videos nor do you have to read my posts.

Again, AA exists because of racism, just as handicapped spots exist because people lose their phsycial capabilities. There's a solution to every problem.

Racism is the problem, created by racists, not by minorities. AA is a partial solution to cure the problem. The problem is rsacism. And not it does not mean minorities are handicapped as some of your right wing moronic intellectually handicapped fucks news viewers on this forum suggest.
don't be daft. Your analogy clearly was that we have AA for blacks for the same reason we have handicapped parking for the handicapped. Handicapped people have aspects dysfunction and you plainly contended that blacks do as well.

Sorry, stupid thing to say when you call others racists. Go back to Crooksandliars.

Here is where I totally disagree.

Your analogy clearly was that we have AA for blacks for the same reason we have handicapped parking for the handicapped. Handicapped people have aspects dysfunction and you plainly contended that blacks do as well.

How dare you? Everyone has aspects of dysfunction but I refuse to believe that everyone because they have some aspects of dysfunction is "handicapped"

Right, as I said above, it is your interpretation, not mine. But using your interpretation I made the RW racists look much worse. Assuming minorities are handicapped and if you accept that analogy, then you must also accept the analogy that the RW racist criminals made it much worse through discrimination and racism, which means you proved to us all that the handicap was created by the RW racists. Since you are keen on using that analogy just remember that the origin of the handicap (your idea, not mine) begins with the racist criminals. Good, you made the racists look much worse than I could have done myself.
You're absolutely right. You exposed your own racism and made yourself look like an idiot. The blacks-handicapped analogy was yours, own up to it.

No thanks, it wasn't my idea, sorry. It was something RWers shoved in my mouth. Sorry, thanks any ways.
If affirmative action for blacks is wrong, then assigning handicapped parking for handicapped people is also wrong.

So you are saying (or believing) blacks are handicapped?

Really? In what way, and be specific?

Nope, I didn't say what you said. Here let me repeat, see if you can understand it.

If affirmative action for blacks is wrong, then assigning handicapped parking for handicapped people is also wrong.

Come back again if you didn't understand it this time either. I will repost it as often as it takes for you to understand the basic principle of my comment.
Do you honestly believe those are comparable policies? This is a real question. I want to see whether you are for real or just another smelly troll.

I have spoken. Your friends on the RW end of the spectrum don't want to believe me and they are desperately trying to put word sin my mouth, saying I compared minorities as being handicapped.

The above is not true at best. Inever said minorities are handicapped.

But even if I were to say minorities are handicapped victims, then the RW racists look much worse under that scenario. It means, to their chagrin and dismay, that RW racists discriminated against mionrities to the point that they became handicapped victims. In other words, the racists caused the handicap among their minorities victims.

Racists just helped me make the case that their crime of racism is MUCH worse than originally thought. Shall we close this thread now? It's impossible to debate with the racists on the right. Note, I am not calling you a racist. I am just saying the general line of racist logic on the right is impossible to debate with.
OK you are merely a smelly troll. Probably psychotic. Certainly on iggy. Bye.
If affirmative action for blacks is wrong, then assigning handicapped parking for handicapped people is also wrong.
Your analogy. We all know uber-liberals are the most racists political group since the KKK.

Telling blacks they are inferior and cannot compete is self-fulfilling. You give them little chance of progress.

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